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Ver: 1.3.9
Written by: Kisuke Fukata (u/art_from_scratch)

Health system by: U/drkleppe

Based on the works by: Sui Ishida

Font by:

Tokyo ghoul fan wiki used heavily:

There is no attempt to sell or profit off of this TTRPG. Tokyo Ghoul is a licensed trademark of Sui Ishida
and Studio Pierrot, please support official releases; As well as the people and sites listed above.












The world of Tokyo Ghoul is set in an alternate reality, where there is a species
known as ghouls. These ghouls look exactly like humans and blend into their
society. However, unlike humans, ghouls must eat human flesh to survive.
Naturally, ghouls kill their victims and thus are hunted by the CCG, or Commision
of Counter Ghouls. In Tokyo Ghoul: Blackened Eyes, Players play either ghouls or
members of the CCG. Fighting for survival and What they believe in. This game
accommodates many players, but at least 2 are required. One will create a
character and play them. The other will be the Game master, or GM. The GM will
create the story and play the villians and non-player-characters.

A Tabletop roleplaying game, or TTRPG is a collaborative

Storytelling game played by multiple players and a single Game
master, or GM. Actions in the game are solved by rolling dice.
There are multiple types of dice but the one used in TG:
Blackened eyes are mainly 6 and 12 sided dice. Here, we use a
standard way too represent dice. It is: xdy. Where x is the
number of dice rolled, d stands for dice, and y is the number of
sides. So saying “roll 2d6” is too roll 2, 6 sided dice.

In TG: Blackened Eyes, There are 6 stats they are:

Strength represents the pure physical ability of a character.

Endurance represents the ability to resist or endure unpleasant events.

The agility, speed, and flexibility of a character.

The ability to acquire and apply knowledge. (book smarts)

Common sense:
Good judgement in practical situations. (street smarts/good instinct)

Compelling charm that can affect others.

Each of These stats is rated/ 0,1,2,3,4,5/ 3 is considered the average for both
humans and ghouls.

Each character gets one mental or physical trait. These traits should be run by the
gm. Any check made while using these traits gets advantage. I.E you get to reroll
the lower die.

Trait examples:


Martial artist


Heightened senses


Car enthusiast




Kagune are the predatory organs of ghouls. I.E, their claws. They are made of RC
cells, and are a from of voluntary muscle for ghouls There are 4 types of Kagune,
they are:

Ukaku- spread out like feathers and is released from the shoulder area, it
specializes in high speed attacks, most of the users seem to have highly
enhanced speed. The kagune is lightweight and can be used to deliver high-speed
attacks against an adversary. Users get a +1 to DEX and a -1 to strength.

Koukaku- released below the shoulder blade. Due to its high density of Rc cells, it
is heavy and extremely robust, giving it the greatest sturdiness and making them
very well suited for defense. Users get a +1 endurance +1 strength -1 dex -1
common sense.

Rinkaku- has an appearance similar to scaled tentacles and is released at the

back around the waist. A rinkaku wielder has powerful regenerative abilities and
some could even survive the most critical damage. Users get a +2 endurance -1
intelligence -1 common sense.

Binkaku- typically has a tail-like appearance and is released around the

tail-bone/coccyx. It is good for medium-distance attacks and has decent offense,
defense, and speed. Thus, they have no notable strengths or weaknesses.

Kagune chart:

Each Kagune also has weaknesses and strengths against other Kagune. This is
visualized in the chart above.

Ukaku -> Bikaku

Bikaku -> Rinkaku

Kokaku -> Ukaku

Rinkaku -> Kokaku

When two characters who have an opposing Kagune battle, the one who has the
strength gets a +2 to their overall roll.

Quinque are human made weapons, constructed out of the RC cells of a ghoul.
Mechanically, they function identically to kagune. However, these weapons are
wielded as static weapons, not changing or movable muscles. The weaknesses
and strengths still apply, however.

Q bullets are another form of anti ghoul weaponry. They function as normal
bullets, however, they have a special coating that makes them effective. Much like
quinque, they are made out of the RC cells of a ghoul. Thus, there are different
bullet coatings that function for different types of ghouls. Ghouls are only
vulnerable to the bullet which is coated in their respective weakness.

Kakuja are an evolved form of kagune that clads the user's body. Kakuja are
extremely rare, being the only way too achieve a kakuja is through repeated
cannibalism. Each of these kakuja are incredibly unique, usually representing a
psychological aspect of the character.

A ghoul must eat 10 other ghouls to gain a kakuja.

Then 2d20 is rolled. If the roll is greater than or equal to 30, a full kakuja is
The user gets:
+2 strength
+3 endurance
+2 dexterity
In addition to original kagune stats

If less than or equal to 29 a half kakuja is formed. A half kakuja is the result of an
incomplete transformation.
Users get:
+1 strength
+3 endurance
+ 1 dexterity
-1 Common sense
-2 charisma
In addition too original kagune

If the user is a half kakuja, every time a roll is made a subsequent intelligence roll
is made. If passed nothing happens, if failed an insanity point is added. If three
points are added, the character goes insane and can no longer function (or be
played by the player.

Your health is represented by a die. It starts at 1d12. Each time you take damage,
you roll the die. If you roll higher than the damage given, you succeed and you
negate the damage. Roll equal to or lower and you fail. When you fail, you
decrease the die to 1d10. Each time you fail, you decrease it more, 1d8, 1d6, 1d4 and
if you fail a d4, you die.

Damage is categorized under 3 types:

1d6 rolled by the attacker (Any untrained martial attacks like punches or kicks.
Scrapes or light fall damage (tripping.) scrape from a Kagune.)

1d12 rolled by the attacker (trained martial attacks, such as martial arts moves.
Heavy fall damage (falling from off a ladder.) direct Kagune hit.)

2d6 rolled by attacker (Breaking vital bones or pinching arteries. Falling out of a 5
story building.Dismembering limbs with a kagune.)

Gms should decide what damaged category attacks fit into.


The world of Tokyo Ghoul is populated by multiple humanoid species. There are
three main types, they are:

The majority of humanoid species are humans.

Ghouls are uncommon, but not lacking in quantity.

One eyed:
A mix between regular ghouls and Humans. Extremely rare, almost none have

In TG: Blackened Eyes, All rolls with exception to damage and health rolls are
rolled with 2d6. First a player describes their action to the gm. Much like other
TTRPGs, the GM will secretly set the Difficulty of the check.
Here is a guide for GMs:

3-4: Trivial

5-6: Easy

7-8: medium

9-10: tricky

10-11: difficult

12-13: very difficult.

When the gm Selects the difficulty, they will then select the exact number to beat.
So if the task is easy, the gm will select either 4 or 5. As a general rule of thumb,
the higher number is harder. The player then rolls 2d6 and adds the most relevant
attribute. Then, they add any modifiers (like from kagune.) The player tells the
final result to the gm who will compare that number with the difficulty number. If
they get equal to or above, it is a success. If they get below the number. It is a


Ken Kaneki wants to jump from one roof top to another, using his kagune to propel

The Gm sets the difficulty at tricky and the difficulty number at 9. The gm asks
Kaneki to make a Dexterity roll.

Kaneki has a dexterity of 3 so he rolls 2d6 and adds 3. This came out to a 10.
Kaneki has no modifiers, so he tells the GM he rolled a 10.

The GM describes Kaneki soaring through the air and landing on the other roof, as
he succeeded the roll.

If something falls below trivial there is no need to make a roll. (things like running
or walking)


All ghouls have a biological, inescapable need to feed on human flesh and organs.
This need should be addressed by the gm. One full adult human can feed a ghoul
for 1 month. If a ghoul does not eat, their instincts will take over and they will kill
the nearest human. A ghoul can push themselves not too eat by making an
endurance roll. The difficulty of this roll should be between tricky and difficult.
Even if they succeed with this roll, they will still have to eat, sometimes. Naturally,
these rules only apply to ghouls.

Initiative is how to determine who goes first in combat. You roll 2d6+Dexterity,
and whoever rolls highest goes first, followed by the second highest and so on.

On a character's turn the player will describe one specific action to the GM.
Whenever a character goes for a strike or attack, they roll 2d6+ strength. This is
contested against the defenders roll of 2d6+dexterity (for dodging) or
2d6+endurance (for blocking) if the defender wins they successfully block or
dodge. If the attacker wins, they roll damage. Gms should categorize the damage
based on the roll differences.


Kaneki is fighting another ghoul. They both roll 2d6 and add Dexterity.

Kaneki: 13

Ghoul: 11

Kaneki goes first. He describes how he rushes forward and slices at the ghoul
with his kagune.

The Gm notes this as a strike, and asks Kaneki to roll 2d6 and add strength. The gm
rolls for the ghoul’s block (2d6+endurance.)
The rolls come out to:

Kaneki: 10

Ghoul: 9

Kaneki wins but because the ghoul only lost by 1, kaneki only does light damage.
The GM relays this and they both roll damage.

Characters can also do other things in combat. Anything that does not require a
roll they can do for free, unless contested. (I.e, while running may not require a
roll, running from a hungry ghoul would.) If a player describes something that
would require a roll, they make that roll, the GM describes the outcome, and their
turn ends. Each turn repeats until all threats have been removed.

Each ghoul wears a special mask to hide their identities from the ccg. These
masks are incredibly important as they both protect ghouls identities, and
influence the alias of ghouls. Ghouls' masks influence what both the ccg and
general public call them. Each mask has a certain reputation that comes with it.
There are 4 levels:

Unknown: Majority of ghouls fall under this category. These ghouls are not
actively hunted, rather just looked out for.

Reputable:Well known in the ghoul world, but hunted as much as an unknown


Famous: Known by the entirety of japan and actively hunted by the ccg.

Legend: A mythical mask that will be remembered throughout time


Influence increases when a ghoul eats a certain amount of humans and is


Unknown: 1-10 kills an month

Reputable: 11-20 kills a month

Famous: 21-30 kills a month

Legend: 31-40 kills a month

Interacting with other ghouls is another way too increase influence.


Hair color:
Mask Influence:

Common sense:

Kagune/Quinque type:


Current Health:

Name: Ken kaneki

Height: 169 cm
Gender: male
Hair color: White
Species: One-eyed ghoul
Mask influence: Rebuttable

Endurance:5 (7 with kagune)
Dexterity: 3
Intelligence:4 (3 with kagune)
Common sense:0 (-1 with kagune)

Kagune/Quinque type: rinkaku

Trait: Resilient (mental)

Current Health: 1d12

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