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A person you have met before and you want to know more about (New)

You should say:

Who this person is

When and where you met

What you did or talked about

And explain why you would like to know more about this person

I would like to know about life regime and decision making style of dear boss MR RK SHARMA. 58 years,
Mr Sharma is one of the most renowned name in the field of ‘ Interllectual Property”. He has been active
in this profession since last 30 years. He has also penned 3 books in the same field and have also
conducted several workshops and seminars for students in the field of law and property rights.

Back in 2012, I was an intern at his firm and served as her junior assistant for almost 6 months. 15 hours
a day I use to be with him and learnt most valuable lessons of life. Work ethics, positive approach of
difficult situations, client negotiations as well as enjoying working. Mr RK Sharma trains 500 new interns
every year.

Whenever I get a chance I talk about his working style, his stress- managing mantra and work ethics. I
often ask him to share his real life experience and court case which he has successfully won. I would like
to know more about him because he wasn’t as famous as he his today in his first decade as a lawyer. He
is self-made himself in this position. Like to know how he researches and study a case before he execute
it in court. Lot many tips and tricks to be learnt from him. Hence he is the person I would like to know
more about it. I consider him as my mentor and guru.

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