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First Form: God of Fire

Flame Breathing The swordsman charges towards his opponent at high speed,
Flame breathing is one of the five main Breathing Styles initiating a single concentrated slash.

directly derived from Sun Breathing. Its focus is on Immediately after a successful hit, you can use a bonus action
frightening the enemy with your sword skills. Imposing your to deal an extra 1d6 damage to the creature. The amount of
technique and making the enemy think they have no chance extra damage increases as you gain levels, as shown in the
against your strength is the major focus of this breathing last column of the table.
style. Some flame style users tend to become as strong as the
enemy thinks they are, making them unbeatable. Second Form: Eternal Flame
The swordsman cuts the target vertically. You use your
Flame Breathing Forms movement to do a high jump (PHB p182) and use your action
to do an attack on a creature in reach as you land.
There are six known forms but some 4th and 5th ranked fire If you moved before the jump and the attack hits, the
style users have created exclusive ones. creature can roll a dexterity saving throw with a DC of 10 +
your prof. bonus to not fall prone. You deal an extra 1d6 of
damage for every 60 cm (2 ft) that you have jumped in the air.
Level Technique Rank Extra
3rd First Form: God of Fire 1st 1d6
Third Form: Imposing Sun*
4th 1st 1d6
The swordsman spins his sword in a circular motion,
deflecting his enemy's attacks. As a combat action, you
5th Second Form: Eternal Flame 1st 1d6 impose a disadvantage against all attack rolls against you,
6th 1st 1d6
and every creature that fails to hit you can roll a Wisdom
saving throw against a DC of 10 + your stance ability score +
7th Third Form: Imposing Sun 2nd 1d8 your proficiency bonus, to not become frightened by you until
8th 2nd 1d8 your next turn.
9th 2nd 1d8 Fourth Form: Flame Tiger
10th 2nd 1d8 A series of sword slashes done as fast as a tiger can attack.
11th 2nd 1d10 As an action, you may use all your extra attacks in a single
one. If the attack hits you deal an extra 1d6 of damage for
12th Fourth Form: Flame Tiger 3nd 1d10 every extra attack you have. Your current breathing ends.
13th 3rd 1d10
Fifth Form: The Last Kindle*
14th 3rd 1d10
Even when failing to hit, the swordsman leaves no chance for
15th Fifth Form: The Last Kindle 4th 1d12 the enemy to gain some ground on him. After a failed hit, you
16th 4th 1d12 can use your reaction to retry the same attack with the every
bonus you had, this time with an advantage. If the attack hits
17th 4th 1d12 the target can make a Wisdom saving throw against a DC of
18th Sixth Form: Fire Demon 5th 1d12 10 + your stance ability score + your proficiency bonus, to not
19th 5th 2d6
become frightened by you until your next turn. Your current
breathing ends only on a successful hit. If the hit fails you
20th 5th 2d6 decrease your current breathing by six seconds as usual.
Sixth Form: Fire Demon*
The swordsman appears more focused and fearsome than
before, concentrating his vision on his target. As an action,
you try to intimidate a creature in your range, who can make
a Wisdom saving throw against a DC of 10 + your stance
ability score + your proficiency bonus, to not become
frightened. Then you make a single weapon attack with an
advantage if the enemy is frightened. If the attack hits, the
enemy will remain frightened until the next short rest.

Your current breathing ends.

Using a form decreases your current breathing by

6s. Every extra die isn't multiplied by a critical hit.

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