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IC, ATmega328 bootloader(1)

2. Socket, IC, 28-pin, 0.3"(1)
3. IC, 5V regulator(1)
4. LED, Red (1)
5. LED, Green(1)
6. Resistor, 1/4W, 10K Ω (1)
7. Resistor, 1/4W, 180 Ω(2)
8. Capacitor, 10µF, 50V(2)
9. Crystal, 16 MHz, low-profile(1)
10. Capacitor, ceramic disc, 22pF, 50V(2)
11. Capacitor, ceramic disc, 0.1µF, 50V(1)
12. Switch, pushbutton, OFF-(ON)(1)

13. Header, 6-pin, 1-row, vertical, 0.1"(1)

14. IC, 3.3V regulator, LM1117T-3.3(1)
15. Capacitor, tantalum, 10µF, 25V(2)
16. Breadboard

-two 10 uf electrolytic capacitors
-two 10 uf tantalum capacitors
-7805 voltage regulator (5v)
-LM1117T-3.3 voltage regulator(3.3v)
green LED
red LED
-two 150 ohm resistors
-10k resistor
-one 0.1 uf capacitor (ceramic disk)
-two 22 pf capacitors (ceramic disk)
-16 MHz crystal oscillator
momentary push button switch
jumper wires
female headers (I used three rows of eight)
row of 6 male headers
female wall wart power jack
ATmega328 with bootloader
-28 pin DIP IC socket
female wall wart power jack
jumper wires
ATmega328 with bootloader
-28 pin DIP IC socket
-7805 voltage regulator (5v)
green LED
red LED
-10k resistor
-two 150 ohm resistors
-two 10 uf electrolytic capacitors -two 10 uf tantalum capacitors
-16 MHz crystal oscillator
-two 22 pf capacitors (ceramic disk)
-one 0.1 uf capacitor (ceramic disk)
momentary push button switch

female headers (I used three rows of eight) row of 6 male headers

-LM1117T-3.3 voltage regulator(3.3v)
A breadboard
22 AWG wire
7805 Voltage regulator
2 LEDs
2 220 Ohm resistors
1 10k Ohm resistor
2 10 uF capacitors
16 MHz clock crystal
2 22 pF capacitors
small momentary normally open
("off") button, i.e. Omron type B3F

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