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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

clinical practice

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Lindell K. Weaver, M.D.

This Journal feature begins with a case vignette highlighting a common clinical problem.
Evidence supporting various strategies is then presented, followed by a review of formal guidelines,
when they exist. The article ends with the author’s clinical recommendations.

A 39-year-old female executive has a several-month history of fatigue, headache, and

memory lapse. Multiple specialists have performed evaluations, but no diagnosis has
been established. During a period of feeling worse than usual, she called a friend,
who arrived at the residence to find the woman semicomatose and called 911. The
patient was given supplemental oxygen and transported to the emergency depart-
ment, where she is alert and has nonfocal findings on examination. Her carboxy­
hemoglobin level is 18%. How should she be treated? What is the expected outcome?

The Cl inic a l Probl em

Carbon monoxide poisoning is common, resulting in more than 50,000 emergency From the Department of Hyperbaric Med-
department visits per year in the United States.1 Sources of carbon monoxide in- icine, LDS Hospital; and the Department
of Medicine, University of Utah School of
clude faulty furnaces, inadequate ventilation of heating sources, and exposure to Medicine — both in Salt Lake City; and
engine exhaust. the Department of Hyperbaric Medicine,
The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are nonspecific.2 Mild exposures Intermountain Medical Center, Murray,
Utah. Address reprint requests to Dr.
result in headache, myalgia, dizziness, or neuropsychological impairment.3 Severe Weaver at the Department of Hyperbaric
exposures to carbon monoxide result in confusion, loss of consciousness, or death Medicine, LDS Hospital, Eighth Ave.
(Fig. 1). Patients with subclinical exposures may recognize poisoning only after an and C St., Salt Lake City, UT 84143, or at
acute event or on coincidental discovery of a carbon monoxide leak.
In physiologic amounts, endogenous carbon monoxide functions as a neurotrans- N Engl J Med 2009;360:1217-25.
mitter.4 At low levels, carbon monoxide may favorably modulate inflammation,5 Copyright © 2009 Massachusetts Medical Society.

apoptosis,6 and cell proliferation,7 and it up-regulates mitochondrial biogenesis.8

As the carbon monoxide exposure increases, poisoning results (Fig. 1).5
Carbon monoxide causes hypoxia by forming carboxyhemoglobin and shifting the
oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to the left (Fig. 2).2 Carbon monoxide’s affinity
for hemoglobin is more than 200 times that of oxygen,14 resulting in the formation An audio version
of this article
of carboxyhemoglobin with even relatively low amounts of inhaled carbon monox- is available at
ide. Carbon monoxide increases cytosolic heme levels, leading to oxidative stress,12
and binds to platelet heme protein and cytochrome c oxidase,14 interrupting cellular
respiration9 and causing production of reactive oxygen species,13 which in turn leads
to neuronal necrosis13 and apoptosis.11 Impaired cellular respiration provokes a
stress response, including the activation of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α,15 resulting
in neurologic and cardiac protection5 or injury, dependent on the dose of carbon
monoxide, by means of gene regulation. Carbon monoxide exposure also causes in-
flammation through multiple pathways that are independent of the pathways to
hypoxia, resulting in neurologic and cardiac injury.
Long-term, subacute exposures to carbon monoxide lasting more than 24 hours
generally occur intermittently and may span weeks or even years. The incidence of
long-term exposure is unknown. Symptoms of chronic poisoning may differ from
those of acute poisoning and can include chronic fatigue, affective conditions and

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Signs and Symptoms

Fatigue Neuropsychological impairment Confusion Ataxia Myocardial infarction
Headache Anxiety or depression Dizziness Loss of consciousness
No symptoms Malaise Nausea Vomiting Convulsion Brain infarction Death

Carbon monoxide level

Exposure duration

Physiological Effects
functions Hypoxia

or adaptive

Figure 1. Spectrum of Symptoms and Effects of Exposure to Carbon Monoxide, According to the Level and Duration
of Exposure.
In all humans, small amounts of carbon monoxide are present and are important for multiple physiologic func-
tions, including neurotransmission. Exogenous exposure to amounts of carbon monoxide 2nd above physiologic levels
can result in a protective or adaptive F FIGURE:
REGresponse, 1 of 3
but exposure to even higher levels results in toxic effects. Toxic ex-
posures can cause inflammation, followed Revised
by hypoxia, although there is uncertainty regarding the range of carbon
Line 4-C SIZE line). The signs and symptoms
monoxide exposures above which EMailinflammation occurs
ARTIST: ts (as indicated by the dashed
H/T H/T 33p9
of poisoning are highly variable, depending
Enon on the acuity and duration of the exposure.
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emotional distress, memory deficits, difficulty tensor imaging25 1 month after poisoning. How-
working, sleep disturbances,JOB:
neuropathy, ever, noneISSUE:
of these abnormalities are specific to
paresthesias, recurrent infections, polycythemia, carbon monoxide poisoning.
abdominal pain, and diarrhea.16
Patients commonly have neuropsychological se- S t r ategie s a nd E v idence
quelae after carbon monoxide poisoning.2,17,18 In
one randomized trial, 46% of poisoned patients Short-Term Management
treated with normobaric oxygen had cognitive If emergency medical personnel are called, they
sequelae 6 weeks after poisoning,17 and 45% had should administer normobaric oxygen to the poi-
affective sequelae.19 Other sequelae include gait soned patient, by means of a nonrebreather res-
and motor disturbances, peripheral neuropathy, ervoir face mask supplied with high-flow oxygen,
hearing loss and vestibular abnormalities, and de- or 100% oxygen, by means of an artificial airway,
mentia and psychosis,20 which can be permanent. if appropriate. Poisoned patients should then be
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain transported to an emergency department for eval-
(performed for research purposes or, in some uation.
cases, for clinical indications, such as to rule out Although the administration of normobaric
disorders unrelated to carbon monoxide exposure) oxygen hastens the elimination of carbon mon-
may reveal abnormal findings after carbon mon- oxide,2,26 one trial did not show a reduction of
oxide poisoning (Fig. 3). In one prospective study cognitive sequelae after the inhalation of normo-
of patients with carbon monoxide poisoning, brain baric oxygen, as compared with no supplemental
MRI revealed increased numbers of T2-weighted oxygen therapy.18 However, since normobaric oxy-
hyperintensities as compared with the numbers gen is safe, readily available, and inexpensive, it
in a normative database.21 Although the prevalence should be provided until the carboxyhemoglobin
of imaging abnormalities is unknown, other stud- level is less than 5%.
ies of carbon monoxide–poisoned patients have Evaluation of the poisoned patient should em-
reported basal-ganglia lesions22 and atrophy of the phasize the adequacy of ventilation and perfusion,
hippocampi23 and other structures24 years after the neurologic examination, and the exposure his-
poisoning, as well as abnormal results of diffusion tory (duration, source, and whether others were

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clinical pr actice

exposed). The measurement of arterial blood gases ment of carbon monoxide poisoning remains
by co-oximetry provides information about the controversial, although both physiological data
adequacy of gas exchange, metabolic acidosis, and and some randomized-trial data suggest a poten-
carboxyhemoglobin and should be performed in tial benefit.17,35,36 Hyperbaric-oxygen therapy el-
poisoned patients if clinically indicated. However, evates arterial and tissue oxygen tensions, promot-
measurement of venous carboxyhemoglobin lev- ing carbon monoxide elimination,2,14 and also
els is adequate for diagnostic purposes.27 Carboxy- increases adenosine triphosphate production37 and
hemoglobin levels depend on multiple factors, reduces oxidative stress and inflammation.14
including the magnitude of exposure, the degree Among published randomized clinical trials
of alveolar ventilation, the blood volume, and of hyperbaric oxygen,17,35,36,38,39 only one satis-
metabolic activity,14 but in adult men at rest, the fied all Consolidated Standards for the Report-
levels are determined predominantly by the am- ing of Trials (CONSORT) guidelines,40 including
bient carbon monoxide level and the duration of double-blinding, enrollment of all eligible pa-
exposure.28 A carboxyhemoglobin level greater tients, a priori definitions of outcomes, and high
than 3% in nonsmokers or greater than 10% in rates of follow-up.17 This single-center, prospec-
smokers confirms exposure to carbon monoxide, tive trial showed that the incidence of cognitive
but the level does not correlate with the presence sequelae was lower among patients who under-
or absence of initial symptoms29 or with later out- went three hyperbaric-oxygen sessions (an initial
comes,18 which may be more attributable to in- session of 150 minutes, followed by two sessions
flammatory aspects of poisoning than to hypoxia. of 120 minutes each, separated by an interval of
Carbon monoxide poisoning can exacerbate 6 to 12 hours) within 24 hours after acute carbon
angina30 and cause cardiac injury,31 even in per- monoxide poisoning than among patients treated
sons with normal coronary arteries.32 Therefore, with normobaric oxygen (25% vs. 46%, P = 0.007
poisoned patients should undergo a cardiovascu- and P = 0.03 after adjustment for cerebellar dys-
lar investigation, including electrocardiography function and stratification variables). In addition,
and measurement of cardiac enzymes. If cardiac the use of hyperbaric oxygen reduced the rate of
injury is present, a cardiology consultation is in- cognitive sequelae at 12 months (18%, vs. 33%
dicated.31 with normobaric oxygen; P = 0.04).17 However, this
For cases of intentional carbon monoxide trial did not clearly identify subgroups of patients
poisoning, laboratory toxicologic investigations in whom hyperbaric oxygen was appreciably more
should be performed for the detection of alco- or less beneficial. A post hoc analysis of 86 pa-
hol, benzodiazepines, narcotics, amphetamines, tients suggested an interaction between the apo-
or other such agents. Emergency department per- lipoprotein genotype and the use of hyperbaric
sonnel should facilitate access to mental health oxygen. In patients lacking the apolipoprotein E4
resources. allele, hyperbaric oxygen reduced the rate of cog-
nitive sequelae at 6 weeks, whereas in patients who
Use of Hyperbaric Oxygen had the E4 allele (which is present in 30% of the
Health care providers in the emergency depart- general population), the use of hyperbaric oxygen
ment should consider using hyperbaric oxygen did not reduce the rate of cognitive sequelae.34
for treating poisoned patients.2,14,17,18,33-35 Hy- A Cochrane review of six trials, including two
perbaric-oxygen therapy is defined as the breath- published only in abstract form, did not support
ing of 100% oxygen by patients within hyperbaric the use of hyperbaric oxygen for patients with
chambers compressed to greater than 1.4 atm of carbon monoxide poisoning.41 However, the re-
absolute pressure.33 Clinicians who use carboxyhe- viewed trials were heterogeneous with respect to
moglobin levels as criteria for whether hyperbaric the methods used and differed in the selection of
oxygen should be administered should consider patients, dosing of hyperbaric oxygen and normo-
that the level on presentation may underestimate baric oxygen, and long-term outcome measures;
earlier levels because of carboxyhemoglobin elim- lack of follow-up was a limitation in some trials.
ination over time, which is hastened by the appli- Because the trial described above17 showed a sig-
cation of supplemental oxygen by emergency medi- nificant benefit of hyperbaric oxygen, and because
cal personnel before arrival at the emergency of the methodologic limitations of the trials in
department.2,14,26,28 which a benefit was not shown, the review’s con-
The role of hyperbaric oxygen in the manage- clusions have been controversial.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Long-Term Management
Figure 2 (facing page). Pathophysiological Mecha-
Patients with carbon monoxide poisoning should nisms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.
be followed medically after discharge. The extent Carbon monoxide (CO) diffuses quickly into the blood
and rate of recovery after poisoning are variable, by way of the lungs and causes injury and an adaptive
and recovery is often complicated by the develop- response that continue after carboxyhemoglobin levels
ment of sequelae, which can persist after expo- have returned to normal. CO causes hypoxemia
through the formation of carboxyhemoglobin and a
sure or develop weeks after poisoning2 and which
leftward shift of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve.2
can be permanent. CO binds to heme proteins such as cytochrome c oxi-
Specific therapy for sequelae after carbon mon- dase (CCO), impairing mitochondrial function9 and
oxide poisoning is not available. Clinical experi- thereby contributing to hypoxia. Brain hypoxia elevates
ence suggests that patients with sequelae should levels of excitatory amino acids, increasing brain nitrite
levels and causing subsequent injury.10 Brain hypoxia
have their symptoms treated, through cognitive,
causes oxidative stress, necrosis, and apoptosis,11 con-
psychiatric, vocational, speech, occupational, and tributing to inflammation and injury. CO also causes in-
physical rehabilitation, although data on the ef- flammation by increasing levels of cytosolic heme and
fects of these interventions in patients with car- the heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) protein, resulting in in-
bon monoxide–related sequelae are lacking. Pa- tracellular oxidative stress.12 CO binds to platelet heme
proteins, causing the release of nitric oxide (•NO).13 Ex-
tients with persistent headaches may benefit from
cess •NO produces peroxynitrite (ONOO −),13 impairing
evaluation by a headache specialist. mitochondrial function,14 which contributes to hypoxia.
CO causes platelet-to-neutrophil aggregation and neu-
Prevention trophil degranulation,13 involving the release or produc-
Governmental air-quality limits for exposure to tion of myeloperoxidase (MPO), proteases, and reactive
oxygen species13 — which cause oxidative stress, lipid
carbon monoxide are intended to keep carboxy-
peroxidation,13 and apoptosis.11 Proteases interact with
hemoglobin levels in nonsmokers below 3%.42 xanthine dehydrogenase (XD) in endothelial cells, form-
Carboxyhemoglobin levels of 3% or more can ad- ing xanthine oxidase (XO), which inhibits endogenous
versely affect high-risk groups such as the elderly, mechanisms against oxidative stress.13 Lipid-peroxida-
pregnant women, fetuses, infants, and patients tion products form adducts with myelin basic protein,
altering its structure, triggering a lymphocytic immuno-
with cardiovascular or respiratory diseases.
logic response, increasing microglia activation and ac-
Accidental carbon monoxide poisoning is pre- tivity, and causing neuropathologic effects.14 Finally,
ventable. Carbon monoxide alarms are designed CO induces cellular stress responses such as the activa-
to go off at exposure levels that would result in tion of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF-1α),15 which
carboxyhemoglobin levels exceeding 10%.43 can induce gene regulation. This gene regulation can be
protective5 or can result in injury, depending on the CO
Steps such as avoiding the operation of com-
dose and on host factors, which remain largely un-
bustion engines indoors and performing periodic known. NMDA denotes N-methyl-d-aspartate, and
furnace inspections can prevent many cases of nNOS neuronal nitric oxide synthase.
carbon monoxide poisoning, as can proper use
of alternative heating and cooking sources and However, among all poisoned patients, the num-
generators after natural disasters. A helpful online ber in whom carbon monoxide-related sequelae
resource for the prevention of carbon monoxide will develop is unknown. Studies of long-term out-
poisoning is available from the Centers for Disease comes in poisoned patients have not typically in-
Control and Prevention ( volved nonpoisoned, matched controls, nor have
they included information about functional and
A r e a s of Uncer ta in t y cognitive status before poisoning occurred; rath-
er, such information is inferred from educational
Sequelae level, scholastic performance, vocation, IQ testing,
Although carbon monoxide poisoning can cause and collateral interviews after poisoning.
myriad neurologic and neuropsychological prob- A patient’s initial presentation does not pre-
lems, the incidence of sequelae after carbon mon- dict later outcomes with certainty, but particular
oxide poisoning is not clearly known. Prospective variables known at the time of poisoning are pre-
studies of patients treated with normobaric oxy- dictive of risks for subsequent sequelae.17,18 In one
gen showed that 34% reported symptoms such as study, patients who were 36 years of age or older
headaches or memory problems at 4 weeks38 and or who had been exposed to carbon monoxide for
46% had neuropsychological sequelae at 6 weeks.17 at least 24 hours, who did not receive hyperbaric

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clinical pr actice

Hypoxic mechanisms Inflammatory mechanisms

CO enters blood through the lungs

Free CO in plasma

Leftward shift of CO bound to hemoglobin,

oxyhemoglobin forming carboxyhemoglobin
dissociation curve
Neutrophil aggregation
degranulation Neutrophil
adhesion to
Increased cytosolic CO bound CO binding to platelet O2- vascular lining
heme level to CCO heme protein ONOO-
Tissue •NO bound of MPO
mitochondrial Platelet NO
hypoxia to CCO

Increased HO-1 Increased Perivascular

protein level NO synthesis deposition of MPO

Oxidative stress
in vascular lining

Production derived proteases
Intracellular Cellular stress of reactive XO
Increased oxidative stress response oxygen species XD in
excitatory endothelial cells
amino acid
Activation of
HIF-1α Lipid
stress Apoptosis
NMDA necrosis
activation CO-dose–dependent
Apoptosis Adduct formation of
protection or injury
peroxidation products with
(through gene regulation)
myelin basic protein
Ca2+ influx

Local Neuron
nNOS inflammation
Lymphocyte Lymphocyte
Microglia proliferation

Increased brain
nitrite level

Neurologic injury
Nerve-cell damage Ongoing inflammation and necrosis
Cardiac injury


Draft 8 2/27/09
Author Weaver
Fig # 2

n engl j med 360;12  march 19, 2009 Title Pathophysiology of

carbon monoxide poisoning
DE Solomon
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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

oxygen,18 or who had cerebellar abnormalities

Figure 3 (facing page). Findings on Brain MRI
on presentation17 had an increased risk of cogni- after Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.
tive sequelae at 6 weeks as compared with those Carbon monoxide–related brain damage, which may be
without these characteristics. In another study, seen in poisoned patients presenting with sequelae, is
patients with dizziness before hospital admis- shown here. The images were obtained with the use of
sion or headaches at the time of admission had highly sensitive 3-T MRI, which is not universally avail-
able, according to specific protocols; typical clinical
an increased risk of minor neurologic problems
1.5-T scans would generally depict less damage. White-
1 month after poisoning.44 Given the role of in- matter fiber tracks are revealed on diffusion tensor im-
flammation in carbon monoxide–associated injury aging in a 21-year-old normal volunteer (Panels A and B)
(Fig. 2), levels of inflammatory markers might and in an age-matched patient with a history of carbon
predict the risk of sequelae, but this possibility monoxide poisoning (Panels C and D). Each image is a
fractional anisotropy map obtained by acquiring data
requires further study.
in 32 diffusion directions. The average variances of the
Information about sequelae beyond the first fractional anisotropy values and the apparent diffusion
year after poisoning is limited.17-19 In one cohort, coefficient values of the corpus callosum differed signif-
approximately 6 years after poisoning, 19% of pa- icantly more in the patient with carbon monoxide poi-
tients had cognitive problems45 and 37% had ab- soning than in the normal subject. Panels E and F show
coronal T2-weighted images of the hippocampus in a
normal neurologic evaluations.46
normal volunteer and in a patient after carbon monox-
In patients without a history of carbon mon- ide poisoning, respectively. Hippocampal atrophy
oxide poisoning, abnormalities found on neuro­ (Panel F, arrows) was found in the patient. In a patient
imaging that are consistent with those reported with carbon monoxide poisoning, abnormally increased
after carbon monoxide poisoning — such as hip- T2 signals are revealed on axial T2-weighted images of
the globus pallidus (Panel G, arrows) and on spin-echo
pocampal atrophy47 or white-matter hyperinten-
imaging of subcortical structures (Panel H, arrows). The
sities48 — are associated with an increased risk results of auditory functional MRI after carbon monox-
of early cognitive decline. It is unknown whether ide poisoning in a patient with previously normal audi­
patients with carbon monoxide poisoning who tory acuity shows normal activation after auditory stimu­
have such abnormalities are also at increased risk lation of the right ear (Panel I, arrows) and no activation
after auditory stimulation of the left ear (Panel J). This
for early cognitive decline or Alzheimer’s disease.
pattern is consistent with normal auditory processing
on one side (the right, in this case) but suppression of
Variability among Patients processing on the other side, presumably in relation to
Responses to carbon monoxide exposures are vari- brain injury from carbon monoxide poisoning.
able. Exposed children often become symptomatic
earlier, and recover faster, than similarly exposed Hyperbaric-Oxygen Therapy
adults, because of their lesser blood volume and It is not clear which patients should receive hyper-
increased minute ventilation per unit of body mass baric-oxygen therapy. Additional uncertainties
as compared with adults. Prospective studies of about this therapy include the optimal chamber
children exposed to carbon monoxide have report- pressure, the optimal number of hyperbaric-oxy-
ed variable rates of sequelae.49,50 The unborn fetus gen sessions, and the maximal interval after poi-
is highly susceptible to the adverse effects of car- soning during which hyperbaric oxygen may still
bon monoxide. The period required to eliminate have a favorable effect. Case reports describe im-
carbon monoxide is prolonged for fetal blood as provement of sequelae with a series of hyperbar-
compared with adult blood, and maternal poison- ic-oxygen sessions beginning days after poison-
ing and hypoxemia contribute to fetal hypoxia.51 ing,53 although mechanisms of possible benefit
Fetal mortality exceeds 50% in cases of severe are unknown, and most clinicians do not admin-
poisoning.52 Hyperbaric-oxygen therapy should be ister hyperbaric oxygen if more than 24 hours has
considered in women with acute carbon monoxide elapsed since carbon monoxide poisoning.54 A sin-
poisoning,17 including pregnant women, and in gle-center, double-blind clinical trial (ClinicalTrials.
particular if the fetus shows signs of distress.51 gov number, NCT00465855) is under way to de-
The role of hyperbaric oxygen in treating a fetus termine the effect of one or three hyperbaric-
with carbon monoxide poisoning remains unclear, oxygen sessions on rates of cognitive sequelae at
although there has been at least one case report of 6 weeks among accidentally poisoned patients pre-
a favorable outcome.51 senting less than 24 hours after exposure.

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REG F FIGURE 3a-j 2nd
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TITLE Revised
nEMail Line
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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Other Therapy
C onclusions a nd
Inflammation caused by carbon monoxide re- R ec om mendat ions
sults in tissue injury. Whether antiinflammatory
therapy or the use of other neuroprotective inter- Patients who have had carbon monoxide poison-
ventions, such as induced hypothermia, could im- ing, such as the patient in the vignette, should be
prove outcomes after poisoning is unknown. treated immediately with normobaric oxygen (with
a fraction of inspired oxygen as high as possible),
Guidel ine s which speeds up the excretion of carbon monoxide.
The source of carbon monoxide should be identi-
The Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society rec- fied and removed.
ommends hyperbaric-oxygen therapy for patients Carbon monoxide poisoning can result in per-
with serious carbon monoxide poisoning — as manent sequelae. Clinicians evaluating patients
manifested by transient or prolonged unconscious- with acute poisoning should consider hyperbaric-
ness, abnormal neurologic signs, cardiovascular oxygen therapy. Although some randomized trials
dysfunction, or severe acidosis — or patients did not show efficacy, in the most rigorous trial,
who are 36 years of age or older, were exposed the rate of cognitive sequelae at 6 weeks was 25%,
for 24 hours or more (including intermittent ex- a 46% reduction from the rate of sequelae among
posures), or have a carboxyhemoglobin level of patients receiving normobaric oxygen.17 Patients
25% or more.33 should be informed that they may not fully recover
A Clinical Policies Subcommittee of the Amer- after poisoning, and they should be given refer-
ican College of Emergency Physicians states that rals as appropriate for their sequelae.
hyperbaric oxygen “is a therapeutic option for The case of carbon monoxide poisoning de-
[carbon monoxide–]poisoned patients; however, scribed in the vignette was caused by a faulty
its use cannot be mandated.  .  .  .  No clinical home furnace. Patients should be educated to
variables, including carboxyhemoglobin levels, minimize the risks of carbon monoxide exposure,
identify a subgroup of [carbon monoxide–]poi- including by avoiding the operation of combus-
soned patients for whom [hyperbaric oxygen] is tion engines indoors and performing periodic
most likely to provide benefit or cause harm.”55 furnace inspections. Patients should also be en-
The subcommittee advocates a large, multicenter couraged to obtain, install, and heed carbon mon-
clinical trial with elements identical to those in- oxide alarms.
corporated in a previous single-center trial.17 My Dr. Weaver reports serving as an expert witness for both the
recommendations diverge from this policy state- plaintiff and defense in cases involving carbon monoxide and
ment in that I more strongly recommend that hy- receiving grants for carbon monoxide research from the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention and the Deseret Foundation.
perbaric-oxygen therapy be considered for patients No other potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
with carbon monoxide poisoning, on the basis reported.
of the available data, including biochemical stud- I thank William W. Orrison, M.D., of Nevada Imaging Centers,
Las Vegas, for providing the brain MRI images, and Kayla Deru,
ies, studies in animals, and at least one rigorous of Intermountain Healthcare, Salt Lake City, for assistance with a
clinical trial. previous version of the manuscript.

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