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"Here is the patience of the Saints : Here are they that keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith of Jesus." Rev. 11 :12.

I commend the above to the careful atten- friendship of God imparts immortality to acquainted with the doctrines of the apostles.
St Antitut 8c PTO tion of the reader, both as showing the faith
of the church at tha
t time, and as a very rea-
those who embrace it."' This plainly shows
his faith that none will have immortality ex-
The fact, then, that he taught the mortality
of man and the annihilation of the wicked is
IS ISSUED WEEKLY BY ' sonable doctrine. What could be more rea- cept those who are the friends of God. Once an important item in this history.
The Seventh—Bay Adventist Publishing Association. sonable than this, that God made Adam of a more he says to the same effect, " Men there-
middle nature, capable of gaining immor- fore, shall see God ; that they may live, be-
ELDER JAMES WHITE, President. tality or of losing life ? This is just what the ing made immortal by that sight." 13 Polycrates bears this interesting testi-
iL J. CHAPMAN, Secretary, II. W. KELLOGG, Treasurer Bible itself represents. See Genesis, second Dr. Edward Beecher, in his late book on mony : " In Asia, great lights have fallen
ja-n D,,OLLARS
A YEAR IN ADVANCE, or One Dollar a Volume
and third chapters. This we know was the the doctrine of Scriptural Retribution, frankly asleep, which shall rise again in the day of
faith of at least several of the prominent confesses that Iron mus taught the annihila- our Lord's appearing, in which he will come
Arliteesa, Review & Herald, Battle Creek, Mich. church fathers. tion of the wicked. Thus he says : " What, with glory from Heaven, and will raise up
The church at Antioch was raised up by then, are the facts as to Irenseus ? Since he all the saints ; Philip, one of the twelve apos-
THROUGH DARKNESS TO LIGHT. the apostles, and here the disciples were first has been canonized as a saint, and since he tles, who sleeps in Hierapolis, and his two
THE city of God is fair, called Christians. a Theophilus was the sixth stood in such close connection with Polycarp aged virgin daughters ; . . . moreover,
Untouched by pain or sin, bishop of that church, which was one of the and with John the apostle, there has been a the blessed Papirius, and Melito, the eunuch,
No child of grief or care largest in all the world at that time. Be- whose walk and conversation were together
very great reluctance to admit the real facts
Shall dwell its walls within; sids this, says his editor, he " had a pro- under the influence of the Holy Spirit, who
of the case. Massuetus has employed much
For God shall wipe away our tears, now rests at Sarais, awaiting the episcopate
And bless his own through endless years. found acquaintance with the inspired writ- sophistry in endeavoring to hide them. Nev-
ings."' Hence, we may safely conclude that ertheless, as we shall clearly show hereafter, from Heaven, when he shall rise from the
The way to this city of light what he teaches from so high a station was they are incontrovertibly these: that he dead." " Here we have this ancient bishop
Is long and often drear ; the received orthodox doctrine of the church taught a final restitution of all things to of a church which Paul had planted and
We wander day and night, Timothy watered, and where John died,
Sometimes in doubt and fear ; in that age. No one at that time censured him unity and order by the annihilation of all
And here and there along the way, for thus teaching, so the doctrine of the im- the finally impenitent. Expressed statements bearing a good witness to the faith of the
We stop to weep, to plead, and pray. mortality of the soul was not yet received by in his creed, and in a fragment referred to by church in that age in the sleep of the dead,
the church of God. Prof. Schaff, on universal restoration (His- the advent of Christ, and the resurrection.
Our feet grow weary oft tory, vol. i. p. 490), and in other parts of his These saints were not in Heaven, but asleep,
Of plodding on and on, IRENIEUS, BISHOP OF LYONS, A. D. 185.
And as we look aloft, great work against the Gnostics, prove this waiting for Christ.
Our guiding-star seems gone ; That the wicked will not always continue beyond all possibility of refutation. . . . He THE LUCIANISTS.
While hands that fondly clasped our own to exist, he states thus : " He thus speaks re- held that wicked men and devils would be
Slip out of ours, and we're alone. specting the salvation of man : He asked consigned to the punishment of the world to Buck, in his " Theological Dictionary,"
life of Thee, and Thou gayest him length of come; and that this, at a time to be decided mentions a sect, about this time, called the
Alone ?—No, there is One days forever and ever; indicating that it is Lucianists, who denied the immortality of
Who stretches out his hand, by the wisdom and justice of God, would result
And bids us follow on, the Father of all who imparts continuance in their annihilation, and thus in the cleans- the soul. Of their leader he says, " He de-
Into the promised land; forever and ever on those who are saved. ing of the Universe from every form of sin." 14 nied the immortality of the soul, asserting it
This Friend beguiles the weary hours— For life does not arise from us, nor from our Again he says : " Returning, then, to to be material." 18
The way begins to bloom with flowers. own nature, but it is bestowed according to In all stages of the history of the church
Antioch, and passing to the north of the
the grace of God. And therefore he who Mediterranean, we come to Asia Minor, the we find witnesses for God's truth on this
And as we near the end,
Our journey almost through, shall preserve the life bestowed upon him, field of the seven churches of the Apocalypse subject.
Jesus, our blessed friend, andigive thanks to Him who imparted it, shall and of the apostle John. As the evangelist THE HERMOGENIANS.
Points to the prize in view. receive, also, length of days forever and ever. Mark is said to have founded the school of
O rapturous sight I 0 glorious spot Neander, in his " History of the Christian
Bat he who shall reject it, and prove himself Alexandria, so the apostle John is regarded
Where earth-born care is all forgot I Religion," mentions the Hermogenians, who
ungrateful to his Maker, inasmuch as he has as the founder in Ephesus of the school of denied the immortality of the soul. Of their
For just before us lies been created, and has not recognized Him who Asia Minor, from which came Polycarp, leader he says : " At all events, Hermogenes
The city of our King, bestowed [the gift upon him], deprives him- Melito, and Irenmus, the great defender of
Its walls of jasper rise, denied the natural immortality of the soul,
self of [the privilege of] continuance forever the church against Gnostic heresies, and
A grand, enduring thing; and regarded immortality only as a conse-
So beautiful this home, and blest, and ever." 6 Again he says : To those who Hippolytus, his hearer and follower. quence of the new divine life imparted by
We gladly hail its offered rest. "are full of hypocrisy, and covetousness, and
" DR. SCHAFF ON IRELEUS. Christ ; hence he considers believers only to
all wickedness, has he assigned everlasting
0 city of love and light be immortal. All evil, evil spirits, and men
perdition by cutting them off from life." 6 " Of this father Dr. Schaff says : ' Irenseus
Where only glad hearts be, who have not become partakers of the divine
He says that Christ revealed " God to men was the leading representative of the Asiatic
No shades of coming night life, were finally to be resolved into the mat-
Shall ever fall on thee ; through many dispensations, lest man, fall- Johannean school in the second half of the
ter from whence they originally sprang."
And time, decay, nor threatening storm ing away from God altogether, should cease second century, the champion of Catholic
Here we have still another evidence that
Can ever mar thy beauteous form. to exist." orthodoxy against Gnostic heresy, and the
this doctrine always had adherents in the
Of his faith Dupin says : " But he seems mediator between the Eastern and Western
And thou shalt always stand, Christian church.
Blest paradise of God, to have believed, as well as St. Justin, that churches. He united a learned Greek edu-
Within the promised land, they [souls] are immortal only through grace, cation and philosophical penetration with THE ARABIANS, A. D. 244-249.
To Eden bloom restored. and that those of the wicked shall cease to be, practical wisdom and moderation, and a As we have shown in another chapter, the
And those we loved shall gather here, after they have been tormented for a long sound sense of the simple and essential in doctrine of the immortality of the soul be-
To share thy comfort and thy cheer. time." 8 The author of the Ancient History Christianity. We may plainly trace in him
M. WIDEN. gan quite largely to be received by professed
Romeo, Mich. of Universalism confirms this statement of the influence of John.'—Church, History, vol. Christians in the first half of the third cent-
Irenwus's faith thus : " Here he appears to p. 488. ury. The primitive Scriptural doctrine of
think they will be annihilated ; he contends " DR. KURTZ. the mortality of man and • the sleep of the
Our etrufributors. that souls, or spirits, like all other created
" Of this school Dr. Kurtz says that it
dead, was now quite largely abandoned.
things, depend entirely upon the upholding Yet here and there we find, as late as this,
providence of God for their continuance in was ' distinguished for its firm adherence to
those who had not yet apostatized from the
THE EARLY FATHERS. being, and that they can exist only so long the Bible, its strong faith, its scientific liber- Bible faith, though they were so few as to be
RID. D. K. OANRIGHT. as he will.'" 9 ality, its conciliatory tone, and its trenchant
counted heretics. Thus of the Arabians, A. D.
Another historian says of the doctrine of polemics against heretics.'—Text Book of
THEOPHILUS, BISHOP OF ANTIOCH, A. D. 181. 244-249, Eusebius writes:—
Irenaeus, " And yet he did not believe that Church History, p. 137, Philadelphia. " But about this time, also, other men
THEOPHILUS takes this position : "For they would be punished endlessly ; for he un- " It is therefore the more remarkable that sprung up in Arabia as the propagators of
man had been made a middle nature, neither doubtedly adopted the doctrine of the final the doctrine of future eternal punishment was
false opinions. These asserted that the hu-
wholly mortal, nor altogether immortal, but annihilation of the disobedient and unright- not taught by any of this school so far as we man soul, as long as the present state of the
capable of either."' Again : " But smile will eous."" know, nor the doctrine of universal restora-
world existed, perished at death and died
say to us, Was man made by nature Mortal In another place he argues that immor- tion, but, on the other hand, the, doctrine of with the body, but that it would be raised
Certainly not. Was he, then, immortal? tality is a gift of God through Jesus Christ. the final annihilation of the wicked was again with the body at the time of the res-
Neither do we affirm this. But one will say, Thus he says : " For by no other means clearly taught by so eminent a man as Ire- urrection. And as a considerable council
Was he, then, nothing Not even this hits could we have attained to incorruptibility nmus. Thus, in five out of six of the early was held on account of this, Origen, being
the mark. He was by nature neither mor- and immortality, unless we had been united theological schools we do not find the doc-
again requested, likewise here discussed the
tal nor immortal; for if He had made him to incorruptibility and immortality. But trine of eternal punishment." 15 point in question with so much force that
immortal from the beginning, He would have how could we be joined to incorruptibility " Irenwus, like Justin, calls those here- those who had been before led astray, com-
made him God. Again, if He had made him and immortality, unless, first, incorrupti- tics' who expected the saints' glorification to
pletely changed their opinions." "
mortal, God would seem to be the cause of bility and immortality had become that which follow immediately after death, and before 1. They denied all consciousness of the
his death. Neither, then, immortal nor yet we also are [referring to Christ's assuming their resurrection." " dead till the resurrection. 2. Both soul and
mortal did He make him, but, as we have flesh and blood], so that the corruptible might From these statements, it appears that body were to live again at the resurrection.
said above, capable of both ; so that if he be swallowed up by incorruptibility, and the Irenseus did not believe in the natural im- 3. The believers in this doctrine were so nu-
should incline to the things of immortality, mortal by immortality, that we might receive mortality of man, nor in the eternal con- merous as to require " a considerable council"
keeping the commandments of God, he should the adoption of sons !" " Again he says, "The scious existence of the wicked. He was one to put them down ; hence their number and
receive, as a reward from Him, immortality, of the most famous church fathers, and bishop
SAW] 11:22--26. influence must have been large. 4. " Origen,
and should become God ; but if, on the 4 See Preface to his Works. of a noted church. He was instructed by
being again requested, likewise here discussed
6 Against Heresies, book ii. chap. xxxiv. the venerable Polycarp, who had conversed
other hand, he should turn to, the things of 6 Ibid., book iv. chap. xi. the point in question," says Eusebius, This
death, disobeying God, he should' himself be 7 Ibid., book iv. chap. xx. with the apostle John; hence he was well
sHist., p. 75. shows that Origen had, in other places and
the cause of death himself."' 91" 85, second edition. 12 1bid., p 4L6.
a re Origin and History of the Doctrine of Endless Punishment, la Ibid., p. 443. 11 Eusebins, book v. chap. H.
1To Antolycus, book ii. chap. xxiv.; vol. iii. Ante-Nicene p.198. 14pageS 163, 164. 18 Art, Luoianists.
aristian Library. 11 Writings of Irenteus, vol. i. book iii. chap. six. p.345; Ante- Ii Pages 194, 195. 79 Vol. ii. p. 618.
*Id., chap. xxvii. Nicene Christian Library. 16 Voice of the Church, p. 82. Nusebius' Hod. that,, book vi, chap. natl. p. 258.
138 THE REVIEW AND HERALD, [Vol,. 53, No. 18

before this, been called upon to defend his things : 1. Let the truth of Scripture be held But guile and deceitfulness are not the Israel. I have been unable to find the above
doctrine of the immortality of the Soul. We firm and unshaken; 2. When Scripture may only evil communications spoken of in the verse, and the remaining verses of the 36th
have seen that it was chiefly through his great be interpreted in more than one way, we Bible. Paul, in Eph. 4 :29, says, " Let no chapter of Genesis, in the first chapter of the
influence that it came into the church. The must not stick so fast to any one interpreta- corrupt communication proceed out of your first Chronicles, as 'Lycurgus ' stated. [1
learned Dr. Neander thus candidly states the tion that, if it be proved that what we held mouth, but that which is good to the use of Chron. 1 : 43, etc.]
facts in the above case : " We must, how- to be,the sense of Scripture is false, we should edifying, that it may minister grace unto the " The following passage in Ex, 16:35 is
ever," he says, "still mention that among still continue to uphold it ; since this causes hearers." " Neither filthiness, nor foolish to be construed in the same sense ; to wit :
the Christians of Arabia at that time, a party Scripture to be laughed at by unbelievers, talking, nor jesting, which are not conven- 'And they [the children of Israel] did eat
had caused a controversy, by maintaining and keeps them out of the way of believing." ient; but rather giving of thanks." Chap. manna, until they came unto the borders of the
that the soul died with the body, and that it —Selected. 5 :4. Jesting and foolish talking can, I un- land of Canaan.' Both of these passages are
would be raised again only at the general res- derstand, properly be called corrupt commu- idiomatic, and they have been translated liter-
urrection, at the same time with the body. KINDNESS. nications. Dear brethren and sisters, how ally.
It was an old Jewish notion that immortality THE heart, the heart, oh, who can tell often you have disregarded the solemn warn- " With regard to the giant mentioned in
was not founded upon the nature of the soul, The secrets of the heart? ing against this sin I know not, and care not Deut. 3, who was Og, king of Bashan, and
but was a peculiar gift of divine grace ; a rep- Deep hidden woe may slumber there, to know ; for I have enough to do with my- who had a bed of iron in Rabbah,es os
Of human life a part. self. I tremble when I look at the past, and says, in the 13th verse, that he delivered all
resentation which had been transferred from
Judaism to Christianity, traces of which we Thy hand, perchance, can ease that woe, ask, Will all my foolish talking, jesting and Bashan, the kingdom of Og, to the half tribe
find in the theory of the Gnostics about the Thy voice sweet comfort bring, idle words meet me in the Judgment? Oh, of Manasseh. In 2 Samuel 12 : 26 we read :
nature of the Psychici, in the doctrine of Thy finger guide the thirsty soul what a question ! But, praise God, " if any ' And Joab fought against Rabbah of the
Clementine, and in the opinions of Justin Where "living waters" spring. man sin, we have an advocate with the Fa- children of Ammon, and took the royal city.'
and Tatian. Perhaps, also, in this district, ther, Jesus Christ the righteous." 1 John How does that prove that Moses did not
0 fellow-man I 0 mortal dust !
the position of which placed it in close con- Act well thy part below ; 2 :1. To him let us go for the past; but let write Deuteronomy ? Moses took the entire
nection with the Jews, IT WAS NO NEW DOC- Speak kindly words, do loving deeds, us for the future remember the solemn say- kingdom, including the city, in his day.
TRINE, BUT THE PREDOMINANT ONE FROM AN- And seeds of mercy sow. ing of our Saviour, " But I say unto you, Some four hundred years afterward, Joab
CIENT TIMES ; and perhaps the influence of that every idle word that men shall speak, took the same city. How can you say this
And thus thy name shall written be they shall give account thereof in the day of did not happen I
Origen (in whose system the doctrine of the On fleshly tablets here,
natural immortality of the soul necessarily And far above, in "God's own Book," Judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be " I do not think Moses made use of the
obtained a place) first effected the change that In glittering lines appear. justified, and by thy words thou shalt be words Gentiles' or Palestine.' These are
this latter should obtain universal acceptance ELIZA H. MORTON. condemned." Matt. 12 :36, 37. The apos- the words of the translators of King James'
among the church teachers of that district; tle James tells us, " The tongue can no man version of the Bible. That that version con-
and that the small party, which still main- INFIDELS AND LAW-ABOLISHERS. tame ; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poi- tains thousands of [verbal] errors, I am
tained the OLD opinion, should appear heret- son." Chap. 3 : 8. Let this, therefore, be willing to concede.
The repetition of the Sabbath command-
ical, although the predominant opinion had our constant prayer, " Set a watch, 0 Lord, " I would be pleased to be referred to the
ment in the fifth chapter of Deuteronomy is
previously really pronounced itself against it seized as a strong fort both by infidels and before my mouth ; ke p the door of my lips." authority saying that St. Jerome doubted
(the new opinion). Hence we may under- Ps. 141 :3. A. W. JENSON. that Moses wrote the Pentateuch. Moses
those who would have the moral law abol-
stand how the convocation of a great synod Caatfman Co., Texas. speaks of the city of Dan, which was called
ished. The former class proclaim a contra-
was considered necessary in order to allay Leslem, which it is claimed only received the
diction between this and the same command-
these controversies. When they were unable name of Dan after the conquest. The proba-
ment in Ex. 20 ; but the latter, it would
to agree, Origen was invited by the synod, THE FIVE BOOKS OF MOSES. bility is that the city had two names, Dan
seem, can never find the commandment as
and his influence prevailed upon the opposers and Leslem. Both of these words mean the
given by the voice of God at Sinai, and en- SOME one under an assumed name, through
of the doctrine of the natural immortality of same thing. This may have been the reason
graved by his finger on the tables of stone, the columns of the Grand Rapids Times, as-
the soul, to acknowledge their error and re- which prompted the Danites to take posses-
but eneittavor to prove from Deut. 5 that the sailed the authenticity of the Bible, and es-
nounce it." 21 sion of the city, though not included within
deliverance from Egyptian bondage was the pecially the genuineness of the Pentateuch.
These admissions from such an eminent the limits assigned to their tribe. See Jo-
reason for instituting the Sabbath; and hence The following reply we think will be of in-
historian as Dr. Neander fully confirm all I nin's Evidences of Religion,' p. 112."
that the Sabbath did not exist from the crea- terest to the readers of the REVIEW :—
have claimed on this question. It will be re- According to Buck's Theological Diction-
tion, and is therefore only obligatory upon " Please permit me to say a few words in
membered that Neander was a converted ary, the Pentateuch, consisting of the five
the Jews. One who reads a whole Bible can reply to Lycurgus,' in regard to the genuine-
Jew, and hence well qualified to state what books of Moses, was held by the Jews in
see that the creation of the world in six days, ness of the five books of Moses, called the
was the original Jewish doctrine of immortal- such veneration that they would not allow it
and the rest upon the seventh, is the reason Pentateuch. We have a constant and unin-
ity. The Arabians held to the old and an- to be laid upon the bed of any sick person,
for instituting the Sabbath ; and that the gra-. terrupted tradition, going back to the very
cient doctrine of the people of God, the sleep lest it should be polluted by touching the
cious deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt time when those books were written, to the
of the dead, and denied the immortality of dead.
was only urged as an additional motive that effect that Moses was their author. The en-
the soul. ,It was not till the middle of the The following terse testimony to the au-
they should " KEEP the Sabbath day to sanc- tire Jewish nation, from the very first, have
third century, and even then only by a thenticity of the Bible as a whole, I tran-
tify. it, AS the Lord " had commanded them always believed that Moses was the author of
mighty effort, that they were drawn from it. scribe from " The Encyclopedia of Religious
before, in Ex. 20. See Deut. 5 :12. Now these books. On them they rested their
Dr. Good confirms Neander's statements, by Knowledge "
both the infidel and he that would abolish civil, political, and religious institutions. At
saying that the Arabians never believed in the "'The scattered, despised people, the Jews,
the Sabbath of God, can find a refutation of the time of Christ and his apostles the Pen-
immortality of the soul." the irreconcilable enemies of the Christians,
their position on this text in the following tateuch existed in its present form, and was keep, with amazing care, the Old Testament,
21 Neander's Church Hist., vol i. sec. 5, p. 444. extract from Scott's reply to Payne believed to be from Moses. Christ and his full of the prophetic history of Jesus Christ,
22 Hook of Science, series 3, lect. 2, p. 372. "The fourth commandment, as it stands apostles often refer to it and make quotations and by that means afford the world a strik-
in the fifth chapter of Deuteronomy, varies from it, as the New Testament shows. Jo- ing proof that the New Testament is true ;
from the original law in the twentieth chap- sephus and the various writers of the Talmud
A FALLACIOUS ARGUMENT. and Christians, in their turn, show that the
ter of Exodus ; hence it is inferred that the say that Moses wrote these books. These Old Testament is abundantly confirmed and
THE argument of the vast antiquity of the writer of these books received his materials books were in existence two hundred and explained by the New.
earth, founded on elevations of coasts at a from tradition, or invented them himself. eighty years before Christ, because about " It is exceedingly remarkable that the more
given rate of upheaval, needs circumscribing, But impostors do not admit such apparent that time the Greek or Septuagint version humble and holy people are, the more they
when we reflect that two hundred and fifty inconsistencies, which may at all times be was made ; and this version is concordant in read, admire, and value the Scriptures; and,
years ago Sir Francis Drake's fleet sailed into avoided with very little trouble ; so that all points with the Hebrew text. It is true on the contrary, the more' self-conceited,
Albemarle Sound through Roanoke outlet, they are rather proofs of the writer's con- there is a difference in chronology between worldly-minded, and wicked, the more they
which is now a sandbank above the reach of scious integrity. In fact, Moses, when de- our present version and that of the Septua- neglect, despise, and asperse them."
the highest tides, and which only seventy livering a most impressive and pathetic ex- gint; but that is a question of translation. A. SMITH.
years ago was navigable by vessels drawing hortation, did not confine himself to the " We also possess the Samaritan version of
twelve feet of water. The coast of South words which he had recorded as an historian. the Pentateuch, which brings it back to the
America has in some places been upheaved The people very well knew the original death of Solomon, which occurred about one " WELL DONE."
twenty feet in the last century ; in others, de- ground for hallowing the Sabbath, in honor thousand years before Christ. Yoe- will find these words, dear reader, re-
pressed to the same extent. So- with other of the Creator; and he thought himself at " After the death of Solomon the ten tribes corded by the inspired penman in Matt. 25 :
arguments. Lyell thinks that the doctrine liberty to remind them of their obligation to separated from the tribes of Judah and Benja- 21, 23. They are evidently designed to teach
of the pristine fluidity of the earth, and the Jehovah their Redeemer from Egyptian bon- min under King Jeroboam. 1 Kings, chap- us a practical lesson. The Bible contains
gradual consolidation of its crust, is one of dage, and of the humanity due to their bond- ter 12. And those tribes carried with them both practical and theoretical lessons, and
the scientific theories which has been adhered servants ; for this constitutes another impor- their copies of the books of Moses. See also many seem perfectly satisfied with the latter,
to after the props by which it was first sup- tant reason for hallowing the Sabbath. Dis- 2 Kings, chapter 17. and work upon the plan that what is mine
ported have given way, one after the other. tinct motives are not necessarily inconsistent. " There was always great opposition be- is my own. In the parable of the talents re-
Again,geologists vaunt the long Periods of Mr. P., in writing his several pamphlets, tween the two sections of the Jewish nation, corded in Matt. 25 :14-30, we find a beaptiful
time that loll by while the strata are forming, might aim both to free mankind from vulgar and they watched over the Pentateuch jeal- promise, soul-inspiring, and well calculated
as if they had determined them with mathe- prejudices, and to obtain celebrity for him- ously, so that it was impossible that any to stimulate and quicken our energies to
matical exactness, without reflecting on the self; and he might deem it proper on some changes could have been made in it. The work in the cause of God. But I fear that
fact that vegetables kept for a year and nine occasions to insist on the one motive, and in Samaritans would not accept of any other sa- in many instances we lose sight of the real
months in hot water have been changed into different circumstances to bring forward the cred writings than the Pentateuch. The facts, and work as though we believed in the
dark lignate ; and a cloth, exposed to steam other, without being justly chargeable with Samaritan text is written in the ancient He- plan of universal salvation.
for six years, changed to black and glistening inconsistency or self-contradiction. " brew letters. See Jonin's Evidences of Re- From the text referred to above, we can
carbon. Moreover, to show how cautious we R. F. COTTRELL. ligion,' p. 106. come to but one conclusion, that those who
must be in arguing from these changes the " The -writings of Moses are referred to in have done well, been faithful unto God ac-
great antiquity of the earth, let us remember many places in the books of Joshua and cording to the talents intrusted to them, will
that in tropical countries plains may be in a HEARKEN UNTO ME. Judges. Thus it will be perceived that we enter into the joy of their Lord. Is this
day converted into lagoons and marshes. " COME, ye children, hearken unto me ; I have traced the Pentateuch up to the time it boon of priceless worth given to those who
Two thousand four hundred years ago Nine- will teach you the fear of the Lord. What was written. I do not perceive how any one thought to do well ? Is it reserved for those
veh flourished in all its grandeur ; now, its man is he that desireth life, and loveth many can get away from this powerful historical who wait for a more convenient season I Is
very site is overwhelmed with sand. Old days, that he may see good Keep thy proof. it for those whom God has made stewards
Tyre—the mistress of the sea, the queen of tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking " The last chapter of Deuteronomy was over his household, and who have proved rec-
cities, two thousand four hundred and forty guile. Depart from evil, and do good ; seek not written by Moses, because it relates his reant to their trust Is it for those who
years ago—is now a bare rock in the sea, on peace, and pursue it: Ps. 34 :11-14 ; 1 death and burial. It was probably written have run well for a season, but have become
which fishermen spread their nets. A thou- Pet. 3 :10, 11. I know of no man who is by Joshua, his successor. The classification so captivated by the world and its evil influ-
sand years ago, Greenland was a fertile and not willing to pronounce this good counsel ; of the Bible into books, and chapters, and ences as to lose their love for the truth I Is
well-peopled land, and Iceland was covered but I know of thousands who, saying Amen verses is of modern date. Neither Christ it for those who pocket their hundreds and
with woods of birch and fir, with waving to this advice, still live and act in open dis- nor his apostles anywhere refer by name to thousands year after year, and yet permit
fields of barley and other grain. regard of it. To such I would say, Remem- books, or to chapters, or verses. the cause of God to be cramped and crippled
So strange, so complete and comparatively ber that "if any man among you seem to be " And these are the kings that reigned in for want of the means committed to their
rapid have been the changes wrought on the religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but the land of Edom, before there reigned any trust ? Is it for those who with a well-filled
face of the earth in historical times, that we deeelveth his own heart, this man's religion king over the children of Israel.' Gen. 36 : purse allow their periodicals stopped, be-
need no fabulous myriads of yew to account is vain." James 1 : 26. " Evil communica- 31. The above words are to be taken in a cause they have either lost faith in the mes-
for the formation of geological strata. Wisely tions corrupt good manners. Awake to prophetic sense. They had reference to Ja- sage, or are too penurious to renew their sub-
on points like these, St. Thomas wrote : "In righteousness, and sin not." 1 Cor. : cob's prophecy, which Moses had in mind at scription Is it for those who cease their ef-
questions of this kind, keep fast to two 33, 34. the time. Jacob also prophesied kings to forts, because they can see no immediate
good arising from their distribution of read- crease and abound in love one toward an- good thing which God has promised ; why vales and meadows of peace. Its still waters
ing matter 1 Is it for those who grind the other, and toward all men, even as we do are they not bestowed? Why do those who slowly meander through many "green pas-
face of the poor into the dust of the earth? toward you ; to the end he may stablish offer these petitions continue to cry, " My tures " of prosperity ; they also creep through
Is it for those of whom the prophet Malachi your hearts unblamable in holiness before leanness, my leanness !" Has God closed his many barren moors and desolate wastes, re-
speaks in chap. 3 : 81 God, even our Father, at the coming of our ear to the cry of the needy ? Does he not hearsing in their murmurs many a tale of sin,
These are pertinent questions, and well Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints." 1 intend to give what he has promised1 This and suffering, and distress.
worthy of our consideration. Jesus said, Thess. 3 : 12, 13. C. F. PHELPS. is the cause of failure : " Ye ask, and receive As we trace the winding course of this
" Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, not, because ye ask amiss." There is no faith stream for four hundred years, it culminates
Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of that the prayer will be answered. Indeed, at the foot of Calvary.
Heaven ; but he that doeth the will of my CHURCH TRIALS. if one in ten of all the prayers offered to God " In the cross of Christ I glory,
Father which is in Heaven." It is God's A CHURCH trial originates in some wrong were answered, the petitioners would be the Towering o'er the wrecks of time:
will that we improve upon the talents given doing on the part of one or more, which, not most astonished persons in the world. We All the light of sacred story
Gathers 'round its head sublime."
to us, whether five, two, or one. God does being righted at the proper time, grows up must remember that there is no real asking,
His death is the explanation of the past,
not require us to perform impossibilities. and increases in strength, until it becomes a unless it be " in faith." For want of this
What we need is to be wholly consecrated burden and hindrance to the cause, and some- faith, " we ask for nothing, and get it." the promise of the future, the key to all his-
to him and to his service, to have a spirit of thing must be done. How many addresses are made to God, tory.—Sunday Teachers' Treasury.
meek submission to his righteous will. Like Now if all would watch closely the begin- without confession or supplication ; giving
the patient ox, we should be ready for either nings of evil, and guard carefully the heart him information on various subjects ; telling THE SABBATH.
the plow or the altar. The reckoning day is and tongue, or if offenses arise see to it that him how great he is, how long he has existed,
fast approaching. Brother, if you have but they are thoroughly confessed and forsaken, what he has done, and what we have failed I AM more and more sure by experience
a single talent, put it to usury, lest you hear then the demand for trials would not exist, to do. This is not praying. Prayer is sup- that the reason for the observance of the Sab-
these dreadful words spoken to you " De- and all church trials would be prevented by bath lies deep in the everlasting necessities
plication, entreaty ; it is to urge, to implore ;
part from me, thou wicked and slothful serv- each one holding a daily and hourly court in and all "in faith, nothing doubting." This of human nature, and that as long as man is
ant." " He that knew his Lord's will, and his own heart kind of prayer gets what it asks for, because man, the blessedness of keeping it, not as a
did it not, shall be beaten with many stripes." It is bad enough to commit a wrong, and it asks " according to the will of God."—Ad- day of rest only, but as a day of spiritual
M. Woon. to be under the necessity of humbling one's rest, will never be annulled. I certainly do
vocate of Chiristian Holiness.
self to make confession ; but to add to this feel by experience the eternal obligation, be-
the tenfold disgrace of being held up in a cause of the eternal necessity, of the Sabbath.
THE DUTY OF PERFECTING HO- church trial to the gaze of the congregation, THE STREAM OF SACRED HISTORY. The soul withers without it. It thrives in
LINESS. and to the shame of the cause, and to the pity THERE is something beautifully suggestive
proportion to its observance. The Sabbath
To every true lover of Christ, the theme of God and his angels, until a confession is in the course taken by the stream of sacred was made for man. God made it for men in
of holiness will not be unwelcome, and wrung from an unwilling tongue, is far more a certain spiritual state, because they needed
history. It seems to wander along at its
there is no class of believers that may more trying. If people would always keep this it. The need, therefore, is deeply hidden in
own " sweet will " through all possible vari- human nature. He who can dispense with it
appropriately labor for the highest privileges principle in view, it would save many a long ety of circumstances. Like a natural river,
of the gospel of Christ than those who ac- and tedious church trial. which glides onward through light and shade, must be holy and spiritual indeed. And he
knowledge their obligation to the unchanged Jos, CLARKE. who, still unholy and unspiritual, would yet
now dashing in wild music over rocks and dispense with it, is a man who would fain be
law of God, and are striving to live in obe- down the gorges, anon skirting with rippling
dience to its precepts. tides the base of the mountain and the slope wiser than his Maker. We, Christians as we
MOTHER AND DAUGHTERS. are, still need the law, both in its restraints
" Now the end of the commandment is of the hill, and then winding away through
charity out of * pure heart, and of a good (Rev. 17:5.) and its aid to our weakness.—F, W. Robert-
quiet valleys and shaded glens, through
conscience, and of faith unfeigned." I Tim. ROBERT JAMIESON, D. D., in his Critical broad fields and open plains, on its onward son.
1 : 5. Paul earnestly exhorted the church at and Explanatory Commentary on the Old journey to the far-distant sea—so the river
and New Testaments, says of Rev. 17 : "The of Bible history. Starting on its course in
Corinth, that were doubtless living in obe-
dience to the law, and including himself he harlot is not Rome alone (though she is pre- a garden, then turning to the eastward of a n d Oadulf.
says, " Let us cleanse ourselves from all filth- eminently so), but every church that has not Eden and passing hurriedly through the land
"A little balm, and a little honey, spices, and myrrh, nuts
iness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holi- Christ's mind and Spirit. False Christen- of Nod, it meanders through the rural realms and almonds." Gen. 43 :II.
ness in the fear of God." 2 Cor. 7 :1. But dom, divided into very many sects, is truly of patriarchs, then roughens and deepens and
in order that this work of purity and holiness Babylon, i. e., confusion. widens into a flood, swollen by all the fount- A GOOD example is the best sermon,
may be truly wrought in us, the law of God " I am inclined to think that the judgment ains of the great deep and the opened windows
must be appreciated, loved, and obeyed from (chap. 17 : 1, 2) and the spiritual fornication of heaven—a flood which became the grave of HABIT is a cable. We weave a thread
the heart with no reservation .' and having (chap. 18 : 3), though finding their culmina- the old world, yet bearing upon its bosom the of it every day, and at last we cannot break
thus laid the true foundation of a faith un- tion in Rome, are not restricted to it, but cradle ark of the new. it.
feigned," we should leave these first principles comprise the whole apostate church, Roman, It narrows again within its banks, and How can we expect a harvest of thought
of the doctrine of Christ, and " go on unto Greek, and even Protestant so far as it has pouring down the sides and kissing the feet who have had not a seed-time of character ?—
perfection, not laying again the foundation of been seduced from its first love (chap. 2 : 4) of old Ararat, the first-mentioned mountain Thoreau.
repentance from dead works, and of faith to Christ, the heavenly Bridegroom, and sentinel of a restored earth, it moves with
given its affections to worldly pomps and rapid current over the plain of Shinar, re- EVERY man who has successfully carried
toward God, of the doctrine of baptisms, and
idols." great burdens in the world, will testify that
of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of flecting on its waters the tower of Babel.
This Commentary was written by Robert We see it threading its path among the cities he has been helped by laughter.—Alliance.
the dead, and of eternal judgment." Heb.
6 :1, 2. Having in these " principles " " a Jamieson of Scotland, and published in New of the plain, zigzagging with Abraham, Isaac, LENGTH of days is Wisdom's right-hand
good conscience," it is our privijege, yes, it is York in 1875. J. B. FRISBIE. and Jacob ; rushing with haste through the blessing, typical of eternal life ; but in her
our bounden duty, to count all things but AO. ravines among the mountains of Seir, past left hand are riches and honor.—Matthew
loss for the excellency of the knowledge of the encampments of the " dukes of Edom " Henry.
Christ Jesus our Lord, and, " reaching forth MICROSCOPES. and the " mighty men of Moab ; " rolling like IT is, after all, the person who stakes the
unto those things which are before," to "".press Upon examining the edge of the sharpest another " river of Egypt " through the valley least that loses most. In the affections this
toward the mark for the prize of the high razor with a microscope, it will appear fully of the Nile ; sweeping the strength of the is wholly true. He who risks nothing loses
calling of God in Christ Jesus." Phil. 3 : 8, as broad as the back of a knife—rough, un- fields of Zoar, the yeomanry of Ham and
13, 14. He has recorded for the encourage- even, and full of notches and furrows. An their rebellious king, into the Red Sea. But
ment of our faith and hope : " If ye abide in exceedingly small needle resembles an iron even here it is not lost ; for, passing through BE very careful in your promises, and just
me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask- bar. But the sting of a bee, seen through the Red Sea, like Jordan through the Gen- in your performances; and remember it is
what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." the same instrument, exhibits everywhere nesaret, without mingling with its waters, it better to do and not promise, than to promise
John 15 :7. " All things are possible to him the most beautiful polish without the least follows the track of a new nation through and not perform.
that believeth." Mark 9 : 23. flaw, blemish, or inequality, and it ends in a the wilderness, and enters with them the por- " SCIENCE," says Dr. Holmes, " is a good
To place the standard of the faith of Jesus point too fine to be discerned. The threads tion of their inheritance. Here it increases piece of furniture for a man to have in an
lower than this, endangers our final salva- of a fine lawn are coarser than the yarn with in volume and pace ass it traverses the times upper chamber, provided he has common-
tion ; for it is dishonoring to- Him who has which ropes are made for anchors ; but a of the conquest, and then is content to con- sense on the ground floor."
promised us such excellent gifts, and is at once silk worm's web appears perfectly smooth fine for ages its main course within the limits
KIND hearts are the gardens,
a proof that our faith is not of that exalted and shining, and everywhere equal. The of the wonderful Land of Promise. Kind thoughts are the roots,
character " that works by love " and purifies smallest dot that is made with a pen appears It reflects in its mirroring waves all phases, Kind words are the blossoms,
the heart. irregular and MIL-VI D. But the little specks and conditions, and circumstances of society. Kind deeds are the fruits.
At this time, when infidelity in the most on the wings or bodies of insects are found As the spreading sycamore, and the lofty Love is the sweet sunshine
to be the accurate circle. How magnificent elm, and the stalwart oak cannot exclusively That warms into life ;
alluring guise meets the unwary in every
For only in darkness
path of life, how great is the responsibility are the works of God !—Selected. claim the right of cooling their feet by the Grow hatred and strife.
resting upon those who through the Spirit watercourses, but must also admit the aspen,
have become enlightened in the way of truth the alder, and the willow, the lowly herb, the THE Creator works no miracles to bring
and holiness. The world needs the light that ASKING FOR NOTHING. back its lost whiteness to the snow. But
fern, the brake, and the bulrush to the same
emanates from truly sanctified lives. It needs the whole array of his miracles has nothing
THE following simple incident strikingly privilege, so also on the bank of this stream.
noble examples of a real faith in God and of to compare with what he has done to restore
illustrates many a prayer offered to the Most Not only the cedars and oaks—kings and
trust in his word, and it needs those 'whose High :— captains—cast their shadows, but also the your soul's lost purity.— Congregationalist.
daily life exhibits that self-sacrificing spirit Little Bob begged hard the other day, poor and the lowly, the widow and the or- THE strongest argument for the truth of
that would be expected in a people that con- when some friends were dining with us, to phan, have here a place. It floats by mighty Christianity is the true Christian,—the man
fess themselves " pilgrims and strangers" be allowed to come in and sit at the table cities—Jerusalem, Nineveh, Babylon—bear- filled with the spirit of Christ. The best
here, looking for " a city which hath foun- during dessert, which I told him he might ing their memorials to future generations; proof of Christ's resurrection is a living
dations, whose builder and maker is God." do, provided he neither talked nor annoyed but it forgets not in its course the humble church, walking in new life, and drawing life
" Now the end of the commandment is people by asking for fruit. He very readily hamlets and peaceful villages, Zarephath, ue . Him who has overcome death.—Clerist-
charity out of a pure heart, and of a good con- assented to this condition, which he honestly Nain, Bethany. It plashes against the walls
science, and of faith unfeigned.' Sweet fulfilled to the letter. At last I heard the of royal palaces—walls which echoed to the MEN are habitually striving after place
Charity, the crowning grace of redeeming poor little fellow crying and sobbing most voices of Pharaoh, Eglon, 'David, Solomon, and power, as if there was happiness in be-
love, how oft she veils her lovely face from pitifully. Belshazzar, Cyrus, Ahasuerus, and Herod. ing great and distinguished. If we read his-
the spirit of many professors of Jesus, who " What is the matter, Bob1" I said ; It also lingers and eddies by the lonely cot- tory, or scrutinize the lives we see in our
seem to forget her gentle admonitions, and " what are you crying about'?" tage home ; by Deborah under the palm tree ; own day, we shall conclude that the chief mis-
suffer envy and jealousy to embitter their " Why, pa," he replied, " here I am, ask- by the tent of Jael ; by Gideon threshing
hearts against those they should love in ery of the world is lodged in those who have
ing for nothing, and getting it" wheat by the winepress ; by " the house of reached public elevation.
Christian fellowship. This precious spirit of Look now at the promise : " He that ask- Obededom the Gittite," the man who took
love is allied indissolubly to holiness of life, eth, receiveth." " Every one that asketh, such loving care of the ark during its tempo- LET there be no tendency to formalism in
as the beloved St. John writes, " If *e walk receiveth." " If ye shall ask anything in my rary sojourn that the Lord blessed him and our praying. Let us not pray by the clock;
in the light, as he is, in the light, we have fel-
name, I will do it." " Whatsoever things ye all his household ; by the house of Zacharias let us not become mere praying machines,
lows* one with another, and the blood. of desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive and Elizabeth in the hill country, the home bowing, Mohammedan fashion toward our
Jesus Christ his Son cleansed. us from aU them, and ye shall have them." " Ask and of Lazarus and his sisters, Paul's hired house, shrine, when some muezzin -calls; but let us
sin." , 1 John 1 :7.14 receive, that your joy may be full." and John's island exile. commune with our God in business, on, the
It should be our constant aim to live daily These are the promises of Him who has This wonderful stream dashes through " the street, when spiritual need calls, meanwhile
in the spirit of Paul's prayer for the Thessa- said : " All power is given unto me, in pomp and circumstances of war;" it also not neglecting the assembling of ourselves
lonians: "And the Lord make you to in- Heaven and in earth." We ask for every " glides along in a trance of song " through together.—Alliance
140 THE REVIEW AND HERALD. [VoL. 53, No. 18.

the system of truths which we hold and advo- reference to Bro. Vuilleumier, and if possible
g itfititat PtraRt, the coercion of the syp and the blackmailer—
these have been the influences which have
ruined St. Louis, mocking at honesty, insulting
cate, and whereas we believe that the interests devise ways and means by which it may be
of the general cause will be greatly forwarded
"Sanctify them through Thy Truth: Thy Word is Truth." purity, defying decency—our burden, our shame, by giving greater prominence to the subjects of granted.
and our ruin." health and temperance than has been done here- The Conference then adjourned sine die.
BATTLE CREEK, Mica., MAY 1, 1879. tofore, therefore D. M. CANRIGHT, President pro tem.
Resolved, That we commend the effort now be- U. SMITH, Sec.
- Corresponding Editors. WORSE THAN THE PHILISTINES. ing made among us to effect a general organiza-
U. SMITH, - - - - Resident Editor. SKEPTICS have a great deal of trouble with tion having for its object the promulgation of re-
formatory ideas on the subject of health and MOVING TO BATTLE CREEK.
the declaration that God hardened" Pharaoh's temperance, and encourage our people every-
SABBATH, APRIL 26. heart, and then destroyed him. They seem not OF late, so many of our brethren and sisters
)"?; where to take a hearty interest in the work, giv-
to be able to understand that Pharaoh hardened ing it their support and co-operation. from the surrounding churches of Michigan and
SOME of our readers may remember that six the adjoining States are moving to Battle Creek,
months ago, namely, Sabbath, Nov. 2, 1878, his own heart, and that all God did in the mat- This was discussed by Brn. Decker, Bourdeau,
ter was to give him over to hardness of heart, that we feel it our duty to say something about.
the church in Battle Creek were favored with W. C. White, Haskell, Hutchins, Dr. Kellogg,
because he would not yield to the influences he it. Of course, we are not master of any indi-
two discourses from two brethren, one of whom, Farnsworth, McCoy, Butler, R. F. Andrews,
Eld. Loughborough, was just departing for Eng- brought to bear upon him, withdrawing his and S. H. Lane, and referred to a committee of vidual's actions, but we can give our advice in
Spirit, because he persistently rejected it. the matter, since we are acquainted with the cir-
land, and the other, Eld. Waggoner, for the three to be appointed by the Chair.
These modern skeptics, who are so slow of cumstances here and elsewhere better than most•
Pacific coast. Eld. J. N. Andrews, Dr. J. H. Kellogg, and
A like circumstance has again taken place. understanding, may be helped by their brethren, Eld. E. W. Farnsworth were appointed as said of our brethren can be.
the Philistines of old, the idolatrous worshipers In some cases it is right, and, indeed, very
Last Sabbath, April 26, we had the pleasure of committee.
of old Dagon, if they will listen to what they desirable, that brethren should move to Battle
listening to Eld. S. N. Haskell, who left on the Eld. Butler, as chairman of the committee on
say. Creek. This is in cases where they have chill
night of the 27th for California, and to Eld. J. the subject of camp-meetings, reported that they
When the Philistines had taken the ark of dren whom they wish to educate for a few
N. Andrews, who on the 29th left for England had not completed their schedule for the order
God, and his heavy judgments were falling upon years in our College. Frequently they can do
and Europe. of camp-meetings.
them wherever the ark went, the priests of the much better to come here themselves, keep
Bro. Haskell spoke upon the necessity of our The subject of unhappy marriages was intro-
Philistines, in urging that the ark be sent back house, board their children, and look after
having the Spirit of God to help us in our work, duced, and discussed by Ern. S. H. King and
again into its own land with a trespass-offering, them. In such cases there is no objection to
and the promise of the Spirit to those who will B. L. Whitney, with reference to the question
used these words :— their coming, but still we think that these per-
seek it in the last days. Bro. Andrews spoke as to what can be done to prevent or remedy the
" Wherefore then do ye harden your hearts sons should not locate here permanently. In
on the words of Christ, that he must be lifted up evil. This subject was referred to a committee the past, when the church was small, it was nec-
as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, as the Egyptians and Pharaoh hardened their of three, to be appointed by the chair.
hearts? when he [God] had wrought wonder- essary to invite leading families to this place in
and showed how we can make the offering of Elds. W. H. Littlejohn, S. N. Haskell, and order to have a good influence, furnish homes
Christ effectual in our cases. We have some- fully among them, did they not let the people
G. I. Butler were appointed as such committee. for students, and hold the fort. But so many
thing to do ourselves. We must look, if we go, and they departed 1" 1 Sam. 6 : 6. The subject of tobacco-selling was presented have come in during the last few years and oth-
would live. The death of Christ is not all The story of Pharaoh's case was then fresh in
to the Conference, with the question whether ers are coming so rapidly, that we fear for the re-
all, minds. They understood the circumstances,
there is of his work. There is the priesthood of the practice of selling tobacco should debar a sult. There are plenty here now to furnish
Christ ; and in that we must also have an inter- and how he dealt with them, and the degree of
person from church fellowship, the same as to- homes for all the students, and all the helpers in
responsibility that attached to himself ; and
est, which we can do only by coming with con- bacco-using. the Office who may be needed here ; hence there
these Philistines knew that the responsible act
fession of sin to seek forgiveness of God through This question was referred to the committee is no necessity for others to come.
him. By a rising vote the congregation re- was that of Pharaoh himself ; that he hardened
his own heart, the declaration that God hard- on marriages. There are at present about seven or eight
quested the sermon for publication. It was re- Moved, That this Conference recommend that hundred Sabbath-keepers located in Battle
ened it being only an accommodated way of
ported, and will probably soon appear. Bro. J. Moore, of Minnesota, go to the assist- Creek. It is becoming a very serious task for
Immediately after the meeting three were speaking to signify that God simply suffered ance of Bro. J. Fulton, in Ontario.—Carried.
him to carry out the determinations of his own the leading brethren of the church to look after
baptized by Bro. B. L. Whitney, two to unite Moved, That we recommend that immediate so many, and, indeed, among so large a number
with the church in Battle Creek, the other with will. Will modern skeptics be as candid ? steps be taken for the publication of a German
some church in Ohio. paper, either at BQe, or at Battle Creek, as the it is very easy for persons to be almost entirely
PRECIOUS SEASONS. General Conference Committee may decide.— lost sight of ; hence it is coming to pass that we
Carried. have a larger number here of idlers and those
WHAT IS THE LESSON ? SEVERAL ministers who remained from the NINTH MEETING. 9. A. M., Apr. 23. Prayer who are no help to the cause than in any other
ALMOST in the geographical center of what
Conference, and those who occupy positions of by J. N. Andrews. Minutes of preceding meet- church. There are many cases of brethren and
probably may truthfully be said to be the most trust and importance in connection with the ing read and approved. sisters who in their own little churches at home
favored, enlightened, and Christian nation on College, the Office, and the Sanitarium, enjoyed The Chair, having appointed a committee on were pillars in the cause, and a source of strength
the earth, is a large, and, in some respects, two very important and profitable seasons to- the circulation of the writings of Sister White, and encouragement to the church. When they
flourishing city, the representative of the na- gether April 26 and 27. The object of the according to a motion made in the sixth meet- moved away, their action was regretted by the
tional growth and spirit. The nation we refer meetings was to seek, individually, a deeper ex- ing, said committee reported as follows :— brethren, and their absence was felt to be—as it
to is the United States, and the city is St. perience in spiritual things ; to consider the Your committee appointed to consider the subject of was indeed—a real loss to the church. These per-
wants and dangers of the different institutions the republication of the testimonies and the circulation sons come to Battle Creek, and are of no account
Louis. of the writings of Sister White, would recommend that
If, now, the views of those who claim that the which have been founded in the interests of the testimonies be kept always in print. And in con- whatever here. They are simply in the way.
this cause ; and to examine our own hearts in sideration of the fact that the best and easiest way to They take a back seat, take no active part, and
world is growing better, and that the era of remove prejudice against the writings and special work
moral perfection is about to dawn upon us, are the light of the question as to what manner of of Sr. White is the free circulation of her books, we are lost to the cause. We find these very fre-
persons we must be, to act a part in this work further recommend that our brethren everywhere, and quently, after a while, losing their zeal and
logically founded upon passing events and the the ministers especially, supply themselves with one
manifest results of existing influences, this city which will be acceptable to God, if this is, as we or more copies of the Life of Christ Library to loan to their interest in the truth, until at last they are
believe, in deed and in truth his work. those who would be benefited by the perusal of those
ought to be a model of Christian civilization, a works. Respectfully submitted, almost wholly backslidden. The reason is evi-
city of saints, and a power whose influence The time was spent in prayer, and in mutual J. N. ANDREWS, . dent : they are not where the Lord calls them.
exchange of thought in regard to the present U. SMITH, Committee. They have no especial burden to bear, and no
should be felt through all the land against all B. L. WHITNEY,
condition and prospects of the cause, and in ref-
works of darkness ancPevil. The committee on the Temperance organiza- one can serve God in that way. While they were
erence to some errors both in word and deed
If it is found not to be so, but, on the other tion reported that they had no other plan than at home, the responsibilities that rested upon
which have occurred in the past, and which that proposed in the previous resolution, but them kept them near to God and in the truth.
hand, is an actual cesspool of iniquity itself,
what face can any one have to assert that men should be avoided in the future. would recommend that the initiation fee now Many come here saying that they are anxious
are growing better, and that the influences now The words of Brn. Andrews and Haskell as charged for admission into the society should to do something to help the cause, when we
they were about to leave us to go to their dis- be so modified as not to stand in the way of fear that the real reason is nothing but selfish-
at work are about to accomplish the world's re-
generation ? When are the darker and less en- tant and widely-separated fields of labor, were those joining who would not be prepared at first ness, and a desire to advantage themselves.
lightened portions of the earth to be regener- full of good counsel, and expressive of their to contribute to the funds of the society. The They think that there is a large body of breth-
ated, if the favored cities of its most exalted great interest in this work. All felt that there question being on the adoption of the previous ren here, and that it will be an easy place to
have been too many unnecessary imperfections
lands, surrounded by the best influences now at resolution, after a little further discussion it was live ; that in the school, Sanitarium, or Office,
in their own work, and that there must be they will find plenty of work to do, get good
work in the world, are themselves fast sinking adopted.
greater consecration to the Lord. With him we By Dr. Kellogg :— pay, and so have an easy time. This is the real
to the lowest level of corruption and vice ?
may go forward to success ; without him there
We therefore ask the reader's attention to a
will be misfortune, disaster, and failure. If Whereas, The Sanitarium is recognized by us motive which brings many here. God cannot
description of the real condition of the city we as a denomination as an important institution, bless any such conduct. But the worst of all is
speak of, moral and otherwise, as given by one the principles which were presented are pon- and one which may be the means of much good, that many irresponsible persons flock in here.
of its own papers, and request him to ponder dered and worked up into the life, and the course and a valuable auxiliary to the carrying for- They expect to be petted, and looked after, and
of action suggested is followed, great good will ward of our general work, and
the lesson it teaches. The St. Louis Dispatch cared for. They soon get into trial, and bring
be the result. Whereas, This institution is by recent im- trial upon others. They exert their influence
thus says :— provements furnished with facilities for largely
An independent, self-sufficient spirit will in-
" We have spoken of St. Louis as it is—a city sure the downfall of any one. Success depends increased usefulness, which have been supplied wholly on the wrong side with students, with
without theaters, or hotels, or books, or music, through the incurment of a large debt, therefore patients, and with the hands in the Office. This
on our realizing our dependence upon God, and
or art, or monuments, or endowments, or parks, Resolved, That we urge our people everywhere, class is seriously threatening the interests of
or gardens. It is notoriously, of all great cities, maintaining a close connection with him. Those and especially those engaged in tract and mis- the cause in Battle Creek. We want no more
the dingiest and worst kept ; it has fewer chil- who have the management of the different in- sionary work, to do all in their power, consist- of them.
dren at the schools, fewer voters at the polls, stitutions here are determined that their course ent with other duties, to extend the influence
than any other large city in the Union. Yet Hence, we advise our brethren in the differ-
shall be so marked by humility and fidelity to of the institution and to increase its patronage.
there is something worse than the mere lack of —Adopted. ent States and churches around not to move to
culture in the mind, than mere lack of cleanli- - the trusts committed to them, that the blessing
ness in the streets, than mere lack of interest of God can be upon both them and their work. Remarks were made by Dr. Hough on the open- Battle Creek without first advising with the
in great issues and vital questions ; there is a Ample facilities are now provided, and if the ings for the truth in the Saginaw valley. Bro. Conference Committee of their own State, the
blacker stain than the reproach of a single de- Lord go with us, a great work can be accom- Swedberg spoke for the Swedish cause. W. C. General Conference Committee, and the elders
faulter, a deeper disgrace than the cowardice of
plished= in a. short period of time. White spoke of the injustice which is done to the of the Battle Creek church, according to the
the tax-dodger ; it is the curse of St. Louis to- Office by those who take advantage of mission- action of the General Conference, as reported
day. The curse is that we are ruled by the al- S. N. HASKELL.
liance of whisky and gambling ; and the corrup- 1'; ary club rates to supply themselves with papers, last week.
BUSINESS PROCEEDINGS and who retail books at a discount from Office D. M. CANRIGHT.
tion bred by these obnoxious influences perme-
ates our whole local government and our local OF THE FOURTH SPECIAL SESSION OF THE prices. Eld. Andrews spoke of his anxiety that
politics. For the rank and file of the voters, GENERAL CONFERENCE OF S. D.
some steps should be taken, if possible, to help BELIEVE AND LOVE.—Believe, and you shall
two thousand dram-shops open their seductive ADVENTISTS.
portals ; for the leaders, the gamblers' ring of- (Concluded.) Bro. A. Vuilleumier, so that without embarrass- love. Believe much, and you shall love much.
fers at once the means of achieving success and EIGHTH MEETING, 4:30 P. M., April 22. ment to his business he might take the field as a Labor for strong and deep persuasion of the
the substantial rewards which wait upon success Prayer by Geo. I. Butler. public laborer in the cause. No action was glorious things which are spoken of Christ, and
achieved. The pollution of its bribery has si- taken upon any of the foregoing points except this will command love. Certainly, did men in-
lenced a servile press, has corrupted an obse- The following resolution on temperance was
read :— the latter, upon which it was deed believe his worth, they would accordingly
quious police, has defiled the very judgment-
seat of justice itself. The congenitd alliance Whereas, We as a people profess to regard the Moved, That H. W. Kellogg, D. M. Canright, love him; for the reason he cannot but love that
between the gambling hell and brothel, the con- principles of true health and temperance reform and W. C. White be a committee to take into which he firmly believes to be worthiest of affec-
venient service of the pander and the capper, in their broadest sense as an important part of consideration the request of Bro. Andrews in tion. Oh ! this mischievous unbelief is that
which makes the heart cold toward God. Seek, You should pay especial attention to the fol- God will not give us blessings for which we others. If we could realize this, how we should
then, to believe Christ's excellency in himself, lowing points :- do not seek. If we are satisfied with, and only long for its presence. Then we should pray for
and his love to us, and our interest in him, and 1. See that every • Sabbath-keeper takes our expect, very limited blessings, we shall not be it with some sense of its real value. "If ye
this will kindle such a fire in the heart as will periodicals ; 2. Sell all the books you can ; likely to obtain more than we seek for. Hence then, being evil, know how to give good gifts
make it ascend in a sacrifice of love to him,— 3. Urge the brethren to pay up s. B. ; talk it we are liable to live on a very low spiritual unto your children, how much more shall your
Jeremy Taylor. to them and preach it to them until they will ; plane. Thus all the tendencies of the age are Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them
4. See that all take part in the T. and M. work ; calculated to make us satisfied with " the form that ask him." He is ready to bestow it, when we
5. Make yourself familiar with all the books in of godliness without the power" of it, while realize its true value. We should watch, then,
TO TM MINISTERS AND LICEN- each church where you go, and see that they are we are in the greatest possible need of this lest we grieve it from us by folly, or by diso-
TIATES IN OHIO. kept right. Finally, keep your own accounts power to do the work we have to do. Here we beying God. We should use the blessings he
DEAR BRETHREN : So far as publicly pro- neatly and correctly, and may the Lord God of are in special danger of the perils of the last gives us to do others good, and constantly seek
D. M. CANRIGHT. days, and much in danger of not realizing it. him for a larger measure of his help.
°claiming the truth is concerned, the principal Israel bless your labors.
burden of labor in Ohio must come upon us. Could we but realize the blessings a real spir- What a power we could be as a people if we
While it is true that we can do little without itual experience would bring to us, we should were clothed with the Spirit of God. As a.
the aid of the press and our lay brethren, it seek for such an experience earnestly, because people, we lack here more than in anything
OF THE SPIRIT. its blessings would be so desirable. We should else. Let us all seek for the Holy Spirit more
is equally true that the message cannot be pro-
mulgated without the living preacher. God has THAT there is a great dearth of spiritual seek it on the same principle that worldly men earnestly. GEO. I. BUTLER.
ordained that his work shall be carried forward power among God's professed people in this labor so hard for riches, honor, worldly fame,
largely by ministers,—men like ourselves. We age, few will deny. We seem to have reached or other earthly good. Men will risk life to
have been licensed by our Conference, and some the time of which Paul speaks, when the "form obtain these. They go to the most distant parts
of us solemnly set apart to the work of the min- of godliness" prevails largely, and the "power of the earth, work in mines deep under water or WHEN a corrupt ecclesiastical power finds itself
istry. If anything is accomplished in this Con- thereof" is the exception. We are in the on mountain heights, toil through desert plains, unable to repel the advance of truth, or success-
ference during the coming year, we must do the "perils " of the last days. And there is no one suffer burning thirst, frosts, and untold hard- fully meet the arguments which are calculated
work. Dear brethren, we look to you with feature of these " days " so forcibly described in ships, to obtain them. Why ? Because they to overthrow its strongholds, it naturally seeks.
great interest to take hold of this work now as 2 Tim. 3 : 1-9 more dangerous than the one just seem to them so desirable. Could we be made to fortify itself by exterior aids. History has.
never before. You have one of -the best fields mentioned,--the prevalence of the " form " and to feel the same interest in the Spirit's presence repeated itself on this point many times in the
of labor in all the General Conference. There the absence of the " power " of godliness. This that men feel in obtaining these, we would seek past, and unions of church and state, of greater
are school-houses, meeting-houses, halls, and pri- " power " of godliness must come wholly from for it with proportionate earnestness. Most of or less effectiveness, have met and opposed the
vate dwellings everywhere. The people are in- the possession of the Spirit. It is God working us do not feel that it is very important that we progressive march of truth in all ages of the
telligent, and there is no lack of means to aid with our poor weak human efforts. This ren- obtain it. We think we can get along pretty world. This tendency of an apostate church to
the work. ders them effectual for the accomplishment of well with our own ability and shrewdness, if we seek alliance with civil power has everywhere
The first thing for us to do into be sure that the good. results. Man's efforts alone can never do not have much of God's Spirit, and hence we been an indication of moral and spiritual weak-
love of God is shed abroad in our own hearts, convert a soul. He never can eradicate one do not so seek that we may obtain. If we really ness ; and although often a source of temporary
that we have a vital connection with God, that sin from the heart. The fountain is corrupt, do not value the presence of God's Spirit as power and influence, the advantage gained is
the Spirit and power °lithe holy God rests upon and will continue to send forth impure streams much as we do other things, he surely will not only of a worldly nature.
The very introduction of the gospel dispensa-
us. We should seek God each day, that we may till the Spirit of God cleanses that fountain. bestow it largely upon us.
have a thrilling sense of the solemn times in Many struggle long and weary years in their To his Son God gave his Spirit without meas- tion was marked by exhibitions of this spirit.
which we live, and of the holy message com- own strength to gain victories over their own ure, i. e., in unlimited fullness ; but to us he The Jewish church had apostatized from God,
and were walking in darkness. Their civil
mitted to our hands. No class of ministers wicked hearts, and always fail, until discourage- gives it by measure (John 3 : 34), just in propor-
since the days of the apostles have had com- ment seizes them, and they give up all hope of tion to the desire we have for it, and the faith- power was gone, their scepter had departed,
mitted to them such an awfully solemn and improvement. If they would come humbly to fulness with which we live out his truth. What and they were the subjects of a heathen govern-
holy message to deliver to the world as have we. the foot of the cross, and fall broken at the a beautiful and forcible thought this is of God's ment. It would seem that under such circum-
stances they might gladly receive the dawning
God is willing to go with us, brethren. Let us feet of Jesus, one touch of his finger could measuring out his Spirit to us in the ratio of
be sure that we have his presence and his power impart strength which would fill their hearts our appreciation of it, and the efforts we make light of a brighter day ; but instead of this we
to help us. with courage and peace, and then they would to obtain it. James, in speaking of a class of read that the discomfited Pharisees, unable to
Then the next thing is to be diligent in have a kind of strength which would surprise professors who really loved the world more than cope with the humble Nazarene in argument,
thoroughly studying the Bible and all our ;books them, and they could gain victories over their God, says, " Ye ask, and receive not, because " took counsel with the Herodians against him,
on present truth, so that we may become faxen- own carnal hearts which would make them feel ye ask amiss that ye may consume it upon your how they might destroy him." The Herodians
iar with every part of the work. You can do like new creatures indeed. pleasures" (margin). James 4 : 3. God knew are said to have been a political party, in the
One has recently said that anciently " one that these really desired his Spirit, not to make interests of the king ; and the Pharisees doubt-
this, and it is your duty to do it. You sin
against God if you do not do it. Do not say you sermon converted three thousand persons, while them useful in saving souls, but merely to make less sought to secure their co-operation in the
have not the ability. You can double your tal- now it takes three thousand sermons to con- them feel happy for the time being. The mo- attempted destruction of Jesus by appealing to
ent by exercise. Begin to work. Become a vert one person." There is too great a measure tive was not right. Many, no doubt, fail of ob- their jealous prejudices, and exciting their fears
thorough workman, and. do not rest satisfied of truth in this. Why is it ? Because of the taining its assistance for this reason. lest the king should be overthrown.
until you have become an efficient worker. great lack of this element in modern preaching. What will the Spirit do for us if we have its Their course in the matter is noticeable as an
illustrative case of religious bigotry, which has
In the next place, let me beseech you not to The apostles preached "not with enticing words constant presence with power ?—It will reprove
idle away any time in staying around home. of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the and convince of sin. John 16 : 8. It will en- had its counterpart in many instances since.
This is the way lazy men do. This is the way Spirit and of power." In these days there is lighten the understanding. John 14 : 26. It The politicians of the nineteenth century are not,
we shall all be tempted to do. It is so easy to ten times the effort made to succeed with " en- will implant heavenly desires in our hearts. greatly unlike those of the first, and their co-op-
eration may be secured by measures similar to.
sit around homet,and, let days and weeks and ticing words of man's wisdom," that there is to Rom. 5 : 5. It enables us to put away our sins,
even months slip away without doing anything get the Spirit and power of God to help do the and to keep the law of God. Born. 8: 4. It those which influenced the Herodians. Hence-
in the work. You ought to labor fifty-two work. Hence we see but little done, and that enables us to become children of God, and wit- we find that certain zealous defenders of an un-
weeks in the year. Push out somewhere, breth- little but poorly done. Many souls that might nesses our adoption. Rom. 8 : 14-16. It makes scriptural Sabbath are seeking political influence-
ren, and find a field of labor, and do not *ait a be reached are not affected, and those whose intercession for us, and helps our infirmities. in its behalf on the ground that the safety of
whole year to do it either. When you do go to hearts are touched a little are not half converted Rom. 8 : 26. It is a helper in the ministry, and the state depends upon its maintenance. All
work, go at it with enterprise, stir, and enthu- to God, but are principally converted to the in the thorough conversion of those we seek to the arguments deducible from the sad results of
Sabbath-breaking on the part of ancient Israel
siasm. I do not care how much education and preacher. save. 1 Cor. 2 :4, 5. It brings to our minds
talent you have, unless you put life into your If ever there was a people who needed the the glories of the better world. 1 Cor. 2 : 9, 10. as a nation are made to do duty in behalf of
work you will accomplish little or nothing. I power of God's Spirit, we need it. We have an It comforts the hearts of believers, and brings a Sunday, and the true basis of Sabbath reform is
lost to the sight in the zeal to defend an institu-
shall endeavor to be With each one of you more unpopular truth, carrying with it a heavy cross. peace that passes all understanding. John 14 :
or less during the year, and give you all the God's great platform of truth for the last days, 16. It makes us the true disciples of Christ, tion that has no Scriptural support.
assistance in my power. upon which his people must stand, embraces "the and is to us the pledge of our future resurrec- It may not be uncharitable to say that such
Do not run hither and thither in your labors ; commandments, of God and the faith of Jesus tion, and the agent which accomplishes that advocates, in their less malicious but equally
it is not necessary. You will find j net as good Christ," and hence it includes every neglected great work. Rom. 8 : 9, 11 ; Eph. 1 : 13. mistaken zeal, are like the Pharisees of old,
fields in one part of the State as another. When duty and every forgotten truth of revelation. Surely here are objects of4sufficient importance taking " counsel with the Herodians."
you have begun in One section, labor in that vi- These are to be fearlessly proclaimed amid the to prompt to the most active efforts. w. C. o.
cinity during the year, and hold all you get, and skepticism and terrible wickedness of the last • God gives his Spirit to them " that obey
follow up whatever advdiitage you may gain. days, opposed by formal professors, scientific him." Nothing can take the place of obedi- 0, LET Thy sacred will
All Thy delight in me fulfill!
Be very careful of your traveling expenses. infidelity, the general corruption of the times, ence. Obedience is the best test of our love Let me not think an action mine own way,
We must guard this point, or we may throw and the , agents of Satan's grandest delusion, that we could possibly give. Nothing pleases But as Thy love shall sway,
away a large amount of sacred money. which, if possible, "will deceive the very elect." the parent better than willing obedience. So Resigning up the rudder to Thy skill.
I find that there are a very large number Every opposing influence will combine to hinder of God. He gives his Spirit to such as have
of scattered Sabbath-keepers throughout the and thwart God's work, yet it must go to " peo- that mind in them, and the Spirit enables us to
THEY tell us that it makes no difference which
State, small bodies in one place, one Sabbath. ples, nations, tongues, and kings." obey.
day we keep. It would not, had not God ap-
keeper in another, and two families somewhere As well might a flock of sheep undertake to We are in great danger of grieving the Holy
pointed the day. But they say that any other
else,—not enough to hold meetings, or to ac- subjugate a pack of hungry wolves as we, un- Spirit away from us, when it does visit us in day will secure the end sought, but all still
complish much in the work. Now let a few aided by the Spirit of God, to successfully con- mercy. " Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God,
should be agreed in some particular day. Yes,
more be added, and a good, working chinth will tend with the powers of evil around us. What whereby ye are sealed unto the day of re- agreement is necessary in order to avoid confu-
be formed. Moreover, if you go to one of these could the early disciples have done contending demption." Our great danger is, that when sion. God knew this, and for this very reason
places, you will save all expense ; for they will with the hoary superstitions of the past without God blesses us with the presence of the Com- selected the day—the day on which he rested
board you, furnish a house, etc. If you cannot it? But with it they carried the torch of heav- forter, and our hearts are full of peace and from his work. " God is not the author of con-
get a meetinghouse, take a school-house; and enly light everywhere. They counted not their joy, and every burden of anguish is removed fusion ;" and were he obeyed by all, there
if you cannot get that, take usprivate room, a own lives dear, if they might win souls to Christ. away, then we become careless, lightness and would be no confusion in regard to the day.
kitchen or parlor in the house of some of the That Spirit filled them with a power which trifling follow, and we thus grieve the Holy
brethren. I have labored in that manner a their enemies could not withstand. It will us, Spirit from us. We should make use of this
SOME of our people are so wealthy that it,
great deal, and find -it a most successful way. if we have enough of it. But situated as we great blessing to do good. We should be grate-
Get a dozen or twenty neighbors together, would seem to them a great thing to give a.
are, surrounded by formality, having seen, ful for it, and thank God for all his benefits, tenth of the interest of their money to the canes
preach to them and visit them, and the first you many of us, but little of the power of God man- and watch ourselves closely that we sin not with
of God. To draw upon the principal is too ter-
know from ten to twelve will be keeping the ifest, having been trained up in the midst of our lips. We should cultivate a spirit of watch-
rible a thought to be entertained for a moment I
Sabbath. We recommend that all our ministers cold, lifeless professors, and exposed all our fulness. " Watch, pray, and work are the Chris-
in this Conference seek out these scattered lives to influences tending naturally to deaden Christ "gave himself" for us. He did not
tian's watchwords." Never were truer words stop with one-tenth-of the interest, nor with' a.
Sabbath•keepers, and 4abor with them for the our faith, it takes a great effort to arouse us to spoken. To sum up the matter, we want first
slight draft upon the principal ; but 4ave up all.
present instead of going into entirely new fields. seek with true and living faith for blessings we to take a thoughtful, careful view of the im- " I gave my life for thee;
As far as possible, two ministers should work to- have not been accustomed to consider it possi- portance of the Spirit's influence, and to learn What hast thou given for me?"
gether. ble for us to obtain. what it will do for us and enable us to do for R. F. O.
142 THE REVIEW AND _HERALD. [VOL. 53, No. 18.

HEAVEN OVER ALL, freedom in speaking his truth, for which we Clarksville, McLean Co., April 20.—For was made to the church. Our effort closed with
How many hours of patient toil feel thankful. several weeks I have been laboring in and an excellent ordinance meeting. Most of them
Our faithfulness to test ? My address, for the present, will be Hartland, around this place, in the -neighborhood of the pledged the tithe for the ensuing year.
How many burdens yet to bear Maine. J. B. GOODRICH. Gridley church. It was a hard field, as many J. H. Cook.
Before the hands may rest ? April 17. had heard the truth and rejected it, and some
How many crosses ere they lie of the members of the church had been unfaith- Dry Creek, Saline Go., April 16.—We left
Calm folded on the breast? ful. For some time in the past there had been the little company at Bennington doing well,
Yet toil and burden. cross and rod, DAKOTA. no Sabbath meetings or. Sabbath-school held and came to this place March 27. The prophe-
Divinest love hath blessed. Big Springs and Swan Lake, April 22.—
Big here, and they had not attended the ordinances cies and the Sabbath question have been can-
The meeting at Big Springs the 12th and 13th for over two years. By the blessing of the Lord vassed. Thirteen have signed the covenant.
How fierce the battle ere we win on our labors in public and private, a little com-
The conqueror's robe and palm ! was good. Three additions were made to the Six of those are just beginning to keep the Sab-
tract society and one to the church. Twenty pany of sixteen signed a covenant to keep the bath. Others are investigating, and will soon
How sharp the wounds before they feel commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, sign. We expect to establish a Sabbath-school
The healing drops of balm! dollars was pledged to the tent, and nearly half
Flow loud the Babel sounds of strife of it paid. The church seem to be doing quite and to unite in church fellowship. Their former and Sabbath meetings next Sabbath.
Before the evening psalm well spiritually. They have adopted the tithing elder resigned his office, and a leader was chosen. Could not Bro. Sharp come to organize
And yet o'er all the heaven extends system, and are doing nobly in the way of pay- Regular Sabbath meetings were established, a churches here and at Bennington before camp-
Its soundless deeps of calm. ments to the s. B. fund. Before leaving Elk Sabbath-school of twenty-seven members was or- meeting'? M. AND H. ENOCH.
--Selected. Point for this place, I received to the amount ganized, and two were added to the church by
of sixteen dollars on the tent. baptism. Sabbath, the 12th, we celebrated the
Our general quarterly meeting at Swan Lake ordinances. The falling tear showed that these CALIFORNIA.
friends appreciate these long-neglected means of
p rgru ul iJ 0411/M was excellent on the Sabbath. The Spirit of
the Lord was with us in a remarkable degree.
There was a good delegation of brethren and
grace. Twelve signed the pledge to pay a tithe
of their income to sustain the cause. Ten cop-
BRO. W. M. HEALEY'S meetings in St. Helena
closed about the first of April. The church has
ies of the Youth's Instructor were taken, to be been greatly benefited, six have signed the cov-
.He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtlesS sisters from abroad, and the revival spirit was enant, and others are keeping the command-
wome again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." Ps. 126:.6. manifest to quite an extent. About twenty:five used in the Sabbath-school. In our public la-
bors much prejudice was removed. ments.
cane forward for prayers, and one who had At Vacaville, April 5, the church organization
been. quite bitter in his opposition came very I go from here to the State quarterly T. and
SOUTHAMPTON, ENGLAND. M. meeting. My address is Winslow, Stephen- was completed, and two signed the covenant.
1 penitent and humble, and went forward in bap- The truth has faithful witnesses in St. Helena
STILL the cause advances in " Old England ;" tises. Four were baptized. son Co., Ill, J. F. BALLENGER.
and Vacaville.
if not as rapidly as we may desire, it moves On first-day our meetings were seriously in- April 5, Bro. J. L. Wood met with and organ-
nevertheless, and is getting hold of minds. terfered with by a terrible prairie fire, which at ized the Lemoore church and celebrated the or-
Two more kept last Sabbath with us, and we One time threatened to burn the church, as the TENNESSEE. - dinances with them. They have an organiza-
have received many favorable responses from Wind was blowing fearfully ; but we were saved Edgefield Junction, April 21.—O ur State tion of thirty-five members, besides several
those to whom we are sending the, Signs. Out from that calamity and succeeded in doing the quarterly meeting has just closed. The bless- keeping the Sabbath who have not united with
sif two hundred names selected from various most of our business successfully. The Terri- ing of God was with us, All were greatly en- them.
'sources in different parts of the kingdom, only tory was divided into two districts. The re- couraged. Systematic benevolence was organ-
'two have declined to read the paper. ports showed an increase of interest in every ized on the tithing plan, every one cheerfully
Our missionary work has increased to that church. Five new members were added. Sub- signing the covenant, and there was paid in NEW HAMPSHIRE.
extent that we deemed it needful to have more scriptions came in liberally for the tent, so that $8 05 more than was received last quarter.
workers, and have therefore sent for Sister we feel safe in ordering it, and making prepara- The ordinances were celebrated, and two united South Conway. — I held meetings here
'Maud Sisley to come from Bale, Switzerland. tions for the summer's campaign. We hope with the church. March 27 to 30. On account of stormy weather
By card received from her to-day we learn that others may respond as nobly. Eld. G. K. Owen has a good interest in there were but few out, but those who attended
-she is with her friends at Tunbridge, England, S. B. WHITNEY. Henry county, which prevented his attendance. seemed much interested. I distributed tracts,
and will be with us the first of next week. 1111111P
Sr. Owen was with us, and her labors were ap- sold a few books, and talked with several fami-
May the Lord enable us all to humbly and preciated by all. lies on the Sabbath truth. Quite a number are
earnestly do what our hands find to do in his The secretary's report will show a good inter- deeply interested, and will investigate the mat-
Cause, is our prayer. Humboldt, Richardson Co.—I met with est in the tract and missionary work. Bro. ter.
J. N. LOUGHBOROUGH. the church here at the time of their quarterly Cartwright is doing nobly in Nashville. Five One family here are keeping the Sabbath who
April 10, 1879. meeting. A general attendance of nearly all more copies of the Signs and one of the Instructor attended the meetings in Brownfield, Me., last
the members, without previous appointment for were added to the club. summer. I visited the Sabbath-keepers in
preaching, some coming over twenty miles by CLINTON OWENS, Pres. Brownfield, and found them all firm. I also
OHIO. private conveyance, certainly speaks well for visited some of the first-day Adventists in
East Norwalk.—I held a meeting with the them. The Lord blessed in preaching. The Porter, Me., and conversed with them on pres-
ent truth. They took tracts freely, and invited
•Norwalk church at East Norwalk, last Sabbath, new plan of s. B. was presented, and adopted MINNESOTA. me to come and hold some meetings with them.
April 19. Five were baptized, and ten united by all present. Back pledges were mostly paid,
with the Norwalk church, all of whom have com- and T. and M. money to the amount of $6 was Brown and Renville Counties, April 18.— There is a wide field of labor in this region. I
menced to keep the Sabbath during the past cheerfully paid, and $5 on T. and M. fund. A Since the 2d of March I have labored partly in wish we could have a tent here this season.
winter. Three or four others are keeping the collection of $4 was then raised to purchase the Brown and partly in Renville county. The peo- Pray for the cause of truth here.
Sabbath, and we hope they will fully unite with circulating library of Sr. White's writings. The ple were interested to hear and read, and the Spirit GEO. W. HOWARD.
us soon. The meeting closed with a blessed company here have encouragement to labor in of God seemed to move the hearts of many. I
communion season. H. A. ST. JOHN. the tract work by the addition to their ranks of distributed some tracts and back numbers of the
three good families that came into the truth by Tidende, and sold books to the value of $ 1.50. I MASSACHUSETTS.
reading alone. promised to return after I get a house built for Danvers, Ipswich, and Newburyport.—
Bellville, April 21.—Our meetings at this I am distributing tracts and papers in Omaha, my family. Will the people of God remember April 5-7, I was with Bro. Haskell at Danvers.
place have continudd for five weeks. At least a the largest city in the State, preparatory to fu- in their prayers the cause among the Scandina- The practical words spoken by Bro. H. were
dozen have commenced to keep the Sabbath, ture labor and preaching. This city contains vians in Minnesota ? C. NELSON. well received, and if the church carry out the
and seven have been added to the church. Bro. about 25,000 inhabitants, and not one Sabbath- instruction given, they may expect to share
S. Lofferty has been appointed leader. The keeper. Some are reading, and are interested. largely of the blessing of God. At this meeting
Sabbath-school has been greatly improved, and Pray for this city, and for me. VIRGINIA. the most of the brethren and sisters voted to
nearly doubled. GEO. B. STARR. pay one-tenth of their income into the Confer-
Brn. Mann and Richards, who are labor- Omaha, Nebraska, April P4. Page Co.—April 12 and 13, I held a quar- ence treasury. God will honor the man who
ing three miles from here in the country, are terly meeting at Zion, Page Co. It was a good will faithfully
having an excellent interest, and the probability meeting, and I found nearly all faithful. The Mal. 3, brethren carry out such a vow. Read
and sisters, and continue to do
-is that there will be quite an accession to this Albion.—Sabbath and Sunday, April 12 Sabbath-school is small. The Bible-class is in- so till you can fully from that place. On the whole, we feel and 13, we met with the company at Albion. teresting and prosperous, but by persevering ef- said. believe what the Lord has
that the Lord has greatly blessed this people, Had four meetings, and enjoyed freedom in fort may still be much improved. But I was April 9, I held meetings all day with the
and that this will become a strong church. We speaking, and much of the blessing of God in pleased with the improvement that had been church at Ipswich. Nearly all in this church
go from here to Corsica, to spend next Sabbath our :social meetings. Since we closed our lec- made, while hoping and praying for more. have also pledged a tithe to the Conference,
and Sunday. Bro. J. W. Heath, from Alabama, tures here last winter, this little company have Nearly' all had something to pay to the s. B. and although they were so much behind last
has been with me, and has assisted in these meet- been at work in the missionary cause, and as a treasurer as tithes, and they pledged $ 4 50 to fall on the Signs, etc., they are making this
ings. A. 0. BURRILL- result they are growing in grace and a knowl- the tract fund, which was doing quite well con- up now in a commendable manner. The mat-
edge of the truth, and ten others have com- sidering their circumstances. That increases ter of purchasing a new sixty-foot tent came up,
menced to keep the Sabbath with them. May our fund so that we shall have $30 by the and they pledged $20 on that. At this meeting
Paulding Center, April 22.—I commenced these "go and do likewise." And may the dear first of July. Three were baptized, and oth- Bro. E. T. Bedee was ordained elder of this
meetings April 6, at a place three miles west of Lord keep these precious souls from falling, and ers expect to follow their example. At this church.
Paulding Center in the neighborhood of Bro. I. preserve them unto his heavenly kingdom. meeting we met Bro. J. W. S Miller and wife,
J. Brown, where Bro. Wm. Cottrell held meet- Wenow go to another part of the field. April 10-14, I was in Newburyport. The
who live in Rockingham icounty. He is anx- brethren here are all united, and firm in the
ings about five years ago I sold books to the DANIEL NETTLETON. ious to have preaching in his neighborhood, truth. They have something of a trial with
value of $1.50. Nine signed the covenant. which is about thirty miles south of this place. two persons who profess to be S. D. Adventists,
The attendance was good from the beginning. I shall go there as soon as I can safely leave but whose actions clearly demonstrate that the
Bro. Crouse spoke two evenings, and Sr. Crouse MICHIGAN. other interests. There is a free meeting-house sanctifying influence of the last message of
one evening ; this helped us much. Bro. I. J. in the place.
Brown was good help in our meetings ; he wishes quarterly meetingIsabella
Mt. Pleasant, Co., April 8.—Our
for this county was a good
mercy has not affected their hearts and reformed
Four have been baptized at Soliloquy since their lives. On the Sabbath the ordinances
to give his whole time to the work of God. I one. 'The brethren and sisters showed a com- the quarterly meeting. The interest is good at were celebrated. At this meeting Bro. Roby,
feel to praise God for what he has done for me mendable zeal in attending this meeting. Not- all the points where I have labored. I now ex- the elder, had the privilege of seeing his wife,
in this meeting. A. L. HUSSEY. pect to commence meetings at Timberville, who was opposed to him when he took his stand
withstanding the members of the different
classes are so scattered, and the roads were bad, Rockingham Co., next first-day. This will be with us, unite with this church. The Spirit of
there were upwards of eighty Sabbath-keepers my address for a few weeks. God was present, and it was a most, precious
OREGON. present, including children. Forty testimonies I sincerely desire the prayers of all the faith- season. D. A. ROBINSON.
Cove, Union Co., April 15.—I have been were borne. All but ten of these friends have ful, for the success of this mission.
lecturing in this place and in Powder River val- embraced the truth during the last eighteen I. SANBORN.
ley all winter, against bitter opposition. While months. The brethren and sisters are nearly THE POWER OF THE .TRUTH.
at Wingville the people demanded a debate, and all in earnest in this work. Some have come up
brought their man from Baker City. We de- nobly `on the tithing plan, but we fear others KANSAS. THERE is that in present truth which will bind
bated the second coming of Christ, the immor- have not been so faithful to their vows. God hearts together ; and if we find ourselves be-
tality, and the Sabbath question, for ten even- will hold us responsible for our vows to him.
Independence, April 17.—April 5 to 11, coming alienated from the people and work of
ings. The result was very satisfactory to our He requires us to be faithful. Luke 16 : 10, 11 ; we visited the brethren at Peru. Here we or- God, we may rest assured there is some trouble
ganized a church of nine members, to be known in our own hearts, and a necessity for repent-
friends, but was anything but satisfactory to our 1VIati. .25 : 21. as the Peru church. Nearly all of them adopted
opponents. But it gave the prejudiced ones an The two Sabbath-schools were represented, ance and deep humiliation of soul on our part.
opportunity to hear our views. and ninety participated in the exercises. The the tithing system. The circulating library of The work we are engaged in is either the work
two schools were then re-organized for the next Sr. White's writings was purchased, and a Sab- of God or it is not. If it is not, the sooner we
WM. L. RAYMOND. bath-school and tract society were established
quarter. give up the whole thing the better ; but if it is,
The reports handed in to the librarian show among them. Their numbers are few, and let us accept it as such, fully identifying our-
MAINE. that some are at work in the T. and M. depart- prejudice runs very high ; but from the devo- selves with it, and by so doing share its final
ment. L. A. KELLOGG. tion and zeal manifested, we confidently expect triumph. Some remind us of the man going
West Sumner. — As the result of our -.1111•11.
fruit in that place. Three were baptized. The West on the through train. The train was de-
meetings in this place, thirty-five, adults and ordinances were celebrated. layed at a certain point, and he concluded that
children, have signed a covenant to keep the com- ILLINOIS. April 11 to 17, we visited the church at Har- through trains were a humbug, and he would be
mandments of God, and to walk in the light of risonville, fourteen miles southwest of Inde- independent, and so go on his own hook ; but
the third angel's message, thus associating them- Greenup, April 20.—Closed meetings last pendence. All the officers of this church had lo ! the train soon passed him, and he was left
selves together for the purpose of sustaining re- Sabbath. Spoke thirteen times. Three de- moved away, yet with a commendable zeal they in the rear. Brethren, there is only one through
ligious meetings and a Sabbath-school. How cided to obey, Two united with the church. had kept up their meetings. One more had train on this line. We may get up independent
many will overcome and gain eternal life yet re- The seeds of truth had been previously planted, commenced to keep the Sabbath. Our labors trains in our haste to have things move accord-
mains to be seen. All should have a daily ex- Arid the. Lord gave the increase. The brethren were well received, and the Lord gave great lib- ing to our ideas ; but they will not bring us in
perience in the things of God, and, without it are of good cheer, and if they continue to " grow erty in presenting his word. They were very on time.
they will not succeed. May God's blhasing still ingrstee," others will be added to their number. much strengthened. Here they have one of the The men of Noah's time might have built an
rest upon the effort for the salvation of this peo- " IV'earer my God to thee " should be the beat Sabbath-schools we have seen in the State. ark right beside Noah's ; but it would have
ple, and others be led to obey the third angel's prayer of the "remnant church." A secretary and treasurer were chosen. They wrecked in the waters of the flood, because
message, and be saved. The Lord has given A. A. Joins. take a club of six Instructors. One addition there was refuge alone in the ark—the one God
MAY 1, 1879.] THE REV1EW .4ND RE,RALD. 143
ordered built. The especial work of God for scholars. I have read both of these books with ing tobacco, coffee, tea, and swine's flesh, and graduates in the departments, exclaimed, " Bless
this time is the third angel's message ; and if we pleasure and profit. Just before they came, I think myself much better off without these my soul! is it the mission of ale to graduate schol-
go through, it will be because we have this work had read in the Oakland Signs, Eld. Andrews' things. ars to occupy $1200-clerkships in Washington?,"
all through us, and we are sound in the work of article on the covenant. It is so good I was pre- —The Inter- Ocean of April 21 says: "A body of
God. D. A. ROBINSON. pared to read his Sanctuary, and to profit by it. two or three thousand men, half of them armed and
U. Smith's United States in Prophecy is valua-
ble statistically—the most valuable condensation
T?trtr nt !rum. uniformed, parading the streets on the Sabbath
[Sunday], and flaunting red flags and incendiary
ITEMS OF INTEREST. of United States statistics I have seen. He ar- mottoes in the face of the public, is not a pleasant
A GENTLEMAN in Nova Scotia writes : " Your gues well. I like the calm, mild Christian spirit —Tun Bey of Tunis has opened an Arabic print- spectacle, but that is what was witnessed in Chicago.
card came duly to hand. In reply I would say in which these gentlemen write, even when I ing house. yesterday. . . . The Inter-Ocean has no objection to.,
cannot agree with them perfectly. I do not say parades that are not intended as threats ; but some
that the papers mentioned were also received, —THE Russians contemplate adding 150 battalions one is leading these men into dangerous fields,
and read with interest. As I have received the that they are wrong in their opinions, I only say to their army.
that sometimes I differ with them. But more where, unless checked, they will sooner or later in-
Signs from time to time, my curiosity has been -THERE are 144 ordained Presbyterian ministers volve themselves in serious trouble."
aroused to know to whom I am indebted for grace in my heart—enough to bring me where I
wish to be--will enable me to say, Thy will be and missionaries in India. —REP. A. BARNARD, of Traverse City, Mich , is
this great favor. As I now have your address,
I hope to hear from you again at no distant done." MRS. Wm. H. BROWN. —New ORLEANS has been made accessible to the engaged in a translation of Moody and Sankey'e
date." Adams Center N. Y. 6 largest sailing ships and steamers. Gospel Hymns for the Indians. Some time ago he
The following is from a noted physician of completed a first edition, but this is exhausted, and
—A DECREE has been issued forbidding evangel- now he proposes a larger and more perfect work.
Kentucky : " I have the honor to acknowledge ical work in the Austrian empire. It will contain the songs in English and Objibwa.
the receipt of several copies of the Signs, for RUSSIAN AFFAIRS.
which I am very thankful. I cannot concur in —0e Sunday, April 20, President Grevy was to Mr. Barnard has a small printing press upon which
THE Russian government has often been sign the pardons of 800 French Communists. he does his own work, setting his own type Mid per-
all their teachings, though they contain some spoken of as a form of " despotism tempered by forming all the labor himself. The 'Indians curi-
very strong and pointed arguments." assassivation." The saying never before had —THE Albanians in their retreat from Kurshurn- ously and anxiously watch the progress of the
A lady of Kentucky writes : " I am much in- more truth in it than now. Between the secret lie, carried off a wounded Servian, and roasted him work in which they are so much interested.
terested in the Signs and REVIEWS, which you terrors of Nihilism and the brutal horrors of alive.
have so kindly sent to me." —Or the five million acres of land under cultiva-
merciless absolutism, the struggle is deadly and —A DISPATCH from Constantinople says that the tion in Egypt, the Khedive has managed to become
A Missionary Baptist minister of Minnesota desperate. The six chief cities of the empire, inhabitants of one of the districts in Crete have the owner of over one-fifth. And this is cultivated
writes from Geigersville, Ky.: "I have long with the territories adjacent, St. Petersburg, risen in arms. by forced labor, in very much the same way that
been convinced that I was not keeping the Charkoff, Odessa, Moscow, Kieff, and Warsaw,
right day. I can find no Scriptural authority —A PLAN has been proposed in England that the Pharaohs of thirteen hundred years before
have been placed under martial law, in charge meets with favor, of forming a company to insure Christ made brick at the hands of the cruelly-tasked
for a change of the Sabbath from the seventh to of the six leading generals of the army. To its members against blindness. Israelites. But nearly all the industrial specula-
the first day. Accept my sincere thanks for the these Governors General is given the most un- tions of this enterprising enough autocrat have
tracts. I have perused the first, second, and limited power. No Asiatic'despot could ask for —.BISMARCK has conferred with the Russian Am- failed. Even his intended " reforms " are sterile or
third messages of Rev. 14 with the deepest in- greater. Not only is the civil administration bassador on the expediency of adopting common any good results. The country has to pay $10,000,-
terest. They have created within me a new committed to them, but the control of all edu- measures against the Socialists. 000 as interest to her foreign creditors. Bank-
zeal to openly and publicly advocate the princi- cational establishments. They are authorized —ONE sign of the hard times in England and ruptcy proceedings seldom create new friends, as
ples they inculcate." summarily to remove from their respective dis- Wales is the falling off in marriages. Only 189,657 this autocratic financier is finding out. The pres-
I could give others ,equally as encouraging, tricts all persons whose continued residence may were registered in 1878 ; in 1876 there were 201,874. ent Egyptian crisis is one which must soon become,
but this will suffice for the present. be considered dangerous ; to order the arrest of as Mr. Edward Dicey in the Nineteenth Century re-
No1446, Ky. BETTIE COOMBS. any person whatsoever on their own judgment —DURING 1878 there were 879 novels and other marks, a struggle between Egypt and Europe, .13e-
works of fiction published in Great Britain, being twen the East and the West. The issue is predes-
and responsibility ; to suppress temporarily or about a sixth of the entire number of new issues. tinated ; the West will prevail.
permanently any newspapers or periodicals,
INTERESTING EXTRACTS. tI should they appear to follow subversive tenden- —IT is now Russia's turn to suffer an inundation
"CAST thy bread upon the waters ; for thou cies, and generally to adopt such measures as At Panza 500 persons have been rendered home-
shalt find it after many. days." Again.: " In they consider necessary for the preservation of less, and traffic on trains in the vicinity of Moscow
has been suspended.
OltifunrI `talitt$.
the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening the public peace.
withhold not thine hand ; for thou knowest not A London paper, referring to the Czar's proc- —SIX THOUSAND blacks have reached St. Louis, "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, from hence.
whether shall prosper, either this or that, or lamation, says : " We cannot attempt to fore- and they are still arriving, but in diminished num- forth.- Rev x4:53.
whether they both shall be alike good." cast the result of the duel between Nihilism and bers. The result, of course, will be that some one
Truly the promises of God are being verified, Militarism to which this proclamation seems to will pay the bills and send them where they want
be the challenge. It is an attempt to meet dis- to go. Tirus.—Harriet P. Titus, wife of Charles Titus,
and we have had reason of late to be greatly en- after an illness of two months, died in her forty-
couraged by the good and cheering letters re- turbers with something like their own weapons, —PRINCE TouLoNIA of Italy, after expending 24 third year, on the 27th of November, 1878, in Wood-
ceived. We believe the hand of God is in the and to put down lawlessness by suspension of years and $10,000,000, has succeeded in draining bridge, Hillsdale Co., Mioh. For more than four
work, and that he is blessing our feeble effotts law. For the time during which this ukase off the waters of Lake Fucino in the Apennines, years, with her companion, she had kept the Sab-
in trying to scatter the good seed broadcast over lasts, and in the wide and important districts to 2.000 feet above the sea, and has thus added 35,000 bath. She was an exemplary Christian, and died
the earth. To him be all the honor and praise. which it is applied, Russia ceases to be what she acres of the richest land to his valuable estates. in full hope of a part in the first resurrection. A
has recently been, and relapses into a condition
A Presbyterian from Alabama writes : "I
of practical barbarism at once. And, without —THE beautiful villa at Baveno on Lake Mag- ahusband and six children mourn her loss. She was
member of the Ransom Center church. Discourse
feel grateful, and make .acknowledgments of giore, where Queen Victoria has been rusticating, from
your kindness in sending me reading of such even a form of anything that can be called a belongs to Mr. Henfrey, who amassed his great odist. Isa. 38: 1, by Eld. Stockwell,M. Protestant Meth-
importance. The tract you sent me upon trial, any man's life or fortune may be taken riches as a railway contractor in Manchester. It is B. MILLER.
present truth' contained sound and reasona- from him in these six great cities and their de- a stately palace, supplied with every convenience
ble arguments. It is an awful truth, but at the pendencies. Perhaps this evil state of things and luxury that wealth could furnish. BRAY.—Little Myrtle, daughter of Bro. and Sr.
same time it is glorious. All the reading you would not be too much to bear if it were likely J. W. Bray, fell asleep at Farmers Valley, Neb.,
may be so kind as to send me will be highly ap- to relieve the country of the malignant political —THE Republican meeting called by General Gari- March 15, aged 2 years and 7 months. Eld. Wood,
preciated. Please send me some coma ents disease from which it appears to be suffering. baldi convened at Rome April 21, and was presided M. K minister, spoke words of sympathy on the oc-
But if such relief were to result from such over by the General. It was resolval to agitate for casion of the funeral. CHAS. L. BOYD.
upon the prophecies, signs of the times, etc. universal suffrage, and for the abolition of the dep-
If God is in the work, I desire to get into it too. measures, it would be for the first time in his-
tory. The military tribunals of the Six Gov- uties' oath of allegiance. General Garibaldi says PRICE —Died at Greenwood Prairie, Minn., March
I wish to examine your publications, and to com- Italy must be armed, and ready to claim her unre- 28, 1879, our dear brother, David G. Price, aged 45,
pare them. I am a Presbyterian by profession, ernments may punish swiftly and savagely, but deemed provinces.
though I am willing to give you a fair, Un- they will neither prevent nor cure. —" Advance. years. He leaves evidence of a hope of a part in
biased hearing. I shall expect your kindness to —The Presbyterian argues that " the anti-Christ, the first resurrection. Discourse by the writer, from
continue in this matter until I may be able the man of sin which is to be revealed," is not po- Rev. 14:13. G. M. Dimmicie.
through serious examination to comprehend the INTERNATIONALISM. pery, but the bloody-handed monster represented in
Nihilism, Internationalism, Communism, Molly Ma- HARMON.—Died, near Noblesville, Ind., April 6,
present truth, and whether all these thingS be THE recent threats against the life of Queen guirism, and Red Republicanism, that is ready to 1879, Olive Harmon, daughter of Jos. and M. Har-
so." Victoria should she visit Italy, and the actual make coa,mon cause against God and all religious, mon, aged 2 years, 2 months, and 15 days. Funeral
A few words from the colored students of Di- attempt to assassinate the Czar, following so Protestant as well as Papal. sermon by the writer, from 1 Thess. 4 : 16-18.
vinity School, West Philadelphia, Pa., who 4tre uiekly similar plots against the lives of the W. W. SHARP.
preparing for a foreign mission in Africa : "Yisur —Rev. F. L. PATTON, D D., LL. D., Professor of
Emperor of Germany and the King of Italy, Systematic Theology in the Presbyterian Theolog-
favor of the 17th inst., and the Papers, Sent show the demoniac purpose that is infuriating
at different times, are gratefully received: 'They ical Seminary in Chicago, has been unanimously and HUTODINSON.—Died of consumption, in Nelson,
the advocates of the doctrine of modern Social- very cordially elected to the Professorship of Apolo- Portage Co , Ohio, n the 27th of February, 1879,
have been carefully read by all of us. We are ism. It is easy for its orators and editors, in getics in the Presbyterian College of London. This Bro. Wm. Hutchinson, aged 71 years. Bro. H. was
here for knowledge, and whatever tends in that legislatures and public journals, to disclaim and is the second professor England has called from one of the first to receive the truth in Northeastern
direction is gladly welcomed." repudiate the natural and terrific outgrowth of Chicago within two years Ohio, through the labors of Eld. J. H. Waggoner in
A school-teacher writes from North Caro- their principles, but if fruit is not desired, its
lina :— —GENERAL GARIBALDI has opened a subscription 1863. He ever loved the doctrine which he then
" I have just received some reading matter,
seed must not be planted. The fact is too evi- for the purchase of a million rifles to arm the Ital- embraced, and he died in hope of immortality. Re-
marks by A. S. Hayden, of Hiram College.
dent that they have disciples who do not shrink ian nation, and has sent an address to the inhabit-
for which I feel under obligations to you. I from carrying out their principles to their log- W. CHINNOCK.
am deeply interested in the doctrines peculiar ants of Istria, Trieste, and Trent. The General de-
ical conclusion. The spirit of the red-handed clares he will sacrifice everything to the accom-
to the Second Adventists. I prize the Signs Communists of Paris still lives, and bides its plishment of the national task. This doesn t look SHREVE.—Nami Shreve died of consumption,
highly, and would be glad to receive it weekly ; time for repeating its excesses. At the recent much as though he came to Rome to die. April 7, 1879, aged 53 years. She left a husband
but my circumstances are such that I am not able celebration in Bologna, Italy, of the anniver- and nine children to mourn her loss, At the age of
to pay for it. Should any one be kind enough sary of the Commune; eighty Socialists, of whom —THE scheme is revived to recover the treasures 16 she was baptized, and united with the Christian
to send it or any other reading matter to me, twenty were women, drank toasts to " the next which are believed to have been buried for ages in church Last summer she embraced the present
be assured it will be highly appreciated, I see revolution, which will set all Europe in flames !" the mud of the river Tiber at Rome. It is proposed truth, and has since endeavored to keep the com-
many publications advertised in the Signs and to drag its bed in the hope of finding the golden can- mandments of God. Remarks from 1 Thess. 4:16-18,
What must the doctrine be that can thus trans- dlestick from the temple at Jerusalem, and the stat- before a large congregation of mourners.
REVIEW, which I would like very much to have, form men and women into fiends !—Christian
were I able to purchase them ; but poverty for- ues, coins, and valuable ornaments from the Roman 0. A. Jonn son.
Weekly. palaces that tradition says were thrown into the
bids it. I follow teaching, but times are so hard river.
that I get very low wages.. I have a family to KELLOGG.—Died in Matherton, Ionia Co., Mich.,
support, and have been a cripple for twenty- WHAT THEY SAY. —Gulls is not the only country where John China- Feb. 23, 1879, our grandmother, Damaris Kellogg.
three years. Send what reading matter you man proves a disturbing element. The Dominion in the eighty-second year of her age. She was for
can, and 1 will read and distribute among .my SISTER ADDIE STAFFORD, of Adams Co., Parliament of our northern neighbors is disturbed twenty-eight years a firm believer in the truth, and
Wis., says :— by the question that has so recently excited our died in hope of a part in the first resurrection. Fu-
friends." It seems strange to me, when I read such pas-
Bro. Hodges writes from North Carolina : Congress. And reports from Australia show that neral services by hid. Jordon, Methodist.
sages as that found in 1 Cor. 15 : 18, that those the advent of the Orientals, who seem to be competi- A. E. KELLOGG.
" Our little company of Sabbath-keepera is who make the Bible a daily study, and note
still rooted and grounded in the faith. have tors for the world's work, has seriously disquieted
such passagei as this, can believe in the immor- the labor market there. HILL.—Died of pneumonia, in Johnson Co., Tex.,
an item of good news to ;tell you. Yeaterdity I tality of the soul. If " to perish " means to
received a letter from a brother in Wilkee Co„, N. —THE reign of terror goes on in Russia, and hun- April 2, 1879, J. W. Hill, aged 24 years, and 10
live on in eternal joy or misery, then I do not
C., to whom I have been sending reading matter. dreds of " suspects" are banished daily to Siberia, months. Bro. H. embraced present truth a little
understand the meaning of the word. I once or locked up in the prisons, without form of law or over two years ago. He was resigned to death, feel.
He likes the papers and tracts well, and says they believed in the traditions of men ; but, thank
are the ablest he ever saw. He thinks our posi- trial; the German social political association favors ing assured that he was a child of God. We deeply
God, light has sprung up, and I now rejoice in a moderately protective and retaliatory tariff; sympathize with his bereaved wife, who needs the
tion on the Sabbath is sound, and according to
Scripture. Sends me the names and addresses
the precious truth. French and English men of war have been ordered prayers of the people of God. Discourse by S. M.
to be in readiness to go to Alexandria to bring the Bayliss. H. C. B.
of seven individuals to whom he wishes out Pub- Bro. James K. Foote, who, with his wife, em-
lications sent. The South is a wide field-for braced the truth at the Sherman City (Kan.) Khedive to his senses.
usefulness, but the laborers are feW. 1Vtay: we camp-meeting last November, but is at present —IT is stated that a plan is on foot for the estab- ALVERSON.—Thomas Alverson Was born in the
each use what talent we have in working for the lishment of a colony of 3000 Italians on the south State of Vermont, near Crown Point, N. Y., March
Master." residing in Orange Co., hid., writes as fol- coast of New Guinea. The arrangements have all 19, 1807, and moved in the early part of, his life to
From Eld. Hawser, Methodist, of Georgia : lows :— been completed, and a subscription of $6,000,000 Ohio. He received the truth under the labors of
" Last week myself and wife were talking of I have been distributing tracts among our already received. Communication with North Aus- Elds. Van Horn and Lawrence, at Frederickton in
you, and lo ! immediately the mail brought us neighbors, and most of them are willing to read, tralia is to be maintained by a telegraphic cable. this State, and hoped to live to witness the second
a copy of the ADVENT Itisvinw, and a fine bun- and a few are interested and say we have the Every rank of life except lawyers is represented. coming of Christ; but while on a visit to see his
Quite a number of men of science have enlisted. friends in the East, he died of typhoid fever. He
dle of tracts, pamphlets, etc. Thank you Most truth. I would be glad if the third angel's leaves six children and a large circle of friends and
'heartily for all. You request my opinioreotthe message could be preached in Orange Co., Ind., -THERE are 61 graduates of Yale College, 35 of acquaintances to mourn his loss. The funeral ser-
publications you have sent. I have read, the this season. The people here have never heard Princeton, and 30 of Dartmouth, occupying clerk- mon was preached to a large concourse of friends
Sanctuary and the Uni$d States in Prophecy, a Seventh-day Adventist preach, and I think if ships and other positions in the government service and neighbors by Eld. A. 0. Burrill. Bro. Alverson,
but have not yet had time lo read the rest. I a minister could come here, good would re- at Washington, and an equally strong representa- at the time of his death, was aged 71 years, 5 months,
like Andrews and Smith. They are clear- sult. tion from the other leading colleges of the country. and 22 days. S. A. TALMAGE.
headed, able men, and Most admirable Biblical I have completely overcome the habit of us- A Yale professor, on being told the number of Yale J T. ALvensost.
144 THE REVIEW AND HERALD, [Vol. 53, No. 18.

when it is, the wicked will no longer exist ; for STANDARD BOOKS
Istatintt ac, PEraftt. " to be " means to exist. And in the prospect
of that happy time which shall follow the de-
THE Lord willing, this important meeting will be Issued by the S. D. A. Publishing Association,
and for Sale at this Office.
held at Clyde, May 2-6. All who design to labor
Battle Oreek, Mich., Fifth-Day, May 1, 1879. struction of all the wicked, when all in Heaven publicly in any manner in Oil State this summer
and earth shall be heard saying, " Blessing, and are requested to be there. All who wish labor in
History of the Sabbath and First Day of the WiTk
their towns should be there, as all the laborers will
honor, and glory, and power, be unto Him that
OP The article given in another column on be assigned their fields at this meeting. We wish for the period of 6,000 years. By Elder J. N.
sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for- as large an attendance of all the lay brethren and Andrews. 528 pp. $1.00.
Moving to Battle Creek, will explain the action
ever and ever " (Rev. 5 :13), the inspired writer sisters as can be had. Provision will be made for The Sanctuary and the 2300 Days of Dan. 8 14,
.of the General Conference on this subject, as all who come. None should calculate to leave till By Elder U. Smith. This question has developed
immediately exclaims, " Bless thou the Lord,
published last week. Some exceptions are made, Tuesday. We expect a careful report from every the people known as the Seventh-day Adventists,
O my soul ! Praise ye the Lord ! " and is the pivotal doctrine upon which their applica-
the propriety of which the reader will at once district in the T. and M. work.
R. F. COTTRELL. D. M. CANRIGHT. tions of prophecy largely depend. 352 pp. $1.00.
see ; and the article and the action, in their
Thoughts on Daniel, critical and practical. By
general application, will commend themselves Elder U. Smith. An exposition of the book of
to the good judgment of every one. "THERE SHALL COME 11V THE LAST POSTPONED. Daniel, verse by verse. 384 pp. $1.00.
DAYS SCOFFERS." ON Account of the impassable condition of the Timughts on Revelation. By Elder U. Smith.
roads at present, the New England quarterly meet- This work presents every verse in the book of Reve-
_Rgfc- Eld. J. N. Andrews designs to attend the (2 Pet. 3: 3.) ing has been postponed. It wilt be held June 7, 8, lation with such remarks as serve to illustrate or ex-
Pennsylvania T. and M. Quarterly Meeting, at ONE [Ingersoll] was here in Chicago the other at Amherst, N. H. All come who can. Come to plain the meaning of the text. 352 pp. $1.00.
East Otto, N. Y., May 2 and 3. day, and one of our large theaters was filled to seek God. Let the Sabbath-schools be all repre- Life of Him. Miller, with portrait. This book gives
sented. either by delegates or letter. interesting sketches of the Christian life and public
overflowing to hear him at fifty cents admission. D. A. ROBINSON.
labors of this pioneer in the Advent movement in
Fifty- thousand copies of his lecture—which, to
BOASTING. this country. 416 pp. $1.00.
use a mild expression, was indecent from one POSTPONED.— The meeting for Jericho, Vt., will be
JACOB : " I am not worthy of the least of all end to the other—were sold in a few days. It held May 17, 18, one week later than previously no- The Biblical Institute. Containing a synopsis of
the lectures given at the Institute held at Oakland,
the mercies, and of all the truth, which thou did not contain the shadow of an argument, and ticed. A. S. HUTCHINS.
Cal., in April, 1877. These cover the main points
bast showed unto thy servant." Gen. 32 : 10. of our faith, giving facts and dates. 852 pp. $1.00.
hardly the semblance of a truth, and it is a sad
JonsT : " Whose shoes I am not worthy to IN the providence of God, the Nebraska State quar- The Nature and Destiny of Man. By Elder U.
indication of the times in which we are living terly meeting will be held May 17 and 18, at the Smith. This work treats on the great questions of
bear." Matt. 3 : 11. that such a lecturer can be thus honored. If place of worship of the church six or eight miles the condition of man in death, and his destiny be-
THE CENTURION : "Lord, I am not worthy the veritable "last days " produce any worse south-west of Weeping Water. yond the resurrection. 356 pp. $1.00.
that thou shouldest come under my roof." A Sabbath-school Convention will be held in con-
scoffing than this, we pity those who live at that nection with the State T. and M. meeting. The Spirit of Prophecy : or the Great Controversy
Matt. 8 : 8. between Christ and his angels, and Satan and his
time. Meantime, the fact that such a scoffer is The interests of the church will be made a Spe-
THE PRODIGAL " I am no longer worthy to thus fondly received will remind some of the cialty, and an opportunity for baptism will be angels, in four volumes. By Mrs. E. G. White:
These volumes cover the time from the fall of Satan
'be called thy son." Luke 15 : 19. afforded. Dear brethren, the Sabbath-school and
words of our Lord, " Be ye also ready."—Faith's the T. and M. Society are the strong arms of our to the destruction of sin and sinners at the close of
PAUL : " For I am the least of the apostles, Record. the one thousand years of Rev. 20. Each 400 pp.
young Conference. Let all who have access at the Vol. I. Old Testament Facts to Christ. $1.00,
that am not meet to be called an apostle." 1 • -0 throne of grace, whether present or absent, make $1.00.
Vol. II. Life and Ministry of Christ.
Cor. 15 : 9. " Unto me, who am less than the the interests of this meeting a specialty. Vol. III. The Death, Resurrection, and Ascension
least of all saints." Eph. 3 :8. "Christ Jesus of Christ, with the Lives of His Apostles.
came into the world to save sinners, of whom I THE English papers, secular and religious, are Vol. IV. (In preparation). $1.00.
am chief." 1 Tim. 1 :15. engaged in discussing the Akenham burial libel The Caustitnti-nal Amendment: A discussion be-
tween Elder W. H. Littlejohn and the editor of the
" Where is boasting then ? It is excluded." suit, which is another of the many collisions be- 1Pititi41111t Piatarimipti. Christian Statesman, on the Sabbath, $1.00.
Rom. 3 : 27. tween Churchmen and Dissenters. The action The Bib'e from Heaven. By Elder D. M. Can-
"Not slothful in business." Rom, so;
Amen. So let it remain. for libel was brought by the Rev. George Drury, right. An argument to show that the Bible is not
rector of Claydon and Akenham, against the the work of men, but is in deed and in truth the
BRO. S. W. ARMOR, corner Arch and Meadow Sts., word of God. 300 pp. 80 cts.
editor of the East Anglian Daily Times. Mr. East End, Pittsburg, Pa., requests any S. D. Adventist Revised edition On preparation). $1,00.
HEAD HIM OFF. Drury had been asked to bury the child of a la- passing through the place to give him a call. The United States in the Light of Po ophery t or, an
WE learn that there is a man operating in borer, but, ascertaining that it had not been WILL some one who has old German and French exposition of Rev. 13: 11-17. By. Elder U. Smith.
Northern Michigan by the name of Sterling baptized, refused, as the law of the State Church tracts or papers that are yet readable, and wishes Dealing with our own land and applying to our time,
them judiciously distributed, please send a few of
Hardin, who it seems ought to have his name requires him to do. It has been the practice in them to J. K. Cartwright, 281 Cedar Street, Nash- this is a portion of prophecy which should. possess
CLINTON 0 WENS, Director. surpassing interest for every American reader. 200
transposed to Hardly Sterling. He has been the parish to bury unbaptized persons in the ville, Tenn.? pp. 40 ets.
published in the papers as a Baptist preacher, north side of the church- yard ; the spot, whether WILL Bro. L. J. Hall, of Weybridge, Vt., now in Ne- Paper covers, 20 ets.
braska, please send his address at once to Mrs. H. T.
but now, we believe, claims to be a Seventh-day correctly or incorrectly, is usually described as H. Sanborn, North Scituate, R. I.? Thoughts on Baptism. By Elder J. H. Waggoner.
A careful examination of the subject of Christian
Adventist. All the credentials he can show is unconsecrated ground. A Dissenting minister, WILL Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crandall please send Baptism in the light of history and the Bible. It
a copy of the Signs of the Times, which he has the Rev. Mr. Tozer, was asked to perform the their P. 0. address, without delay, to P. E. Ferrin, presents strong arguments against the notion of Trine
State Center, Marshall Co., Iowa?
picked up somewhere. The trouble with this burial service, which at the appointed time he Immersion. 186 pp. Bound in flexible cloth, 35 ets.
J. W. BABSON, Franklinville, Catt. Co., N. Y., would Paper covers, 25 Cts.
man is that he already has five wives living, or undertook to do, in a meadow outside of the like to find a place with some Sabbath-keeper, to learn
five women to whom he has been married, and church premises. Here he was interrupted by the blacksmith trade, or to work on a farm or in a
whom he has without cause abandoned ; and he Mr. Drury, and a violent altercation ensued be-
J. J. GILDING, postmaster at Weldon Creek, Mich.,
succeeds in working up material for about as tween them in the presence of the child's par- writes that good honest people who want cheap homes
The Nature and Tendency of Modern Spiritualism,
many more wherever he goes. There is no such ents. A highly colored account of these pro- with healthful climate, in the Michigan fruit belt, and By Elder J. IL Waggoner. 184 pp. 20 ets,
where they can get work the year round, can find
minister belonging to our people. Beware of ceedings, published in the East Anglian Times, them there. The Atonement. By Elder J. II. Waggoner. An
him. No S. D. Adventist ought to be in a con- constituted the libel. Instead of £2,000, the BRO. 0. H. OLDS, of Marshalltown, Iowa, wishes us examination of a remedial system in the light of
dition to be imposed upon by any one who can jury gave Mr. Drury forty shillings damages. to say that he offer s for sale his large prophetic chart Nature and Revelation. 168 pp. 20 ets.
for $10, and a papyrograph machine which cost $45 The Ministration of Angels, and the Origin, History,
show no credentials but a floating copy of a Public opinion has condemned his interruption for $25. For further particulars address him as above.
and Destiny of Satan, By Elder D. M. Canright.
newspaper. of the religious services, held on a spot over J. DIVELBISS would like to dispose of his farm of 80 144 pp. 20 ets.
acres in Vernon Co., Wis., in order to be free to work
which he had no control, as monstrous and in- in the cause. Address him at Maguire's Store, Wash- Our Faith and Hope. Sermons on the coming
human. It came out in the trial that Mr. Drury ington Co., Ark. ; or Wm. Conner, iliberty, Vernon and kingdom of Christ. By Elder James 20 ets.
A MISTAKE. 182 pp.
Co., Wis.
THE Marshall Times calls John Haughawout deriVes over £250 from the living at Akenham, WANTED, a S. D. Adventist that understands making The Spirit of God, its gifts and manifestations
(the man that the newspapers expose as being at and 'seldom or never holds service there, the boots and shoes, both sewed and pegged. Address, A. to the end of the Christian Age. By Elder J. H.
P. Q. Waggoner. 144 pp. 15 ets.
the bottom of " the Gifford tragedy ") " a Sev- church being so dirty that no decent person can A. Cross, Glen Sutton,
sit down in it. The people dislike Mr. Drury's THE permanent address of M. M. Kenny is Givin, The Three Messages of Revelation 11:0-12. Par-
enth-day Adventist minister." This is a mis- Mahaska Co., Iowa. ticularly the third angel's message and the two-
take. He is a Restitutionist, or Age-to- come ritualism, and refuse to attend the church.— horned beast. By J. N. Andrews. 144 pp. 15 eta,
minister. His guilt is said to be in keeping Hamper's Weekly. NOTICE.—A blue cross opposite this note indicates that your The Two Laws, as set forth in the Scriptures of
subscription will expire in two weeks. Please renew at once, the Old and New Testaments By Elder D15
company and corresponding with a young as we shall be obliged to stop the paper unless we hear from
you in that time. Canright. 104 pp. . eta.
lady, whose lover, on the account, was so jeal-
Nomon.—The change of figures on the address labels will be Matthew Twenty-Four. A clear and forcible ex-
cus that he shot her dead, and also shot himself. in all cases a sufficient receipt for money sent for the paper, position of our Lord's discourse upon the Mount of
This man has never had any connection with If these changes do not in due time appear, and if books or- White. 64 pp. 10 ets.
"AO as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of Heaven is dered by mail are not received, notice should be given. All Olives. By Elder James
seventh-day Adventists. at hand." Matt. so:7. other business is acknowledged below. The Sunday Seventh -Day Examined. A refutation
G. V. KILGORE. of the teachings of Mede, Jennings, Akers, an1d0Ful-
Books Sent by Express. ler. By Elder J. N. Andrews. 88 pp.
KANSAS CAMP—MEETING. John Sprinkle $4.00, L G Moore 1.45, W Reynolds The Seven Trumpets. An exposition of the sub-
AN END OF WICKEDNESS. THE Kansas camp-meeting will be held near Em- 13.90. ject, as set forth in the eighth and ninth chapters
poria, Lyon Co., Kan., May 15-22. Bro. and Sr. Cash Bernd on Account. of the Revelation. 96 pp. 10 ets.
"On let the wickedness of the wicked come White and Bro. J. 0. Corliss will attend this meet- Geo A King $30.00, Ind Conf Fund J K & L J Foot
The Tenth Found. The nature and obligation of
to an end." Ps. 7 : 9. ing. KAN. CONF. COM. 1.00, M B Miller 3.10, Cal T & Ai Society 120.00, N Y T& the Sabbath of the fourth commandment. By
M Society 26.20, Vt T & M Reserve Fund (Abbie 1) Elder J. H. Waggoner. 64 pp.
This prayer was indited by the Holy Spirit.
THE fourth annual session of the Kansas T. and
Hutchins 5.00, F F Camp 50c,) Dak T & M Society per Vindication of the True Sabbath. By Elder J. W.
As a consequence, the petition will surely be D T Biggs 31.94, S B Whitney 17.56, Ill T & M Society
M. Society will be held in connection with the camp- per L S C 160.00, Jas A Ashbaugh 10.00, Iowa T & M. Morton, formerly missionary of the Reformed Pres-
granted. It is a prophetic prayer ; and as a meeting near Emporia, Lyon Co., Kan., May 15-22. Society per Mrs J N Sylvester 5.00, Vt T & M Society byterian Church, to Hayti. 68 pp. 10 eta.
prophecy it is certain to have its fulfillment. J. N. AYERS, Pres. per A S Hutchins 3.45. Sermon on the TWO Covenants. By Elder1J0. N.
Therefore it is certain that wickedness will Mich. Conf. Fund. Andrews. 48 pp. 10 ets.
come to an end. The only question remaining THE fourth annual session of the Kansas Confer- Elmwood per N Lawrence $12.24, Bunker Hill 20.00, Hope of the Gospel. By Elder J. N. Loughborough.
ence of S. D. Adventists will be held in connection Ransom Center per M B Miller 12.50, Sheridan 0 Soule 80 pp. 10 ets.
is, How will this result be reached 1 There are with the camp-meeting near Emporia, Lyon Co., 1.50, H Y1 Kenyon 30.00, Green 5.85. Refutation of the Age to Come. By ElderJ.CH:
but two ways possible for this to be accom- Kan., May 15-22. We want a delegation from each Mich. T. & M. Society. Waggoner. This is a most decisive refutation of
plished. chureh in the State, as important matters will come Dist 16 Rochester per R J Lawrence 13.74, Dist 5 the view that men may find forgiveness of sins after
1. The first is, by the conversion of all the up for consideration. per J S Wicks 56.00. the Saviour has closed his work in the Sanctuary
J. N. AYERs, Kan. Gen. T. &fill. Society. above. 168 pp. 20 eta.
wicked, including the devil and his angels as J. H. Coon, Conf. The Morality Of the Sabbath. By Elder D. M.
well as all the wicked of the earth. Have we CHAS. F. STEVENS, Cont. H L Colby $1.00, W H Hall 100.00, Mrs C L Evans
1.00. Canright. 96 pp. 15 eta.
any proof that all the wicked will cease their Christ and the Sabbath; or, Christ in the Old
Danish Mission,.
wickedness—that all will become holy and I was meet with the church in Convis, Mich., Testament and the Sabbath in the New. By Elder
J & D Long $5.00, Peder Chr Jensen 3.00, Herman James White. 56 pp. 10 eta.
happy in immortal life ? If there is no evi- May 3. All that can, please meet with us. Hanson 10c, Mrs Svanson 1.00, Mrs, Russell 25c, Mrs
Also with the church in Parkville, May 10. Will Crawford 10c, Mrs E Dunn 25e, Mrs C R Blair 10c, Redeemer and Redeemed. By Elder James White.
dence to• prove that all the wicked in the uni- brethren in Colon meet with us here? Mrs I S Stevens 25c, Mrs Dixon 25c, Mrs Herrick 10c, This work sets forth the plan of Redemption in it
verse will be converted, • the only alternative J. BYINGTON. Mrs Stow 10c, Mrs Teel 100, Mrs 1,1 Wright 25c, Mrs three stages. 40 pp.
ig- L A Walter 10c, Mrs C S Andrews 50c, Mrs P L Eckles Benevolence. Setting forth the Bible
15c, Ruby It Page 5.00, John Deedon 5.00, Frank Rey- plan of giving for the support of the ministry. 64
2. That all the wicked will be destroyed— ROCHESTER, Oakland Co., Mich., Sabbath and nolds 1.00, Anna Lilja 3.00. 10 eteta.
will cease to exist—and so their wickedness will Sunday, May 3, 4. Will Bro. Randall meet me at European Mission.
The State of the Dead. By John Milton, author
Rochester on the arrival of the morning train from
tome to an end. Is there any proof of this? Detroit, Friday, May 2? Prudence Stillman $10.00, A C Woodbury per H W of "Paradise Lost." This work shows that Milton
'There is. We cite another prophtic prayer as Atmada, Macomb Co., May 10, 11 ; Memphis, Decker 30.00, J & D Long Italian 5.00, Ruby R Page was a decided believer in, and an able defender of,
5.00, Benj Hostler 10.00, Darius Reynolds & wife 20.00, the doctrine that in death man is unconscious. 82
proof. Ps. 104 : 35 : Let the sinners be con- May 17, 18. Hope to see a general attendance of Inez L Squire 1.00. 5 eta.
all, our brethren in the vicinity of these meetings. pp.
sumed out of the earth, and let the wicked be There will be opportunity for baptism. English Mission.
no more." This prayer will be answered ; and H. M. KENYON. Sarah .1 Proctor $1.00, Marcene A Hicks 5.00. , Address, REVIEW & HERALD, Battle Creek, Mich.

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