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「Bizarre Adventures D6」

What Is This?
A Tabletop RPG System, made with the intention of emulating JoJo's Bizarre Adventure,
a popular Manga and Anime series.

The Players create characters (PCs) to play the role as, and lead the story. They are the
active movers and decision-makers in every game, as a group of 3-6 individuals.

The Narrator (GM) controls the flow of the world and NPCs. The GM is also the arbiter
of any decisions relating to the rules, as the rulebook is free for interpretation.

The core conceit of JJBA is the Stand User, a person who wields a manifestation of
their soul (Stand).

Every Stand has a unique ability, type, and properties.

Stands and Users share damage. If one is hurt or dies, so does the other.
Stands can only be seen or harmed by other Stand Users.
Stands are selectively intangible.
Exceptions to these rules are abundant.
Hamon and Spin users may be able to see and hurt Stands, if the GM approves it.

For the detailed rules on Stands, read this chapter. Text is read from right to left, as
opposed to a typical book’s left to right.

Needed Materials
A handful of six-sided dice (D6) to roll when needed, and a pencil + paper to write
down stats and maps.
Alternatively, an account on Roll20, a virtual tabletop. Macros will be posted in their
own section.

The television adaptation can be viewed on Crunchyroll here.

Now with a character sheet, courtesy of bobbyboy222 (Now outdated)
New: Official Discord now operational.

Each character will have a pool of D6s to roll, when attempting to perform an action.
The amount is depicted as Xd6, 5d6 means 5 dice are rolled.
Base Dice are given through Stats, and Extra Dice through Bonuses.

When any given D6 is rolled, there are two possibilities.
If it's a 3 - 6, that die counts as a Success. This adds +1.
If it's a 1 - 2, that die counts as a Failure. This adds +0.
Add all +1s for Total of Successes.

A certain amount of Successes is needed for challenging or pressuring actions.
This amount is represented as Urgency (X). For this example, Urgency 4 for 4 Needed.

Total Successes are what determine outcomes, in relation to the Urgency Number.

Successes vs Urgency (X) Type Outcome

- Urgency by < 3 Total Failure No, and it gets even worse...

- Urgency by 1 - 2 Failure No, but this happens...

= Urgency by 0 Partial Success Yes, but there’s a catch...

+ Urgency by 1 - 2 Success Yes, and it goes smoothly.

+ Urgency by > 3 Overpose Yes, tell me what happens.

Actions are anything the character tries to do.
The Stat rolled depends on the action. Poise for finesse, Bulk for punching, and so on.
Only one Action is made per turn, and one roll to an Action.
Actions that embrace drama and hype gain an extra die for each aspect focused on.

+Pose (Style) is gained through Rule Of Cool.

Turning the situation into a spectacle, instead of sticking with the mundane.
+Nani (Ruse) for unexpected schemes and trickery.
Using your brains over your brawn, instead of mindless punching.
+Kotowaru (Character) when capitalizing on a primary concept.
Acting on the character’s bio and philosophy, instead of playing as yourself.

If an aggressive Action succeeds, it will deal a Hit.
Hits are injuries, which make certain actions impossible.

The attacker’s degree of success determines the Hit’s severity.

Success by 2 might cripple a hand, rendering it useless.
Success by 6 for the same action, may cripple the entire left side of the body.

Hit Limits
A character can only take a certain amount of hits before being Retired.
Retired characters are out of commission for the fight, unable to take further Actions.
An enemy’s retirement is typically the end of their appearance.
Retired players retain the ability to narrate, due to the Speedwagon Effect.
Hits and Retirement are temporary; they reset after a fight concludes.

The Hit Limit is a form of HP, determined by the character’s role.

The Retirement state occurs when the Hit Limit reaches 0.
Whether a Hit is physical or mental, it is still a hit. Either can K.O.
Any single Action can only cause one Hit.
A hit is a hit, whether it succeeds by 1 or 5. Degrees of success don’t add extra hits.
Death occurs when the Hit Limit goes into -2. Retired PCs are rarely targeted past 0.

As a rule of thumb, these are typical Hit Limits.

1 Hit Limit - Mooks, minor NPCs, and hazards.
2 Hit Limit - Player Characters, major NPCs, some Antagonists.
3-5 Hit Limit - Most antagonists.
Hit limits are flexible, and may change with the narrative or number of PCs.
Second Wind
Though incapacitation occurs at 0 and death occurs at -2, there is an exception.
A player can choose to rise again after having been Retired, making a last stand.
Doing so adds a hit from the strain, putting them at -1.
In addition, they cannot be healed in this state.
One can choose revert back to Retirement, in the relative safety of a K.O.
A GM may waive the added hit if it feels unfair, such as a PC retired before ever acting.

When targeted by an Action, the defender gets their own Action to counter.
This is a contest between the two, fighting each other instead of Urgency.

The Defender’s choice of Reaction determines the Stats they roll.

If the Attacker wins, they succeed and have their outcome happen, giving a hit.
If the Defender wins, they may avoid that outcome, or take the hit to try retaliation.
If it’s a Tie, neither side wins and the scene extends.
The failed actions pass, and each get a second Action from there.

Stat rolls are purely based on the situation, and chosen by GM discretion.
Reactions don’t need to be taken by the defender, and an ally could React instead.

If they chose to trick their way out of it, the attacker would roll (Wit) against (Wit) to
determine the outcome of these mind games.
If they chose to dodge, then the attacker would roll (Precision) against (Speed) to hit.
If they chose to block, the attacker would roll (Power) against (Durability) to break
through or overpower.
If they chose to catch them off-balance with a psychological attack, it would be
(Menacing) against (Menacing)
Reactions are not restricted to just this list of examples. If it exists, a stat will match.

If the defender Reacts with an attack of their own, the attacker gets a Reaction to that.
If the Attacker chose to React with another attack, the Defender gets a reaction to that.
This can continue ad infinitum, making a chain of Reactions.
Turn Order
Every Action has a turn for it’s execution. This is a character’s Scene.
A complete rotation of Scenes is a Round.
Turns account for movement and the scene’s setup as well.
The parties get an equal amount of turns, and always alternate between each side.

In a 4v4 situation, all characters get one Turn per round.

In a 4v2 situation, the Duo members each get two Turns per round.
In a 4v3 situation, an Extra Turn is randomly given to one of the Trio each round.

As with Reactions, turns can be passed between Allies.

It is only set as Party-Enemy-Party-Enemy, PCs can choose when to take their cue.
So long as every player has had a turn by round’s end, it’s not set in stone.
Initiative may be done randomly, by the GM, by the situation, or by Wit rolls.

>(Enemy) Dio (2)
>(Ally) Kakyoin (1)
>(Enemy) Vanilla Ice (2)
>(Ally) Iggy (1)
>(Enemy) Dio (1)
>(Ally) Jotaro (1)
>(Enemy) Vanilla Ice (1)
>(Ally) Joseph (1)
Round End, Refresh.
>(Enemy) Dio (2)
>(Ally) Kakyoin (1)
>(Enemy) Vanilla Ice (2)
>(Ally) Iggy (1)...
And so on…
Urgency Table
# Difficulty Of Task Situation and Example

0 Trivial No dice are rolled, as it can’t reasonably fail.

Jotaro tries to drink water without a straw.

1 Easy Can be done with a healthy amount of effort.

Jotaro tries to push a bookcase away from a wall.

2 Challenging Accomplishable with difficulty.

Jotaro tries to break through a locked door.

3 Dire A strenuous action, requiring intense focus.

Jotaro dodges a surprise arrow fired 15 feet away.

4 Herculean The average person would break trying to do it.

Jotaro stands up after a point-blank explosion.

5 Extraordinary A jaw-dropping feat of talent.

Star Platinum catches a bullet.

6 Superhuman Past the borders of humanity.

Star Platinum pushes a falling steamroller into the air.

7 Unbelievable Challenging suspension of disbelief.

Star Platinum fist clenches a ball of graphite into a

9 Mythical Stretching the limits of reality itself.

Star Platinum dodges a laser.

11 Surreal Rolling a critical in real life.

Star Platinum throws a stone 4 miles away, has it
rebound off of a plane, and hit Dio in the chest.

13+ Nigh-Impossible Unachievable in all but theory.

Star Platinum adds an extra second to the earth’s day
with a punch.

25+ Impossible Literally can not be done.

「Character Creation」
Stats determine the dice pool for their uses, and are different for Users and Stands.
Each Stat has a rank from E to A, with niche instances of None (Always Failure), Infinite
(Always Success), and S (Special)

Stats costs points, and the total amount for Point Buys scales with the setting chosen.
These pay for User Stats, Stand Stats, Abilities, and Properties.

The smaller pool (left) is used for Users.

The larger pool (right) is used for Stands.
If a Pool has 1 - 2 excess points left over, they’re funneled into the other Pool.

Most games run on a Medium Point Buy, or Medium-High.

Some settings invert them, using the large pool for Users and small pool for Stands.

Point Buy Tiers

Low: 25/40
Medium: 35/55
Medium-High: 40/60
High: 45/70
Very High: 50/85
Very Low: 20/30
Fabulous: 60/100
User Building
E: 1d6 Die (0 Points). Very weak, possibly handicapped.
D: 2d6 Dice (3 Points). Substandard, lacking in that area.
C: 3d6 Dice (6 Points). Healthy, but nothing spectacular.
B: 4d6 Dice (10 Points). Adept, and it shows.
A: 5d6 Dice (15 Points). Talented, in a league of their own.

Bulk – How swole you are. Used for strength and taking hits.
Poise - How agile you are. Used for finesse and dodging danger.
Wit - How quick-witted you are. Used to get the upper hand and outsmart others.
Menacing - Your force of personality. Used for willpower and charisma.
Skill (Insert Talent) - The custom stat. Can apply for nearly anything, from a
grandma’s knitting to a bloodhound’s sense of smell. Rolled with the appropriate stat
with applicable, adding the two rolls as one total.

Every character has personality traits, history, and a life philosophy that defines them.
The Character advantage focuses on this section for it’s references.
One can put as much, or little, detail into their character’s Bio as they desire.

[example space]
Stand Building
E: 1d6 Dice (0 Points). Depressingly low, couldn’t crush a soda can.
D: 3d6 Dice (3 Points). Average human, on-par with a User’s C.
C: 5d6 Dice (6 Points). Peak human, on-par with a User’s A
B: 7d6 Dice (10 Points). Firearm-tier, about as deadly as a shotgun.
A: 9d6 Dice (15 Points). Astonishing, could tear through layers of steel.
None: Automatic Failure (-1 Point). Non-existent, unable to perform any action.
Infinite: Automatic Success (45 Points). Off the charts, capable of doing the
S (X): Special (0 - 15 Points). Reserved for abnormalities, defying numerical measure.
Represented as S (X), X being the Point Cost equivalent. Ex. S (C) for a 6 Point Special.

Power - The Stand’s potential for destruction.

Speed - The Stand’s alacrity and response time.
Durability - The Stand’s physical hardiness.
Precision - The Stand’s pinpoint accuracy.
Range - The Stand’s maximum effective distance from the User.
Learning - The Stand’s hidden potential and ability flexibility. The asspull stat.
Learning and Range measure in Ranks, not dice. E/D/C/B/A = 1/2/3/4/5 Ranks.

Learning Burn
The Learning stat is a resource, which can be consumed for a boon or growth.
Ranks that are temporarily burned are restored after the session’s end.
Learning Burn ends at 0 Ranks, a grade of None.
These uses of Learning apply to non-Stand power types as well.

-2 Ranks, temporary - After a failed Action, continue with a different Action as if a Tie.
-3 Ranks, temporary - Allows the usage of a new minor Ability, as with Magician’s
Red’s life-sensing fire or Star Finger. Goes away after the session.

-1 Rank, permanent - Unlocks a new aspect of the main ability.

Aspects are rules or clauses added to existing abilities, answering certain ‘what-ifs’.
Ex. Crazy Diamond being able to decide the piece that attracts in reconstruction.
-2 Ranks, permanent - The user develops a minor Ability, set in stone.

+1 Rank, temporary - Be intentionally hampered by a negative trait.

Before rolling, the chosen action has -2 Successes. Restores a burnt rank.
Range/Learning Ranks
E: 1 Rank ~ 2 Meters or below
D: 2 Ranks ~ 6 Meters
C: 3 Ranks ~ 15 Meters
B: 4 Ranks ~ 45 Meters
A: 5 Ranks ~ 100 Meters or above
None: 0 Ranks ~ 0 Meters
Infinite: 6 Ranks/∞ Ranks ~ No Maximum Range Limit

Tiles are 2 meters each, 20 meters = 10 Tiles.

Movement is generally handwaved at ~12 Tiles.

Stands have a unique Ability, which allows them to bend reality to do the impossible.
An ideal Stand Ability is versatile, esoteric, flashy, and creative.

Pricing is based on flexibility and power, and up to GM discretion.

Player Stands are recommended to be limited to a 10-12-Point ability or below.
If multiple Abilities exist, limit the sum of all Abilities to 15 points and below.

Some Stands have unique physical aspects or physiology.
These are neither an Ability or a Stand Type, but a Property.
Properties open the door to otherwise unrealistic actions, or give bonuses.
Properties typically cost 3 - 6 points.
Examples: Hierophant Green’s barriers, Silver Chariot’s armor, Love Deluxe’s rapid
growth, King Nothing’s puzzle pieces, Justice’s fog form.
Ability Point Costs
2 - 3 Points - Weak and one-note, secondary to the Stand’s actual ability.
Examples: Star Finger, Highway Star’s smelling, Magician’s Red’s life-sensing fire .

4 Points - Not very potent, made useful with quick thinking and a suitable scenario.
Examples: Echoes Act 1’s sounds, Hermit Purple’s photos, Harvest’s liquid injection .

5 - 6 Points - Somewhat niche, but always useful in some form.

Examples: Moody Blues’ rebroadcasting, The Hand’s eraser, Tusk Act 1’s nails.

7 - 8 Points - Versatile, and a viable tool in all situations.

Examples: Stone Free’s strings, Killer Queen’s primary ability, Tusk Act 3’s Holes.

9 - 10 Points - Very flexible, and incredibly useful.

Examples: Crazy Diamond’s reconstruction, Sticky Finger’s zippers, Nut King Call’s
disassembly and fusion.

11 - 12 Points - Superior capabilities, and a multitude of applications.

Examples: Soft & Wet’s plunder, Echoes Act 2’s SFX, Cream Starter’s spray.

13 - 14 Points - Overpowered, and disrupts the balance between Stand Abilities.

Examples: Heaven’s Door’s commands, C-Moon’s ability, King Crimson’s ability.

15+ Points - Game-breakers, absurd in their capabilities.

Examples: The World’s ability, D4C’s ability, T4sk’s ability.

20+ Points - Don’t.

Examples: MiH’s ability, GER’s ability, TWOH’s ability.
Stand Types
Stands often fall into one of the following archetypes, or a mix of them.

A standard Stand type, having a majorly human physiology with limbs.

Examples: Star Platinum, Hierophant Green, Grateful Dead, Crazy Diamond, D4C.

As opposed to Humanoid, this Stand has a more mechanical or unnatural body.

Examples: Mandom, Hermit Purple, Ratt, Aerosmith, Clash, Manhattan Transfer.

Stands with simple AI-style behavior, instead of the User having direct control.
Automatic Stands are often detached from their users, and no range limit.
A detached Stand does not share damage with its User, and don’t share damage.
Automatic Stands have an Hit Limit -1 lower than the User’s.
Examples: Sheer Heart Attack, Highway Star, Black Sabbath, Born This Way.

Tools with the Ability tied to them, which can be summoned and withdrawn at will.
These Stands are detached like Automatics, and even survive past the User’s death.
Object Stands have an Hit Limit equal to the User’s.

Examples: Emperor, Cream Starter, Wired, Beach Boy.

A Stand Ability that assimilates itself into another physical, tangible thing.
Non-users can interact with it, as it’s not a Stand-type manifestation.
The enhanced substance is often manipulable, detached, and can not be withdrawn.
Bound Stands have a Hit Limit equal to the User’s.

Examples: The Fool, Super Fly, Strength, Les Feuilles.

Stands worn by the User, often as a suit or accessory.
These Stands, as with Object Stands, are immobile.
Others can wear the Stand, though Range restricts distance.

Examples: Oasis, White Album, 20th Century Boy, Catch The Rainbow, Chocolate

Swarm Stands are a conglomerate of units, all operated by the User at once.
Power and Durability stats are for the swarm as a whole, and sole units are weaker.
Single-unit death does not harm the User, only substantial amounts of lost units do.

Examples: Harvest, Sex Pistols, Bad Company, Pearl Jam, Metallica.

Cost: 14
Stands capable of sentient thought and action, having a mind of their own.
These Stands get the three mental User stats - (Wit, Menacing, and Skill)
The Pool given for these stats is (Learning Ranks * 5), to a maximum of 25 Points.

Examples: Whitesnake, Cheap Trick, Echoes ACT III, Paisley Park, Anubis.

Cost: -7 (Adds points)
These Stands have no or minimal manifestation, and stats apply strictly to the Ability.
Integrated Abilities can be applied by the User directly, without a middleman.
Durability and Range are often of lesser use for this type.

Examples: Khnum, Stray Cat, Mr. President, Tatoo You!, Oh! Lonesome Me.
Cost: Requires C or Higher in Learning
Stands that have alternative forms, each with their own stats and related abilities.
These Stands start at Act 1, and gain Act 2 and Act 3 as the character develops.
Once a new Act exists, the Stand can slide between them at will.

Each Act burns 2 Learning Ranks, so a full Act 1-3 Stand must have an A in Learning and
not burn it for any other upgrades.
Act 1s get 1/3rd of the normal Stand Pool, while Acts 2 and 3 get 2/3rds of the Pool.
If it is a Two-Act Stand, Act 1 is 1/2 and Act 2 is 2/3.

This deduction is after Learning’s cost. (55 - 15 (Learning A) = [40]/3 for the five stats.)

The PCs may create the Acts, but the GM decides when they will become active.
Rule of thumb for progression; Act 1 for Earlygame, Act 2 once Midgame begins, and
Act 3 when Lategame begins.

Act 4 is almost never an option, due to game-breaking potential.

Act 4s get 4/3rds of the normal Stand Pool, and should generally exist in the Endgame.
Due to the lack of Learning, this Act must be achieved through other means.

Examples: Echoes Acts 1-3, Tusk Acts 1-4.

Cost: Variable
Niche Types that often only apply to one or two Stands.

Examples: Sub-Stands, Combined, Universal, Harmful, Shared, Room.

Cost: Variable
A Stand Type with no prior precedent, being a new category altogether.

Examples: Homebrewed Types, Wounds, Spin-Granted Stands, Requiem.

「Alternative Character Options」
Sometimes, you don’t want to play as a Stand User, and want something more exotic.

Rather than a Stand, the character would be an Alternative Ability Source.

These characters have another power that lets them fight on-par with Stand Users.
Users still use User stats, while the Source uses the same stats as Stands.
Each Source has basic abilities, and a Special Ability that’s priced like a Stand Ability,

Range and Learning are repurposed for non-Stand Sources.

Learning becomes an expendable resource, and is burnt for different things.
Range becomes a unique rollable stat, of Range Ranks * 2. (B = 8d6)

Alternative User Types would be a simple exchange of User Pool for it’s benefits.
Only paranormal Users are listed. Animals, Cyborgs, and the like rely on fluff & Skill.
Multiple Power Sources have a -12 Stand Pool penalty for each source.
It is recommended that GMs allow other power types to see Stands, for balance.

Alternative Sources are Spin, Hamon, Vampire, and Armed Phenomenon.

Alternative User Types are Ghost, Rock Human, Alien, and Pillar Man.

「Alternative User Types」

Aliens - Cost: 10 User

A shapeshifting extraterrestrial, hailing from the Magellanic Clouds and lost on Earth.

These beings can Shapeshift into any non-complex object, of equal or lesser mass.
Aliens have a Sensitivity to high-pitched sound, and may take a Hit at ~7d6.
While exposed to sound, the alien’s form will be unstable, and change rapidly.

Aliens may also have access to foreign technologies and weapons.

This section is made under the assumption that Mikitaka is not a Stand User.
Ghosts - Cost: 10 User
A spirit of the dead, tied to the mortal world by an unfulfilled purpose.

Ordinary people can not see Ghosts, but Stand Users and Animals can.
Ghosts can choose to make themselves heard by normal people.
Ghosts have Stand-like selective intangibility and immunity to non-Stand damage.
Ghosts can manipulate objects, but not feel them.

Ghosts must follow certain Rules.

1. Ghosts may only enter a room if let inside, or it is empty.

2. If a Ghost’s limb unwillingly touches a person, it is lost.
3. The Ghost’s original killing injury remains on the body.
4. When any object is destroyed, it’s previous form becomes a Ghost Object.
5. Ghosts Objects can be used by Ghosts, and only affect other non-living spirits.

Rock Humans - Cost: 7 User

A splinter species of Homo Sapiens, in tune with nature and able to turn into rocks.

Rock Form is used for months-long hibernation, and resists extreme temperatures.
After hibernating, the Rock Human can stay awake for an equal amount of time.

Rock People can turn their skin into a chosen Mineral, which has a Durability of B.
Rock Humans are allergic to mangoes, and eat a paleolithic diet.

Pillar Men - Cost: 25 User/35 Stand, Vampire Required (See Alternative Powers)
An Aztec bodybuilder ultra-vampire, now-extinct apex predators from millennia ago.

User Stats have Stand-Tier dice scaling. A B that would normally be 4d6, is now 7d6.

Absorption replaces Blood Sucking, assimilating victims with physical contact.

Rubbery Skin allows deflection of Hamon unless it directly penetrates.
Functions evolve into a full-fledged fighting style, known as a Mode.

Superhuman Body allows for actions that Vampires can only dream of, able to flatten
themselves to paper-thin lengths and rearrange their own and other bodies at will.
Vampirification - As Vampires spawn Zombies, Pillar Men make Vampires instead.
「Alternative Power Types」
Hamon Warriors (Parts 1 - 2)
An ancient breathing technique, Hamon is drawn from the User’s vital energy.
Hamon Users have control over vibrations and wavelength.
A Hamon User must maintain a consistent rhythm of breathing to use Hamon.

Hamon conducts extremely well through organic matter, like oil or flesh.
Users can also infuse objects with this life energy, acting like a battery.

Basic Abilities
Hamon Healing - Hamon is linked to life, and can be used to heal a hit as an action.
Reactions may be made to interfere with the act. -2 Temporary Learning Burn.

Sunlight Sendo - Hamon’s original usage is tuning the User’s breath to the frequency
of sunlight, to counter the Pillar Men and Vampires. Attacks made or infused with
Sunlight Sendo against the undead get double dice. -1 Temp Learning.

Special Ability - Overdrive

Overdrives are a unique technique tangentially related to vibrations.
This can range anywhere between sound waves, molecule speed, or even string
Overdrives are the equivalent of a Stand Ability, and priced the same way.

Stats are the properties of the User’s Hamon, and by extension their Overdrive.
Hamon Users also apply these stats directly to themselves, if breath is not impaired.
For example, users A in Power could crush metal with their bare fists.
In a given role, choose the higher stat between User and Stand stats.

Power =The potency of Hamon, User’s strength.

Speed = The responsiveness of Hamon’s effects, User’s agility.
Precision =The exactness of Hamon’s control, User’s accuracy.
Durability = The hardness given to infused objects, User’s blocking.
Range = The conduction of the Hamon, from flesh-only to lead bars.
Learning = Breath Pool. Temporarily burnt when the Basic Abilities are used.

Being in a situation that hinders breathing will also burn a rank.

Ranks decreasing to 0 cuts off all Hamon Abilities and Stats until restored.
Spin Masters (Parts 7 - 8)
Spin is drawn from the User’s life energy, much like Hamon.
Unlike Hamon’s vibration and wavelength, Spin controls rotation and kinetic energy.
Spin is based on artificial apparati, and not breathing or organic conduction.

Basic Abilities
Rotation - Objects infused with the Spin will rotate. Water would form a cyclone, while
a leg would dislocate joints, and a ball would fly in impossible trajectories.

Kinetic Displacement - Moves kinetic force from one area to another, next to it.
For example, punch a wall to hit the person behind it, or transferring a bullet’s force.
[Brain Damage] could become [Busted Kneecaps] or [Broken Arms] instead.

Special Ability - Devices

Devices are the tool that the Spin Master relies on.
These are special inventions made by the User, and separate from mundane objects.
Devices are specifically tailored to certain uses of the spin, through their properties.
A baseball would conform to pitches, while a disc could be used for sanding surfaces.

The Device’s Effect is what is weighted as equivalent to a Stand Ability, for cost.
The only canon example of a Device’s Effect is Wrecking Ball’s Sinistral Ataxia.

Stats are specific to the Device, and not the User or their Spin Energy.

Power = The device’s mass and destructiveness.

Speed = The Device’s travel time and velocity.
Precision = The device’s maneuverability and control when in motion.
Durability = The device’s sturdiness and level of craftsmanship.
Range = The device’s rotations per minute and level of energy.
Learning = Burnt to invent Device Attachments and MK II/III.

Attachments are modular pieces to change the way a Device’s Effect manifests, such
as switching a Device from suction to vacuum mode. -1 Perm Learning.

An MK II is a new version of the original schematic, and works similarly to a Stand’s

Acts, except without the ability to switch between them. -2 Perm Learning.
Vampires (Parts 1 - 3)
A former human who came in contact with a Stone Mask, and rejected their humanity.
Through brain acupuncture, these people have unlocked their inner potential.

Basic Abilities
Inhuman Body - Vampires cannot be Retired, still acting at 0 and -1 Hit Limit.
Vampires can still die from normal injuries if the death threshold of -2 is reached.
Vampiric minds are enhanced to allow extreme self-manipulation.
Commonly used to control veins, use enhanced senses, and reattach limbs with ease.

Vampiric bodies are weak to Sunlight/Hamon, and only heal those injuries via Blood.
Vampires take a 8d6 Hit from Sunlight, and Sunlight Sendo gets double dice.
Hamon and Sunlight contact will instantly kill at 0 HP or below.

Blood Sucking - Draining a corpse dry of blood, to heal a Hit. -2 Temp Learning.
Vampires can drain blood through their hands, injecting veins within the target.

Space Ripper Stingy Eyes - Vampires can shoot hyper-pressurized liquid through their
eyes, strong enough to cut stone. (7d6 or Precision) -1 Temp Learning.

Zombification - Vampires can turn a living thing into a Zombie.

A Zombie can’t suck blood, have a Function, and lack Vampiric Essence.
Otherwise, Zombies are the same as Vampires for basic abilities and stats.
A Zombie has half of the Creator’s Stat Pool. -2 Temp Learning, until the zombie dies.

Special Ability - Functions

Functions are a superhuman bodily process, using natural science in an unnatural way.
Biology is distorted through vampirism, such as with Dio’s Vapor Freezing Technique.
Other examples include Nukesaku’s Dual Faces and Wired Beck’s Body Hair.

The enhanced flesh of the Vampire. Stats are the increased physique of the Vampire.

Power = The strength of the vampire.

Speed = The reflexes of the vampire.
Precision = The senses of the vampire.
Durability = The resilience of the vampire.
Range = The bodily control of the vampire, doing what only Undead can.
Learning = Vampiric Essence. Temporarily burnt for several Basic Abilities.
Armed Phenomenon (Baoh - The Visitor)
A lifeform infected with a Parasite, rapidly evolving in exchange for a doomed future.
Ikuro & the Parasite Baoh make the archetype, but Parasites vary in name and nature.

Basic Abilities
Instant Regeneration - One Hit can be instantly healed. -3 Temp Learning.
Armed Phenomenon can only die once the parasite is killed, or are incinerated.

Sentient Parasite - More than just a bioweapon, they have a mind of their own.
Gains the three mental stats (Wit, Menacing, Skill) at a stat pool of (Range Ranks * 5)
Skills may be used by the Host at any time, as with Baoh’s evil-sensing smell.

Special Ability - Phenomena

A Phenomenon is similar to a vampiric Function, biologically based powers.
Each Phenomenon is added at a specific Stage, which advances with time.
All Phenomena and morph Properties are bought in advance, cheapest ability is free.

Stage 1 - The Parasite awakens. The Host unlocks basic abilities and Phenomenon #1.
Use of any ability requires Possession by the parasite, replacing their consciousness.

Stage 2 - The Parasite matures. Phenomenon #2 is added, and a Morph mode is made.
This automatic transformation improves The Host’s body, stats, and grants a Property.
However, Possession is required to trigger the Morph and all of it’s enhancements.
The only canon example of a Morph property is Ikuro’s Armored Body.

Stage 3 - The Parasite & Host merge. The morph is now permanent, no trigger needed.
Phenomenon #3 emerges, and The Host is always in control during possession.

Stage 4 - The Parasite reaches critical level. It reproduces, and The Host will die.
What happens during this depends on the Parasite’s species, and is unknown.

The enhanced form of the Host. The first four stats are only accessible when morphed.
Power = The Host’s strength when transformed.
Speed = The Host’s agility when transformed.
Precision = The Host’s accuracy when transformed.
Durability = The Host’s endurance when transformed.
Range = The parasite’s evolution. Used for their point buy and parasite-only actions.
Learning = The parasite’s adaptability. Used for regeneration and inventing abilities.

Example User
Bio & Info Tab
Name: Wendell Sanders
Bio: An overweight shut-in, Wendell was living the Otaku lifestyle, watching time slip
before his eyes. Day after day, another day in a year full of days. As he would shitpost
day-in and day-out, provoking strangers on the internet, the line between genuine
sentiment and irony blurred for him.
Eventually, Wendell decided that life wasn’t worth living, and stabbed himself with an
arrow. This happened to be The Arrow, however, and rather than dying, Wendell
gained a Stand of his own. Renewed by this opportunity, Wendell travels the globe in
search of himself. He currently roams around, searching for ‘islamic terries’ to kill. He
may be trigger happy, but his watchful eye never rests.
Prized possessions: Laptop, Fancy Coat, Katana

Current Hit Limit: 2/2

Bulk: B (4d6) [10 Points]
Poise: E (1d6) [3 Points]
Wit: C (3d6) [6 Points]
Menacing: A (5d6) [15 Points]
Skill (Bait): D (2d6) [3 Points] ~ Wendell’s pastime of agitation on random image
boards, manages to translate to real-life social tactics and manipulation.

Attributes Tab
Hit Limit: [2]/[2]
Bulk: [4]
Poise: [1]
Wit: [3]
Menacing: [5]
Skill: [2]
Example Stand
Bio & Info Tab
Stand Name: 「Power Of Wings」
Ability: 「On The Chainwax」 - This Stand has the ability to lower the efficiency of
anything it hits. This causes the same amount of energy to output less. So a car under
this effect would go 40 miles an hour, when it would normally go at 60. A person’s
blood pressure would drop to dangerous levels, reducing blood flow to the brain. An
electrical cord would transfer less energy, causing electronics to shut off. An enemy’s
punch would be less efficient, making it unable to destroy a wall it could normally
crush. [9 Points]
Design: 「Power Of Wings」 takes a humanoid form, with golden chain watches
weighing it down. Its body surface is shredded, making a pattern of flappy gills on its
limbs. The back has a large crank on it, the end of which is connected to a smaller
crank, and that one connected to an even smaller crank, and that one connected to a
tiny crank. It wears a tie on it’s neck, with a suitcase tied to it’s end.
Type: Close-Range Melee [Natural Humanoid]

Power: A (9d6) [15 Points]

Speed: D (3d6) [3 Points]
Range: D (2 Ranks) [3 Points]
Precision: E (1d6) [0 Points]
Durability: B (7d6) [10 Points]
Learning: B (4 Ranks) [10 Points]

Property: Bouncy - The Stand is remarkably similar to stretchy rubber. When hitting a
surface, it will spring back by a certain distance with controlled momentum. [4 Points]

Attributes Tab
LearningRanks: [4]/[4]
RangeInMeters: [8]
RangeRanks: [2]/[2]
Power: [9]
Speed: [3]
Precision: [1]
Durability: [7]
(Text Sheet Template), (Roll20 Sheet HTML), (Reference)
Roll20 Macros
Make sure to have the token clicked while rolling.

***Rolling Dice...***

[[(?{# Of Dice}d6>3cs>18cf>22)]] **Successes**

?{Which Stat?
/em : ***"@{selected|character_name}"*** makes 'Roll: Bulk'
[[(@{selected|Bulk}d6>3cs>18cf>22)]] **Successes**
/em : ***"@{selected|character_name}"*** makes 'Roll: Poise'
[[(@{selected|Poise}d6>3cs>18cf>22)]] **Successes**
/em : ***"@{selected|character_name}"*** makes 'Roll: Wit'
[[(@{selected|Wit}d6>3cs>18cf>22)]] **Successes** |Menacing,
/em : ***"@{selected|character_name}"*** makes 'Roll: Menacing'
[[(@{selected|Menacing}d6>3cs>18cf>22)]] **Successes**
/em : ***"@{selected|character_name}"*** makes 'Roll: Skill'
[[(@{selected|Skill}d6>3cs>18cf>22)]] **Successes** }

?{Which Stat?
/em : ***"@{selected|character_name}"*** makes 'Roll: Power'
[[(@{selected|Power}d6>3cs>18cf>22)]] **Successes**
/em : ***"@{selected|character_name}"*** makes 'Roll: Speed'
[[(@{selected|Speed}d6>3cs>18cf>22)]] **Successes**
/em : ***"@{selected|character_name}"*** makes 'Roll: Durability'
[[(@{selected|Durability}d6>3cs>18cf>22)]] **Successes**
/em : ***"@{selected|character_name}"*** makes 'Roll: Precision'
[[(@{selected|Precision}d6>3cs>18cf>22)]] **Successes**
/em : ***"@{selected|character_name}"*** makes 'Roll: Range'
[[((@{selected|RangeRanks}*2)d6>3cs>18cf>22)]] **Successes**
/em : ***"@{selected|character_name}"*** makes 'Roll: Learning'
[[(@{selected|LearningRanks}d6>3cs>18cf>22)]] **Successes** }
Recent Changes
0.71 => 0.72 (1/9/18)
Finalized distinct Advantage categories (Style/Ruse/Character)
Removed Traits (Replaced with Character Bonus)
Added Second Wind (Post-Retirement desperation)
Re-integrated the voluntary trait penalty option, to restore a burnt rank of Learning.
Armed Phenomenon no longer need to pay for the lowest Phenomenon they have.
Cleaned up several sections, primarily in Hits/Actions/Advantage.
Changed the order in which rules were introduced, for better flow.
Clarified Integrated-type Stands granting points.
Rock Human cost from 8 to 7.
Updated good ol’ Wendell Sanders.
Added links to rudimentary character sheet templates below the Wendell section.
Deleted Legacy Rolls.
Changed title font.

0.70 => 0.71 (4/10/18)

New Power Source added - Armed Phenomenon from Baoh
Ties extend the scene, instead of having the Attacker win.
Act 1’s in a Two-Act Stand have ½ the normal pool, instead of ⅓.
Multi-source penalty from 10 to 12.
Independent Stand penalty from 10 to 14.
Healing-type learning costs increased across the board.

0.63 => 0.70 (3/25/18)

Hits replace Conditions, Hit Limit replaces Injury/Stress Limits.
Composure merged with Menacing, now removed.
Weapons removed.
User and Independent Stand Pools slightly lowered to compensate for 5 stats vs 6.
Advantage updated and simplified, penalties now a GM optional.
High-tier Urgency numbers increased.
Integrated bonus points from 5 to 7.
Automatic/Object/Bound stands adjusted for the Hit system.
Added new Macros with a drop-down menu.
Gave Wendell Sanders (Example User) a much needed update.
Cleaned up in a few sections.
To do
1. Setup phase for actions.
2.Add chart for injury?
3.Playtest module additions?
4.Review things for rephrasing?

Roll20 HTML Sheet is very rough and basic.

Built from the source code of Hex37’s The RPG HTML sheet, with permission.
Created by Gibus Edgeless, aka /u/FINDTHECOMPUTERROOM.
Based on the Bizarre Adventures D10 system and Wushu.
Special Thanks to my playtesting group and /r/TabletopCrusaders for making D6 as
good as it currently is.

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