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Elements of the State

- a form of human association distinguished Physical bases of the State
from other social groups by its purpose, Population. The people who make the state.
the establishment of order and security; its Territory. The place where the people live and or-
methods, the laws and their enforcement; ganize themselves socially and politically. It in-
its territory, the area of jurisdiction or cludes land, water and air – space
geographic boundaries; and finally by
its sovereignty. (Britannica, 2021) Political bases of the State
Government: The working agency of the state. It is
the political organization of the state. The agency
through which the force of the State is formulat-
Aristotle ed, expressed and realized.
… “A union of families and villages Sovereignty: means supreme and final legal authori-
having for its end a perfect and self – ty above and beyond which no legal power exists
sufficing life by which it meant a happy
Sovereignty has two aspects:
and good life”
Internal sovereignty: Internal sovereignty means
that the State is supreme over all its citizens,
and associations
Woodrow Wilson
External sovereignty: External sovereignty means
“State is a people organized for
that the state is independent and free from
law within a definite territory.”
foreign or outside control.


John W. Burgess
The State & The Nation
… “A particular portion of
mankind viewed as an State Nation

Existed not only at Modern phenomenon or

present but also in the occurrence
Henry Sidgwick ancient period
“A combination or association of persons It is legal political It is ethnic cultural
in the form of government and governed
and united together into a politically People organized for law People psychologically
organized people of a definite territory.”
within a definite territory joined together with
common will to live
James W. Garner
A state must be People continue as a
“A community of people live in a definite
form of territory free of external control &
sovereign. nation even if they do
possessing an organized government to not remain sovereign
which people show habitual agreement.”

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