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Ideal Life partner : Bharani
Most challenging life partner : Hasta

The full Compatibility Grid is on page 338.

Ashwini and Ashwini : You are very similar; you enjoy the same things and feel
comfortable with each other. The love you share is confident, passionate and
strong. You instinctively fulfill each other’s desires. Learn to curb your
independent and dominant nature or there can be frequent clashes. 77%

Ashwini and Bharani : Your best partnership, passionate, exciting and sexy.
Bharani exude a sensuous energy and luminosity that keeps you interested. Your
sensuality blooms. They know how to deal with your fears of rejection and lack of
love. You will feel emotionally supported and loved. 91% compatible

Ashwini and Krittika : Instant attraction can die out quickly if you do not stoke
the passion with love. Only then will you enjoy Krittika’s loyalty and warmth. They
are shy and diffident; you will need to chase them. Always be the predator – this
usually keeps you interested. Krittika are insecure within a confident exterior, so
make them feel wanted. 61% compatible

Ashwini and Rohini : Sexy, sensuous and desirable, Rohini fascinates you. You
find a karmic link that needs exploring. This will be an exciting journey into secret
pleasures and sensuous indulgences. Beware of Rohini’s possessive nature.
They feel threatened by your independence. You must establish trust between
you. 62% compatible

Ashwini and Mrigasira : Mrigasira stimulate and inspire you. You like their
mind, their ability to know your needs and talk about them. Love will be
passionate, fiery and thrilling. Mrigasira’s possessiveness can make you
uncomfortable. Their suspicions create barriers that may be insurmountable.
61% compatible

Ashwini and Ardra : Ardra appear to conclude your karmic search for a perfect
partner. At first you think you have found your soul mate, but the relationship is
not an easy one. You can get caught in an emotional turmoil that can make you
experience extreme emotions, being deliriously happy one day and totally
disconsolate the next. Ardra can make you feel unsettled. 44% compatible
Ashwini and Punarvasu : Punarvasu are better being your friends and partners
in adventure than your lovers. You will hate Punarvasu’s need to constantly
advise you on how to lead your life. Your relationship can improve if both of you
curb your independence and are there for each other. 55% compatible

Ashwini and Pushya : This is not an instant attraction. Your first impressions
are that Pushya are boring and unadventurous. But their love, support and
encouragement gently warm your heart. They have a dry sense of humour; you
are surprised by their passionate nature. An excellent relationship with deep
foundations. Good for the long haul. 83% compatible

Ashwini and Ashlesha : Ashlesha are mystical and wise; they can keep you
interested in them. They excite you intellectually as well as physically. The only
problem with this relationship is the possessiveness of Ashlesha. They are
extremely independent cannot tolerate you being the same. 75% compatible

Ashwini and Magha : Usually there is unfinished karmic business between you.
This can create many highs and lows. Both of you are idealistic of your
expectations from love. You can make each other unhappy if you are unrealistic
and forget to enjoy what you have. 55% compatible

Ashwini and Purva Phalguni : You love Purva Phalguni’s exquisite taste and
their ability to be charming, chic and cool. They match your sensuality. Love will
flourish. Your only problem with Purva Phalguni is that they do not always
understand your deeper, more spiritual nature. You can live with that –
everything else works. 67% compatible

Ashwini and Uttara Phalguni : The cosmic relationship of your rulers Ketu and
the Sun is difficult. You will not trust Uttara Phalguni and the feeling is
reciprocated. If you overcome the distrust and allow them to find your emotional
light, this relationship can be sublime. The lack of compatibility suggests that
most do not even try. 34% compatible

Ashwini and Hasta : Your most difficult relationship. You find Hasta’s
emotionalism hard to relate to. You cannot accept their possessiveness. There is
no sexual spark and love can be unsatisfactory. They are practical and will
always try to be useful to you, but you cannot appreciate their positive qualities.
27% compatible

Ashwini and Chitra : Chitra are never able to give you their full attention. You
will try to love Chitra, but they do not always love you back. Passion and sex can
be good, friendship will survive, but love may not stand the challenges of time.
Chitra’s volatile temper and your fiery temperament make your relationship a
battlefield. 47% compatible

Ashwini and Swati : You do not find Swati sexy. But they are mentally
stimulating, loving, ambitious and full new ideas. Swati are able to fulfil your other
dreams. Pay special attention to your sexual intimacy and your relationship will
be happier. 70% cmpatioble

Ashwini and Vishakha : Vishakha are sensuous, passionate and potent. A

sexually athletic affair usually develops. Lack of sensitivity can make it less than
satisfactory. Vishakha’s restlessness undermines your confidence. Both of you
are wary of long-term relationships. Commitment and faithfulness can be a
problem. 55% compatible

Ashwini and Anuradha : You appreciate Anuradha’s attractions given time.

They are passionate and sensuous under a cool and practical exterior. They will
intuitively know what you want. You need to make them feel secure. Commitment
does not necessarily mean lack of freedom. 66% compatible

Ashwini and Jyeshta : You are caught up in a spiritually complex relationship.

On a subconscious level you know Jyeshta can make you unhappy, yet you are
unable to let go. You want to explore the reasons behind the connection. You
can hurt each other in the process of understanding. Jyeshta can be both
possessive and uncaring; you can be passionate and cold. 36% compatible

Ashwini and Mula : You will have lots in common – active, sporty, adventurous,
fun and idealistic. You share the same planetary ruler, Ketu. Can you share your
life? Spiritually, you do not bond. They past becomes a big demon, unless you
exorcise it, you are not able to move forward and be happy. 33% compatible

Ashwini and Purva Ashadha : Purva Ashadha are charming, sexy, talented and
creative. They have an eye for beauty – they chose you, didn’t they? It soon
leads to love. They are fun to be with and enjoy life. Passion is great, they are
playful, their sensuality warms you, and their sense of fun keeps you stimulated.
66% compatible

Ashwini and Uttara Ashadha : Uttara Ashadha appear friendly, but they will not
let you into their life. They tend to keep an emotional distance. You will take this
as a challenge and try to break down their barriers. You should be understanding
about their sense of loneliness. Your love can be unconventional and special.
66% compatible
Ashwini and Shravana : You could easily think that Shravana are serious
workaholics with no time for love or emotions. The twinkle in their eyes, their
sense of humour and their sensitivity leads you to believe there is more to their
personality. They enjoy sex and will be innovative lovers. You could easily fall in
love. 72% compatible
Ashwini and Dhanishta : Your love life with the passionate Dhanishta can be
fiery and combative. Try not to make sex an issue of your many fights. It will be
frustrating, as both of you love sex and lots of it. They are not possessive and
they do not expect commitment from you if you do not want to give it willingly.
53% compatible

Ashwini and Shatabhishak : Good at sex and bad at intimacy. That sums up
the relationship between Shatabhishak and you. There is usually a past issue
that bothers you, either in your own life or in Shatabhishak’s . Shatabhishak are
unable to empathize with your emotions or be open about their own. 38%

Ashwini and Purva Bhadra : you will want to protect the dreamy, idealistic
Purva Bhadra. But soon you will be desperate to escape. When they desire sex,
they will be strongly passionate and then they will go away into their own world,
not bothering or caring for you. The dreamer also turns out to be an arrogant lion
on closer inspection. 42% compatible

Ashwini and Uttara Bhadra : Uttara Bhadra can be your friend, mate or
colleague, but never your lover – or so you think till you discover their hidden
sensuality. As a lover they will be generous and loving, and enjoy long, sensual
lovemaking. Their love will be committed, steady and unconditional and you can
find yourself reeled in. 64% compatible

Ashwini and Revati : You will feel intimate and emotional with Revati. Their love
makes you feel strong and powerful. They understand you. Their attitude to sex
can be frustrating; they usually want love and not sex. You even commit to them
as you feel that Revati inspire your protective instincts. 72% compatible

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