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Responda las preguntas 1 – 10 de acuerdo con el siguiente texto

Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra adecuada para cada espacio.

"Technology is an addictive product and must be regulated as such"

Technology 1. our lives. We wake up with her and sleep with her. Large companies such as Facebook or
YouTube manipulate their algorithms so that users increase the use of their product, get more 2. , and they
can increase their profits through 3. . For children, the problem is greater: due to constant use of devices,
50% of adolescents consider themselves addicted; 48% of those who spend more than five hours on their phone have
reported 4. of depression, isolation, or suicide.

With that prism, a group of 5. employees of these companies alert about the dangers of technology, who are
now leading an initiative by the United States to report the social repercussions that constant connectivity 6.
to the subjects we live. “The incentive is to grab our attention and monetize it through advertising contracts, no matter
how good they are for humans. We must turn the objective 7. the common good and hold industry leaders
accountable,” Tristan Harris, former Google engineer and promoter of the new campaign launched in Washington,
8. this week.

"It is time for the technology industry to be 9. so that there is a balance between the advantages and
disadvantages of the use of digital devices," said James Steyer, director and founder of Common-Sense Media, an NGO
that promotes security in the networks. Another speaker 10. the technology industry to that of tobacco
or alcohol: "It is an addictive product and, therefore, it must be regulated as such."

1. A. Controls B. Dominates C. Submit D. Command

2. A. Hooked B. Anchored C. United D. Chained
3. A. Propaganda B. Ad C. Advertising D. Promotion
4. A. Passions B. Emotions C. Feelings D. Sensations
5. A. Former B. Price C. Old D. Previous
6. A. Believe B. Assumes C. Deduct D. Supposes
7. A. Concerning B. Towards C. For D. Regard
8. A. Sheltered. B. Protected. C. Defended D. Confined
9. A. Guarded B. Reviewed C. Saved D. Regulated
10. A. Compared B. Related C. Resembled D. Equalizer

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