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3/16/22, 4:02 PM Playing OD&D with The Landshut Rules: REDUX – Darkworm Colt

Darkworm Colt

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Playing OD&D with The Landshut Rules: REDUX

Norbert G. Matausch 
Uncategorized 
November 11, 2020July 5, 2021 3 Minutes

1) Roll abilities

For every 15+, I write down “very” + the adjective that belongs to the characteristic, and for every 5 or
lower, I write down the opposite of the adjective. All other numbers signify an unremarkable,
average stat.

2) Character Classes

Fighting-men: can take more damage than other humans, use all weapons and armor

Magic-users: weakly, use dagger/staff, no armor

Clerics: can cast spells, no sharp weapons

Hobbit: resilient, no huge weapons

Dwarf: can take a lot of damage, no long weapons

Elf: choose to be either a sorcerer or a warrior, no blunt weapons

3) Spells

Clerics, Magic-users and elves get Spell Points. Magic-users get 4+Experience Level points, all other
casters get 2+Level points.
All casters can cast spells of any level. A save is required to cast a spell successfully and avoid paying
Spell Points. A failed roll means you lose Spell Points equal to the spell level.
The referee might consider giving out treasure that increases Spell Points. This might be done to
counterbalance the more costly higher level spells (compared to the old system).
To record spells, casters can write, draw, etch, tattoo or paint the formulas on every suitable surface.
. 1/4
3/16/22, 4:02 PM Playing OD&D with The Landshut Rules: REDUX – Darkworm Colt

4) Attacks

Armor typically comes in two variations: light, with an armor class of 1, and heavy, with an armor
class of 2. Maybe, MAYBE, there are other types of armor out there that offer armor class 3, but so far,
I haven’t seen them.
So, a fight with armor rolls will work like this:

You roll 2d6 vs. my 2d6. Higher roll hits. Add a bonus for the better fighter.

The combatant who got hit rolls 1d6 and tries to roll under or equal to his armor class. If he does, the
hit got deflected or softened by the armor, and he does not lose a hit. If the roll is over, the armor
didn’t stop damage, and he loses a hit.

5) Damage
Ref determines damage with common sense, narratively. Knowledge of the genre is a big plus.
6) Give them a fighting chance

Lenient referees, you might grant the player a last opposed roll to save their character from dying.

7) Experience

Gain an experience level if it is dramatically appropriate.

So let’s create a character already!


STR: 11, average, what I write on the character sheet: nothing

INT: 9, average, , what I write on the character sheet: nothing

WIS: 6, average, , what I write on the character sheet: nothing

CON: 7, average, , what I write on the character sheet: nothing

DEX: 6, average, what I write on the character sheet: nothing

CHA: 13, average, , what I write on the character sheet: nothing

I play a fighting-man. 

The original Gygax game uses no skills, so let’s skip this step in the Landshut rules and go straight to

I pick 2d6 items: 7

1. Sword

2. Dagger
3. Plate Mail

4. Iron Rations for 1 week

5. Backpack, leather

6. Water skin

7. Mallet and three stakes

…and I lose 1d6 of them: 2

Rolling 1d6, I get a 2 and lose the dagger, so my new equipment list looks like this:

1. Sword

2. Dagger
3. Plate Mail

4. Iron Rations for 1 week 2/4
3/16/22, 4:02 PM Playing OD&D with The Landshut Rules: REDUX – Darkworm Colt

5. Backpack, leather

6. Water skin

7. Mallet and three stakes

I roll 1d6 again and start at the dagger: a 5. I count down 5 steps and land at the mallet. My final
equipment list:

1. Sword

2. Plate Mail (counts as +10 HP)

3. Iron Rations for 1 week

4. Backpack, leather

5. Water skin

And last but not least, I get to pick two “powers”: special equipment, special abilities, connections,
and similar stuff:

I can see in the dark just like a cat. And someone high up in the hierarchy owes me a favor.

This is what my original edition Landshut rules character looks like:

Splint Brackwater

Level 1 Fighting-man

Can see in the dark like a cat. Someone high up in the hierarchy owes him a favor. 

Sword, Plate Mail, Iron Rations for 1 week, Backpack (leather), Water skin


free kriegsspiel,
free kriegsspiel revolution,
Landshut rules,
old school,

Published by Norbert G. Matausch

View all posts by Norbert G. Matausch

8 thoughts on “Playing OD&D with The Landshut

Rules: REDUX”

Reese Laundry says: 3/4

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