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Grading system is a method used by teachers to assess student’s educational

performance. The grades that are followed by every educational institute are A, A-, A+, B, B-,
C, D, E and so on to evaluate the students in a test, presentation or final exam.

The main reason that leads to the problem that is affecting our education today is our
mentality to measure the children’s achievement by using the grading system. Students who
got many A’s were praising meanwhile students who got lesser A’s were low-regarded by the
people around them. It seemed that our whole education is so obsessed to seek for success
through the grading system and forgot that the real success is not in schools, but lies in life
after school.

This problem persist from the days of Independence till now because the grading
system is designed to enable educators to identify the low level learners and pay attention to
them. In reality, students feel pressured by workload and expectations to produce more A’s to
achieve everyone high expectations. Therefore, educators always pay attention to those who
are high level learners rather than the weaker ones.

Hence, the solutions to these problems are educators should not give high
expectations to every students because every students have their own learning way. There are
quick learner students and slow learner students in the class; educators should not expect the
students got everything that are taught in a short period of time. Next, we should change our
mentality which is excellence students are those who got many A’s or got Dean’s List in their

Lastly, what I feel about this whole issue is; it is true that the grading system limits
our children’s mindset because they cannot think out of the box. They just thinking how to
get good grades in the examinations and after that they forgot what they have learned in class.
I am also affected by the grading system which is I am learning to get A’s or to reach my
parents expectations. Thus, I am not learning because it is my passion or interest towards

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