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The principles of language assessment (Practicality, Reliability, Validity,

Authenticity and Washback)

Worksheet ( Student self-reflection )

a. What qualities do I possess from the material above

The qualities from the material is good, because from the material above,
principles that are important in planning and organizing professional
development; this module will provide a set of sample activities from the
principles of language assessment in planning and organizing professional
development with an assessment focus. It describes the concerns about principles
of language assessment and a framework for understanding and managing the
language assessment

b. What one quality would describe the materials above to describe my

understanding ?

The five principles of practicality, reliability, validity, authenticity, and washback

go a long way toward providing useful guidelines for both evaluating an existing
assessment procedure and designing one on your own. Quizzes, tests, final exams,
and standardized proficiency tests can all be scrutinized through these five lenses.

c. What resources did you use while reading this module? Which ones were
especially helpful? Which ones would you use in your language assessment?

In my opinion, in this unit wwhich ones that helpful is Practicality because An

effective test is practical. This means that it Is not excessively expensive, Stays
within appropriate time constraints, Is relatively easy to administer, and Has a
scoring/evaluation procedure that is specific and time- efficient. A test that is
prohibitively expensive is impractical. A test of language proficiency that takes a
student five hours to complete is impractical-it consumes more time (and money)
than necessary to accomplish its objective. A test that requires individual one-on-
one proctoring is impractical for a group of several hundred test-takers and only a
handful of examiners. A test that takes a few minutes for a student to take and
several hours for an examiner too evaluate is impractical for most classroom

d. The concept that I remember from this module

The concept that I remember from this module is about to understand the steps of
making a speaking assessment.

Concept : An important facet of consequential validity is the extent to which

―students view the assessment as fair, relevant, and useful for improving

e. After reading this module, I noticed:

There are five principles of language assessments:

1) Practicality
2) Reliability
3) Validity
4) Authenticity
5) Washback

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