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KissanTech: Horticulture & plantation 🡪 Amritsar

Information technology to provide services to farmers

raised a funding of ₹50 million

onboard at least 35,000 farmers by

2021 and had mentioned that their revenue generation model will include subscriptions

as well as by selling data to other stakeholders.

Mission: help farmers globally: directly to farmers pest control nourishment etc

B2b dashboard topography etc for logistics. For supply chain.

Farmers grow: paddy wheat maize pulses sugarcane.

Increase reach globally. Western market.

For india, market penetration🡪

6000 farmers from: southern states Maharashtra karnataka ap and mp

Profit through efficient marketing: 2 approaches: organic talking to farmers usage for farmers results
not so great. Only provided insight.

Inorganic approach:


What kind of devices: mobile app, medium to low level.

Long term goals:

short term goals: develop to pan india

Sell data:

Core competencies: data related to soil optimum manures

strengthQuality of soil report prediction, accurate soil testing strong research team

internal impediments: no.

Competitor: agricart, fieldin technology solution 2.1 mn farmer satellite technology

Soil testing: labs.. tie ups with private laboratory.

Subscription based model:

Subscription Charge about 800/acre, printed report of the soil report.

Solutions are provided.

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