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1. Follow the pattern and structure that is below and write a paragraph about The Activities
you like the most
2. Use vocabulary from Unit 6 as well as the grammar tenses: simple present, present
progressive, abilities and possibilities (can, could), obligations and no obligations (have to,
don’t have to)
3. Translator usage will be graded from 5/10

Main sentence. Supporting sentence 1 connector Supporting sentence 2.
(Subject+Verb+Object connector Subject+ Verb+ Object) Supporting sentence 2 connector
Supporting sentence 2. (Subject+Verb+Object connector Subject+ Verb+ Object) . Supporting
sentence 3 connector Supporting sentence 2. (Subject+Verb+Object connector Subject+ Verb+
Object) . Example:………. Quotations “ …”
Concluding sentence.

My Everyday Eating Habits

From my point of view, my eating habits are good. Eating well is a rule to have a great
life and it is the way to have a healthy lifestyle. I eat vegetables in my lunch because they are
delicious and they have a lot of fiber. Along the day, my snacks are mainly fruit, water and teas,
for example: in the morning I drink a fresh banana smoothie; in the afternoon, my favorite fruit
is mango. Also I like drinking horchata tea (from Loja), with honey and lemon. I really love it.
I consider that I have a balanced diet and healthy eating habits.

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