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Don’t Mark Me Absent Today


Monday morning.
Bell rings.
Roll Call.
Has anyone seen Emily today?
(Sigh) Late, again. (Sigh)
Don’t mark me absent today!
What’s the reason this time?
Emily always has a new excuse.
I’ve explained many times how
important it is for her to be on time.

I’m running out of excuses.

I try to be on time, but
I have more important things to do.
I can’t keep letting her interrupt the
morning routine. We have to cover an
entire act of Macbeth today and she’s
already missed act two. I know she’s
just avoiding her role reading Lady
Macbeth. She always makes
comments about not needing
Shakespeare in the future.
There she goes daydreaming again,
thinking up snarky comebacks.
I need to get up earlier. If I get home
from school at 3, I can prepare dinner
so all grandma has to do is microwave
it for the kids, go to work and get
home by 10:30, shower, eat, then
complete my homework and study, go
to bed around 1:30, and get up by
5:30 instead of 6:30 so I can get all
my siblings dressed and ready for
school. Four hours of sleep should be
fine. I’ll just take a nap during lunch.
Today was different, though. No
snappy comments.
As we get to Lady Macbeth’s parts,
she missed her line again. But I’ve
never seen someone read Lady
Macbeth with such understanding of
the character.
I missed my cue again. The class
laughed, but I bet Shyann can’t read
“our desire is got without content”
better than I can, let alone understand
what Shakespeare meant. I bet she
can’t conjure up shame and remorse
like I can to channel my inner
powerhouse Lady Macbeth.

Maybe she should audition for the Maybe I should audition for the
school play. school play.

Who am I kidding? I have enough on

my plate working two jobs to pay the
rent, taking care of my siblings, and
maintaining passing grades. I don’t
want to let anyone down.
She would have to show up to
rehearsals every day and be on time. I
just don’t think she can care enough
to depend on her.
Time to pack up.
Bell rings.
Can I talk to you after class, Emily? Can I talk to you after class, Mrs. C.?

Emily sounds tired.

I wonder what is keeping her up at
Mrs. C. sounds concerned.
I wonder if she’ll understand if I let
her in.

Friday morning.
Bell rings.
Roll Call.
I hope nothing has happened to her.
Has anyone seen Emily today?
Here! Sorry I’m late, Mrs. C.- don’t
mark me absent today!
She’s safe. She’s present. She is

I’m glad you’re here today. I’m glad I’m here today.

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