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Victoria Rodriguez

Period #2


Analyze Ideas and Events- Guiding Questions

1.) Euchner accomplishes a vivid image in the readers' mind. He emphasis how King speaks, with a
southern accent. He then goes on to explain why he has a southern accent, and how its softened due to
him being around family's friends.

2.) Euchner mainly uses Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech as a primary source. Not only
does he use King as a source, but interviews as well as others firsthand accounts. I know this because I
noticed that not all words that are in quotations are Kings' words. An example of this is the phrase “You
return hatred with love.”, this was said during an interview.

3.) Euchner uses a quote from Kings speech, “Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has
given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked “insufficicant funds.” By
providing this excerpt after his analysis he is able to further Kings' point. If you didn’t understand what
the use of a bad check meant before you will now. A bad check represents broken promises, broken
promises about freedom and equality that were supposed to be granted to AA’s.

4.) Euchner uses details such as specific words King has previously stated in his speech. An example of
this is the phrase “Whirlwind of revolt”, he refers to the bible. This supports his idea that king conjures
images of apocalypse in his speech because, the bible mentions of disasters that were brought forth by
evil. This creates a strong message in Kings speech, that they will use all the power they have to fight for
what they deserve, justice.

5.) Euchner uses interviews as a primary source. He was there first-hand, so he provided information
about what he remembered about the event. Through the radio and television is where most people
heard or watched Kings speech, sometimes radio systems would produce static over the speech. It could
be one of the best software's out there and it would still occur. The effect of using Ms. Rael’s words is
that it provided a visual image of what happened while King was giving his famous speech.

6.) I learned that the origin of the “I Have a Dream” line represented a dream that King had that many
AA’s wished as well. Euchner provides these details to showcase that King was able to bring his dream to
life and that many other people also wanted justice.

7.) Pritchard is different from other people whose stories and reactions Euchner has featured because,
Pritchard wasn’t a person of color, he was white. Euchner made this point of mentioning peoples race to
show that all people from different backgrounds, and religions could come together to watch King’s
speech. Euchner likely got the details about Pritchard that he relays in these lines from Pritchard or his
8.) Euchner uses religious ideas such as “Christ”. He references to this topic since King was Christan and
a paster. He also talks about how everyone has similar dreams, that are slightly altered.

9.) Euchner’s division of the passage helps clarify the passages meaning by making it easier to
understand all the points King made, and who exactly is speaking in each line He analysis almost every
detail and breaks it down, using similes, metaphors, many rhetorical devices.

10.) Euchner might have concluded with King’s words rather than his own because, he wanted to show
that even though he broke everything down to its simplest form, it doesn’t mean he was able to change
society, he was only able to assist with his expertise. It also shows that it wasn’t his own words, it was
Kings. Martin Luther King Jr. had a big impact on society and helped pushed it into the right direction.

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