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Use a separate sheet in doing this activity. Please do not forget to write the following in your answer sheet:

Name: ___________________________________ Gr. & Section: _______________ Module No. _________

Name of Activity: SUMMATIVE TEST Date: _____________________

TEST 1: MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read each definition carefully and write the letter of your answer in your answer sheets.

1. The who “creates a new business in the face of risk and uncertainty for the purpose of achieving profit and growth.
A. Business B. Entrepreneur C. Persistent D. Risk taker
2. Characteristics of entrepreneurs that see to it that the business meets or exceeds existing standards of excellence and
exerts efforts to improve past performance and do things better.
A. Commitment to work contract C. Persuasion and networking
B. Demand for efficiency and Quality D. Systematic planning & monitoring
3. Entrepreneurs develop and use logical, step-by-step plans to reach their goals.
A. Commitment to work contract C. Persuasion and networking
B. Opportunity seeking D. Systematic planning & monitoring
4. Entrepreneurs update themselves with new information about their customers, the market, suppliers, and competitors.
This is rooted in their innate sense of curiosity.
A. Goal setting B. Persistence C. Information seeking D. Risk taking
5. Entrepreneurs are known for taking calculated risks and doing tasks that are moderately challenging.
A. Goal setting B. Persistence C. Information seeking D. Risk taking
6. Entrepreneurs have a good eye for spotting business opportunities and act on these opportunities appropriately.
A. Commitment to work contract C. Persuasion and networking
B. Opportunity seeking D. Systematic planning & monitoring
7. Entrepreneurs do their best to satisfy customers and to deliver what is promised. They accept full responsibility for
problems when completing a job for customers.
A. Commitment to work contract C. Self-confidence
B. Persuasion and networking D. Systematic planning & monitoring
8. Sheila is happy to finally finish her first ever designed clothes. She produced 50 pieces as a start of her small business.
She believes that all the clothes will be sold out in just a month for she knows how good her products are. What Personal
Entrepreneurial Competency is shown in this situation?
A. Persistence B. Goal setting C. Self-Confidence D. Persuasion and Networking
9. Ralph was looking for a job as a chef in a restaurant. After many applications, he always got rejected. However, he never gives up and
still strives hard to look for a job. Eventually, he got accepted in one of the best restaurants in the Philippines.
A. Self-Confidence B. Commitment to work contract C. Persistence D. Risk-taker
10. Miggy invested her savings to her friend who just started a new business. She would like to support her friend who asked
for help to start the business.
A. Risk taking B. Demand for Efficiency & Quality C. Self-confidence D. Information Seeking
11. It is the “way of life”, to groups of people, meaning the way they do things.
A. Culture B. Demography C. Location D. Risks
12. It is the information about the number of people living in the area, their age, family size, socio-economic status (rich or
poor), gender, and religion.
A. Natural & Physical Environment C. Government regulations
B. Technology D. Demography
13. It is the careful use of money, land, labor, and other resources that include energy, entrepreneurship, information,
management, and time.
A. Culture B. Economy C. Clustering D. Demography
14. These are the positive factors that contribute to the favorability of a business opportunity.
A. Strengths B. Weaknesses C. Opportunities D. Threats
15. These are considered as the negative factors that are beyond the control of the business.
A. Strengths B. Weaknesses C. Opportunities D. Threats

Test II. Identify the following whether they are Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities or Threats.
1. Unique product/knowledge 6. Weak brand
2. High levels of debt 7. Increasing competition
3. Natural disasters 8. High adaptability
4. Rising costs of materials 9. Cheap raw materials
5. Supply-chain problems 10. Favorable government policy

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