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Upgrade to version 1.


How to upgrade to Prowriters version 1.7

You can upgrade to version 1.7, only from version 1.6

Unzip the latest copy of file to your local computer

Delete a file called .env. It is a hidden file. If you cannot see it you have to enable
viewing hidden files on your computer.
Next delete a folder called “Storage”
Next, navigate to the folder called “public” and upload all it’s files and folders,
except the index.php file, to your remote server inside the public folder or your
domain’s document root. Then delete the public folder from your local computer
Now upload rest of the files to your server where you have rest of the files and
folder from the previous version of Prowriters
Now go to your browser and log in to the application and go to Manage > Settings.
Don’t navigate to other links just yet, otherwise, you might encounter an error.
Find a newly added menu item called “System Update”, click on it and then
click on the green button that says “Upgrade to v1.x”
That’s it. Your system is now updated to the latest version

Change Log
fixed - website menu breaks in large devices
fixed - notification list is hidden under the search box on writers panel
fixed - wallet topup error
removed - option for updating the status of an order if the payment is not
added - option to delete anorder that is in In Abandoned Cart (customer didn't
complete the payment)
added - PayU Payment gateway


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