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Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (2000) 33: 447-455 447

Gap junctions in the immune system

ISSN 0100-879X

Gap junctions in cells of the

immune system: structure, regulation
and possible functional roles

J.C. Sáez, M.C. Brañes, Departamento de Ciencias Fisiológicas,

L.A. Corvalán, E.A. Eugenín, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
H. González, A.D. Martínez
and F. Palisson


Correspondence Gap junction channels are sites of cytoplasmic communication be- Key words
J.C. Sáez tween contacting cells. In vertebrates, they consist of protein subunits · Cell contacts
Departamento de Ciencias denoted connexins (Cxs) which are encoded by a gene family. Accord- · Gap junctions
ing to their Cx composition, gap junction channels show different · Connexins
Pontificia Universidad Católica · Native immune response
de Chile
gating and permeability properties that define which ions and small
· Specific immune response
Alameda 340 molecules permeate them. Differences in Cx primary sequences sug-
· Inflammatory response
Santiago gest that channels composed of different Cxs are regulated differen-
Chile tially by intracellular pathways under specific physiological condi-
Fax: +56-2-222-5515 tions. Functional roles of gap junction channels could be defined by
E-mail: the relative importance of permeant substances, resulting in coordina-
tion of electrical and/or metabolic cellular responses. Cells of the
Presented at the Meeting
native and specific immune systems establish transient homo- and
“Gap Junctions in the Nervous and
Cardiovascular Systems: Clinical
heterocellular contacts at various steps of the immune response.
Implications”, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Morphological and functional studies reported during the last three
Brazil, June 6-11, 1998. decades have revealed that many intercellular contacts between cells
in the immune response present gap junctions or “gap junction-like”
J.C. Sáez, M.C. Brañes, E.A. Eugenín, structures. Partial characterization of the molecular composition of
A.D. Martínez, and F. Palisson are
some of these plasma membrane structures and regulatory mechan-
recipients of FONDECYT grants (Nos.
isms that control them have been published recently. Studies designed
1990146, 2960002, 2960001,
2990004 and 2990089, respectively).
to elucidate their physiological roles suggest that they might permit
coordination of cellular events which favor the effective and timely
response of the immune system.

Received August 3, 1999

Accepted September 29, 1999
Introduction tercellular communication. Recently, two
reviews have described gap junction com-
Numerous reports have described differ- munication between cells of the immune
ent mechanisms for intercellular communi- system (3,4). The present article attempts to
cation between members of the immune sys- provide an updated and brief review on gap
tem, including cell adhesion molecules, mem- junctions expressed by different cellular
brane molecules that act as ligand-receptors members of native and specific immune sys-
(1) and soluble molecules secreted into the tems.
extracellular milieu which act as paracrine Gap junctions have recently been re-
and autocrine signals (2). In contrast, little viewed (5). Briefly, gap junction channels
attention has been given to gap junction in- span the plasma membrane of two adjacent

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cells and each cell contributes one half of the phages and neutrophils (17), and leukemia
channel, called connexon. Each hemichannel cells and myeloid sinus endothelium (18)
consists of the oligomers of six protein sub- contain gap junctions. Similarly, “gap junc-
units termed connexins (Cxs). A gene family tion-like” structures as heterocellular con-
of which at least 14 different homologous tacts between Langerhans cells and T-cells
members have been identified in rodents (4,19-21), lymphocytes and endothelial cells
encodes these proteins. Cxs are named ac- (22) and PMN cells and endothelial cells
cording to their molecular mass predicted (14) have been described. Moreover, hetero-
from their cloned DNA sequence. Most cells, cellular gap junctional communication be-
excluding vertebrate skeletal muscle, red tween lymphocytes and endothelial cells (23),
blood cells and spermatozoids, form gap thymocytes and thymic epithelial cells (13),
junctions and express two or more Cx types. macrophages and epithelial cells (24-26),
Cells of invertebrate organisms express func- mastocytoma cells and lymphocytes (27) and
tionally equivalent channels, but their pro- follicular dendritic cells and B-cells (28) has
tein subunits are not members of the Cx also been reported.
family (6). In recent reports, it has been
shown that gap junction channels and hemi- Gap junctions in the bone marrow
channels can result from the interaction of and secondary lymphoid organs
two different Cxs (5). Moreover, numerous
reports have shown that gap junction com- Both in vivo (29) and in vitro (30,31)
munication can be regulated at various cellu- studies have demonstrated that bone marrow
lar levels, including mRNA transcription, stromal cells form gap junctions. Morpho-
mRNA stability and channel gating (5). Gap logical and functional studies have also
junction channels formed by different Cx shown gap junctions between bone marrow
types present different gating and perme- stromal cells as well as between stromal and
ability properties that fulfill different func- hematopoietic progenitor cells (28,32-35).
tions and thus are adjusted to the various In primary cultures of bone marrow, the
regulatory mechanisms present in each cell extent of dye transfer between cells increases
type and under different physiological con- progressively with time in culture (35), sug-
ditions. gesting that in vitro cells are free from the
The first descriptions of electrical cou- environmental factors present in vivo that
pling between activated lymphocytes were restrain the functional expression of gap junc-
reported in the early 1970’s (7-9). Further tion. Consistently, the reduction in hemato-
evidence of gap junctional communication, poietic tissue induced with fluorouracil is
including transfer of fluorescent dyes, meta- followed by a dramatic increase in the num-
bolic cooperativity and electron microscopy ber of gap junctions between bone marrow
studies (thin sections and freeze fracture cells and the number falls back to the normal
replicas), reported at that time have been values before the bone is filled with marrow
recently reviewed (3,4). The homocellular (36).
gap junctional communication at cell-cell Stromal cells do not express Cxs 26 and
contacts between other members of the im- 32 and communicate with each other through
mune system, such as macrophages (10,11), gap junctions that contain Cx43 (31,37). It is
follicular dendritic cells (12), thymic epithe- not known whether stromal cells and he-
lial cells (13), polymorphonuclear (PMN) matopoietic progenitor cells express other
cells (14,15) and microglia (16) has also Cxs, as described for most cells of other
been reported. In addition, it has been shown systems (5). Treatment with interleukin-1 or
that heterocellular contacts between macro- TNF-a (37), but not irradiation (30), reduces

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gap junctional communication between stro- each other through gap junctions that con-
mal cells. Similarly, differentiation of stro- tain at least Cx43 (13). In cultured thymic
mal cells to adipocytes is associated with a epithelial cells a significant amount of Cx43
reduction in gap junctional communication is phosphorylated and cells are well coupled
(30) and Cx43 reactivity (31). Gap junctions (13).
are more abundant in hematopoietic stem
cells before growth (36) and in cells of dif- Gap junctions in the native immune
ferent types of leukemias that present an system
increased stromal:hematopoietic cell ratio
(37). Megakaryocytes present in normal bone The main cell components of the native
marrow contain Cx43, but not Cx26 or Cx32 immune system are cell barriers (endothelia
(38). During migration, gap junction-like and epithelia), granulocytes, monocytes/mac-
structures have been identified between neu- rophages, and natural killer cells. All endo-
trophils or lymphocytes and cells of the sinu- thelial and epithelial cells studied express
soidal wall (adventitial or endothelial cells) Cxs. Both cell types frequently retain Cx
of the bone marrow (39). expression and gap junction communication
The first report of gap junction formation in primary cultures (Figure 1). Exposure to
between follicular dendritic cells showed inflammatory mediators reduces gap junc-
that these cells express Cx43, but not Cx32 tion communication between cultured endo-
or Cx26 (12). Recently, this analysis has thelial cells. TNF-a and interleukin-1 re-
been extended showing that they also con- duce dye coupling between human umbilical
tain Cx37 (4). In mouse lymph nodes, both vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) (42,43).
Cxs 37 and 43, but not Cxs 26, 32, 33, 45 or The effect of TNF-a on the expression of
50, are present in follicular dendritic cells, Cxs by HUVEC is differential; while Cxs 37
interdigitating cells, T-cells and B-cells and 40 are reduced, Cx43 remains unchanged
(4,40). At least the reactivity to Cx43 in (43). Moreover, histamine reduces gap junc-
follicular dendritic cells is inducible. These tion communication between high vascular
Cxs are frequently detected at cell-cell con- endothelial cells isolated from human ton-
tacts, suggesting that they form functional sils (Figure 1). In myoendothelial prepara-
channels. In agreement, dye transfer between tions treated with lipopolysaccharides (LPS),
cultured human dendritic cells and B lym- TNF-a, or IL-1ß, homocellular coupling re-
phocytes has been shown (28). Gap junc- mains unchanged but the heterocellular cou-
tions found at heterocellular contacts might pling is drastically reduced (44). Similarly,
be relevant in the diverse events of the im- the heterocellular coupling between rat brain
mune response that occur within lymph endothelial cells and astrocytes is transiently
nodes, including antigen presentation and reduced by TNF-a (45).
lymphocyte proliferation. Ultrastructural and functional evidence
Carolan and Pitts (41) have shown meta- indicates that migratory leukocytes found at
bolic coupling between thymocytes, suggest- inflammatory foci form gap junction-like
ing that they establish gap junctional com- structures with the endothelial cells of the
munication. This possibility was recently microcirculation. After ischemia-reperfusion
supported by the demonstration of electrical (14) or during the initial stage of autoim-
coupling and dye transfer between these cells mune demyelinization (22), specific subsets
and blockade of intercellular communica- of circulating leukocytes (neutrophils and
tion with octanol, a conventional gap junc- lymphocytes, respectively) form “gap junc-
tion blocker (13). In addition, thymic epithe- tion-like” structures with the endothelium.
lial cells and thymocytes communicate with Moreover, bidirectional dye (calcein) trans-

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450 J.C. Sáez et al.

fer between lymphocytes and endothelial a Ca2+-dependent mechanism mediated by

cells (23) or macrophages P388D1 and IEC- gap junctions. Polarity of dye movement has
6 epithelial cells has been demonstrated (24- been found in studies of gap junction perme-
26). In the latter system, gap junction-de- ability between smooth muscle and endothe-
pendent propagation of Ca2+ waves in re- lial cells of hamster cheek pouch arterioles
sponse to mechanical stimulation has also (46), suggesting the existence of a direc-
been shown (25), suggesting that these two tional preference for diffusion of intercellu-
cell types perform coordinated activities and/ lar signals and/or metabolites. It is not known
or one regulates the state of the other through whether gap junctions formed between leu-
kocytes and cellular barriers show unidirec-
tional permeability preferences.
In vertebrates, the main blood cell mem-
bers of the native immune response are PMN
cells of which the most abundant are neutro-
phils. Available information indicates that
the expression of Cxs in these cells is induc-
ible. Activated human PMN cells form
homocellular gap junctions in vitro (15).
Moreover, circulating hamster leukocytes do
not express Cx43 and after incubation with
LPS for 1 h they become reactive to anti-
Cx43 antibodies (Figure 2) (14), suggesting
that the expression of this protein is induc-
ible. In addition, the application of platelet
activating factor (PAF) to the hamster cheek
pouch induces recruitment and firm adhe-
sion of Cx43 positive PMN cells to the endo-
thelium of the microcirculation, but fails to
induce the expression of Cx43 in isolated
leukocytes (47), indicating that PAF-induced
Cx43 expression observed in vivo might not
result from the direct PAF-hamster leuko-
cyte interaction. Similarly, LPS induces for-
mation of human PMN aggregates and trans-
location of Cx43 towards the plasma mem-
brane, but cells remain dye uncoupled. Nev-
ertheless, LPS-activated PMN cells in medi-
um conditioned by rat brain endothelial cells
treated with LPS develop prominent dye cou-
pling (15).
Depending on the circulatory region, en-
dothelial cells express Cx43 and Cx40 and/
Figure 1 - Dye coupling between epithelial or endothelial cells. Dye coupling tested by or Cx37 (5). Since these Cxs form gap junc-
microinjecting Lucifer yellow-CH into one cell and observing its spreading to adjacent cells tions with different permeability and gating
is found in a subconfluent culture of MDCK cells (B) and a confluent culture of high vascular properties (5), differences in Cx composi-
endothelial cells isolated from human tonsils (D). Dye coupling is drastically reduced (F) in
high vascular endothelial cells treated for 1 h with 0.1 µM histamine. A, C and E are phase tion of the homocellular (endothelial cell-
contrast views of the fluorescent fields shown in B, D and F, respectively. Bar: 100 µm. endothelial cell) and heterocellular (endo-

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thelial cell-smooth muscle cell) gap junc- croglia, the main immune effector of the
tions formed might explain the dye move- central nervous system, also become dye
ment polarity found in hamster cheek pouch coupled when cultured for a few hours in
arterioles (46). During an inflammatory re- medium conditioned by rat brain endothelial
sponse, endothelial cells also form gap junc- cells (Eugenín EA, Martínez AD and Sáez
tions with activated leukocytes (14), sug- JC, unpublished observation). Dye coupling
gesting that endothelial Cxs are sorted to the between microglia is also observed after 4-
apical membrane to form gap junction chan- 9-h treatment with a calcium ionophore (16)
nels with compatible leukocyte Cxs. (Figure 3), suggesting that activated macro-
Connective tissues contain a variety of phages can establish gap junctional commu-
cells with defense and immune functions, nication.
such as tissue macrophages and mast cells. Structural and functional studies have
The first demonstrations of gap junctional demonstrated cell junctions equivalent to
communication between cultured canine and gap junctions between invertebrate blood
murine macrophage cells were reported two cells (hemocytes) (55). These cells establish
decades ago (10,11). But, it was only during functional intercellular communication
the last decade that Cx43 was detected in within seconds when they are pushed to-
several macrophage types, including the gether (55), suggesting that hemocytes pres-
murine cell line J774 (48), macrophage foam ent a preformed pool of hemichannels for
cells from arteriosclerotic lesions (49), peri-
Figure 2 - Cx43 is not found in
toneal macrophages (14), kidney macrophag- circulating PMN cells and its ex-
es in inflammatory renal disease (50), Kupffer pression is induced by LPS.
cells (51), microglia (16) and Langerhans Most freshly isolated hamster
leukocytes incubated for 3 h at
cells (4). Cx43 mRNA has been detected in 37oC in culture medium contain-
cultured monocytes/macrophages (52), but ing 5% FBS remained as singlet
not in freshly isolated human monocytes/ cells and very few were immu-
noreactive to Cx43 (B). Nonethe-
macrophages (49). Moreover, it has been less, cells treated with 1 mg/ml
recently reported that mast cells express Cxs LPS for 3 h formed many aggre-
32 and 43, but not Cx26 (53). gates and were immunoreactive
to Cx43 (D). In each situation,
J774 macrophages (54), human mono-
the cells shown in (B) and (D)
cytes/macrophages or HUVECs and mono- were identified by their nuclear
cytes/macrophages (49) do not establish in- staining with DAPI in A and C,
tercellular communication in culture. Nev- respectively. Bar: 75 µm.

ertheless, P388D1 or J744 macrophages co-

cultured with epithelial cell lines show
Figure 3 - Induction of dye cou-
homocellular dye coupling, as well as het- pling between macrophage
erocellular dye coupling with epithelial cell cells. In cultures of (B) rat micro-
lines (25), suggesting that soluble factors glia treated for 3 h with the cal-
cium ionophore 8Br-A23187 (2
present in the co-culture induce macrophag- µM) or (D) murine macrophages
es to form gap junctions. In support of this (J774) treated for 3 h with medi-
possibility, culture medium conditioned with um conditioned for 24 h by rat
brain endothelial cells there was
endothelial cells derived from rat brain mi- dye transfer to several neighbor-
crocirculation induces dye coupling (Figure ing cells. A and D are phase con-
3) and translocation of Cxs from the cyto- trast views of the fluorescent
fields shown in B and D, respec-
plasmic compartment to the plasma mem-
tively. Bar: 120 µm.
brane in J774 cells (Eugenín EA, Garcés G
and Sáez JC, unpublished observation). Mi-

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ready formation of intercellular channels. synthetic peptides homologous to the extra-

The structural components of these channels cellular loop 1 of Cxs (40), supporting the
remain unknown, but it is likely that they are idea that electrical and metabolic coupling
proteins homologous to those described to between activated lymphocytes occurs
form intercellular channels in Drosophila through gap junction channels. Consistently,
melanogaster and C. elegans, termed innex- mouse lymphocytes contain Cxs 37 and 43,
ins (6). but not Cxs 32, 33, 40 or 50, and upon
treatment with Con-A both Cxs are translo-
Gap junctions between cells of the cated from the plasma membrane to cellular
specific immune system interphases (40). The latter event occurs with-
out changes in Cx levels, suggesting that
Activation of a specific immune response freshly isolated lymph node lymphocytes
requires a direct physical interaction between contain a preformed pool of Cxs. On the
antigen-presenting cells and T-cells, the main other hand, in vivo studies have shown that
cellular effector of the specific immune sys- Cx43 expression by cells of mouse lymph
tem (1). At Langerhans and T-cell inter- nodes is induced by the administration of
phases, gap junction-like structures have been antigen (28). Moreover, in situ hybridization
identified both in vitro (19,20) and in vivo studies have shown that follicular dendritic
(21). At cell-cell contacts between cultured cells and lymphocytes of germinal centers of
Langerhans cells and T-cells, at least Cx43 is other secondary lymphoid organs, such as
detected (4). The formation of gap junction human tonsil and spleen, also express Cx43
channels requires a cell-cell proximity medi- (28).
ated by cell adhesion molecules (5). Thus,
the anti-vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 Functional roles of gap junctions in
(VCAM-1) antibody-induced inhibition of cells of the immune system
the lymphocyte proliferative response in the
allogeneic mixed lymphocyte reaction (56) Although in some systems reduced gap
might be the consequence, at least in part, of junction communication is associated with
the blockade of a gap junction-dependent an increase in tissue function, such as amy-
mechanism. lase secretion by the exocrine pancreas, more
Lymphocytes (T-cells plus B-cells or just frequently it has been demonstrated to cause
T-cells) treated with either concanavalin A tissue disfunction (5). Inhibition of gap junc-
(Con-A) or phytohemagglutinin (PHA) form tional communication of the rat gastric mu-
clusters of variable sizes. Circulating human cosa in combination with ischemia-reperfu-
or bovine lymphocytes treated with PHA sion weakens the barrier function of the
express a low resistance pathway that allows gastric mucosa and causes damage to the
the intercellular transfer of electrical stimuli barrier function (58). Moreover, in long-
(7,8). Moreover, intercellular transfer of flu- term cultures of bone marrow the blockade
orescein or radiolabeled uridine has been of gap junctions with amphotericin retards
found between mouse spleen lymphocytes, stem cell growth (37). In addition, blockade
rabbit mesenteric lymphocytes, murine thy- of thymocyte gap junctions with octanol re-
mic lymphocytes and lymph node lympho- duces the secretion of thymulin (13).
cytes (4,27,41,57). Electrical coupling be- Antigen presentation leads to T-cell acti-
tween activated lymphocytes is blocked by vation and proliferation, responses of lym-
an increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentra- phocytes that are cell-cell contact-depend-
tion (9). In addition, dye coupling is revers- ent (1,59), suggesting the involvement of
ibly blocked with octanol and prevented with cell-cell adhesion and/or gap junctional com-

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munication. The latter possibility was re- many of those events, gap junctional com-
cently supported by the finding that syn- munication is established, but their func-
thetic peptides homologous to the extracel- tional roles remain speculative except for
lular loop 1 of Cxs prevent gap junction few cases described above for which direct
formation and drastically reduce the DNA or indirect evidence has been provided. A
replication of Con-A-treated mouse lympho- putative gap junction role is synchronization
cytes (40). Thus, gap junctional communica- of cellular events during the transmigration
tion between proliferating lymphocytes might across cellular barriers. Supporting this view,
coordinate their metabolic and cytokine-in- gap junctions have been observed between
duced responses to allow the appropriate metastase-forming leukemia cells and my-
timing of the specific immune response. Simi- eloid sinus endothelium (18), polymorpho-
larly, the blockade of leukemic cell differen- nuclear and endothelial cells (14) and mac-
tiation has been associated with their inter- rophages and epithelial cells (24-26).
cellular coupling to stromal cells (34). Clearly, further studies are needed to un-
The innate and specific immune responses derstand the role of gap junctions in differ-
involve homo- and heterocellular contacts ent physiological and pathophysiological
essential for their normal functioning. In functions of the immune system.


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