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 Day 28 
Opening Meditation and Setting Intention [Live Call Recording]

All great things start with the intention of them happening first. We set off with a vision to kick
things off our descent from the top of the chakras down to grounded reality. 

Exercise Guidelines

Choose 1 area you would like to work with for the downward manifesting of the chakras.

1. Relationships, friendships, and family

2. Finances

3. Career and work

4. Leisure, play, and recreation

5. Body and health

6. Learning and teaching

7. Personal growth

8. Spiritual fulfillment
9. Artistic or creative expression
 Day 28 
10. Social and political involvement
11. Home, surroundings, and nature

12. Community service and environment

13. Service to a great vision 

Q&A Coaching Call with Anodea Judith [5 May 2019]

In this session, Anodea answers your frequently asked questions from the Q&A call and shares her
main techniques for overcoming challenges on the topic of the Crown Chakra and the Downward
Manifesting Current. The session starts with Anodea guiding everyone through a beautiful
grounding meditation.

You can use the timestamps to jump to a specific question from the session.

1. [Topic 1 - 05:45] I have difficulties with attachment, especially to my own opinions, and a
need to be right. This often leads to arguments. What are your suggestions to learn

2. [Topic 2 - 08:28] I am developing my higher mind and going to the higher consciousness
through meditation but I noticed that if I don’t make a powerful question, I don’t receive any
answers. Do you have any recommendations on how to improve my process of using the
correct words to create a powerful question?

3. [Topic 3 - 09:54] I often get caught up in limiting beliefs about my abilities or about that's
possible. Although I started recognizing them more and more, it's still difficult to break free
and replace them with empowering ones. What should I do?

4. [Topic 4 - 10:52] How do you personally honor the divinity in yourself and others? Is this a
daily practice or how do you suggest we approach this for the long term?

5. [Topic 5 - 12:16] Can you please elaborate on this idea "miracles happen when we notice the
divinity in all things and treat them as sacred?" I am not sure I fully understand what this
means or how miracles will happen once this is done.

6. [Topic 6 - 16:33] How do we know when we need to hold on to our specific vision and when
we need to be open to things unfolding as they will? Could you help clarify this?

7. [Topic 7 - 19:50] I loved this concept of "the evolution from the love of power to the power of
love." How do we define the role we want to play in this? Are there any steps that we can
follow? How can we make the role clearer?

8. [Topic 8 - 21:30] How do we discover what our lofty vision is? You mentioned that it is the
vehicle that fulfills our life's purpose. But what if both are unclear? Are there any suggestions
or guidelines that we can follow?
9. [Topic 9 - 24:10] How does the physical removal of a body part affect a particular chakra?
 Day 28 
10. [Topic 10 - 25:30] About kundalini. I read that your spine needs to be straight for it to flow
properly and to avoid major problems. I have scoliosis so my spine is naturally curved. I
need to know if I should avoid kundalini because I have scoliosis or does it not matter?

11. [Topic 11 - 26:45] In regards to kundalini energy, would you recommend attempting to
release it only after we’ve cleared out all our Chakra blockages? Or is there a “good enough”
point at which it is safe enough to try to release our Kundalini?

12. [Topic 12 - 28:00] What is a torn or ripped open Chakra? How do we diagnose that?

13. [Topic 13 - 29:02] What role do the Alpha, Beta, Gamma Brainwaves play within the chakras?
Are the brainwaves connected to the chakras?

14. [Topic 14 - 30:23] Sometimes I feel under pressure to achieve as much as I can in this life,
and I am afraid I will not be able to realize my mission. How to be sure that we are doing
enough effort to fulfill our mission?

15. [Topic 15 - 31:16] How can I integrate my spiritual path with my social/political involvement?

16. [Topic 16 - 32:28] I don't get in touch with my life Vision. I'm good at meditation but I don't
see my vision at all. Is this something that could be training?

17. [Topic 17 - 33:48] I did a lot of healing work the last years on myself, but my family members
suffer a lot and are stuck in old patterns. How can I be with them and still feel happy, and
not get angry or sad, because they don’t do anything for themselves?

18. [Topic 18 - 37:00] About Spirit and Soul. I haven’t found a correct definition of them. Are they
inside of our body? Where is the place of each one in our body? Can you share your point of

19. [Topic 19 - 38:12] The more I focus on my dreams, the more I don’t see them coming true.
What is the real way to do it?

20. [Topic 20 - 39:18] Do you have a Guru, Anodea?

21. [Topic 21 - 39:50] It is said we are to help ourselves first before we are ready to help others.
Many make the mistake of thinking they must be helping others before they themselves are
coming from an aligned and balanced core self. However, as we will never be “perfect,” how
can we best find this balance?

22. [Topic 22 - 41:12] Is there a difference between having a great day when everything feels in
alignment and connection to the higher self and having a kundalini awakening? What is the

23. [Topic 23 - 42:04] Can you see Chakras?

24. [Topic 24 - 42:47] I still have chakra's which are out of balance. Will the manifestation
process work for me or do I need to wait until I have balanced all my Chakras?

25. [Topic 25 - 44:05] Did you learn to see Chakras or did you always see Chakras?
[Topic 26 - 44:45] In the Heart Chakra we learned about integrating the vulnerable inner
 child, loving parent side, rebellious teenager,
Day 28light and shadow selves, and masculine and 
feminine self. How to identify our shadow self and how to heal it?
27. [Topic 27 - 47:04] Do you feel that particular Chakras are blocked when people burnout or is
it just an overall blockage?

28. [Topic 28 - 47:57] How do our energy bodies (auras) fit into all of this and how do our energy
bodies interact with our Chakras?

29. [Topic 29 - 50:20] My Chakras are kind of in zig-zag and unbalanced. Which is the "best"
approach to use the Yoga Flows and what should I focus on from the exercises to come into

30. [Topic 30 - 51:27] Should we deal with a blockage that came from traumatic events in a
different way than blockages that appeared during the evolutionary stage of our growth?

31. [Topic 31 - 52:33] How can we see or think of the current political divisionism in a way of

0/2 Tasks Completed

 Day 28 

 Listen to today's guided Life Purpose Meditation and reflect.

 Choose 1 area you would like to work with for the downward manifesting current.
 Day 28 
Mark As Complete

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