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Hoard: 1/2 billion coins in theater

(125 mil GP value),

ratio theater 25/100 ratio outside 10/100 ctr pile
1 pp 10 .1 pp 1 5 pp 50 inner- 4% 1" 1000 coins per
foot (800k' = 800mil coins, 80 mil value)
3 gp 3 .9 gp .9 15 gp 15 middle- 32% 0.3" 300 coins per foot
(6.4mil' = 1.92bil coins, 192 mil value)
6 ep 3 2 ep 1 30 ep 15 outer- 28% 100 coins per foot
(5.6mil' = 560mil coins, 56 mil value)
60 sp 6 67 sp 6.7 50 sp 5 perif- 36% 33 coins per foot
(7.2mil' = 240mil coins, 24 mil value)
30 cp .3 30 cp .3
totals- 477 mil in coins, 1 bil

5x coin casters. Cast creation every minute over 125' square 1 hour duration
(7500' sq total each, 37500 total)
total coins = 450 mil(4 mil PP, 1 mil Authokh, 2 mil Taol, 17 mil GP, 31 mil EP,
300 mil SP, 81 mil (76.5/4.5) CP/IP, 8 mil BB, 6 mil shek) value 112.5 mil GP
PP 9
Authokh/skie 2
Taol/Barkar 4
GP 38
EP 69
SP 667
CP 30 170*** (3 mil in wedges 12 mil pieces)
IP 10
BB 18
shek 13

True lair, 50mil coins (central pile and uniform layer 1/2" coverage) total coin
value about 30 mil. about 30 mil other treasure
central pile 30 mil (24.5 mil) uniform layer 20 mil (5.616 mil)
1 mil pp 10 mil pp .2m 2000k
4.5 mil gp 4.5 mil A/S .05m 250k
9 mil ep 4.5 mil T/B .1m 200k
15 mil sp 1.5 mil GP 1m 1000k
.2 mil Authokh/skie 1 mil 5gp EP 1.65m 825k
.08mil bebolt/moon 1.6 mil 20gp SP 13m 1300k
.2 mil brakar/Taol 0.4 mil 2gp BB .2m 4k
.01mil eclipsed moon 0.5 mil 50gp CP/IP 3.6m 36k
.01mil harbor moon 0.5 mil 50gp shek .2m 1k

90,000 feet cube trade goods

(heavy sack 2' 60lbs, sack 1' 30lbs, Chest 12'(15) 300lbs, barrel 4'(5) 300lbs 40
gal, butt 12'(15) 900ls)
(bolt 60 yards and 3' or 100 and 5' Amphora 8 gallons 60 lbs 3'
Salt 5cp 5.25k 75x10 Lsacks 1500' 200 barrels 1000'
Pepper 2gp
Ginger 1gp
cinnamon 2gp 1/2mil yards wool 10000'
linen 1 5gp yrd 1mil yards 10000'
cloves 3gp 500 barrel spice 2500'
silk .5 10gp yrd 200 chests spice 3000'
saffron 15gp 200 chests wine and stemware 3000'
olive oil 5gp gal 3000 lrg sacks spice 6000'
Tea leaves 2sp 1000 amphora 3000'
Tobacco 5sp 2000 barrel drink 10000'
Samite 5 250gp yrd 60k 10 chests 150'
Satin .5 6gp yrd
wool 2 2gp yrd* cheese 2' per wheel
Velvet 2 15gp yrd* 100 chests 1500'
Tarragon 5gp
poppy seed 12gp
mustard seed 1sp
Rosemary 1gp
Thyme 1sp
sage 1sp
Cumin 3sp
Oregano 3sp
Liquorice root 1gp
olives 3/10gp
figs 7/25
Dates 5/20
Almonds 3
pistachios 15
sugar 8gp
Sachets (cloths herbs)

sugar,salt,spice,dried fruit,drinks, soap,oil cooking, scented oils,nuts,cheese,

tea, tabacco, cocoa, coffee

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