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Current Psychiatry Reports (2018) 20:118


A Review of the Neurobiological Basis of Trauma-Related Dissociation

and Its Relation to Cannabinoid- and Opioid-Mediated Stress Response:
a Transdiagnostic, Translational Approach
Ruth A. Lanius 1,2,3,4 & Jenna E. Boyd 4,5,6 & Margaret C. McKinnon 4,5,7 & Andrew A. Nicholson 1,2,3 & Paul Frewen 8 &
Eric Vermetten 9,10 & Rakesh Jetly 11 & David Spiegel 12

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018

Dissociative experiences have been associated with increased disease severity, chronicity, and, in some cases, reduced treatment
response across trauma-related and other psychiatric disorders. A better understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms
through which dissociative experiences occur may assist in identifying novel pharmacological and non-pharmacological treat-
ment approaches. Here, we review emerging work on the dissociative subtype of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other
trauma-related disorders providing evidence for two related overarching neurobiological models of dissociation, the defense
cascade model of dissociation and Mobb’s threat detection model. In particular, we review neuroimaging studies highlighting
alterations in functional connectivity of key brain regions associated with these models, including connectivity between the
prefrontal cortex, the amygdala and its complexes, the insula, and the periaqueductal gray. Work implicating the kappa-opioid
and endocannabinoid systems in trauma-related dissociative experiences is also reviewed. Finally, we hypothesize mechanisms
by which pharmacological modulation of these neurochemical systems may serve as promising transdiagnostic treatment mo-
dalities for individuals experiencing clinically significant levels of dissociation. Specifically, whereas kappa-opioid receptor
antagonists may serve as a pharmacological vehicle for the selective targeting of dissociative symptoms and associated emotion
overmodulation in the dissociative subtype of posttraumatic stress disorder and transdiagnostically, modulation of the
endocannabinoid system may reduce symptoms associated with emotional undermodulation of the fight or flight components
of the defense cascade model.

Keywords PTSD . Dissociation . Stress response . Opioids . Endocannabinoids . Amygdala . Periaqueductal grey . Prefrontal

Ruth A. Lanius and Jenna E. Boyd contributed equally to this work.

This article is part of the Topical Collection on Disaster Psychiatry:
Trauma, PTSD, and Related Disorders

* Ruth A. Lanius 7
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neuroscience, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
Department of Psychology, Western University, London, ON,
Department of Neuroscience, Western University, London, ON, Canada
Department of Psychiatry, Western University, London, ON, Canada Department of Psychiatry, Leiden University Medical Center,
Leiden, Netherlands
Lawson Health Research Institute, London, ON, Canada
4 10
Homewood Research Institute, Guelph, ON, Canada Military Mental Health Research, Ministry of Defense,
5 Utrecht, Netherlands
Mood Disorders Program, St. Joseph’s Healthcare, Hamilton, ON,
Canada 11
Canadian Forces, Health Services, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Department of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Behaviour, McMaster
University, Hamilton, ON, Canada Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA
118 Page 2 of 14 Curr Psychiatry Rep (2018) 20:118

Introduction impairment, and heightened suicidality [7]. Although

PTSD+DS has been identified across trauma types
Dissociative phenomena involve alterations in conscious- (e.g., childhood abuse, military members, and veterans)
ness underlying normal integration of thought, memory, [6, 7], dissociative symptoms are often linked to chron-
emotions, sense of self, body awareness, and perception ic, inescapable stress occurring within the context of
of the external environment [1]. Commonly experienced prolonged, repeated traumatic experiences (e.g., child-
symptoms of dissociation include disengagement (“spac- hood neglect or abuse), where dissociation may serve
ing out”), emotional constriction (reduced ability to expe- as a means of psychological escape from intense trauma
rience emotions), memory disturbance (e.g., “blanks” in or suffering [12]. This recent meta-analysis reported
memory), depersonalization (feeling outside of or as if higher levels of dissociation among samples exposed to
you do not belong to your own body), derealization (feel- childhood abuse or neglect than among non-abused or
ing as though things around you are strange or unfamiliar), neglected samples [12]. Moreover, a younger age of on-
and identity dissociation (e.g., feeling as though there is set, a longer duration of abuse, and parental abuse were
more than one person inside of you) [2]. Although disso- associated with higher levels of dissociative symptoms
ciative phenomena occur across a wide range of psycho- [12]. Hence, increased understanding of not only the
logical disorders and in healthy individuals [3, 4], patho- mechanisms through which dissociative symptoms
logical dissociative symptoms typically develop following emerge, but also are maintained in trauma-exposed clin-
chronic exposure to traumatic life events, particularly ical populations is likely to have wide-reaching implica-
those occurring early in development such as childhood tions. Given the association between dissociative symp-
abuse and neglect [5]. Consistent with a traumatogenic toms and increased disease severity and comorbidity, the
etiology, the neurobiological mechanisms of dissociation identification of novel treatment modalities is crucial.
have become increasingly understood through studies ex- Accordingly, we review emerging evidence suggesting
amining trauma-related disorders and the dissociative sub- the potential role of opioid- and endocannabinoid-
type of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD+DS). PTSD+ mediated stress responses in dissociative phenomena,
DS is a subtype diagnosed in approximately 15–30% of highlighting the implications of this literature for treat-
individuals with PTSD [6, 7] and characterized by symp- ment and pharmacotherapy.
toms of depersonalization and derealization [1]. PTSD+DS
has been identified across individuals with differing trau-
ma etiologies, including military or combat trauma [6], The Neurobiology of Dissociation
childhood abuse, and mixed civilian trauma [7].
Critically, however, dissociative symptoms are present Neurobiological Models of Dissociation
not only in PTSD but are also observed at clinically sig- as Fronto-Limbic Inhibition
nificant levels in numerous other trauma-related disorders,
including borderline personality disorder (BPD) and dis- Recent neurobiological investigations of dissociative symp-
sociative identity disorder (DID) [8], and in conditions less tomatology stem largely from the PTSD literature as well as
classically associated with trauma exposure, such as major from studies investigating DID, BPD, and depersonalization/
depressive disorder (MDD) and depersonalization/ derealization disorder (DDD) [13, 14]. Although dissociation
derealization disorder (DDD) [3]. Although DDD has not has been conceptualized broadly as including divisions within
been linked historically to traumatic experiences, some one’s sense of self and has been considered relevant to cultural
evidence indicates that childhood interpersonal trauma is phenomena such as possession [15], the majority of neurobi-
predictive of a subsequent diagnosis of depersonalization ological work to date has focused largely on symptoms con-
disorder [9]. Similarly, dissociative symptoms in MDD are sistent with the aforementioned definition of dissociation as a
also linked to trauma exposure [10, 11]. For example, a disturbance in integration of thought, memory, emotional feel-
study by Sar and colleagues identified a subgroup of ings, sense of self, body awareness, and perception of the
women with MDD and comorbid dissociative disorders external environment, including symptoms of depersonaliza-
who had higher rates of childhood abuse than women tion and derealization. Flashbacks in PTSD, for example com-
with MDD and no dissociative disorder [11]. Taken to- bine dissociation of future orientation (memory of surviving
gether, these findings suggest strongly that dissociative the trauma) with intense reliving of the trauma. Despite this
symptoms experienced transdiagnostically are often of a limitation of our model, we are focusing on the aspects of
traumatogenic nature. dissociation involving emotion overmodulation and associat-
Notably, dissociative symptoms, including those seen ed emotional detachment.
in PTSD+DS, are associated with a longer duration of Neuroimaging studies in PTSD support the existence
illness (e.g., onset of PTSD in childhood), severe role of a distinct dissociative subtype. Early work identified
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a neurobiological model reflecting emotion dysregula- introduced by Mobbs et al. [23, 24] illustrating that threat
tion among individuals with PTSD+DS due to excessive processing among healthy individuals is dependent on the
prefrontal inhibition of limbic regions, including the physical distance of the individual from an environmental
amygdala [16]. This dysregulation is referred to as emo- threat. Specifically, as threat approaches and is conse-
tional overmodulation and involves depersonalization quently perceived as more imminent, defensive process-
and derealization and associated emotional detachment ing at the neural level shifts from prefrontal brain regions
characteristic of individuals with PTSD+DS. Emotional (e.g., orbitofrontal cortex, ventromedial PFC (vmPFC)) to
overmodulation seen in PTSD+DS contrasts sharply subcortical brain regions involved in primitive defensive
with the more common presentation of PTSD involving responses (e.g., amgydala and PAG) [23, 24]. For exam-
hyperemotionality, characterized by reduced prefrontal ple, Mobbs [23] found that among healthy control sub-
activity and limbic over-activity, and often referred to jects, anticipation of threat following initial detection
as emotional undermodulation [16]. Notably, whereas was associated with increased activity in forebrain struc-
PTSD is associated predominantly with emotional tures, (e.g., vmPFC and hippocampus) as well as subcor-
undermodulation, individuals with PTSD+DS may cycle tical structures including the hypothalamus and amygdala.
between these two presentations, even though symp- By contrast, when subjects perceived threat to be immi-
toms of emotional overmodulation often predominate nent, midbrain and subcortical regions, including the PAG
[16]. and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC), were most
Recent work has expanded significantly this conceptu- active [23]. Thus, among individuals with PTSD, bottom-
alization in an effort to delineate further the subcortical up processing of threat, with subcortical regions including
structures implicated in PTSD and PTSD+DS and to spec- the PAG and amygdala driving these responses, is mir-
ify the directionality of connectivity between key regions rored by imminent threat detection in healthy controls
associated with emotional over- and undermodulation [17, and may lead to chronic hyperarousal and defensive pos-
18, 19••, 20••]. In particular, subregions of the amygdala, turing towards perception of imminent threat. In particu-
namely the centromedial amygdala (CMA) and basolateral lar, as reviewed above, emotional undermodulation in
amygdala (BLA) complexes, and the periaqueductal gray PTSD is associated with reduced modulation of the amyg-
(PAG) have been tied uniquely to differential patterns of dala and dl-PAG by the mPFC leading to chronic activa-
brain connectivity among individuals with PTSD+DS tion of these brain regions and persistent hyperemotional-
compared to PTSD [17, 18, 19••, 20••]. The CMA, ity and hyperarousal. By contrast, among individuals with
BLA, and PAG contribute differentially to fear process- PTSD+DS, dominant top-down processing may indicate
ing. Specifically, whereas the BLA is moderated by top- over-regulation of defensive processing by PFC regions,
down inhibition from the mPFC and is responsible for the as seen in healthy controls during early detection of threat
evaluation of sensory information and its subsequent cor- (e.g., during a freeze or orienting response). Here, in
tical processing via projections to the thalamus, striatum, PTSD+DS, increased modulation of the amygdala and
and PFC, the CMA is responsible for activation of PAG regions by the mPFC may be associated with passive
nociception and execution of fear responses via projec- defensive responding and chronic emotional detachment
tions to the PAG and other subcortical brain regions associated with symptoms of depersonalization and
[21]. By contrast, the PAG and its subregions contribute derealization.
to autonomic responses associated with fear. Here, the
dorsolateral and lateral PAG (dl-PAG and l-PAG) are im- Dissociation and Defense Cascade
plicated in activation of the sympathetic nervous system
in response to threat and subsequent activation of active Mobbs et al.’s work [23, 24] is complemented by the defense
defense responses associated with emotional cascade model of dissociation [25, 26] (see Fig. 1), which
undermodulation [22]. Conversely, the ventrolateral PAG proposes that defensive responses to threat occur on a contin-
(vl-PAG) is thought to serve as a “brake” for the dl-PAG uum and are mediated by neural pathways involving the PAG,
and l-PAG, and is associated with passive defensive re- hypothalamus, amygdala, and sympathetic and vagal nuclei.
sponses and activation of the parasympathetic nervous While this model is based on the animal literature and has not
system, thus its association in the literature is with emo- yet been explicitly examined in humans, several authors have
tional overmodulation [22]. pointed to important relations between this established model
of defensive responding in animals and defensive responding
Dissociation and Response Inhibition in humans [25, 26].
In this model, threat is met initially with an orienting
The connection between these brain regions and defensive “freeze” response (analogous to early detection of threat as
responding can be understood through a framework described above) with threatening stimuli first processed
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Defense Cascade Model tactile, sensory, and proprioceptive afferent nerves, in com-
Dorsolateral PAG Mediated Ventrolateral PAG Mediated
bination with fear, leading to activation of the vagal and
Tonic parabrachial sensory nuclei. This shutdown response is
Hyperarousal Depersonalization
& Hypervigilance
thought to be associated with cortical-sensory deafferenta-
& Derealization
tion, where reduced integration of sensory stimuli via the
Defense Reaction

Responses Responses
thalamus to the cortex allows the individual to reduce
Fight or Flight Unresponsive
Immobility responding to external stimuli [26]. During unresponsive
Active Defense Passive Defense immobility, the individual exhibits reduced responsiveness
Parasympathetic Dominance
Sympathetic Dominance
to sensory stimuli and pain acting as a means of shutting
Endocannabinoids Kappa & Mu Opioids
down or modulating overwhelming sensory information.
Whereas in animals, tonic immobility (a form of death
Baseline Arousal
feigning) may occur in order to prevent predation, in
humans a tonic immobility followed by unresponsive
immobility/emotional shutdown during inescapable stress
Dissociative Status represents a psychological defense to trauma. Tonic immo-
bility and associated shutdown responses during inescap-
Fig. 1 Adapted with permission from Zeitschrift für Psychologie/Journal able stress can be considered analogous to dissociative
of Psychology 2010; Vol. 218(2):109–127., p. 111 ©2010 Hogrefe symptomatology, where reduced integration of environ-
Publishing, The defense cascade model of
mental sensory stimuli is associated with symptoms of dis-
dissociation posits that defensive responses occur on a continuum,
mediated by pathways involving the periaqueductal gray (PAG), engagement, depersonalization, and derealization, as well
hypothalamus, and amygdala. Here, threat is met initially with an as interrupted formation of memories and experiences of
orienting freezing response via the superior colliculus and PAG, emotion [26].
followed by fight or flight (blue shaded area; mirrored in symptoms of
Although there is no direct evidence in humans that the
hyperarousal and hypervigilance) via activation of the sympathetic
nervous system and the dorsolateral PAG (lPAG) involved in activating likelihood of survival increases in relation to the onset of
motor patterns of fight or flight, via the PAG, amygdala, and limbic dissociative or shutdown responses, animal research indicates
forebrain. Fight or flight is accompanied by release of that these responses are induced by cues that indicate immi-
endocannabinoids, leading to analgesia. Fight or flight is followed by a
nent threat, such as mechanical restraint, pointing towards
stage of tonic immobility (tonic immobility), with co-activation of both
the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Critically, when their role in enhancing survival [27]. Accordingly, future work
escape and/or chance of survival is low, a dissociative state follows in humans should examine specifically whether chances of
(yellow shaded area), referred to as unresponsive immobility/emotional survival increase and/or level of threat decreases in association
shutdown, mediated by the ventrolateral PAG (brake to the lateral PAG).
with tonic immobility or unresponsive immobility. Notably,
During unresponsive immobility (shutdown response), sensation,
perception, and motor abilities are significantly altered (mirrored by bodily reactions to threat consistent with tonic immobility
symptoms of depersonalization and derealization) and vagal have been reported among healthy controls [28]. In particular,
parasympathetic activity dominates. Opioid-mediated analgesia when healthy individuals were shown a threatening
accompanies the shutdown response, and emerging work suggests that
image indicating little chance of escape (gun pointing at
perceptual and mood alterations (e.g., dysphoria) may be carried out by
the kappa-opioid (dynorphin) system (activated in response to chronic, them), they exhibited reduced body sway and bradycardia
inescapable stress) ([2, 18, 19••]) (indicative of tonic immobility). By contrast,
pictures consistent with an increased chance of escape (gun
pointing away from them) elicited increased body sway (e.g.,
by the superior colliculus (SC), a brain region closely tied preparation for active escape or flight) [28]. On balance, the
to the PAG, allowing the organism to determine the pres- findings reviewed here suggest strongly that the defense cas-
ence and location of threat in the environment at a subcor- cade model can be applied to humans.
tical level. This is followed by fight or flight, via the sym- The defense cascade model is complimented by Porges’
pathetic nervous system with release of catecholamines polyvagal theory [29], positing that the vagal complex of
(e.g., noradrenaline) and activation of the l-PAG (and thus the parasympathetic nervous system can be divided into
motor patterns associated with fight or flight). In situations two systems, the dorsal vagal complex (DVC) and the ven-
where the chance of survival is deemed low and the stress- tral vagal complex (VVC). The VVC is associated with
or is inescapable, a state of tonic immobility followed by bonding, communication with others, and self-soothing,
unresponsive immobility/emotional shutdown ensues, also acting as a brake for the sympathetic nervous system,
referred to as a dissociative shutdown response, mediated which is released under situations of threat allowing fight
by activation of the ventrolateral PAG (vl-PAG) serving as or flight responses to occur [29]. Under the polyvagal the-
a break to the l-PAG and inhibition of fight or flight motor ory, immobilization and death feigning are thought to oc-
patterns. These responses are mediated by activation of cur due to activation of the DVC and its inhibitory inputs
Curr Psychiatry Rep (2018) 20:118 Page 5 of 14 118

to the heart, associated with immobilization, bradycardia, Box 1 Functional glossary: anatomical areas implicated in
and apnoea [29]. PTSD, its dissociative subtype (PTSD+DS), dissociative dis-
As described above, the PAG plays an important role in orders, and borderline personality disorder
carrying out motor patterns of fight or flight and is impli-
cated in the defense cascade model [25, 26] and in Emotion regulation
Mobb’s threat processing model [23, 24]. Recent work
The Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) comprises distinct areas related to emotion
by Nicholson et al. identifies a pattern of predominant regulation, emotional processing, and executive functioning. Whereas
top-down connectivity from the vmPFC to the amygdala PTSD+DS is associated with excessive medial prefrontal inhibition
and PAG and from the amygdala to the PAG among indi- (mPFC) of limbic regions including the amygdala [16], the classical
presentation of PTSD is characterized by reduced prefrontal activity
viduals with PTSD+DS, consistent with overmodulation
and limbic over-activity, representing emotional undermodulation.
of fear processing [19••]. Moreover, as compared to Lobule VI and crus I of the cerebellum are also involved in executive
PTSD, individuals with PTSD+DS exhibit greater func- functioning and in the regulation of emotional responses, further
tional connectivity of both the CMA and the BLA with supporting exacerbated top-down inhibition in the dissociative subtype
[31]. Finally, the hippocampus is associated with contextual responses
frontal regions, supporting previous findings of increased
to traumatic memories [32••].
top-down inhibition and thus reduced defensive
Emotion reactivity and response
responding via the CMA [17] (see Fig. 2).
The basolateral amygdala (BLA) aids in the evaluation of sensory infor-
Increased connectivity between the BLA and CMA has mation and its subsequent cortical processing via projections to the
also been found with regions involved in consciousness, thalamus, striatum, and PFC. This subregion of the amygdala is mod-
awareness, and proprioception, (e.g., superior parietal erated by top-down inhibition from the mPFC [21]. By contrast, the
centromedial amygdala (CMA) is responsible for activation of
lobe, precuneus, and cerebellar culmen) among individ-
nociception and for the execution of fear responses via projections to
uals with PTSD+DS [17], where this increased connectiv- the PAG and other subcortical brain regions [21].
ity may be directly related to experiences of depersonali- The periaqueductal gray (PAG) and its subregions contribute to auto-
zation and derealization involving altered spatial percep- nomic responses associated with fear. Here, the dorsolateral and lateral
tion, perspective taking, and understanding of oneself as a PAG (dl-PAG and l-PAG) are implicated in activation of the sympa-
part of one’s environment, particularly when confronted thetic nervous system in response to threat and active defense
responses, associated with emotional undermodulation [22].
with threat [17]. Conversely, the ventrolateral PAG (vl-PAG) promotes emotional
In a related pattern of contrast, among individuals with overmodulation, serving as the “brake” for the dl-PAG and l-PAG, and
PTSD and PTSD+DS, the amygdala shows differential is associated with passive defensive responses and activation of the
connectivity with insula subregions, a structure key to parasympathetic nervous system [22]. The superior colliculus (SC) is
functionally tied to the PAG, allowing the organism to determine the
monitoring of internal states and arousal [18]. Insular sub- presence and location of threat in the environment at a subcortical
regions are thought to serve differential functions, with the level. Finally, the hypothalamus is a key structure involved in regu-
anterior, mid, and posterior insula associated with arousal lating stress hormones and the HPA axis [33].
and interoceptive awareness, with awareness of body Interoceptive awareness
movement and body ownership, and with processing and The insular subregions have differential functions; the anterior insula is
perception of pain and sensorimotor function, respectively associated with arousal and interoceptive awareness; the mid-insula is
related to awareness of body movement and body ownership; and the
[30]. Among individuals with PTSD+DS, increased insula- posterior insula is associated with processing and perception of pain
BLA connectivity across insula subregions was reported in and sensorimotor function.
a recent study when compared to patients with PTSD or Consciousness, awareness, and proprioception
with controls [18]. In addition, dissociative symptoms of The precuneus is involved in first-person perspective taking,
depersonalization and derealization and PTSD symptom consciousness, and self-related mental representations during rest [34].
severity predicted anterior insula-BLA connectivity among The superior parietal lobe has a wide range of functions, including
spatial orientation, motor imagery, monitoring of imagined limb
PTSD+DS and PTSD patients [18]. These findings may be configuration, and proprioception [35]. Both the temporoparietal
related to altered arousal monitoring (e.g., due to the role junction (TPJ) and rolandic operculum (RO) have been previously
of the BLA in the evaluation of sensory information) [18]. shown to be implicated in depersonalization responses [36–38]. The
Mid-insula-BLA and posterior insula-BLA connectivity, dorsal posterior cingulate cortex (dPCC) is involved in consciousness,
awareness, and attention [39].
respectively, may also be related to altered body perception
and reduced sensory integration seen in PTSD+DS [18].
Critically, the insula has been implicated in the defense
cascade model of dissociation, where it may partly mediate Fight or flight is associated with endocannabinoid-
tonic immobility experienced by individuals with PTSD, mediated analgesia via the l-PAG [25], while tonic and un-
leading to reduced responding to internal and external responsive immobility are associated with activation of the
cues, as well as reduced proprioceptive awareness [25] parasympathetic nervous system and opioid-mediated anal-
(see Fig. 3 and Box 1). gesia, leading to reduced awareness by the organism of
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Directionality of Connectivity

PTSD Dissociative Subtype

Bilateral Bilateral
Bilateral Bilateral

Fig. 2 Based on work by Nicholson and colleagues, the directionality of fear responses. In contrast, PTSD+DS (right side of image) is
connectivity of key brain regions implicated in emotional responding characterized by predominant top-down connectivity between the
among individuals with PTSD and PTSD+DS is elucidated. PTSD (left bilateral CMA and PAG and vmPFC with the BLA, consistent with
side of image) is characterized by predominant bottom-up connectivity chronic emotional overmodulation and detachment from emotional
from the peraqueductal gray (PAG) to the bilateral centromedial responses associated with symptoms of depersonalization and
amygdala (CMA) and from the BLA to the vmPFC suggesting derealization
defensive responding driven by mibrain and limbic regions and chronic

sensory stimuli, including pain, and an effective temporary flight responses to be effective, leading to release of endoge-
“shut-down” of central nervous system activity hypothe- nous opioids and a shutdown of sympathetic signaling and
sized to occur through functional cortical deafferentation increase in parasympathetic signaling, resulting in reduced
at the level of the thalamus [25, 26]. awareness of the environment and sensory integration.
Importantly, Mobb’s threat detection model and the de- Critically, the amygdala complexes also play important and
fense cascade model complement one another, providing a differential roles among individuals with PTSD+DS, with re-
framework for understanding threat responding in the context duced activation of threat responses via the CMA and reduced
of key dimensions, including perceived imminence, awareness of the external environment via the BLA due to
escapability, and proximity. In particular, both models posit increased top-down inhibition [17, 19••] (also see Box 1).
that when threat is perceived to be imminent, active defensive
responses are employed (e.g., fight or flight), which are driven Transdiagnostic Evidence for the Neurobiological
by subcortical brain structures (e.g., dACC, PAG) and associ- Model of Dissociation as Defensive Overmodulation
ated with decreased prefrontal cortex activation. of Affective Arousal
Alternatively, increased prefrontal cortex activation is associ-
ated with reduced responding in subcortical regions (e.g., The existing evidence among dissociative disorders, in-
PAG and amygdala), driving passive defensive responses cluding DID and depersonalization disorder also points
when threat is deemed inescapable, characterized by tonic to aberrant reactivity and functional connectivity of key
immobility and increasing emotional detachment and emo- regions associated with the defense cascade model of dis-
tional shutdown if the stressor remains inescapable [23–25]. sociation and Mobb’s threat processing model and mirrors
Taken together, the available evidence suggests that disso- findings of emotional overmodulation as seen in PTSD+
ciative responses in PTSD+DS are carried out by brain regions DS. Specifically, aberrant cortico-limbic functioning
involved in the defense cascade model of dissociation and also among individuals with depersonalization disorder has
mirror responses seen in Mobb’s threat detection model dur- been reported, where increased activation in prefrontal
ing anticipation of threat. Subcortical regions, including the regions [e.g., mPFC, dlPFC and reduced activation of
amygdala, hypothalamus, and PAG are implicated, with the limbic regions (e.g., the amygdala)] is seen in conjunction
PAG emerging as a key subcortical structure involved in mod- with attenuated responding of the autonomic system [13].
ulation of both fight or flight and dissociative “shut-down” Moreover, reduced responsivity of the insula has been
responses via the dl-PAG/l-PAG and vl-PAG, respectively. noted among individuals with depersonalization disorder
In particular, dissociative responses are thought to occur via in response to aversive or sad images [13, 14], a finding
the vl-PAG indicating that the threat is too great for fight or that may be related to experiences of tonic immobility and
Curr Psychiatry Rep (2018) 20:118 Page 7 of 14 118

Paerns of Increased Connecvity

in the Dissociave Subtype versus PTSD
Interocepve Awareness
Anterior Insula*
Mid Insula*
Posterior Insula*

Superior Parietal Lobe,

Dorsal Posterior Post. Mid Ant.
Cingulate Cortex, Insula Insula Insula Emoon Regulaon
Precuneus PFC
Temporoparietal Juncon
Le Cerebellum (Lobule VI/Crus I)
CMA Right
Consciousness, Awareness
of Bodily Self & Right
Propriocepon CMA
Emoon Reacvity & Response
Superior Parietal Lobe
Le Basolateral Amygdala*
Dorsal Posterior Cingulate
Right Basolateral Amygdala*
Le Centromedial Amygdala*
Right Centromedial Amygdala*
Temporoparietal Juncon
Ventrolateral Periaqueductal Gray*

Fig. 3 Increased patterns of resting-state functional connectivity in the consciousness, and proprioception, including the superior parietal lobe,
dissociative subtype as compared to PTSD without the subtype. Here, dorsal posterior cingulate cortex, precuneus, and the temporoparietal
brain regions with an asterisk indicate seed regions from insula, junction. Importantly, among patients with the dissociative subtype of
amygdala, and periaqueductal gray functional connectivity studies PTSD, increased connectivity between emotion regulation regions
comparing patients with the dissociative subtype of PTSD with PTSD (regions in green) and emotion reactivity regions (regions in yellow) is
patients [17, 18, 20••]. Regions in green correspond to brain areas thought to contribute to a characteristic pattern of emotion
implicated in emotion regulation, including the prefrontal cortex and overmodulation associated with symptoms such as depersonalization
lobule VI/crus I of the cerebellum. Areas in yellow correspond to areas and derealization and emotional detachment. Additionally, increased
implicated in emotion reactivity and response, including the amygdala connectivity between emotion reactivity regions (regions in yellow) and
complexes (bilateral basolateral amygdala and centromedial amygdala) regions relating to interoceptive awareness, perception of self, and bodily
and the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray. Critically, the left amygdala is self-awareness (regions in blue) may provide an explanation for
associated with detailed and elaborate emotional response evaluation, symptoms such as an altered sense of self and altered perception of the
while the right amygdala is more involved in rapid and automatic environment associated with symptoms of depersonalization and
detection of emotional stimuli [21]. Brain areas in red correspond to derealization. Abbreviations: PFC, prefrontal cortex; BLA, basolateral
subregions of the insula related to interoceptive awareness. Finally, amygdala; CMA, centromedial amygdala; vlPAG, ventrolateral
brain areas in blue are related to the processing of awareness, periaqueductal gray; post, posterior; ant, anterior

reduced responding to internal and external cues [25] and “normal identity state” [40], suggesting that during the normal
that is consistent with findings of reduced insula-BLA identity state individuals with DID may experience emotional
connectivity in PTSD+DS [18]. undermodulation. Importantly, in Mobb’s threat processing
In addition to findings in depersonalization disorder, indi- model, the OFC is activated as threat becomes more distant,
viduals with DID also demonstrate aberrant neural reactivity suggesting it is involved in signaling safety [24].
consistent with excessive top-down inhibition of limbic re- Finally, among BPD samples, whereas trait dissociation
gions, depending on their identity state [13, 14]. In particular, was associated with increased amygdala-dlPFC connectivity,
when individuals with DID were in a “traumatic identity state” acute dissociative experiences correlated to reduced amygdala
(a state with access to trauma memories), these patients reactivity to negative stimuli [13], again mimicking findings
showed increased activity in limbic regions, as well as de- among individuals with PTSD+DS [41]. Furthermore, among
creased activity in prefrontal regions, and increased perfusion individuals with BPD, increased prefrontal activity and re-
in the thalamus in comparison to when they were in their duced amygdala responding in response to painful stimuli
“normal functioning identity state” (a state where dissociative has been reported in conjunction with reduced pain sensitivity
amnesia is present) [13, 14]. Findings of increased thalamic [13, 14].
perfusion in the trauma vs. dissociative identity state are crit- In sum, the available literature investigating dissociation
ical given the role of the thalamus in sensory integration and in transdiagnostically among PTSD+DS, depersonalization dis-
the defense cascade model of dissociation [3, 25]. Moreover, order, DID, and BPD supports a model of emotional
Sar and colleagues reported reduced perfusion in the overmodulation underlying dissociative experiences.
orbitofrontal cortex of individuals with DID while in their Moreover, these findings converge with the defense cascade
118 Page 8 of 14 Curr Psychiatry Rep (2018) 20:118

model of dissociation highlighting aberrant reactivity of lim- among juvenile burn victims, levels of PTSD symptomatolo-
bic regions, including the amygdala and insula [25] seen in gy were correlated with the dose of morphine received
dissociative disorders and BPD [13, 14]. posttrauma, such that those who received higher doses of
morphine reported fewer PTSD symptoms 6 months
posttrauma [48]. Similarly, individuals given morphine during
Opioid- and Endocannabinoid-Mediated initial treatment of physical trauma were less likely to develop
Contributions to Dissociation and Stress PTSD (OR 0.47, p < .001) [49]. Taken together, these findings
Responses suggest that mu-opioid receptors play an important role in
posttrauma reactions and increased opioid signaling following
Opioid-Mediated Contributions trauma may be protective.
Indeed, upregulation of opioid responding appears to per-
Recent work elucidating the neurochemical components of the sist among individuals with PTSD. For example, Pitman and
defense cascade model of dissociation provides opportunities colleagues reported findings of naloxone (opioid receptor an-
for the identification of specific, targeted treatment approaches tagonist) reversible stress-induced analgesia among veterans
for dissociative symptoms transdiagnostically. As mentioned with PTSD in comparison to those without PTSD, suggesting
briefly above, opioid-mediated contributions play a critical role upregulation of the opioid response following exposure to
in defensive responding. Moreover, not only are opioids in- trauma cues [50]. In addition, altered mu-opioid receptor bind-
volved in the analgesic aspects of defensive responses, but they ing has been reported among combat-exposed individuals
also play important roles in their enactment. Specifically, opi- with PTSD and those without PTSD in comparison to non-
oids are implicated in immobility, suppressed vocal responses, trauma-exposed controls, where reduced binding was reported
and downregulation of the sympathetic nervous system [3]. in subcortical regions, including the amygdala and thalamus,
Furthermore, opioid receptors are found in high volumes in and cortical regions, including the insula, mPFC, and dorsal
the thalamus and claustrum and may be related to reduced ACC [51]. By contrast, increased binding was reported in the
somatosensory integration and disruptions in consciousness as- orbitofrontal cortex among the PTSD group compared with
sociated with shutdown defensive responses [3, 42]. the trauma-exposed controls and healthy controls [51]. Here,
The endogenous opioid system has long been associated the authors posit that inhibitory action of mu-opioid receptors
with combine paragraphs PTSD. Here, seminal work by van in the OFC may lead to impaired regulation of subcortical
der Kolk utilizing an animal model of PTSD, inescapable structures involved in emotional responding [51], i.e., emotion
shock, provided a key demonstration of the relation between undermodulation.
endogenous opioids and stress-induced analgesia [43], with Opioids also play a central role in attachment processes,
later work identifying further an association between chronic where social isolation is associated with reduced opioid levels
PTSD symptomatology and heroin abuse in Vietnam veterans and reduced availability of endogenous opioids leads to in-
[44]. The inescapable shock model has been suggested to creased motivation to seek social contact [52]. Here, van der
mimic closely chronic, inescapable trauma experienced by Kolk linked profound disruptions in attachment that occur as a
victims of childhood abuse. Inescapable shock is also associ- result of prolonged childhood abuse with alterations in the en-
ated with altered responding of the endogenous opioid system, dogenous opioid system [43], as mirrored in findings of altered
particularly, initial upregulation followed by chronic down- endogenous opioid levels and receptor availability among indi-
regulation of opioid signaling [43]. It was hypothesized that viduals with PTSD [45, 46, 51]. The relation between attach-
these processes become conditioned responses, replicable at ment processes and alterations in the endogenous opioid system
the time of exposure to trauma cues or subsequent stress [43]. are of particular importance given the strong relation between
This hypothesis was supported in work identifying secretion attachment trauma and dissociative symptomatology [53, 54].
of endogenous opioids following exposure to trauma-related This may explain why betrayal trauma, assault by one expected
stimuli [45] and increased β-endorphin levels in the cerebro- to love and protect, is particularly likely to trigger immobiliza-
spinal fluid of veterans with PTSD compared to those without tion, since it imposes not only the current assault but diminishes
PTSD, as well as correlations between PTSD intrusion and the prospect of future escape [55].
avoidant symptoms and β-endorphin levels [46]. Whereas most studies have investigated the mu-opioid sys-
Notably, it has been further suggested that this chronic tem (activated by neurochemical endorphins) in trauma-
downregulation of the endogenous opioid system and upreg- exposed persons, the kappa-opioid system is also a candidate
ulation of opioid release in response to stress may lead trau- mechanism for mediating negative emotional experiences
matized individuals to engage in subsequent self-destructive such as depression and dysphoria to chronic inescapable stress
behavior (e.g., self-harm, involvement in future abusive rela- [56]. Recent evidence for the dysphoric components of the
tionships) [47]. Additional research suggests that the release kappa-opioid system comes from a study demonstrating that
of opioids at the time of trauma may be protective, where the dissociogenic drug ketamine’s antidepressant effect is
Curr Psychiatry Rep (2018) 20:118 Page 9 of 14 118

completely blocked by the opiate antagonist naloxone [57]. individuals in relation to trauma-related symptomatology.
Furthermore, recent work has tied the kappa-opioid system Specifically, lower levels of KOR availability in the
(dynorphins) to disruptions in consciousness [42, 58•]. Here, amygdala-anterior cingulate cortex-ventral striatal neural cir-
studies reveal that individuals who ingested Salvia divinorum cuit, and in the insula, caudate, and frontal cortex were asso-
(SD), a kappa-opioid receptor agonist, described alterations in ciated with increased severity of a composite symptom score,
consciousness, including abrupt shifts in normal waking con- including symptoms of emotional numbing, anhedonia, de-
sciousness and disorientation, marked changes in sensory pro- tachment, and reduced range of affect [62]. Here, reduced
cessing and perceptual integration (including auditory, visual, availability of KORs may be related to increased circulating
and interoceptive perception), visual distortions, tactile, or opioids following trauma. The aforementioned symptoms
kinaesthetic hallucinations, change in affect (both negative converge with symptoms such as emotional numbing and de-
and positive), and altered reality monitoring [42, 58•]. tachment. Furthermore, these regions are implicated in both
Notably, these individuals also reported experiences of deper- Mobb’s threat processing model and the defense cascade
sonalization, or a feeling as though they do not belong to their models of dissociation.
own body, similar to those described as altered states of con- Finally, emerging work has identified increased functional
sciousness associated with PTSD+DS [59]. Although these connectivity of the claustrum with the bed nucleus of the stria
experiences may not be precisely equivalent to dissociative terminalis (BNST) among individuals with PTSD+DS as
experiences of individuals with PTSD+DS or other trauma- compared to those with PTSD and to healthy controls [63].
related disorders, we hypothesize that the kappa-opioid sys- The BNST is a subcortical brain structure considered an ex-
tem may play a contributing role in experiences of dissocia- tension of the amygdala that has been implicated consistently
tion in trauma-related disorders (see Fig. 2). In particular, in the anticipation of threat and worry about the future (as
opioid-mediated analgesia is thought to be a key component compared to the amygdala, involved in evaluation and re-
of defensive “shut-down,” and may also play a critical role in sponse to immediate threat) [63]. Critically, as the BNST also
the experience of disrupted consciousness, as seen during dis- contains KORs, the authors posit that increased connectivity
sociative states [25]. between the BNST and the claustrum in PTSD+DS may be
The claustrum has been implicated as a key structure in- related to increased activation of the kappa-opioid system in
volved in kappa-opioid mediated disruptions in conscious- response to chronic inescapable stress, leading to dissociative
ness, and potentially, dissociative experiences [42, 60]. In par- symptoms and secondary dysphoria.
ticular, the claustrum is thought to be in part responsible for Thus, while alterations in the mu-opioid system first
consciousness given its anatomical location and reciprocal emerged in the PTSD literature, in association with symptoms
connections with multiple cortical regions [60]. More recently, including intrusions and avoidance and increased analgesia [3,
it has been suggested that the endogenous kappa-opioid sys- 45, 46], the kappa-opioid system has emerged as a candidate
tem may play a key role in this function, given high volumes neurochemical system mediating alterations in consciousness.
of kappa-opioid receptors (KOR) in the claustrum and afore- In particular, while both the mu- and kappa-opioid system
mentioned alterations in experiences of consciousness de- may be involved in dissociative reactions and the defense
scribed by subjects who have ingested SD [42]. Importantly, cascade, the mu-opioid system may be related to analgesic
the claustrum has also been implicated in defensive effects, while the kappa-opioid system is responsible for alter-
responding among individuals with PTSD [61]. Along with ations in consciousness and dysphoria. Here, we posit that the
the insula, the claustrum is considered a component of the kappa-opioid system and claustrum play key roles in dissocia-
salience network (SN), a brain network integral in orienting tive symptoms and dysphoria. In particular, this hypothesis is
individuals to salient internal and external stimuli. Recent in- supported by findings of increased endogenous opioids
vestigations have revealed decreased integration of the claus- among individuals with PTSD [45, 46] and evidence of aber-
trum with the SN during subliminal threat processing among rant functional connectivity of the claustrum in PTSD+DS
individuals with PTSD [61]. Although not investigated in [63], coupled with the role of the claustrum in experiences
PTSD+DS specifically, this finding may indicate a reduced of consciousness as mediated by the kappa-opioid system
ability to integrate conscious experience during salience de- [42]. Furthermore, when considering the role of opioid during
tection (in this case, threat detection) among individuals with defensive shutdown under conditions of inescapable stress (as
PTSD. Critically, given the claustrum’s role in the integration in defense cascade model of dissociation), it is likely that the
of perceptual stimuli into consciousness, aberrant functioning release of opioids during this shift in defensive responding
of the claustrum could lead to disrupted threat processing ob- plays a role in experiences of disrupted consciousness. In par-
served in both PTSD and its dissociative subtype. ticular, given findings reviewed above indicating an associa-
In line with these findings, emerging work using positron tion between the kappa-opioid system and experiences of al-
emission tomography (PET) neuroimaging has identified al- tered consciousness in healthy individuals [42, 58•] and the
terations in KOR receptor availability among trauma-exposed dissociative quality of defensive shutdown responses, it is
118 Page 10 of 14 Curr Psychiatry Rep (2018) 20:118

possible that the release of endogenous opioids during this cannabinoids are associated with anxiolytic effects and high
phase of the defense cascade underlies experiences of doses are associated with anxiogenic effects [68].
disrupted consciousness. Given the role of endocannabinoids in mediating fight or
flight in the defense cascade, their neuromodulatory role and
impact on emotional responses via signaling in the amygdala
Endocannabinoid-Mediated Contributions and vmPFC, and their role in modulating activity of the PAG,
modulation of the endocannabinoid system may provide an
The endogenous cannabinoid (endocannabinoid) system has opportunity to treat emotion undermodulation, including
also been characterized as a key component of the defense hyperarousal/fight or flight symptoms associated with the de-
cascade model (see Fig. 1). In particular, endocannabinoid fense cascade. Importantly, however, cannabinoids are known
signaling, emanating from the lateral PAG [2], is responsible to have paradoxical effects at high doses, where increased
for analgesia during the fight or flight response [25]. In addi- fight or flight and panic-like symptoms are observed.
tion, endocannabinoids are important regulators of the stress
response and are involved in adaption of the neuroendocrine Implications for Treatment and Future Pharmacotherapies
system following repeated stress [64]. Endocannabinoids play
a neuromodulatory role associated with inhibition of neuro- Increased identification of the roles of the kappa-opioid and
transmitter release from both excitatory and inhibitory neu- endocannabinoid systems in the defense cascade model pro-
rons and have been shown to influence the behavioral com- vides a unique opportunity for identification of targeted novel
ponents of the fight or flight stage of the defense cascade [64]. pharmacotherapeutic interventions for individuals with PTSD
For example, cannabis use has been associated with reduced and PTSD+DS, and for those experiencing clinically signifi-
neuronal firing in the amygdala and increased reactivity of the cant dissociative symptoms more broadly (see Table 1). This
vmPFC of humans in response to emotional stimuli [64]. is particularly critical given the only modest efficacy of cur-
Importantly, among individuals with PTSD, increased avail- rent pharmacotherapy approaches for individuals with PTSD
ability of cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1 receptors) in the [69] and findings that individuals with PTSD often retain their
amygdala (associated with reduced bioavailability of diagnosis or continue to experience clinically significant
endocannabinoids) was associated with increased attentional symptoms following treatment with first-line psychotherapies
bias to threat, which mediated the relation between CB1 re- [70, 71]. Furthermore, pharmacological and non-
ceptor availability and threat-related symptomatology (e.g., pharmacological treatment approaches to dissociative symp-
re-experiencing, hyperarousal) [65]. These data suggest that toms in PTSD+DS and transdiagnostically have not been ad-
reduced levels of endocannabinoids may be related to in- equately explored.
creased threat sensitivity and related symptoms in individuals Both endocannabinoids and opioids are released in re-
with PTSD. sponse to stress and play differential and important roles in
Given these findings, among others, Hill et al. [64] sug- the defensive cascade model, modulating fight or flight and
gest an endocannabinoid deficiency hypothesis of PTSD, dissociative shutdown responses, respectively. Thus, modula-
where exposure to stress reduces endocannabinoid signal- tion of these neurochemicals provides the opportunity to in-
ing, resulting in hyperactivity of the amygdala, hypoactivity tervene differentially for patients exhibiting predominantly
of the mPFC, and impaired regulation of the stress response. emotion undermodulation/fight or flight symptomatology
This may be particularly relevant for individuals who expe- (PTSD) and those who present with emotion
rience predominantly emotion undermodulation. By con- overmodulation/passive defensive responses associated with
trast, the effects of cannabinoids on other brain structures dissociative symptoms (PTSD+DS). Pharmacological inter-
implicated in Mobb’s fear processing model and the defense ventions that target these neurochemical systems may be of
cascade model may diverge from these findings. significant benefit as these patterns of defensive responding
Specifically, injection of cannabinoid receptor agonists into are re-enacted among individuals with trauma-related pathol-
the dl-PAG of rats was associated with increased sympathet- ogy. Evidence of disrupted endocannabinoid and opioid sig-
ic activity, blood pressure, and limb movements [66], sug- naling among individuals with PTSD and other trauma-related
gesting that they may be important in carrying out motor pathology provides further evidence for their potential utility.
and sympathetic responses of fight or flight. Paradoxically, Indeed, emerging evidence points to the use of naloxone and
exposure to stressful stimuli has been associated with in- naltrexone, nonspecific opioid receptor antagonists targeting
creased levels of endocannabinoids in the PAG of rats and both mu- and kappa-opioid receptors, in the treatment of dis-
injection of CB1 agonists into the PAG has also been asso- sociative symptoms among individuals with depersonaliza-
ciated with anxiolytic effects in rats [67]. Importantly, these tion disorder [72] and BPD [51; but see 52].
aberrant findings may be understood through findings of a The kappa-opioid system has been linked further to dys-
bell-shaped dose response curve, whereby low doses of phoric components of the opioid response, including reduced
Curr Psychiatry Rep (2018) 20:118 Page 11 of 14 118

Table 1 Hypothesized mechanisms and target symptoms of proposed dissociative symptoms of depersonalization and derealiza-
pharmacological interventions
tion and negative mood states associated with PTSD+DS.
Proposed Symptom targeted Hypothesized Importantly, given the transdiagnostic nature of dissocia-
pharmacological mechanism tive symptoms [8], KOR antagonists may prove to be
treatment and evidence useful in their treatment across disorders where dissocia-
Opioid-receptor • Dissociative symptoms, Reduced signaling at
tive symptoms predominate.
antagonists including KORs Whereas the kappa-opioid system exerts its influence dur-
depersonalization, • KORs linked to ing the unresponsive immobility/emotional shutdown phase
derealization, dysphoric components of the defense cascade model, endocannabinoids have
emotional numbing, of opioid response
and dysphoria
emerged as important regulators of fight or flight responses.
• Reduced KOR Emerging work also highlights the potential utility of canna-
availability in amygdala
binoid receptor agonists in the treatment of PTSD. In particu-
and anterior cingulate
cortex associated with lar, uncontrolled trials of nabilone, a synthetic form of Δ9-
dysphoric symptoms tetrahydocannbinol (THC, the psychoactive component of
among trauma-exposed cannabis), have reported reductions in nightmares and re-
duced PTSD symptom severity among individuals with
• Use of KOR agonists
PTSD [75, 76]. In addition, a recent randomized-controlled
associated with
experiences of altered trial reported a reduction in distressing nightmares in a small
consciousness, sample of individuals with PTSD [77]. Specifically, a sample
disorientation, and of 10 males with PTSD stemming from operational trauma
perceptual disturbances,
(i.e., combat) who reported distressing dreams at baseline ex-
depersonalization and perienced a significant reduction on the Clinician
derealization Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) recurrent and distressing
Cannabinoid • Hyperarousal, Increased activation of dreams item (− 3.6 points, where the maximum score is 8 and
receptor re-experiencing CB1 receptors higher scores indicate greater frequency and intensity of
agonists symptoms • Increased availability of symptoms) after receiving treatment with nabilone for a peri-
CB1 receptors (due to
od of 7 weeks [77]. Similarly, the addition of THC to the drug
reduced bioavailability
of endocannabinoids) in regimen of individuals with PTSD was associated with re-
amygdala of individuals duced nightmares and hyperarsoual [78]. Thus, there is emerg-
with PTSD associated ing evidence that treatment with THC or nabilone reduces
with increased nightmares among individuals with PTSD and may be asso-
attentional bias to threat
and hyperarousal ciated with reduced hyperarousal.
• Treatment with nabilone Although treatment with both kappa-opioid antagonists
(synthetic cannabinoid) and cannabinoids appears to hold promise for the treatment
or THC associated with of dysregulation in the dissociative and fight or flight compo-
reduced nightmares and nents of the defense cascade among individuals with PTSD
hyperarousal in
individuals with PTSD and PTSD+DS, respectively, a lack of rigorous randomized-
(small uncontrolled controlled trials precludes definitive conclusions about their
trial) efficacy. Furthermore, given findings of bell-shaped dose re-
sponse curve for the use of cannabis [68], careful dosing and
KOR, kappa-opioid receptor; CB1, cannabinoid receptor type 1
investigation of the therapeutic effects of different doses will
be important. Similarly, KOR antagonists have been found to
motivation, and has been associated with depressive states have long durations of action [74], and thus careful investiga-
[73]. KOR antagonists have also been found to have antide- tion of dosing and effects of the drug over the period that it is
pressant effects among rodents [74]. Furthermore, recent work active will be necessary. Moreover, the utility of these inter-
highlights that among trauma-exposed individuals, KOR ventions may differ for individuals with PTSD+DS and those
availability in several key regions associated with Mobb’s with PTSD. Specifically, individuals with PTSD+DS do not
defense model and the defense cascade model, including the experience only static symptoms of depersonalization and de-
amygdala and anterior cingulate cortex, are associated with realization, but rather vacillate between symptoms of emotion
dysphoric symptoms [62]. Thus, these findings provide pro- under- and overmodulation (although emotion overmodulation
vocative evidence that opioid receptor antagonists, and in par- predominates). By contrast, individuals with PTSD without the
ticular KOR antagonists, may be effective both in disrupting dissociative subtype do not usually experience symptoms of
re-enactment of emotional shutdown and in reducing depersonalization and derealization [16]. It is therefore
118 Page 12 of 14 Curr Psychiatry Rep (2018) 20:118

important to treat both symptoms of emotion under- and may be a promising approach to the treatment of emotion
overmodulation experienced in PTSD+DS, and thus treatment overmodulation, including symptoms of depersonalization
with endocannabinoids may be appropriate not only for indi- and derealization [79]. In contrast, the endocannabinoid sys-
viduals with PTSD but may also be potentially combinable with tem has been implicated in downregulation of fight or flight
KOR antagonists in those with PTSD+DS. Importantly, the responses of the defense cascade, suggesting that treatment
longitudinal course of PTSD and PTSD+DS remain unknown with cannabinoids may target emotion undermodulation,
(e.g., an individual may meet criteria for PTSD and PTSD+DS which importantly, is experienced by individuals with
at different times), rendering it necessary for clinicians to close- PTSD+DS and often precede symptoms of emotion
ly monitor patient’s symptoms in order to ensure appropriate overmodulation, including symptoms of depersonalization
treatment. and derealization. Future work will be critical to understand
the efficacy of these putative pharmacological interventions,
Conclusions particularly in order to determine when and at what doses
therapeutic effectiveness can be achieved.
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