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Hardcore core

Hit Points
On the 5th level and further you get HP equal to your Constitution modifier. Exceptions
are 8, 12, 16, and 19 levels.

Short Rest
A short rest is a period of downtime, at least 1 hour long, during which a character does
nothing more strenuous than eating, drinking, reading, and tending to wounds.
A character can spend one or more Hit Dice at the end of a short rest if has a healers kit,
up to the character’s maximum number of Hit Dice. For each Hit Die spent in this way,
the player rolls the die and adds the character’s Constitution modifier to it. The
character regains hit points equal to the total. The player can decide to spend an
additional Hit Die after each roll. A character regains some spent Hit Dice upon
finishing a long rest, as explained below.

Long Rest
A long rest is a period of extended downtime, at least 8 hours long, during which a
character sleeps or performs light activity: reading, talking, eating, or standing watch for
no more than 2 hours. If the rest is interrupted by a period of strenuous activity—at least
1 hour of walking, fighting, casting spells, or similar adventuring activity—the characters
must begin the rest again to gain any benefit from it.
At the end of a long rest, a character regains all lost hit points. The character also
regains spent Hit Dice, up to a number of dice equal to half of the character’s total
number of them (minimum of one die). For example, if a character has eight Hit Dice,
he or she can regain four spent Hit Dice upon finishing a long rest.
A character can’t benefit from more than one long rest in a 24-hour period, and a
character must have at least 1 hit point at the start of the rest to gain its benefits.
Skilled And Unskilled
In standard 5e, rolls are modified by a number of factors including Attribute,
Proficiency, Skill Ranks, and bonuses from equipment or magic. In HARDCORE MODE,
this is all compressed into a binary state. You are either skilled at a roll or not.

On any roll you make that is SKILLED, roll d20 + Proficiency + Attribute Bonus, aiming
to meet or beat the target DC or AC.

On any roll that is UNSKILLED, roll a d20 with no modifiers, unless negative.

Radical Option: Roll To Cast

For every uncertain action in the game, the dice must be consulted. How magic, the
most volatile and uncertain force of them all, eluded this requirement is a mystery.
Mystery no more. In HARDCORE MODE, magic users must roll to cast. Frequency
limits on spells still apply and are only expended when successfully cast. This roll also
introduces the potential of critical success/failure and the advantage/disadvantage on
casting spells. For the HARDCORE GM, these are powerful tools.

When attempting to cast a spell of 1st level or higher…

● Roll with your casting characteristic plus proficiency, and meet or beat DC 10 to
succeed, unless other factors have increased the local cast DC
● Critical successes DO NOT expend the spell’s use limits and inflict double effect
● Critical failures fizzle, do not expend the spell and induce a roll on the volatile
magic table

Volatile Magic Table

Roll d12:

1. Disaster: Expend the spell, drop to 1 HP, and cast a randomly selected spell at a
random location within range.
2. Mutation: Be twisted by formless energy. One of your limbs is that of a crab,
insect, or tentacled thing.
3. Rift: A tear opens in space-time, sucking unsecured objects or creatures into
deep space over 4 rounds of time.
4. Imps: d12 Imps appear in a brimstone cloud, angry at the clumsy caster.
5. Seared: Be stricken with d10 arcane damage
6. Toxic: A cloud of poisonous smoke appears, engulfing the current encounter for
d4 rounds
7. Spell Sickness: Forget this spell for d4 days, or until a long rest in safety
8. Dazed: Spend your next turn stunned
9. Misfire: Cast the spell, but at a random target or location, including allies
10. Dud: Nothing happens
11. Sparkles: Comical, colorful confetti fills the air, attracting unwanted attention
12. Late: The spell casts, but d4 rounds from now

Драмадайсы (далее ДД) — это кубики (или очки), получаемые игроками за яркие
действия, для того чтобы сделать возможными еще более яркие.

Сюжетные способы:

Дела обстоят так!

Это возможность игрокам объединить свои запасы ДД и повлиять на окружающий
мир следующими способами:
Установить незначительный факт (1 ДД): Это факт, который не имеет
значения для мира или сюжета. Например: «На углу есть кафе, где мы регулярно
собираемся» или «Преподаватель по рукопашному бою предпочитает темное пиво
Установить существенный факт (2 ДД): Это факт, который можно обыграть
и получить преимущество. Например: «Весь семестр я прилежно сидел за первой
партой и лектор это заметил» или «Я знаю подпольного торговца оружием в этом
Установить важный факт (3 ДД): Этот факт позволяет добиться критического
успеха в данной ситуации. Например: «Нам срочно нужно полторы тонны серебра
— завод «Труд» только что получил именно столько технического серебра для
производственных нужд» или «Эта танк не такой уж неуязвимый — один из
броневых листов искорежен, и топливный бак почти не прикрыт».
Понятно, что важность факта определяется мастером и должна зависеть от
возможности и важности события. Пример: Иван, охотник на вампиров, в
обычное время является студентом университета. Неожиданно во время лекции в
аудиторию врывается вампир и бросается на безоружного Ивана. Игрок делает
заявку: «совершенно случайно у моей соседки оказывается осиновый кол,
который я и хватаю». Это крайне маловероятное событие, которое к тому же
можно назвать читерством, поэтому мастер назначает за такое чудо цену в 3 ДД.
Таких запасов у игрока нет, и он проявляет изобретательность: «У моей соседки на
парте лежит остро заточенный сувенирный карандаш гигантских размеров,
выполненный из какого-то дерева — наверняка, осины» — это кажется мастеру
гораздо более вероятным и интересным (к тому же мастер знает, что обычным
колом данного вампира все равно не взять) — и он разрешает «карандашный кол»
всего за один ДД.
Как в кино!
Сцена развивается по законам голливудского боевика и, главное, в нужном вам
русле. Например: в конце сцены беглец запрыгивает в машину, а пешие
преследователи открывают стрельбу. Если беглец потратит 2 ДД — стрельба не
принесет результата и изрешеченная машина увезет его от погони. Если же
наоборот, 2 ДД потратят преследователи — машина врежется во что-то или беглец
будет тяжело ранен. Стоимость в ДД зависит от важности и напряженности
момента, а также от его типичности:
Так происходит всегда (1 ДД) — во всех фильмах, которые вы видели, события
разворачиваются именно так — «Подкравшись сзади, я оглушаю противника
ударом по затылку — если удался бросок на подкрадывание — то уж бросок на
оглушение можно заменить тратой 1 ДД.
Так происходит обычно (2 ДД) — частый штамп в большинстве фильмов —
«Несмотря на длительную перестрелку ранее, в моем шестизарядном револьвере
хватит патронов на пять-шесть выстрелов»
Бывает и так (3 и более ДД) — вы определенно видели где-то подобную сцену,
но игроки должны красочно описать ее — «Я не пристегнут, поэтому после
лобового столкновения вылетаю из водительского кресла своей машины и, пробив
лобовое стекло вражеского микроавтобуса, приземляюсь в его глубине.
Ошеломленные столкновением противники еще не успели отстегнуть свои ремни
безопасности, поэтому развернувшись, я могу перестрелять их легко как в тире».

Я тащусь!
Игрок может выразить одобрение захватывающими действиями другого игрока и
передать ему свои ДД.

Системные способы:

И все-таки мне повезет!

Игрок может потратить один ДД, использовав его как вдохновение.
Вот это удар!
Игрок может добавить ДД к любому своему броску в эквиваленте 1ДД = 1к6
Я герой, я смогу!
Игрок может потратить один ДД, чтобы автоматически пройти простую проверку
силы воли — например, против страха или подчинения воли. Паникующие герои
хороши в хорроре, а в боевике они игрокам не понравятся. Нельзя использовать
после проваленного броска.
Как получать?
В начале каждой сессии Мастер перед игрой выдает ДД:
MORE DEAD RUZZIANS: 150 грн на ЗСУ или Фонд «Повернись живим»
еквивалентны 1 ДД. Макс 3.

Во время сессии

Отличное действие
Героическое или стильное действие может вознаграждаться ДД.

Мастерский произвол
Самый частый, хотя и не самый надежный способ получения ДД.

В конце сессии все неиспользованные ДД сгорают.

Learning: Skills and feats

Danyl, [23.08.2022 13:19]

Я еще увеличу до 15 недель обучение навыкам:
● Скрытность
● Магия
● Расследование
● Выживание
● Медицина
● Выступление

Danyl, [23.08.2022 13:22]

Я тут прикинул, что стоимость получения фита будет равняться 100 зм в неделю за
10 недель или по 50 за 20. Правила по обучению такие же
Скилы стоят как в простом обучении. По 25. Там будет как мы договаривались.
Вначале получаете пол proficiency, потом полный

Critical Fumbles Table

Melee Weapons

Roll a d20…

1-2. Weapon Break. The force of your blow, or parrying that of your opponent’s,
causes your weapon to snap in two. (For magical weapons roll an additional d10, on a 1
they break).

3-4. Goodbye Fair Blade! Roll a Strength / Athletics check DC 15, or your weapon
flies d12 feet out of your hand in a random direction. If you have any movement and a
bonus action left you can go and pick it up. In doing so you provoke an opportunity
attack from anyone in the area, starting with your most immediate opponent.
(Otherwise, you could simply draw a second weapon, if you have one, using a bonus

5-6. Wild Swing. You overextend yourself going for the kill. Your opponent gains an
advantage on their next attack roll.

7. Stuck Weapon. Your weapon gets stuck in your opponent’s shield, armor, hide, or
else in a tree or wall, or the ground. Roll a Strength check to see if you can free it using a
bonus action. The DC is 8 + your strength modifier.

8. Oops! You hit an unintended foe in combat. Randomize all combatants within 5 feet
and roll a second attack roll, if you beat their armor class roll damage as if they were
your intended target. (Discount sneak attack damage for Rogues).

9. Self-Inflicted wound. You manage to slice yourself with your own blade, roll
normal damage, and half it. (Applies to combatants using slashing weapons and flails
only. Other weapon types roll again. Discount sneak attack damage for Rogues).

10-14. Slip Up. You lose your footing. Roll Dexterity / Acrobatics check (DC 15) or fall
prone. Your turn has ended and melee attacks have an advantage on you (see p.292 of
PH for conditions of being prone).

15. Pulled Muscle (Arms). Roll a Constitution Saving Throw DC 15 or the strain of
your attack causes you to pull a muscle in your upper body. You have a disadvantage in
attack rolls and ability checks requiring upper body strength until you have completed
three long rests, or received magical healing.

16. Pulled Muscle (Legs). Roll a Constitution Saving Throw DC 15 or the strain of
combat causes you to pull a muscle in your leg. Your movement is halved, and you lose
your Dex modifier to AC and initiative, and you have a disadvantage on any ability
checks that require lower body strength, until you have completed three long rests, or
received magical healing.

17-18. Loss of Nerve. Man, your opponent looks tough. Make a Wisdom Saving Throw
with a base DC of 10 modified by +2 for every hit dice higher than your opponent has (or
-2 for every hit dice less). On a fail, you are frightened (see p.292 of Player’s Handbook).
After one turn you can attempt the saving throw again.

19. Broken Item. In the hurly-burly of combat, something fragile – like a magic potion
– you’re carrying breaks. Randomize fragile objects you have in your possession and roll
to determine which. (Note, better to do this when the combat is over).

20. A Little Accident. Either through fear, excitement or simply needing to go, you
soil yourself. 75% chance it’s only pee.
Shooting Range Weapons

Roll a d20…

1-2. Weapon Break. Your bow shaft or a mechanism in your crossbow breaks and is
now useless. (For magical weapons roll an additional d10, on a 1 they break).

3-5. String Break. Your bowstring snaps. Assuming you have a spare string, it requires
1 minute to replace it.

6-8. Loose String. Your string comes loose. You lose this attack. Starting next turn you
can make a sleight of hand check DC 15 to fix it. Each attempt takes one turn.

9-16. Oops! You hit an unintended random target. Randomize all combatants within 10
feet (for a short-range attack, or 30 feet for a long-range attack) and roll a second attack
roll, if you beat their armor class roll damage as if they were your intended target
(discount sneak attack damage for Rogues).

17-18. Ammo Accident. Your quiver spills (50% strap broken, 50% you tilt it over by
accident), and the remainder of your arrows/bolts fall to the floor. If you remain still
you can use a bonus action to pick up one a round and still fire using your action.
Otherwise, you can use an action to pick up 2d8 and put them back in your quiver.

19. Pulled Muscle (Upper Body). Roll a Constitution Saving Throw DC 15 or the
strain of your attack causes you to pull a muscle in your upper body. You have a
disadvantage in attack rolls and ability checks requiring upper body strength until you
have completed three long rests, or received magical healing.

20. Slip Up. You lose your footing. Roll Dexterity / Acrobatics (DC 15) or fall prone.
Your turn has ended and melee attacks have an advantage on you (see p.292 of PH for
conditions of being prone).

Thrown Range Weapons

Roll a d10.
1. Weapon Break. The impact of your weapon hitting a tree, the ground, a shield, etc.
causes it to break. It is now useless. (For magical weapons roll an additional d10, on a 1
they break).
2. Pulled Muscle (Arms). Roll a Constitution Saving Throw DC 15 or the strain of
your attack causes you to pull a muscle in your upper body. You have a disadvantage in
attack rolls and ability checks requiring upper body strength until you have completed
three long rests, or received magical healing.

3-4. Slip Up. You lose your footing. Roll Dexterity / Acrobatics (DC 15) or fall prone.
Your turn has ended and melee attacks have an advantage on you (see p.292 of PH for
conditions of being prone).

5-9. Oops! You hit an unintended random target. Randomize all combatants within 10
feet (for a short-range attack, or 30 feet for a long-range attack) and roll a second attack
roll, if you beat their armor class roll damage as if they were your intended target
(discount sneak attack damage for Rogues).

10. WTF? You launch a comically bad projectile attack nowhere near your intended
opponent – it flies into a huge empty space (or at DM’s discretion a distant unintended
target) taking your self-confidence with it. Roll wisdom saving throw DC 15, or suffer
disadvantage to attack rolls until you next score a hit on an opponent.

Critical Fumbles for High-Level Characters.

Once your PCs have two or three attacks a round, they might start rolling an incongruous
number of fumbles, especially for heroes of their ability. Whilst being a higher level should also
make passing some saving throws/skills checks easier, as well as reduce the chance of weapon
breaks (as most high-level characters fight with magical weapons), if you feel it’s necessary you
could bring in a new rule. Starting at Level 5 you could give them a fumble saving throw where if
they roll their level or below on a d20 they suffer no adverse effects. That way extremely
high-level characters will rarely fumble. Or you could rule that only if they roll a 1 on the first
attack of their round do they have to consult this table. Rolling a 1 on any other attack and it’s
just an automatic miss.

Natural Weapons

Roll a d10.
1-2. Ouch! The attacker snaps one or several teeth/claws on its target’s weapon or
armor, or nearby surface. They receive 1d3 hp of damage, and they must subtract the
result of the same d3 roll from damage done from this attack from now on. (Ignore for
tail attacks).
3-5. Wild Swing. The attacker overextends itself going for the kill. Their intended
target gains an advantage on their next attack roll.

6-7. Slip Up. The attacker loses its footing. Roll Dexterity / Acrobatics check (DC 15) or
fall prone. Their turn has ended and melee attacks have an advantage on you (see p.292
of PH for conditions of being prone). Creatures with more than two legs are immune to
this effect.

8-10. Loss of Nerve. The attacker is scared. They must make a Wisdom Saving Throw
with a base DC of 10 modified by +2 for every hit dice higher the target of the attack has
vs. the attacker (or -2 for every hit dice less). On a fail, they are frightened (see p.292 of
Player’s Handbook). After one turn they can attempt the saving throw again. Creatures
that inspire fear are immune to this effect (unless their target also inspires fear).

Critical hits revisited







Minor & Major Injury Charts

Insanity Chart

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