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External style sheet – Separate content(HTML) from formatting(CSS). Easier for same
styles for different documents (two or more).
Embedded style sheet - Copy styles to other documents before using them more than
Inline style –Formatting likely to get out of control, if more than one rule for the same
property is used the last rule overrides the earlier rules.
Shiv – Forces old browsers(internet explorer 7 and 8) to recognize HTML5 semantic
elements and gives you the right to apply CSS to these elements.
Shim – Shim is another version of Shiv, the text mentions to use either or.
Absolute unit of measure -(px = pixels , pt = points) To specify absolute measurement
in CSS properties, use pixels or points to assign: font-size, line-height, width, height,
margin, and padding.
Relative unit of measure - (em = ems or % = percent) To specify relative
measurement, use units of ems or percentages. This measurement is relative to the
size of another element.
RGB value - Red, Green, Blue value. Lists names for 16 colors supported by all
Hexadecimal value - Used to specify colours with different methods. 16 million optional
Inherited property - Any colour property for an element is inherited by any child
RGBA value - Works the same as RGB value, except it has a fourth paramteter that
provides an opacity value. 0 for transparent colour, 1 for no transparency.
HSLA value - Number from 1-359, representing the hue the user desires. Hue is one of
the main properties of a color, provide a number from 0-100 which represents the
saturation percent.
Universal selector - Code a selector for all elements by coding the universal
Type selector - Code a selector for all elements of a specific type by naming the
element. Code selector for all specific named elements.
Id selector - Code a selector for an element with an id attribute by coding a pound
Class selector - Code a selector for an element with a class attribute by coding a
period followed by the class name. Then rule set applies to all elements with that class
Relational selector - When using relational selectors, the need for id or class attribute
can be avoided.
Descendant selector - Selecting elements only when they’re descendants of a higher-
level element, using a descendant selector that consists of the higher element, a space,
and the descendent element.
Adjacent sibling selector - Selecting a sibling elements thats adjacent to another
element; consists of the first element, a plus sign (+), and the sibling element.
Child selector - Only when selecting child elements of the parent element; consists of
the parent element, greater sign (>), and the child element.
General sibling selector - Selecting any elements that are siblings to another element;
consists of the first element, tilde (~), and the sibling element. Can only be used by
browsers that support CSS3.
Attribute selector - Selecting all elements with a specific attribute; consists of the
universal selector followed by the attribute name in brackets.
Pseudo-class selector - predefined classes that apply to specific conditions.
Pseudo-element selector - lets a user select a portion of text.
Cascade order - Used by CSS in order to determine which rule set to apply, when two
or more rule sets applied to an HTML element.
User style sheet - provides a default set of rules for web pages.
Font family - List of different types of fonts used on a webpage.
Shorthand property - Different font configurations such as: font: [style], [eight],
[variant], size[/line-height] family;

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