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SUBJECT Scienceand Nature

WRITINGSKITT Writing cause-and-effect sentences

WRITING TASK Write cause-and-effectsentencesabout extremeweather.

Writing cause-and-effect
Sometimesyou needto wnitesentencesthat show how something[the cause]makesanothen
thing happen[the effect].ln this kindof sentence,you shouldlinkthe causewith the effect using
a wond on phnasesuch as because of so, as a result, causeor leave.
Becauseof and as a resu/t of can both be used atthe stant on in the middleof a cause-and-
effect sentence.In both cases,they shouldbe followedby the cause.Note that when these
phnasesaneusedat the stant of sentence,the causeis followedby a comma.
The house fe// down because of the tornado. / As a result of the tornado, the house fe// down.
sentence,so appearsaftenthe causeand beforethe effect.When so
In a cause-and-effect
linkstwo completesentences,it is pnecededby a comma.
There was a fire, so the house burned down.
The verbs cause and leavecan also be usedto linkcause and effect.You shouldput them in the
middleof the sentence,after the causeand befonethe effect.
The rain caused a flood. The rain left the town flooded

1. The hurricone left the oportment ruined. @ [Students'onswerscon vory]

2. Therewos o winter storm, so the roods were closed.
3. As o result of the tsunomi, the city lost electricity.
4. The housesfilled with woter becouseof the flood.
5. The snowstormcqusedo troffic jom.
6. The plonts died os o resultof the lock of roin.

Wtt"t canhappenin a big storm?Discuss
your answers.

Readthe passase"

HurricaneKatrinahit the city of New Orleans,
damage.r Thehurricane
left a large"pa4
of!1e cityflgodqd,
to the ciIJ.

the worsteffectof the hurricanewas
g{-Wilgt*fs}gC"jjflgthecity- Asa resultof this
flooding,tho,usandsof peoplglora*neirhrornes.

ffi onr*erthequestions.
1 In the first underlined sentence, whot "left o Iorge port of the city flooded"? The hurricane.

2 In the second underlined sentence, whot hoppened becouse "Kotrino hod wind speeds of
up to 22O kilometers per hour"? There w as a lot, ol damage t o the city.

In the third underlined sentence, whot phrose links "the storm" ond "huge omounts of
woter rushed into the city"? because of.

Writing cause-and-effectsentences
Sometimesyou need to wnite sentencesthat show how something[the cause]makes anothen
thing happen[the effect].In this kind of sentence,you shouldlinkthe cause with the effect using
a word on ohrase such as because of. so. as a result, cause or leave.

usingthe linkingword and phraseprovided.
the paragraph

leove / becouseof ;

Hurriconesore dongerous$t b_g9e!g.e__q!* , their incrediblepower.They often couse

huge woves,which con domoge coostol cities.Hurriconesolso q2],leaue
buildings ond roods ruined. As o result, hurricones often couseseriousfloods.

theparagraphusangthe causesprovided.

t .r
i they form quickly / their incrediblespeed

Tornodoesore o kind of spinning wind thot con move ot more thon 400 kilometersper hour.

objectsond corry them for mony kilometers.It is hord for peopleto prepore for tornodoes
becouse tz, t,hey f?rm quicllly and move

co*plete the paragraphusingthe effectsprovided.

some houses were flooded / mony houses did not hove electricity

Our city wos hit by o terrible thunderstorm. Lightning struck o power line, so {n} many
housesdid nothaue electyici;ty . Also,
qz1s o me ho us_q
V wgre ll o,oQgd becauseof heovy roin.
Nome: Closs: Dote:

@ Write cause-and-effectsentencesusing the words given.

t hurricone / left / oportment / ruined

2 winter storm / so / roods / closed

3 os o result / tsunomi I citv llost electricitv

4 houses / filled with woter / becouse of / flood

5 snowstorm/ coused/ troffic iom

6 plonts / died / os o result / lock of roin

Write cause-and-effectsentences.
t (O roinstorm)

2 (A volcono)

3 (A tornodo)

4 (An eorthquoke)


SUBJECT Arts and Entertainment

WRITING SKILT Writing an introduction about somethingnew

WRITING TASK Write introductions about video game consoles.

Writing an introductionabout somethingnew

Sometimesyou maywrite aboutsomethingnew.For example, you might be descnibing a new
product,such as the latest game console.In this kindof writing,younintnoduction shouldshow
the r.eaderwhy the thing is intenesting or impontant.To write this kindof you
s h o u l dd o t h e f o l l o w i n g :
. Cleanlyname the thing you ane wniting about lThe SonyPlayStation3 game consolehas
been released.l.
. Get the neadens'attention.You can do this by usingwot'dssuch as novu,brand new,
impressive, the /atest amazing and incredib/e.
. Pnovidenew and interestingdetailsaboutthe thingyou are descnibing. Thesemay include
descr.iptionsof its features on chanacteristicslPlayStation3 has a new controller and
incredib/egraphics.], and companisonswith eanlienversions fPlayStation3 is much faster
than P/avStation 2.1.
W r i t i n g a n i n t r o d u c t i o na b o u t s o m e t h i n gn e w
Sometimesyou may wr"iteabout somethingnew In this kind of writing,your intnoductionshould
show the neadenwhy the thing is impor^tantor interesting.To do this, you shouldincludenew
and interestingdetailsin your intnoduction.

{q!ft Cn*.k (/) four detailsto makea good introductionfor a gameconsole.
Nintendo enjoyed successwith their Nintendo 64 game console,which wos releosedin 1996. .r i

Nintendo's Wii go

One of the most

It also hos o brond

GomeCube hod impressive graphics. I

- l
In 2001 Nintendo releosedthe GomeCube. r , . i'I

Wii ollows ployers to ploy many of the Nintendo gomes mode in the lost 20 yeors. t
{ t

It is the latest console from Nintendo, which also made Nintendo 64 and GomeCube. ,/
3*.!***es1€s!vsryrysw*relMoff$:**"r :o ! P !''*"

Lookfor verbsin the present

tenseto helpyou choosethe details.

ffi, seiectedin Activity D to write an introductionfor t}regame

Ur" the detailslrCIt{

Ninaendo's Wii game console is now availaVle, lt, is lhe latesf, cons_olefrom Ninte-ndo,

which also made Nint endo 64 and GameCube. Wii allows players t'o play many of lhe

Nintendogames made in the last 20 yeaqe,and it aleo hae a brand newcont'ro-lle-r.

Readthe passagea boy wrote about a video game. Takenotes on his


Sonic the Hedgehog Notes
,,iP I recentlygot o - PloyStotion3: l"*c*ttt!Y g*t, *o
PloyStotion3, hap?y
.wSr ond I om so
.*4r - Beenploying: Pg-Yigthgle|AqPA
hoppyl I hove
'.,'&: been ploying
',*,$1 Like it becouse: reallyfae;t,has
Sonicis o greot
gome. I like it _Ay-ne?i!1L$Ap-Uc-?-
""df becouseit is reolly fost ond hos omozing Also: requilesalot of skill,hasvery
grophics.It olso requireso lot of skill ond
,,.${. iryt9yq9;\i1gVtory
hos o very interesting story. Finolly, I like
the foct thot I con ploy three different Chorocters: lg-4-A,4-o,q-
hedgehogchorocters-Sonic, Shodowond s719onic,
'"s thadow,9ilver

Listento what a girl says about another video game. Takenotes on her
@r@ CD scripton p. 9
- NintendoWii: jusibgught
- Been plovino: Yhc {-eda*f;x,:*
*f Xslda: fwili*aht frineess

Like it becouse: -h_ae-
af irye!9p^;tj!19 gfQq-t--gf_4p$9?_
Also: very difficult, need to think a lol when you play it'

On a separatepieceof paper,write a paragraph
Wort<with a classmate.
comparing and contrasting
the Eames"

Nome: Clqss:

Write an introduction for eachof the new products.

1 Product: Introduction:
The SuperFlying Shoes The SuperFlying Shoeshave now been releosed.

2 Product: Introduction:
The 3-D Gome Console The 3-D Gome Consoleis now ovoiloble.

3 Product: Introduction:
The Mogic Camero The Mogic Comero hos now been releosed.

Writean introductionfor eaehof ttre new praducts.

ovoiloble.lNisthe newegl?hone
f r om I dy4199Qfl,e,q;pr cs-,I he
AduancgdVideo?honehaea large
eqleenandcanV9q! lyl-y-e9eiu.9-

The Flying Bike hos been releosed.

It, ig the lat estbike from
Int e1yati 9 nal Cyclee, Th9 | ! -y_in
faet andieveryeasyto ride.

SUBJECT Culture and People

WRITII\IGSKILL Writing to explain something

IIURITINGTASK Write a letter to your teacher.

Writing to explainsomething
Sometimesyou may needto wr^itean emailor a lettento explainsomething.For example,you
may needto explainwhy you cannotdo somethingor go somewhene. In younemailor letten,
you can
. apologizefon what you cannot do (/m real/ysorrlt but / won't be able to come and visityou
this weekend.].
. explainthe situationand give neasonsto support younexplanation{/'vebroken my arm, so
/ cannot trave/.).lfyou do not pnovideneasons,the pensonyou are wnitingto may not believe
. make a pnedictionabout the future ll hope / can visityou some other trme ).
Dependingon who you are wr^iting to, youwill eitherneedto write a formal or infonmalletter
on email.Fonformal and infonmalconnespondence, you needto use diffenenttypes of language,
gr"eetingsand closings.Lookat the examplesin the chantbelow.

lnfonmal Fonmal
/'m really sory to say that / can't make it / am afrald to lnform you that / will not
Monday. be able to attend school on Mondau.
Greeting Hi James, Dear Ms. Smith.
Sorry/ Yourssincerely,
Sarah Sarah
Writing to explainsomething
Sometimesyou may need to write an email or"a letter to explainsomething.Fonexample,
you may needto explainwhy you cannot do somethingor go somewhene.Make suneto give
reasonsto suppor"tyounexplanation.

ll om sorry to inform you thot I will not be oble to ottend your soccercomp next week. /
i I hope I will be oble to ottend the next one. / He told me thot I wos ill ond
t i
i should stoy ot home. / He olso soid thot I will need to rest for ot leost o week. I

Deor Cooch Simpson,

I om very ill, ond I need to stoy ot home ond rest.

I becomesick o few doys ogo, ond I went to the doctor yesterdoy.{z} H e t o l d m e t h a t

t y14e*ill4@
shouldst 4y 4;-r.\o_ye,
{3} tl g,a!9,o,
sa!4_qet I will needto rest,f or at, least a we ek.

As o result, I will not be oble to come to your soccercomp q*y lhgpe I wilJbeablet-;o
aAtendthe next one.
I om still looking forword to improving
my soccerskills.


ffi fotlow the stepsto write a letter to your teacher.Explainthat you ca
attendsclroslnextweekhecause you are goingon a familytrip.
1 Brainstorm.' Broinstorm ideosfor your letter on o seporotepieceof poper. Think of some
detoils for your explanotion.
2 Plan:Useyour ideos to moke o writing plon. Write on introduction stoting your reoson,
detoils for o body porogroph explaining it further ond o conclusionsoying whot you hope
moy hoppen.

Tearher's name: Mrs. Riohardaon I
Irl tntroduction:--[-a-nLgqrry,k!tf-qfn-y*o,!-,t,La-t*l-ryj!lng*r-b--e-.2-b-)9-Lqa.t-t-e.!dq-chg-ollext
week.I am qoing on a family t rip.

Body paragraph:
! Detaifs: whole f amilv aoina t o visit mv arandmother.lives in another cibv. will leave
I Mo,nday,notreturnuntilSaAurday

Conclusion: lhope I will not missi,loomuch next,week.lwillwork hardto catch up

whenlrehu?n. A^

l4lrife:Write your letter on o seporotepieceof poper

R e m e m b e r tuos e" D e a r. , " a n d

"Yourssincerely,'in yourletter.
€E#no@ Readthe emailyour friend Jameswrote about his birthdayparty.

F r o m: j a m e s @ t a l k z o n e . n e t

It'smy birthday nextSaturday, and

a b i gp a r t ya t m y h o u s e .
l ' l lb e h a v i n g
Thepartywill startat 2 p.m.andwill
finishaboutB p.m We'regoingto
ptzza, so it shouldbe a lot of fun.
I hopeyou canmakert.

Writ" a shortemailto Jamesexplainingwhy you cannotgo to his birthdayparty.
T0:1, ne;net

Lhat day,

needto stay at the campthe wholetime. As a result,l will not be ableto leaveand
cometo your party.

Nome: Closs:

Follow the stepsto write an email to your friend. Explainthat you cannot come
campingwith him/her becauseyou need to visit your grandparents.
1 Brainstormand plan: Brainstorm ond plon your emoil on o seporotepieceof poper.

2 Write:Write your emoil below.

O PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 Boost!Writing
Learningat Home

SUBJECT Culture and People

WRITING SKILT Writing about a current topic

WRITING TASK lVrite an essayabout a new rule at your school.

Writing about a current toPic

Sometimesyou maywrite an essayabouta cunnenttopic.Youcan write this kindof essayin
the followingway.
. Name the topic lThis is cal/edhomeschoo/ing.).
. Providecunnentinformation to get the neader"'sattention fThis week,most chi/dren went
back to schoo/.).
. Givebackgnound informationaboutthe topic.Thisinformationhelpsthe neaderundenstand
the curnentsituationand how it came shouldbe pnesentedin the bodyof your
essay.Eachbodypar.agnaph shouldhaveone main ideaand includedetailsand examples.
Theseparagraphsshouldalsobe nelatedto your intnoduction and conclusion.
. Finishwith curnent infonmation[These days,homeschoolingis verypopular in Western
countries.] and a pr ediction about the futune [Homeschoolingis likelyto remain popular for
years to come.).

Learning at Home

Would you prefer to go ts schso!or to

learn at home?Biseussvour answers.

Readthe essay"

week,mostchildrenwent backto
school.However, therearethousandsof
childrenwho did not.lnstead,
theywill study
at home.Thisis calledhomeschoolinq.
Homeschooling is actuallyolderthan regularschool.[n the past,childrenlearnedat home
because schoolsdid not exist.Evenafterschoolsappearedin the city,therewerefew schools
in the country.Asa result,manychildrenstillhadto studyat home.Somefamouspeople
werehomeschooled, including AbrahamLincoln andThomasEdison.
Formuchof the 1900s,homeschooling wasrare.However,in the 1970s, manyparents
startedhomeschooling their children.Theychoseto do thisfor severalreasons.
parentsthought the localschoolswerebad,so they decidedto teachtheir children
themselves. Otherswantedtheirchildrento learnaboutreligion, whichwasnot taught
at sct,oot.
Thesedays,homeschooling isverypopularin Westerncountries. TheUnitedKingdomhas
about 50,000homeschooled children,and Canadahasaround60,000.The UnitedStates
hasthe highestnumber,with asmanyas 1.1millionhomeschooled children.
thesenumbers,homeschooling is likelyto remainpopularfor yearsto come.

ffi, rollowtlre instruetions.

1 Circle the two ports of the essoythot tolk obout the present.
2 Drow o squclre oround the port of the essoy thot describes the history of homeschooling.

Writing about a current topic
Sometimesyou may write an essayabout a cunrenttopic.You can wnite this kind of essayin
the followingway:

Nlemo i.ho innin

Pr"ovide cunnentinfonmation
to get the neaden'sattention

Completethe passage.

Thesenew computerswill be very helpful for students. / The schooldid hove some j
computersbeforebut not enough for every student to use. / Our schoolrecentlygot ,:
brond new computers. / Furthermore,only o few computerscould connectto the Internet.

ffiww ffiwxrcsruex*ffiffiK
@ss$ff€ffiBwF w
(I) Our schoolrecently aot brand newcompulere.

_ _ Now, every clossroom hos three computers ond there are more
computer lobs oround the school.

121The school did have sorne:compulle?sbefore but nol enouahfor everv student to

Mony of thesecornputersdid not work well. t3]*,F,llI!l:!9IA9!g:,olVj"fp"y*ggnpulgfg* l

couldconnectt o t he lnternet,. t
:' Fortunotely,the new computersoll haveon Internetconnection.Also,thereore now :ll
,'r enoughcomputersfor everystudentto use.$it'Ibg_?-eLeJ!_c-el!p$e!g-t!!rJl9pyggheklLL
for studeni.;s. :ti
ffi to,tow the stepsto write an essayabout a new rule at your schoo,O"n"-

Brainstorm:Broinstorm ideosfor your essayon o seporotepieceof poper. Think obout whot

your schoolis like ond how the new rule will chonge it.
PIan:Useyour ideos to moke o writing plon. Write on interestingintroduction, body
porogrophs giving bockground informotion, ond o conclusionproviding current
informotion and o prediction obout the future.

Tith: io*llgig cQlelqgg! _,,,,__
Introduction: _Y-egtetday, gur cell phonestp.pfrep|._Heygy99 -__
-!9^-dqyr.we)tPQtoleavethemat home.Thig,iabecauaeNhereis a newrulebanninaeetl
Body paragraph 1 (background):
Detaifs: students couldbring phoneeto school,were allowedto use phones


Body paragraph 2 (background): I

Detaifs: although most siudent s followed rule, some had been ueinq phoneoin .l
class, qo prirygglal-deqdej_lopayp\9nqq_9_s!!?1,e.!e$
concfusion:l\e-Llityryle 9h9yW97op.t;h9jrEqr!uWlg!3e-in4aqs.Hey!e:-usy,_il-;lyt]i'_b*9-

Write your essoyon o seporotepieceof poper.

Tryto usesentences that showcause

and effectin yourwriting.

Gil.@ CD scripton pp-s2-s3.

her essay'
Listento a teacherglving a gir! advieeomhow to imprCIve
Edit the teNt hasedon wkat you hear.

Luckylo Goio School

lkiil w**k, *'*
we'will all Aauelo lake exams at

schoo/. Examweek c,anbe siressful,

and many of us do nol likegoing lo

school. Ilowever,we sAould,emember

*Aai thai some c;hildrenin lhe world

do nol gel lo go lo schooJal aJJ.

Somecounlriesin fhe *orld un ,"ry

poo. and do nol have enough money

As a result, children
lo bu;ldmany schools o. pay leache.s. ehJC.",qin lhese counlries o{len cannol go lo
an education
school.Someof *hese k;ds migtl sludy ai home.Olhers,however,w;llnol rece,vena*all.

Somechild.en l,ve{a, awayfro^ schoo/ in counlnes ,vilh no pub}tclransporlahon. These

children because
-eAJdcannol go lo schoolse lhey simply cannol gel lhere.

Remember, we are aclually very lucky lo ge* lo go lo scl,ooJ.llope{ully one day, children
ererywherelucky enoughlo gel an educalion.

r$f. cornpare your €orre€tionswith a elassmate"


Nome: Closs: Dote:

Follow the stepsto write an essayabout a new soccerfield at your school.

1 Brainstormand plan: Brainstorm ond plon your essoyon o seporotepieceof poper.

2 Write:Write your essoybelow.


@ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 Boost!Writino4
tke steps to wnite a fietterto your t*aeher. Kxplairethat ymax
F*8!ot*v d*d
mot €esme ts sekoot last w{eckhscauseSrouw*enesie!*.

1 andplan:Broinstormond plon your letteron crseporotepieceof poper.

2 Write:Wrlte your letterbelow.

Pssl lVr. Johnson. ..,


awty\. I was coughlnS

I et a;rt eQtg feel gick oy't5und4y-,4nd by Monday I t9!11t
andlhad ahi-q\feuell we;n!'tot'h9-doctgr andhg saidt'hatlhadt:\eflu:He-
t gld me to otay at homeand reot ,
too mluchl4el ytee-k'! wilt wo,1khard to c-4;tchy2'
I hgp_g1did;n'Nm;ye;a
Follow the steps to write an essayahor.lta new arnLtsennent
pankin your
andplan:Broinstormond plon your essoyon o seporotepieceof
l4lrife:Write your essoybelow.

Titfer New-{qraqeflefr-fa$ . ,,,,,, ,

Iast_9&l11dryfu e!9J!Aeablgeuent,fi el4ys;1!:-Maqp$LuptMypsUefi_
-?at\9_p;ef-e$--?-e-g-pl_e!\r9yql_o1y';athe ab-p_lpJti-e_gt1ry:fr_tgy!
-e3.c11931 it f114!Jy-ppgyp4,,
yvhen 1 !e9!,y!|_9t24!9q! pgoptewaitglip lit-?-p;l
lwo dg1e'!el'vhs9p9nt!A,|l11g1ny!ary9y9_p_99pl9wer?
9 b_a
f o-y.
OlSpytpS&etq9_a)f g4di! jryp_qy9ntpa1(in*9yr9&yp_ryi!ylsv_7Af\,,
_lo:lgy*q,Nugic R!y,e: js ry*,7':hkigge:.Jl:.tA?^r,,tr,ig!/|gl4ygeer
pryk in t he r eqion.!t-+eA!,yes_ dprelZg! exg&yy_dgs e!4_t\ftljUSayes. &-
?ark willbevery popular.Manyfamilies and,touriets
will viei!,*rt.ft wiLlbeqreat for our.ciby.

SUBJECT Geographyand History

WRITING SKILL Using passivevoice

WRITING TASK Write sentencesin the passivevoice about buildings.

A sentencethat is in the activevoiceshowsan actionperfor^med by the subjectof the
sentence.A sentencethat is in the passivevoiceshowsan actionperfonmeduponthe
sublectof the sentence.The onderof the subjectand oblectin a passivesentenceis basically
neversed. verb be followedby the
To write a sentencein the passivevoice,use the auxiliany
past par^ticiple
of the mainvenb.
George Washington started the construction of the Capitol in 7793'
The construction of the Caprto/was started in 1793. [passive]
In formalwniting,you can usethe passivevoicewhenyou do not knowonwhen it is not
impontantto knowwho did something.Youcan eithenomit the subject[seeexampleabove]or
intnoduceit using by.
The construction of the Caprtol was started in 7793 by George Washington'
Youcan alsousethe passivevoicewhen what happenedis moneimpontantthan who did it.
ln 1814, the British Army burned down the Capitol.
ln 1814, the Capitol was burned down by the British Army [passive]

1. Work on the PetronosTwin Towerswclsstortedin L995.

2. Ihe London Eyewos openedby the British Prime Minister on December3I, 1999-

1. The PetronosTwin Towerswere built in 1998in Kuolo Lumpur.

2. The London Eyeis visitedby millions of tourists everyyeor.

@ [Students'onswerscon vory]


, '!6 @r rld i BE I E ! ; ; ; i"

Using passivevoice
on when it is not impontant
In fonmalwr.iting,you can use the passivevoicewhen you do not know
to know who did something.
Some people started the construction of the Capitol in 1793'
The construction of the Capito/ was started in 1793 lpassiveJ
than who did it'
You can also use the passivevoicewhen what happenedis more impor"tant
ln 1814, the British Army burned down the Capitol'
ln 1814, the Capitol was burned down by the British Army' [passive]

&i& n"*rite eachunderlinedsentenc€in the passivevoice.

The SydneyOpera Houseis locatedin Sydney,
lt isalsothemostfamous
buildingin SydneY.

l.. :en"ePsep"!"ehvJ-!"i"t-bslYK.e.::t-1P19--e$-!-?-21
SyjlSfQpS:il]p-tfur Hedesignedit to look likea
setof whitesailsfloatingon thewater.

&ly!*v:elfl -*rvI[$-e-5v.Q"nsv-9P-ej?-]Je-e-:s"

T he 5y dnqy Opera \ous-gi2


visit ed by manYt' o urist'e everY-

Listenand write exactlywhat you hear.

il*T::::: il;;**-sr:'::

.@ inafire.|tsre.qq1e;tructi91i^:99kouerthreey9areto
,"s o;w4in yy got{!!,fy, MalJ faggy-e-?qoplewgyi-*tst-





Work with a classmateand write four sentencesin the passivevoice about a

new tower,

(Start) -T!-q--cslo-!yacfio11o-!!-!pSl-o!41-!-o11y-e;ywgs*oj4fi-gdin-?Q-Q-O-,

(Finish)-lhP-Gtob1ylsyyeyyee ---

(Visit) .l"beQJSbalfpWe:-:tyA,pv;ig1itedb..y

to the class.
Nome: Class:

@ Rewritethe sentencesin the passivevoice.

1 Some people storted work on the Petronos Twin Towers in 1995.

The British Prime Minister opened the London Eye on December 31,1999.

@ Write sentencesin the passivevoiceabout the buildings.

1 Petronos Twin Towers / build / 7998 lin Kuolq Lumpur

London Eye/ visit / millions of tourists I everyyeor

Write four sentencesin the passivevoice about a new building in your town
or city.





@ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 4
Boost!Writing gl-,
listen to the Musie

SUBJECT Arts and Entertainment

WRITINGSKILL Using synonymsand pronouns

WRITING TASK Write paragraphsabout different kinds of music.

Usingsynonymsand pronouns
Yourwnitingcan be moneintenestingif you use synonymsand pronounsinsteadof nepeating
t h e s a m ew o n d sm a n yt i m e s .
1 A synonymis a wondthat has the same meaningas anotherwond.Fonexample,/arge,
massiveand hugeare synonymsof big.lf you do not know a synonymfon a wond,you can
use a thesaunusor^dictionaryto helpyou.
2 A pronounis a wondthat can neplacea nounon nounphr^ase, Somecommonpronouns
include it, they, he, him, this, those, some, others and none. When you use pronouns,
nememben the following:
. Usethe nameof the pensononthingthe first time you mentionit. Aftenthis,you can use
a pnonoun{John is very short. He is also thin. not He is very short. He rs also thin.).
. lf you anetalkingaboutsevenalpeopleor things,do not use a pnonounif the r^eaden will
not undenstand who or what it refers to (Mark and Jim are both wearing pants. Markb
pants are blue. not Mark and Jim are both wearing pants. His pants are b/ue.).
You may find that your students use pnonounsinconnectly
[She coat is brown.J.Gettingthem
to makestatementsaboutthe objects in each othen's
desksmay helpneinfonce the connect
To givestudentspracticeusingsynonyms, finstput them into gnoups,then giveeachgnoupa
differentsentence[Thecar is sma//.].Havestudentsmakeothensentencesthat havea similan
meaning[The car is tiny)
listen to the Music :
{,iI. Do you play a musica!lnstrqrlnent?
Oiscussyour answers"


Readtlre passage.

nT:T-lil"J::: il
-b. Wind instrumentsore ployedby blowing oir into them.
re often eosyto i"orrr,
They ore leorn, otitrouqh
olthough some .on be quite difficult to
,l-. con
F ploy well. Common examples include the trumpet, flute ond clarinet. ]
String instruments ore ployed by stroking or plucking strings.
Someore easyto leorn, while othersore very hord to pick up.
Typiccl exomplesore the guitor, violin ond cello.
,. Percussioninstruments ore
€ :.
ployedby hitting or shaking
them. Common kinds include
the drums, xylophone ond
_ tombourine. Although some
ore very eosy to ploy, others
ore tricky to moster.

i1$ Rnswerthe questions.

1 I n porogroph2,what do "they" ond "some"referto? Windinsf,ruments.

2 I n porogroph4, whot do "some"ond "others"referto? ?ercussioninstruments,

3 I n porogroph3, con you find o phrosethot meonsthe something os "learn"? ?ickuV.

4 In the possoge,whot two words hove o similor meoning to the word "difficult"? Hard,tricky.


U s i n gs y n o n y m sa n d p n o n o u n s
Younwnitingcan be more intenestingif you use synonymsand pronounsinsteadof repeating
t h e s a m e w o n d sm a n yt i m e s .

. A synonym is a wond that has the same meaning as anothen word flarge,massive and huge
are synonymsof bigl.

r A pronoun is a word that can replace a noun on noun phrase Vt,they, he, hrm, this, those,
some, others, nonel,

Completethe passage.Replacethe crossed'outwords with synonymsand fill in

the blankswith pronouns.

i group very hord leorners i i these this they it

i.,*"*.."*_*.,"'',,,,..*.* ssii4r't':di .'','.,.-...,,.*.*'

In mony rock bonds, there ore three different guitorists.t1) thgg* , , ,,, ore the
rhythm guitorist, the leod guitorist ond the bossguitorist. In the Qff:Xf,they eoch ploy

o different port of the song.

First of oll, there is the rhythm guitorist. This guitorist providesthe rhythm of the song.
Ploying rhythm guitor is on eosy skill to pick up, so {3},,,,,,,-.,.- it, -- - is populor
Erir' learnerg
for beginners.Some{*} beginners-conploy rhythm guitor in o bond even if

ry'r"' {s}_- !!n,eJ'-,, _ ore just storting.


Next is the leod guitorist. Leod guitorists ploy the melody,or moin port, of o song.Doing
,*,, i6) lhlg con be reolly difficult, so theseguitorists need to be {r} +eol}yskillful.

"91 Lost we hove the bossguitorist. This kind of guitorist ploys the low port of the song.
tr hard
'": It is not tel diffr'etilt to stort ploying the boss guitor, but it con be difficult to become very

e.:. oood.
neadthe introduetionand then write three paragraphs.
pronounsin your writing.

Kinds of Music

There ore mony different kinds of music. Three common kinds ore rock, pop ond
First, thgreisrock,Thiskindofmueicis_roud4ldhaealoaofengrgy,Theoongg


Next, we,[4y-e-p_o_p_mue_ig.l!ieqe!.!"a!!y_fugel4-p,A!Sby'l\etyfep-qlgl_]tlpleapdyg-A.
gaygtpgaJongt-o-!\-em.1ome welt-known
J ary9"s,
Ql14y!Vnd M;ika Naka shima.


B r a i n s t o rim
d e a sa b o u te a c hk i n d
of musicbeforeyou startto write.
Readthe report a girl $rrote about acousticguitars. Takenotes on the
main points.

Acoustic Guitors Notes ]

- Acousticguitors: hollgwrm4deof
.*a Acousticguitors are hollow ond mode of

,,.df, wood. They ore ployed by plucking or w99-4

,s@f, strumming strings.AcousticAuitors do
- Ployedby: p-lg-ck!19!qt'1ury$i"ng
',{*.}.not need to be usedwith omplifiers
',,rgr becousethey make enough sound on elrings
their own. - Amplifiers: don'g 1e,qlrry;g;ke
AcousticAuitors usuolly hove six
enougheoundonthqiT own
strings, but some hove twelve.
Some qcoustic guitors hove 9 yq;lly have-6, b t179,,ry.e-
Strin gs: 14 -\ a-ve
thick strings made out of 11 99 me hayq t\i ck plag-t'iq 9;t_7j
ng e,
plostic-others hove steel
,,-s'strings. othershave st eel
Sound: make nice Ying!!1g99lnd "
AcousticAuitars moke
o nice ringing sound
.*P, when they ore ployed. Excellent for: q,o''gntry,
|!o-l\ ryye-j9-
They ore excellent for
country ond folk music.

Listento what a boy saysabout electricguitars.Takenotes on the

main points.
CD script on p.

- Electricouitors: u*u*$!v rnade *f **li** wo*d

- Ployedby: TluqVinglgf4ymminge;tringe tluet a9 with 49oueNlicgrlit are)
,:,..' - Amnlifiers: need,becausedo not makemuch sound oni.heir own

,', - Sound: ca1!9 yery noiey - ..

, - Greot for: loud rockmusic

ffi Work with a classmate.On a separatepiece of paper,write a paragraph

eomparingand contrastingacousticand electricguitars.

Nome: Closs: Dote:

Readthb introduction and then write four paragraphs.Usesynonymsand

pronouns in your writing.
In some rock bonds, there ore four musicions. These ore the singer, the leod guitorist, the boss
guitorist ond the drummer. They eoch hove o different role in the bond.





@ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 Boost!Writing4

SUBJECT Culture and People

UI'RITINGSKITL Writing descriptivesentences

WRITING TASK Make a crossword puzzle.

Writing descriptivesentences
Makingcnosswor^d When you makea
puzzlesis a fun wayto pnacticeyounEnglishwr"iting.
cnosswond,you needto write a cluefon each answerin the puzzle.One goodwayto do this is
to wnitedescniptive antonyms[opposites]and pnonouns.
Using a synonym This word has a similar meaning to ...
Using an antonym Thisis the opposite of ...
Usinga pnonoun:lt is locatedin ...
When you makea cnosswond you planthe answensand cluesfit st. Thenyoufit the
answensinto a puzzle.Youshouldnemembenthefollowing
. Put one lettenin each squane.lf the answenis more than one word, leaveout the spacesin
. Numbenthe answensand the clues.Youdo this by number^ing the fir"stsquarein each
answenPut numberone at the veny top and work toward the bottom. When two ot' mone
answensaneon the same linein the puzzle,go fnom left to t'ight.
. The monetimes the answenscross,the monelettens[andthenefoneindir^ect hints]you are
givingthe pensonwho will do the puzzle.
Wrlting descriptive sentences
Making cnosswordpuzzlesis a fun way to pnacticeyour Englishwriting.When you make a
crossword,you need to write clues.One good way to do this is to write descniptivesentences
using synonyms,antonyms[opposites]and pnonouns.

ffi write cluesfon the answersin the crossword.


Thisie a verylargeanimal.lNhasa

f his_is a kind of s-uring i netr umen;l, l't-ie_

used in rock music.

You pla;yone of aheset o makemueic.


X{.isf****sd i*:l*eiim.
ffi' toflow the stepsts nnakea erosswordpuzzle.
1 PIan:Usethe plon to write cluesond onswersfor your crosswords.Then on o seporotepiece
of poper plon how your onswerswill fit together,so they form o crossword.

€lue:lhis- i-s-a-kitd-at-petatL?-s)e-r il PyhiWlls pr ahaYbg,iL,

a I
e m ? r e 5 t, a v e

b m m
Answer (a kind of animal): lfoA f r o 0 a o

u n

Answer(a verb): P-g.Plf.t- .

€lue: !!ris i9th9 o,ppqeilgg!"erylygl' n
d e 7 a r t,

Answer (an adjective): Small


2 Make:Now moke your crosswordon o

seporotepieceof poper. Write your clues
os descriptivesentences. Then drow o
grid for your puzzle ond odd numbers s y n o n y ma s ,n t o n y masn d
where the onswersshould be filled in. p r o n o u nisn y o u rc l u e s .
&fi"s$o@ Readthe ernai!your pempa! lWanywrote about her sehoolassignment"

F r o m :m a r y @ k i d p a tnse. t To:
Subject:International crossword


l ' m h o p i n gt h a ty o uc a nh e l pm e o u t .I h a v ea
cnhnnl ree;nnman+ i ^ |makea crossword puzzle.
My puzzleneedsto be aboutcities,foodsand
p e o p l ei n o t h e rc o u n t r i e sI w
. o u l dr e a l l ya p p r e c i a t e
i t i f y o uc o u l dh e l pm e c o m eu p w i t h c l u e sa n d
a n s w e r fso r t h e f o l l o w i n g :
1 A c i t yi n y o u rc o u n t r ,
2 A foodfrom yourcountry
3 A famouspersonfrom yourcountry

{,ff suggest,mgcluesand ansurersfor her €ross$tord.

wrlte a short emaa,to futrany

. To: mary@kidpdls.nret
S u b j e c t :R E : I n t e r n a t i o n a cl r o s s w o r d

Dear Mary,
I wouldlovelo helpyou out with your croeewordpuzzle. I have included some clues and
answersabout my counlry belowt
l Cluetllisthe c4piaalcily of 1outhKorea. Answer:1eoul.
2 Clue:lt is the nationalfood of is made of cabbage. Answer;Kimchi.
3 C]luq5he is a famous Korean pop sxar. AnswertboA.
I hope y ou find these clues helpful.
Nome: Closs:

O Writ'eanswersand cluesfor a crosswordaboutyour school.

Answer (o clossmote'snome):


Answer (o ploce in school):


Answer (o fovorite school subject):


Answer (o lunch item):


Answer (somethingyour schoolhos):


Answer (somethingyou do in closs):


Answer (on ofter-school club):


Make your crosswordpuzzleon a separatepieceof paper.Then have a

classmatedo your crossword.

@ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 Boost!Writing4
Vacation Letivities

SUBJECT Sportsand Leisure

WRITINGSKItt Writing an essayto organizethings

WRITING TASK Writing an essayorganizing summer activities.

Writing an essayto organizethings

Sometimesyou needto wnitean essayin whichyou or"ganize items undena main idea,[For
example,in the essayon page43 of the StudentBook,skiing,tobogganingand snowboanding
are onganized undenthe main ideaof wintenactivities.J
Youcan wnitethis kindof essayin the
. Get the neaden's attention.Fonexample, you can ask the neadenquestionsaboutthe topic
[Wnter! What is the frrst thing that comes to mind? Snowmen?).
. State the main idea lFor ma44 it is winter activities.).
. List the items onganizedundenthe main idea IThree common kinds are skiing,tobogganing
and snowboarding.).
. Descnibeeach item in one bodyparagnaph.
Youcan showwhere each par:agnaph
usingwondsand phnasessuch as:
Frrst, Frrst of ail Second, Third, Next, Last
. Summanizeyounessayby stating the items and main ideaagain[Skiing,tobogganingand
snowboardingare a//well-knownwinter activities.J.Make sure, howeven,that you do not
simplynepeatwhat you wr ote in the intnoduction.
. Finishwith an inter"estingthought [Peop/ea// orer the world have fun doing these activities
during winter vacations.).

l-istento a teaeher giving a boy advice on hsw to improve his essay.

Fdit the text basedon what you hear.

AAanypeoplego on laps duringlheir vacafion.S"fontff"an do fAis,*hey need*o
decide how lhey are goinglo lravel.Common wayso{ lraveling included.,;3*#d"rt;:;:'"

F;rsl of all,{here is daving.6oing by car can be good becauseif allows peoplelo decide

exaciiy where lo go ard vvhen*o slop. However,because dav;ng can be slow,people can

o{len only go places ihaf are nearby.

Another way t o t ravel ie by taking
=akngr the frain. This is a greal way to
go lo places il.'a* a.e a long way away.raktrg lhe
lrain is cheaper lhan flying, and is iess tiring lhan drving. Travelers can
buy g.eal snacks on lhe *rain, and lhey can see someg't ea# scenery oul o{ lhe w,ndow.

Lasl we haveflying. Peoplelravel like

*his if lhey need lo go a long way.

Flying is fas* and fun.I* {eels amazing

lo fly above*he cloudfand across

oceans lo {a.awaycounfries.

D.vtrtgby .,ar,laking
lhe i:i'JlYt
oammonways *o lravel. which way

peopl" choose dependson where.*Ley

wanl lo go ard wha* they wanl *o do.

{,H. Compareyour eorrectionswith a ctassrnate"

Nome: Closs:

Followth'estepsto write an essayaboutthree vacationactivitiespeoplecando

in your country.
1 Brainstormand plan: Brainstorm ond plon your essclyon o sepclrotepieceof poper.

2 Write:Write your essoybelow.


@ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 BoostlWriting


follow the stsps to write an essa$torganizil'lgthree team sports.
1 Brainstormand plan: Broinstorm ond plon your essoyon o seporotepieceof poper.
2 Wrife;Write your essclybelow.

Title: TeamSporNo
.U1any-peq-?1q of rhemostpo.plilariepfi-.-""
_lj:s__t.!!p,!-6_ptgy94 !,geVp_9!,
glgu-e!p-teyg:-s_,_l_t9-y--e;yglrytp o-_ttr_e:
Next ih er e is b asket*b-a\t,
Wi9 pl 4U9 d o1 a cou;ytth a!, h1s 7 b-Vsket at g? 9h
g!4:T!g!g?y9tj;ygpl9yqrsoneachr,eam,E_achof r,hese-r,

United5tabes._ -
"?o.?.c_a_r_q_r.V[_s^b_-ybj!.!:ils!*\glett -09!!le*ry-a1!ba
f unwatch;liyga!4$Ay:!!g_!!,"eg.
SUBJECT People/ Scienceand Nature

WRITINGSKILL Using phrasesto improve your writing

WRITINGTASK Use phrasesto completean applicationletter for a spacemission'

Usingphrasesto improveyour writing

Tojoin ideasin a natunalway you can use phnasesthat improvethe flow of younwr"itingand help
the readenunderstandhow all of younideasrelateto each othenHeneanesome examples:
To showwhenenew ideasstant:
. First of a//,
To showthat the ideais yout"opinion:
. /agree ln my opinion, ' /disagree ." . lt is my opinion that...
To giveexamplesand detailsthat suppontthe idea:
. For example, . Moreovec . By way of examp/e, . /n addition,
To dnawattentionto younpoint:
. lt is worth considerinq that... . / would /ike to point out that ...
. Last but not /east,

To makethe conclusion:
o ls conclude, . /n conclusion,

lf you use for.malphnases,e.g.,/ disagreeinsteadof / do not thinksa they can makeyour wr"iting
s o u n dm o n ed e v e l o p e d .

1. I disogree 5. In oddition, 9. I would like to point out thot

2. In my opinion, 6. more obout our plonet 10. In conclusion,
3. our scientific knowledge 7. For exomple, 11. it is my opinion thot
4. First of oll, B. new plocesfor us to live 12. should spend more money

Would you like to travel into space?

Discussyour answers.

Readthe essav'
BetterWoys to SpendMoney
Somepeoplethink we shouldspendmore
moneyon spaceexploration,but r I d-o-no!
lShln[it wouldbe betterto spendmoreto fight poverty,
stoppollution andimprove education.
Fi.l:!/we should spend more moneyto help fight poverty.Millionsof people in the world
do not haveenoughmoneyfor food or housing.Bygiving moneyto specialprograms,we
could help thesepeoplelivebetterlives.
Second,A moneycouldalsobe usedto stop pollution.We couldfind cleanerwaysto live
that do not pollutethe airor the oceans.We couldalso
cleanup the pollutionthat alreadyexists.
Third;I believewe shouldspend money to improve
education.We couldhire moreteachers.s We couldalso
buildbetterschoolsand buy equipment,likecomputers.
c I do not feelwe shouldspendmore moneyon space
exploration. I thinkwe shouldspendit on fighting
povefty;stopping pollution and improvingeducation.

($ roltow the instructions.

Choosethe best phrose to reploceeoch 2 Choosethe best phrose to be inserted

underlined port of the text. ofter eoch letter in the text.
i I disagree C In conclusion,
3 Firstof oll, A it is worth consideringthot
2 In my opinion, b In oddition, 49

Using phrases to impnoveyCIurwriting
To toin ideasand improvethe flow of your writing,you can use phnasessuch as the following:

First of all, It is worth cansidering that .../ I wauld like

r^ ^^;^+ ^' 'r +^^+
I anraa/diqannee ,,. LU PUtt IU UUU bt IAU ...

Moreover, / ln addition, Last but not least,

Far example,/ By way of example, To conclude,/ ln conclusion,
In my opinion,/ It is my opinion that ...

&l& Circlethe best phraseto replacethe underlinedpart of the $entence.
1 lryq!, spoceexplorotion will increase our scientific knowledge.
€sgsu) Lost but not leost,

2 I think we con leorn more obout our own plonet by comporing it to otherswe

In my opin In conclusion,

3 _FjngIlXour plonet is very crowded, ond one doy we moy need other plonets to live
First of oll, but not leo

4 it is possiblethot life on onother plonet could be better thon it is here.

I disooreethot

5 I think we need to spend more money on spoceexplorotion.

For example, n concluslon

Lookfor wordswith similar

m e a n i n gtso h e l py o u p i c kt h e
b e s tp h r a s e s .
ffi Completethe letter using the phrasesgiven.

J---- F
i For e"omple I try things which I find scc
l: encourogeothersto do their best /

Deor Mission Leoder,

I would like to opply to join your spacemission. ry

W ..

scientificknowledge,odventurousspirit ond greot teom skills.

I olwoys get excellentgrodesin sciencecloss.I even do experimentsot home to

increosemy knowledge.This knowledgewould be very useful to you on your mission.

odventurousspirit. I om not ofraid to try new things or go to new ploces.In oddition,

You will need brove peoplelike me on your mission

qsyL4st,but notleast I hove excellentteam skills.

Suchteom skills ore necessoryfor o succes;;i;;:;;";.

_,I believethat my scientificknowledge,


choice for your mission. I look foword to heoring from you obout my opplicotion.

Yours sincerely,

Sqm Goodmund

Nome: Closs: Dote:

Completdthe essayusing the phrasesgiven.

Firstof oll, For exomple, I disogree

I would like to point out thot In oddition, In conclusion,
In my opinion, it is my opinion thot more qbout our plonet
new plocesfor us to live our scientificknowledge should spendmore money

No BetterWayto SpendMoney
Somepeoplethink we should not spendmore money on spoceexplorotion, but (r)

(z spoceexplorotion
will help us increose 13 leorn more obout our plonet
ond provide new plocesto live in the future.

(41 spoceexplorotion will increoseour scientificknowledge.We will be

oble to develop new rocket fuels. (s)_ we will creote new woys to trovel
longer distonces from Eorth.

Second,by comporing it to others,we con leorn (e)

(7) we will be oble to compore new rocks ond minerols

with those on Eorth' We con study how other plonets chonge ond we moy leorn something
our future.

Third, spoceexplorotion moy provide (e

the eorth's populotion is increosing
ropidly. In the future, we moy need other plocesto live. If we continue to explorespoce,
we moy find
o plonet thot we con live on.

(10)-----_- ( 11 ) to increoseour
knowledgeof science,to leorn more obout the eorth itself ond to find new plonets for us to
live on,
we (12)_ on spoceexplorotion.

O PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007

SUBJECT and Nature


WRITINGSKITL Using details and examplesto support your ideas

WRITING TASK Complete an application letter to become a junior ranger.

Usingdetails and examplesto support your ideas

When youwnite,you often needto pnesentimportantideasto showwhat youthinkabout
something.To supportthese ideas,you can use detailsand examples.
Details explainthe main idea more clear'lylThere are thousands of species that cou/d
disappeanland examplesshow an experienceon factlGood examplesare river do/phinsand
tigers.].lf the detailsand examplesare not dinectlyrelatedto the main ideaof the paragnaph,
they shouldnot be included.
Main idea: Nature is good for our health.
Poor detail We share the world with millions of animal species.
Good detail: Spending time in the forest is healthier than spending time in a smoggy city.
Poonexample'.For example, we can stop polluting the ocean.
Good exam ple: For example, when we go to the beach we can breathe fresh air and relax.

rd$ How can we help pnotectnatarne? y&e,lramswers.


Kead the €ss&trr.

Manypeoplethink we shouldprotectnature. ,:
I agreefor is importantto
respectall livingthings.Furthermore, natureis
for ..,,ffiffifrQr*'*
our survival.
th-e-.wg1ldw1tlr.mlf gf p"lar3.t,
!1qns g! 91iryal-speg1g1.
Weshouldrespectallof these
species because -they_h
gygfilg;1pgf gh!lg.[ye-!he] Vve,
d q,
ttrut@spendino timein natureismuchhealthier,
thanspendinqtimein thecitv.Forexample,whenwe arein theforest,wefeelbetter
andmorerelaxed becauseit isquietandtheairisclean.
La1$ypot least;we shouldprotectnaturebecausefilJl
for oursurvivaEvervthinq in the world is
cglnected and if we hurt nature,we areactuallyhurtinq
Forexample,if we polluteall the water!n the
world,we will not haveanv left to drink.
by protectingnature,we-arenot only
ln co'nclusion,
respectinglivingthings,we arealsoensuringour own
healthand survival.

ll' FoNlowthe instruetions.

1 Circlethe moin ideo in eochbody porogroph.

2 Underlinethe ports of the porogroph thot support eoch mqin ideo.
Using details and examplesto support your ideas
When you write, you often need to present important ideasto show what you think about
something.To support these ideas,you can use detailsand examples.

4tF clroosea detailand an exampleto supporteachidea.

1 Mony onimols in the world ore in A For exomple, it costsUS$30,000

seriousdonger. ct yeor to hire o ronger.

Oetoil:[{ For exomple, we moy need to cut

down foreststo provide enough
Iond to grow food.
The key to soving onimols is soving We need to moke sure onimols
their hobitots. hove noturol hobitots, so they con
continue to survive.
Detoil:ib l
Exomple:a?, We must moke sure thot people
hove everything they need before
It costso lot of money to protect we ccrnprotect onimols.
wildlife. Good exomplesore river dolphins
Detail; .H,l ond tigers.

Exomple: For exomple, we con stop polluting

the oceon ond cutting down the
The survivol of humons is more forests.
importont thon the survivol of G There ore thousonds of speciesthot
onimols. could disoppeor.
Detoil:iD' Operoting o wildlife pork is very
e xo mp l e :.4 expensive.

Co-pletethe lstter by writing a detailand an examplefor eachmainidea.
Deor Sir/Modom,

I would like to opply for the position of funior Rongerwith TeenWildlife

Protectors.I feel I would be o good ronger becouseI love onimals. I om olso
knowledgeobleobout biology, ond I believewildlife is importont for our plonet

First,I hove o reolly strong love of onimols.

(Detoil) | lllilke
t o epgnd my lreq lr-ng yo!\ilgyiull\ pqim4ls,

(Exomple) For example,I uolun!^gerwith an organizalion bhat, helpe


Second,I would like to point out thot I know o lot obout biology.
(Detoil) | have won several prizes for project's I havedone on biology.

,!4?1ry9t ,h1dil4pyolect o-nwildllifql]\a!,yyo_gfiygt

(Exomple) Fqr e.xampJ.
prize at,the school sciencefair.

Lost but not leost, I honestlybelievethot wildlife is importont for our plonet.
(Detoil) Thele are mafy diffefp\! e$Yalgin!\ey!q*]4: .

needlo do ourbest to prolectit.

In conclusion,my love of onimols, knowledgeof biology ond belief in the

importonce of wildlife moke me on excellentchoicefor TeenWildlife Protectors.
I look forword to your response.

Yours sincerely,

Liso Burgess

W r i t ed e t a i l tsh a te x p l a i n
m a i ni d e am o r ec l e a r l ay n de x a m p l e s
whichshowan experience or fact.
Readthe report a boy rruroteabout wildlife. Takcnotes on his opinions

Governments Should Protect Wildlife Notes

I believethot it is the responsibilityof - Responsibilityof governments:
,-air, governmentsto protectwildlife. They hove a lot
lo pyo_tect,wi!4life
of money which they con use
- Governments: havemoney,can
to do this. They con hire
mony peopleond buy o lot en;t
\1ye p9 qple. b-uy9 qui;pm
of equipment.For exomple,
they con employ rongersond
scientistswho know how to Exomples
protect onimols. Moreover, Employ: P nger 5 ?ryde,c-i
they con buy oll the things
thesepeopleneed to do their
iobs well, like vehicles Buy: uehic|e;e,.e-qyip,ment'
equipment and computers. computers

Listemto the ecmments a girl rnakesabout the boy's neport.Takenotes on

her rlnininmq
CD script on p. 9.
- Responsibilityof governments: t'o ?rotectwildlife
Governments: have power to makelaws, make it' illeaalt o kill animals habitat,

creale wildlife Varks

- Exomples

Possed: law to st'op peoplq hunUi1gfo4Qo

Creoted: wildlife parks

On a separatepieceof papen write a paragraph
{SJ Work with a classmrate.
eornparingamd€ontrastingthe boy's and girl's ideas.
Nome: Closs: Dote:

Write a d6tail and an exampleto support each main idea.

1 In my opinion, the government should do more to protect noture.



I think my country needsto spendmore money on schoolsthon on protecting noture.



It is my opinion thot the government should spend more money on creoting new porks.



I believe thot soving forests ond roinforests will help sove our plonet.



@ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 Boost!Writing
{i;} Write a detai! and an example to support each !dea.

In my opinion, we should do more to protect noture.

Detoil: Throughoutt he world nalure ie beingdeetroyed.

Exomple: For example,rainforesls in manycountries arebeing cut down.

It is my opinion thot we need to move more onimols into zoos.

Detoil : lf w e move animale f,o zoos, w e can help protect t hem.


SUBJECT Culture and People

WRITINGSKItt Writing to apply to a school

WRITINGTASK Write an application letter to an international school.

Writing to applyto a school

lf you applyto certainschools,you may needto wnitea fonmalletten In this kindof letten,you
shouldgiveneasonswhy you anea goodpensonto jointhe school.Youshouldtalk aboutthe
. Your"talents ll find it easy to /earn new languages.l
. Younabilitiesfl can speak three /anguages.l
. Your personalityllalways try to work with those around me.l
. Your pnevioussuccesses fl alwaysget good grades.l

Youshouldalsosay somethingto showyou knowsomethingaboutthe schoolllam looking

forward to meeting the many students at your schoo/from different countries.] and how you will
fit in at the school llam good at Eng/ish,which / know is important at your schoo/.|.
Youcan write a formal lettenusingthe followingpattenn.
1 younaddress
2 date
3 name of the pensonyou are wnitingto
4 addnessof the personyou are wnitingto
5 fonmalgneetinglDear Ms. Lee,l
6 bodyof younletten
7 fonmalclosinglYours sincerely,l
I signatune
9 y o u nn a m ei n f u l l

Would you like to study at an international schoell?

Why or why not? Siseuss your ams\firers.

Readthe letter.
Deor Ms. Lee,
I would like to opply to become o student ot Genius
Internotionol School.I think I would moke o greot
student for your school becouseof my ocodemic tolent,
strong English obilities ond love of different cultures.
First of oll, I om on excellent student. I get good grodes
in oll subjects,ond I olwoys perform well in tests.For
exomple, lost semesterI got As in oll subjects.
Second,I hove very good English skills, which I know is
importont ot your school. By woy of exomple, I find it
eosy to speok English to my teochers,ond I reolly enfoy
reoding Englishbooks.
tost but not leost, I love to leorn obout different cultures.
At <rn internotionol school, there will be students from
mony different countries, ond I om excited to find out
obout their beliefs ond cultures.
In conclusion, bosed on my acodemic tolent, good
English skills ond interest in other cultures, I feel thot I
would be qn'excellent student for y-our school. I look
forword to hearing from you obout my opplicotion.

ffi$: nnu*erthequestions.
Whot importont things ore missing from the stort of the letter? The student's address,
the datb,the receivbr'snameand address.
Whot things ore missingfrom the end of the letter?fhe closing,the student's nameand

Writing to apply to a school
lf you applyto certain schools,you may need to wnite a for"malletten"In this kind of letten,you
shouldgive r^easons why you ane a good pensonto join the school.You shouldalso include
addresses,a date, and a formal greeting and closing.

ffi thecorrect
a^nose details to complete the letter.
A I never give up ofter I begin something,even if it is
312 Sn-inwonBuilding difficult.
500 Dalgubeoldoero, Suseong-Gu School.
B I om writing to opply to Internotionol Success
Doegu 706-011 c I look forword to your response.
fuly 19 D For exomple, I hove olreody studied English ond
Mr. John Russell
Internationol SuccessSchool E Deor Mr. Russell,
1,39-143 Bonpo 3-Dong,Seocho-Gu F fennifer Pork ta
Seoul,137-044 G Lost but not leost, I hove good teom spirit. I

b I feel thot I om on excellentstudent for your schoolbecouseof my tolent with
Ionguoges,belief in working hord ond teom spirit.

First of oll, I om tolentedwith longuoges.I find it eosyto leorn new longuoges,ond

I enjoy studying them. D

Second,I believein working hord. A By woy of exomple, I found Frenchdifficult ot

first, but I kept studying until I could speokwell.

G I olwoys try to work with those oround me. For exomple,when I ploy teom sports,
I olwoys cooperotewith my teommotes,so we con do our best.

In conclusion,I believemy tolent with longuoges,belief in hord work ond teom spirit

-;r '- ?oA

r^j "'*"%
fotlow the stepsto write a letter to apply to an internationalschoo!.

1 Brainstorm;Broinstorm ideosfor your letter on o seporotepieceof poper. Think of three

reosonswhy you would be o good student for the school.
2 PIan:Useyour ideosto moke o writing plon. Write qn interestingintroduction, detoils for
body porogrophs describingyour reosonsond o conclusionsummorizing your letter.

Principal'sname: M1,lphfgql!_ _ __
Introduction: -!_ry-o,qJd Academyly,tternaiigl4l,9ghool,I am qon{ide4t
9!\9y ta\et 4,Q9-?
t _s?-
BodyparagraphI (reason):

Detailsand examples:-lidlaJlquagg exa\4t_q,e_!9.Eyqla1\syyql-y_1ygQ-91ypl


Body paragraph2 (reason):


s: ,p,e-]ig-ye importayt, m-gA-b-p;f
9_c"!1g_glg.Pjf!!"y_e:_y p!9"gfpy-?gf_"
Body paragraph3 (reason):
Topicsentenqs2 LaoNb.ut no;t'l99sL ! .hay9.e-xc.

s andexamples:p"frt|qg!14y"-goo*
Oetaif ?! 999cgr4n1
on both schoolaoccerand baakeXball
t eams

7-VeM?-9b991s"?it!y 4t!]e!ic altli!j_e-9-,1!99-J!_bar"lWgyll

Write:Write your letter on 0 seporOte Include a d d r e s s easd, a t ea, n d

pieceof poper. a f o r m agl r e e t i n g
a n dc l o s i n g .
how to becomea nepcrterfor
Readthe email a teaelrerwrote explai*'lir"lE
tlre school nevuspap€r.

F r o m :s i m p s o n @ i n t e r s c h o o l . c o m To:

T h a n ky o u f o r y o u r e m a i l .I a m g l a dt o h e a rt h a t y o u a r e
interested i n b e c o m i n ga r e p o r t e fr o " t h e s c h o o ln e w s p a p e r .
B e f o r ey o u c a n j o i nt h e n e w s p a p e rl,' d l i k ey o u t o w r i t e m e
a s h o r te m a i l ,g i v i n gt h r e er e a s o n sw h y y o u t h i n ky o u
w o u l d b e a g o o d r e p o r t e rF. o re x a m p l ea, f e y o u g o o da t a n y
l a n g u a g e sC ? a ny o u t a k ep h o t o g r a p h sY?o us h o u l da l s o
p r o v i d ee x a m p l e st o s u p p o r ty o u r r e a s o n s .
I look forwardto your reply.
T h a n ky o u ,
M r s .S i m p s o n

Write a shCIrtemail to the teaehergiving reasonswhy yot"twould he a good


T-o: sim,p,so
n @i

Thankyou for your res?onee.I feel I wouldmakea good reporter for t'he school
newspaperforthefollowing reasgns.First,of all,l q,njoyt akingpict,y4y97.
F9r example,

I lovelo wriIe, 9y way of example,I olten writ e stories with my friends. Last' but
to int erviewpeoplgin the commu1iLy.F9ythese reaeons,I think I wouldmakea good
Nome: Class:

Follow the stepsto write a letter to apply to a summer languagecamp.

1 Brainstormand plan: Broinstorm ond plon your letter on o seporotepieceof poper.

2 Write:Write your letter below.

O PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 Boost!Writing4
St"dying Lbroad

SUBJECT Culture and People

WRITII'IG S.KILL Writing an essayto argue an opinion

WRITIN.GTASK Write an essayabout travel.

Writing an essayto argue an oprnron

ln some essays,you may need to anguean opinion[/t is better to learn Englishin your own
country than abroad.]and show why you think younopinionis cot'nect.To do this, you should
presentideas,detailsand examplesthat supportyour opinion.Youcan write this kindof essay
in the followingway:
. Explainthe topic and state your opinionfMany students think you can only learn Eng/ishwe//
in an English-speaking country but / disagree. ln my opinion, my country is an excellent place
to learn Eng/ish.).
. List ideas that support your opinion (/n my opinion,my country is an excellentp/ace to learn
Eng/ish because it has good teachers, a variety of learning materia/s and many p/aces to
. Descnibeeach ideain one bodypanagnaph Youcan showwhene
usingdetailsand examples.
each panagnaph beginsby usingwot ds and phnasessuch as:
Frrst, Frst of a//, Second, Third, Next, Last,
. State your.opinion again lln conclusion,/ do not feelthat students need to go abroad to
/earnEng/ishproper/y,) Make sure, however,to nestatethis opinionin a way which is
diffenentthan in the introduction.
. Summarize youn ideas I Wth its excellent teachers, /earning materials and p/aces to study,
/ think my country is a great place to learn Eng/ish.l.Again,try to do this diffenentlythan in
the introduction.


Do you think studyingabroad is better than studying

ln your home country?Discussyour answers.

Readtle essay.

A GreatPlaceto LearnEnglish
Everyyearthousands of studentsgo abroadto studyEnglish.Manyof
thesestudentsthinkyou canonlylearnEnglish wellin an English-speaking
I disagree. placeto learnEnglishbecause
In my opinion,my countryisan excellent it has
goodteachers,a varietyof learningmaterials
and manyplacesto study.
Firstof all,we havemanygoodEnglish teachersin my country.Somearelocaland some
arenativeEnglish speakers.Forexample, I amtaughtby a localanda nativeEnglish
teacher. I find learningfrom bothof them perfectfor studyingEnglish.
Second,it isworthconsidering thatthereisa widevarietyof learningmaterials
here.TherearemanyEnglish books,CDsandcomputer programs thatstudents
Forexample, in my class,
I readEnglishbooksfull of interesting
At home,I useCDs
to practicemy listeningandplayEnglish gameson mycomputer.
Lastbut not least,therearemanyplacesto learnEnglishin my country.Apartfromschool,
I canalsostudyEnglish at institutions
andcamps.Forexample, I havebeento several
campswhichhavehelpedmewith my speaking andlistening skills.
I do not feelthat studentsneedto go abroadto learnEnglish
In conclusion, properly. With
teachers,learningmaterials and placesto study,I thinkmy countryisa great
placeto learnEnglish.

{"!* nnswer the questions.

1 Whot is the writer's opinion of studvinq Enolish in her own countrv?

Thewriter thinkehei country ie ai exdellehtplaceto learnEnqlidh.
2 Whot ideosdoesthe writer use to supportthis'opinion?
The writ er oupporis t his opinionby sayingthaN her country has good teachers, a
variety of learningmaterialsandmany placesto siudy.
Writing an essay to anguean opinion
show why you think younopinionis
In some essays,you may need to anguean oplnionand

b o d yp a n a g n a Puhs i n gd e t a i l sI .

disagree'Thenwrite three
Look at the topic and decidewhether you agreeor
ideasthat suPPortYouroPinion'

It is better to 9o to sciencecomp thon Englishcomp'

Agree or disagree? Agree

Tryto thinkof ideasthat canbe

s n de x a m p l e s '
i u p p o r t e db y d e t a i l a
{ j#. rottow the steps tCIrrynltean esseyerslmg
the topic and youn opinion a

1 Brainstorm;
Broinstormdetoilsond exomplesto supportyour opinionond ideos.
2 PIan: Use your ideos to moke o writing plon. Write on interesting introduction, detoils for
body porogrophs exploining your ideos ond o conclusion summorizing your esscry.

Introduction: Many student's thinkit isbetter t o go to sciencecamp thanEnglish I
| I agree far several reasons. Not only do I prefer scienceto Enalish,but l feel I
*at science camp wouldbe more int ereeting and more ueeful for my future plane.
Paragraph1 (idea):

I !|1st of all,l prefer sciencetoEnglieh.


I P€tailsandexarnpies: than fgglish,tead,ah_p_!fi--e_aiets-e_tll

I freet'ime
Paragraph2 {idea}:
nd \-b_-el!puZgStel-o19cqmpw_aj)!4Veryp-f j_ -t9!Qsti19_!\4!

netallsand exarnplesz-ry4\yd!f19.:r-ent_areas
of science (biolggy,p\ylgipp_,-gbelylggfX
a st r ono my, et c), d o int er est ing expe riment e and pr oject e

Paragraph3 (idea):
e: Lastbut no 'lleast, science camp wouldbe more usefulfor my
I -f,r!w-qd,arp-,
andexarnpfes: or scigy1r:s}*g!ile1r111e!l!g_Zt{
W9"rt!dl!tg_!g-?-e_e_fgllggy _ ,
get, experience th at is hetpf ul f or thes e car eer o

Conrlusion: ly conc)y9,1qn,!!,ge_l
!f;4!,__4OlttqppAeLq _e7AW would be much bett er -_,_
than goinqtoEnglieh camp.Ilike science morethanEnalish, andIbelievelhat science

career ptans

3 Write:Write your essoyon o seporotepieceof pqper.


N-istento a teaclsergiving a girl advieeon how to improve her essay"

Edit the text based*n wlrat you hear.

. .lt .
{:on! wffh a UroU?
Many sluden*s *hink it ;s a good idealo go wilh a
group of {.tenduwhen*hey study abroad.I agre.e.
lnmy opinion,
I *ii, rii sludying ab.oadin a group;s less s*ressful,

more{un and iess lonely *han sludying alone.

Firsto{ all, studyingw,*h{riends is'leas*s*.essfuJlhan slud@ ooun*ry,
sluden*s {ace problemsrnzhichlheir {aends can help lLem wilh. t A€n I was sludying in 14e

Unt*edS*ates, my {riends of*en t elpedme wilh my Engiish.ThS made my ex?erience

-uch iess s*ressfu/.

Second,if is more {un lo sludy abroadtn u grou?i::iends can havea lo* o{ {un logefher.

3y way of example,my {riends and I had so muchnvisihngmuseu^s.I am sure;l would

nol havebeen as ergoyablewilhoul ll,em.

Lasl, sludying in a group is less lonely than s*udyirg alone. Althoughsfuden*s mayfeel

uery lonelyin a {oreEn coun*ry, berngwi*h fnends c:anhelp.As an examfe, when f was
;h;;J, ^ ^ lonely
I never fell loo I ^ ^ - t . . Lbecause
o n , , , q o my
M , , {riends were lhere.

ln conclusion,
ii iir"L+ J'bL*t". lo sludy ab.oad tn a group than *o sludy alone.wi*h lheir
, more enjoyable
sludenls w,ll f,nd their er-penenceJesss*ressfufiand-ielslone/y lhan by llremselves.

t$ co*pare your correetiorlswitlr a elassmate.

Nome: Closs: Dote:

Follow the stepsto write an essayabout the following topic.

It is better to study with friends thon to study olone.

1 Brainstormandplcn: Broinstorm ond plon your essoyon o seporatepieceof poper. Decide

whether you ogreeor disogreewith the topic ond think of ideos,detoils ond exomplesto
support your opinion.

2 Write:Write your essoybelow.


Mr. Smith: Now, let's toke o look ot your first body
porogroph. Hm, it needs o little work,
Listen to what a girl says about another video too.
game. Take notes on her opinions.
Tommy: I see.Whot do I need to do?
I just bought a Nintendo Wii. I hove been ploying the
Mr. Smith: Well, in sentences one ond two you
game The Legendof Zelda: Twilight Princess.
wont to show couse ond effect, right?
Twilight Princessis o greot gome. I like it becouse it hos
Tommy: Let me see ... Yes,sentencetwo is the
on interesting story ond greot grophics. It is olso very
effect of sentenceone.
difficult, ond you need to think o lot when you ploy it.
You ploy o chqrocter nomed Link, but you olso meet Mr. Smith: In thqt cose, I think it would be o good
other chorqcters ond fight interesting monsters. ideo to odd o phrose to the stort of
sentencetwo, which helps show the
effect more cleorly.
Tommy: You meon like'As o result"? So insteod
of "Children in these countries" I should
soy 'As o result, children in these
Listen to a teacher giving a girl advice on how to Mr. Smith: Thqt sounds very good.
improve her essay.Edit the text based on what you 'As o result
Tammy: OK. I'll iust write down
commo children."
Tommy: Hello,Mr. Smith. I've finishedwriting.
Mr. Smith: Good work. Now, I think you've missed
Do you mind going overmy essoy? something in the finol sentenceof the
Mr. Smith: Not ot oll, Tommy.Let'ssee... Well, porogroph.
generolly,I like your introduction.But
Tommy: Let me just check ... "Others, however,
I do seeo few things you could work on. will not receive at oll." Oh, I've
Tommy: Whot ore they? forgotten to write "on educotion." It
Mr. Smith: To stort with, I think you could moke o should be "Others, however, will not
chongeto your opening sentence,"We receive qn educotion at oll." I'll lust odd
will oll hove to toke exoms ot school." "on educotion" ofter "receive."
I like your ideo,but you don't soy when Mr. Smith: Good work.
the exoms ore.
Tommy: They'rethis week.
Mr. Smith: You'reright, so why don't you mention
that. It would moke your introduction Mr. Smith: Let's move on to your second body
feelmore current. porograph. I om hoppy to soy thot
the first sentencelooks good. However,
Tommy: Er you meon soy somethinglike "This
you hove mode severol mistakes in the
week,we will oll hove to toke exoms"?
second sentence.
Mr. Smith: Yes.That's excellent.
Tommy: Oh, no.
Tommy: OK. I'll note down "This weekcommcl
Mr. Smith: It's OK. We con fix them together. In the
sentence,you say "These child connot
Mr. Smith: Good. Now, there's one more smoll go to school," but does thot sound
mistoke in your introduction. It's in the correct to you?
third sentence.Seeif you con spot it.
Tommy: No, it doesn't. I think it should be
Tammy: Let me see ... "However, we should "children" insteod.
remember thot that 5sp-" Oh I see.
Mr. Smith: Yes,that's correct. Why don't you
I've written "thot" twice. I'll iust delete
reploce "child" with "children"?
one of them.
Mr. Smith: Great.
Tammy: oK.
Mr. Smith: The next mistoke is with the linking
word you hove used to join couse ond
- effect.
Tommy: You meon "so" is incorrect? @t"@
Mr. Smith: Yes,it is. Although "so" is o linking Listen to a teacher giving a boy advice on how to
word, it's not correct in this cose improve his essay.Edit the text based on what you
becquse we use "so" to show on effect. hear.
Why don't you see if you con think Ms. Richords: How'syour droft coming olong, Chris?
of onother linking word thot shows o
Chris: I'm finished.But could you pleosetoke
o look ot it for me, Ms. Richords?
Tommy: Hm, would "becouse" be right?
Ms. Richards: Sure.Hm ... the first thing I noticeis
Mr. Smith: Yes."Becouse" is correct. thot you'vemode o mistokewith o
Tommy: OK. I'll just chonge thot. "These pronoun in your secondsentence.
children connot go to school because Chris: Oh, reolly.Letme just see... I wrote
they simply connot get there." "Beforeyou con do this," but I should
Mr. Smith: Now, Iet's toke o look ot your hove written "Beforethey con do this,"
conclusion. I think the first sentence right?
is excellent, but the second sentenceis Ms. Richords: Thot's right. Youdo needto use "they."
incomplete. But con you tell me why?
Tommy: Let me see ... "Hopefully one doy, Chris: BecouseI wrote "Mony people"in the
children everywhere lucky enough to first sentence.SoI needto use "they" in
get on education" ... Um, I know it the second.
sounds wrong, but I'm not sure whot the
Ms. Richords: Thot's excellent, Chris. Now, I see
mistoke is.
onother problem in your introduction.
Mr. Smith: Here's a hint: you need o verb before In your essoy,you hove three body
"lucky." porogrophs discussing different kinds of
Tommy: Um, like "ere"? troveling, one obout driving, one obout
'Are" is olmost right, but you ore toking the troin ond one obout flying.
Mr. Smith:
However, you've only mentioned two of
tolking obout something you hope will
these in your introduction.
hoppen one doy in the future, so it
s h o u l db e . . . ? Chris: Reolly?Let me just check thot ...
,,Will "Common woys of troveling include
Tommy: be.,, ,,Will be lucky enouqh.,,
driving ond flying" ... Oh, yes. I've
Mr. Smith: Excellent. forgotten to mention "toking the troin."
Tommy: Thonks for your help, Mr. Smith. Ms. Richards: Thot's right. You'll need to odd thot in
Mr. Smith: No problem, Tommy. ofter "driving."
Chris: "Commo toking the troin ..." Got it.
Ms. Richords: Good work.

Listen to what a boy saysabout electric guitars. Ms. Richards Now, I 0m very hoppy to soy thot there
Takenotes on the main points. qre no mistokesin your first body
porogroph,so why don't we move on to
ElectricGuitors your secondbody porogroph.
Electricauitors ore usually made out of solid wood. Chris: AIright.
They ore ployedby plucking or strumming strings,just
os with ocousticauitors.Electricguitorsneedto be used Ms. Richords: Ah, yes,here'ssomething."Toking the
with omplifiersbecousethey do not moke much sound troin" is not o completesentence.You'll
on their own. needto fix thot.
ElectricAuitorscon hove seven,eight or eventwelve Chris: OK. Um ... how obout 'Another woy to
steelstrings,olthough most have six. trovel is by toking the troin"?
ElectricAuitorscon be very noisy.They ore greot for Ms. Richords: Yes.Thot's much better.
Ioud rock music. Chris: I'll just chongethe sentenceto 'Another
woy to trovel is by toking the troin."
Ms. Richords: Now, the restof the porogrophis Chris: Is thot it?
alright, but it is o little repetitive. I think Ms. Richords: Sureis. Now go oheod and write thot up
you could chonge o few words to give os o finol droft so thqt it con be honded
your writing more voriety. ln.
Chris: OK. Where were you thinking? Chris: Thonks, Ms. Richords.
Ms. Richords: For exomple, in the third sentence,you
soy "toking the troin" twice, so moybe
you could reploce the second "toking
the trqin" with o pronoun.
Chris: You meon like "it"?
Ms. Richords: Let's see if thot works: "Toking the troin
Listen to the comments a girl makes about the
is cheoper thon flying, ond it is less
boy's report. Take notes on her opinions,
tiring than driving." Yes,I think thot is
great. I olso believe thot it is the responsibility of governments
to protect wildlife. In oddition to money, governments
Chris: OK. I'll chonge the second "toking the
olso hove the power to moke laws. They con moke
troin" to "it." Is there onything else?
it illegol to kill onimols or destroy their hobitot. In
Ms. Richords: Yes.There's one more thing. In the lost oddition, they con creote wildlife porks where it is
sentenceof the porogroph, you repeot illegol to build houses or roods. By woy of exomple,
the word "great." my country possed o law to stop people hunting foxes.
Chris: Oh, yes. Do you think I should reploce Moreover, they have creoted wildlife porks, which give
one of them with o synonym? onimols sofe ploces to live.
Ms. Richqrds: I think thot is o good ideo.
Chris: Moybe I con chonge the second "great"
to "beoutiful," so it reods "ond they con
seesome beoutiful scenery out of the
Ms. Richords: I think thot is 0 very good change. Listen to a teacher giving a girl advice on how to
Chris: Thonk you. improve her essay.Edit the text based on what you
Mr. Connolly, I've finished my essoy.
G["@ Saro:
Would you like to look ot it?
Ms. Richords: For the most port, your third body Mr. Connolly: Yes,pleose, Soro. OK, whot do we hove
porogroph looks pretty good ... here?Hm ... well I seea mistake in the
olthough I do see one smoll problem in first sentence.
the fourth sentence.The one beginning
Sqrq: Oh, that's no good. Whot is it?
"It feels amazing."
Mr. Connolly: Well, you scry"with a group of friend,"
Chris: Hm, I con't see it. What's the problem?
but doesthot mqke senseto you?
Ms. Richords: Well, we don't usuolly say "fly qbove
Sorq: No, it doesn't.It shouldbe "o group of
the cloud." Insteod we normolly soy "fly
friends."I'll iust odd on "S" to "friend."
obove the clouds."
Youcon't hove o group with only one
Chris: So should I odd on "S" to the end of friend.
"cloud" to moke it plurol?
Mr. Connolly: Thot's obsolutelyright. Now toke o look
Ms. Richards: Yes.Thot's right. Sholl we move onto at how you begin the sentence"I think
your conclusion, now? I see something studying."Although this isn't wrong,
thot needs work. I think you could moke your sentence
Chris: OK. Whot is it? o little more interestingby using o
Ms. Richards: Actuolly, it is similor to one of
differentphrosethot hos o similor
the mistokesyou mode in your
introduction. Soro: Oh, how obout "In my opinion"?
Chris: Reolly? Oh! I know whot I did wrong. I Mr. Connolly: Soundsgood to me. Why don't you go
forgot to write "ond flying." oheod ond replace"I think" with "In
Ms. Richcrds: I'm glod you noticed thot.
my opinion commo."
OK. I'll just insert "ond flying" ofter
Sorq: OK, I'll chongethot.
"troin." Mr. Connolly: Excellent.
Ms. Richords: Much better!
Mr. Connolly: Good.Why don't you chongethot now?
@t"@ Soro: A-B-R-O-A-D.Abrood. Got it.
Mr. Connollvi Let's now toke o look of vour first bodv Mr. Connolly: Now, I seeo few problemsin your
porogroph, sholl we? conclusion.
Sora: oK. Soro: Whot ore they?
Mr. Connolly: To begin with, you've mode o mistoke Mr. Connolly: Well, to begin, I think you could odd a
in your first sentence.Why don't you see phroseto the stort of your conclusion.
if you con find it? Soro: Er,you meon like "In conclusion"?
Soro: "First of oll, studying with friends is Moke the sentence"In conclusion,I
leost stressful thqn studying olone." think it is betterto study obrood in o
Um ... is the problem with "leost"? group thon to study olone."?
Mr. Connolly: Yes.Do you know whot it should be Mr. Connolly: Yes.Thot soundsgood.Why don't you
insteod? insert "In conclusioncommo" before
Soro: Should it be "less"?
Mr. Connolly: Thot's right. Sqro: Alright.
Soro: OK. I'll chonge "leost" to "less." Mr. Connolly: Finolly,I think there'sa problemin
your lost sentence. Why don't you seeif
Mr. Connolly: Now, looking ot the rest of your
you con spotit?'
porogroph, I see thot you hove used o
detoil ond on exomple to support your Sqrq: Hm ... "With their friendsstudentswill
moin ideo. I think this is greot, but I do find their experiencelessstressfulond
hove one smoll suggestion. Iesslonelython by themselves." I'm not
sureI seethe problem,Mr. Connolly.
Sorq: Whot is thot, Mr. Connolly?
Mr. Connolly: Here'so hint: you'veforgotten
Mr. Connolly: Well, instead of soying "When I wos
studying in the United States,"you
might wont to soy "For exomple, when I Sqrq: Hm. Oh, I've got it. I've forgottento
wos studying in the United Stotes" Thqt includesomethingobout it being more
woy people will know thot you ore now fun to study obrood with friends.
giving them on example. Mr. Connolly: Thot's right.
Saro: OK. I'll just write in "For exomple Sarq: OK, I'll iust insert "more fun" ofter
commo when." "stressful."
Mr. Connolly: The rest of this porogroph is fine, so Mr. Connolly: Actually, you soid "more fun" in your
Iet's move on to your second body introduction.Why don't you try to soy it
porogroph. onother woy?
Soro: AIright. Sqro: "More ... enioyoble"?
Mr. Connolly: Let's just see ... Hm, octuolly, Soro, Mr. Connolly: Thot's excellent.
this porogroph looks very good. I only Soro: I'll just add "commo more enjoyoble"
see one smoll mistoke. It's in the line ofter "stressful."Is thot it?
storting "By way of exomple." I think
you hove missed o word between Mr. Connolly: Thqt's it.
"much" ond "visiting." Soro: Thonks for your help, Mr. Connolly.
Sorq: Let me iust check ... Oh, I see.I've Mr. Connolly: You'rewelcome,Soro.
forgotten to write "fun." It should be
"l hod so much fun visitinq museums."
I'll lust odd thot in.
Mr. Connolly Good work.

Saro: Whot obout my lost body porogroph,
Mr. Connolly? How is it?
Mr. Connolly: It olso isn't bod. But I do see one smoll
mistake in the last sentence.
Soro: I'll just check. 'As on example, when
I wos qbrood." Oh, I see.I've spelled
"obrood" incorrectly.

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