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Assessment Criteria in FLT

Duration: Two hours

Name: ______Mursalimova Akku Toleuchanovna___


(i) Please answer the questions in your own words not the words in the book or other
sources. You need to paraphrase. You will be penalized for using wording directly
from the book or other sources.
(ii) You are not allowed to use laptop or mobile phone during the exam.
(iii) You may use the textbook and/or paper copies of Power point slides from class sessions
or other handouts
(iv) Please write clearly or type in the space provided under each question.
(v) You must answer all the questions.

1. Define the terms ‘testing’ and ‘assessment’ and compare them. 5 points

Testing means examining students for their depth of knowledge.

Assessment is an activity to check students’ progress. Assessment is ongoing, positive, is individualized

and provides feedback.

2. Define five different types and purposes of language tests. Which ones do you apply in your class and
why? Give relevant examples. 10 points
There are 5 types and purposes of language testing, the principles of these tests are:
1. Validity
2. Reliability
3. Authenticity
4. Practicality
5. Washback

In my classes I usually the tests with the principles of reliability, authenticity and practicality, but also
in these tests should be validity and washback.
For reliability purpose of the test I use, I always provide rubrics in them, after checking and giving
appropriate score I return tests to my students within two days in order to acquaint them with the
I try to make test in authenticity because all the materials students will work during the test should be
close to real life.
I keep time management during test, and try to make tests which will be easy to score and interprete,
these are for validity and practicality.

3. What are the principles of assessment? Explain why it is important to follow them. 10 points
Assessment is the process by which the knowledge giving organizations appraises the knowledge,
understanding and skills of its students.

The principles of assessment:

Assessment should be valid, designed to measure student achievement of the intended learning outcomes, and
all intended learning outcomes will be summatively assessed.
Assessment should be reliable.

To ensure the level of consistency that is necessary for assessment to be reliable, all awards at the same
academic level will be aligned with knowledge giving descriptor, level descriptor and assessment criteria
for that level of award. Additionally, all awards will be made in accordance with the relevant core.
Assessment should be transparent.
Prior to undertaking any assessment task, students will be clearly informed of the purpose and
requirements of the task and will be provided with the specific assessment criteria that will be used for
marking it. 
Assessment should support the student learning process.
All assessment tasks influence the way in which students approach their learning, and this will be taken
into account in the design of all assessment tasks.
In every module all students will receive timely feedback on assessed work, that is aligned with the
outcomes being assessed, and the criteria against which these outcomes are assessed, and therefore allows
them to identify how they can improve their performance.  Students will receive written feedback on all
combatively assessed work apart from examinations.
Assessment will be efficient
Assessment will be efficient for both students and teachers such that learning outcomes are not overly
assessed and that knowledge and skills can be sampled.

4. Define Summative and formative assessment and give your examples. Provide examples from your own
experience as a teacher or as a learner? 10 points
Summative assessment is a state assessment, it is taken at the end of each unit and term. It measures students
achievements and the depth of their knowledges, it is a component of teachers accountability and evaluation.
We take summative assessment in order to evaluate the way of our teaching too. It is also important point.
Formative assessment is a daily assessment, it is linked to learning experience, it assesses students’
understanding and mastery of their skills. Data is used for future modifying in the learning process.

5 What are test specifications and why do you need them? 5 points
There are different types of test specifications: norm-referenced, criterion-referenced, integrative tests and
discrete tests.
Norm- referenced test is needed to rank students according to their achievements. In this type of testing
scores are given as a rank, based on student’s work. By this test we can assess a large number of students.
And it is developed on a state or national level. This kind of tests usually lasts for a longer period time.
Criterion-referenced test is needed to measure and assess the skills and knowledge a student has mastered.
Students scores are given as a percent and it assesses a small number of students and test usually last a class
Integrative tests include activities that assess skills and knowledge in an integrated manner (include
activities that assess skills and knowledge in an integrated manner (reading and writing, listening
speaking). Less attention is paid to specific lexical and grammatical points. It isstesting multiple skills.

Discrete point tests

contain items that ideally reveal the candidate's ability to handle one level of language and one element of
receptive or productive skills. It is testing one skill at a time reading and writing, listening & speaking).
Less attention is paid to specific lexical and grammatical points. It is testing multiple skills.

6. What are the stages of designing listening and reading tests. What kind of tasks do you use in each stage of
designing them? 5 points

We can define pre-listening, pre-reading, while listening, while reading, post listening and post reading test
They all can be different :
 Multiple-choice or performance test
 Filling in a chart
 Listening cloze
 Completing table/map/diagram
 Short-answer questions
 Gap-filling
 Information transfer
 Note-taking
 Cloze (Partial dictation)
 Transcription
 Debating
 Writing a brief report/summary
In my classes I use multiple choice, gap filling, note taking, listening cloze, filling in a chart.

7. Define holistic and analytic scales for assessing productive skills. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of
each scale. 5 points

8. Discuss types of feedback you learned in the classroom. Which ones do you use in your class? Give
relevant examples from your experience.
Types of feedback: motivational, evaluative, descriptive and actionable. Usually I use motivational and
actionable feedback during my classes. If there is no feedback you can’t influence on students achievement I
suggest, from our classes I liked the feedback method which is called “Six steps of Supersized Feedback
sandwich”. Nowadays I am using it during my classes. For instance, a student shows me his/her work and I
begin checking. Firstly, I say something positive, then praise strong points and action, after give him/her
compliment, for instance I can praise her/his handwriting if it is perfect. And after these I give criticism, remind
my student his/her strong points, then thanks and offer my support in improvement.
5 points

9. The following writing task was given to year 1 business students at a university.

These days many people prefer to online dating to traditional face-to-face one. What’s your view?
Which one do you prefer?

Write an essay.

What do you think of the task? Explain your view drawing on your reading. Would you set this task as it is or
would you modify? Why?

I think, this task should be modified with questions which we suggest them as a plan or prompts in order
they become aware what about exactly to write. Because as it is mentioned above this is a student of a first
academic year and it will be too difficult to write them full essay.
Or we can give them plan of their future essay.
For example like this one:
Entering to the beginning of essay.
Body part:

a) Advantages of online dating classes.
b) Advantages of face-to-face classes.
c) Conclusion. 20 points

10. A foreign translation company has entered the Kazakhstani market. They would like to hire 10 employees.
They have asked you, as a language expert, to help them with examining their candidates’ English languages

Explain what sort of assessment tasks (Type of test) you would set to assess candidates’ English language skills.
Provide examples of the tasks.

For this very case I suggest they should take the validity test in order to get some information about candidates
ability in shop marketing sphere. For instance like this:

Test for candidates

- What is your name?

- How old are you?
- Do you like shopping?
- What kinds of goods do you like buying?
- Do you enjoy the services in the shops?
- How would you like the services are suggested for you?
- Have you ever worked in sales?
- Do you speak English?

and etc. questions in this sphere.

25 points

Total 100 points

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