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Derivative and Integral of Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions

Formulas and graphs of derivatives and integrals of the trigonometric and hyperbolic functions. For the formulas of the

integrals, the +C is omitted. Clicking shows the according graph.


Trigonometric Functions

Function Derivative Integral Graph

sin(x) cos(x) -cos(x)  ↓ 

cos(x) -sin(x) sin(x)  ↓ 

tan(x) 1+tan²(x) -ln(|cos(x)|)  ↓ 

cot(x) -1-cot²(x) ln(|sin(x)|)  ↓ 

sec(x) sec²(x)/csc(x) ln(|sec(x)+tan(x)|)  ↓ 

csc(x) -csc²(x)/sec(x) ln(|tan(x/2)|)  ↓ 

sin²(x) sin(2x) (x-sin(x)*cos(x))/2  ↓ 

cos²(x) -2*sin(x)*cos(x) (x+sin(x)*cos(x))/2  ↓ 
tan²(x) 2*sec²(x)*tan(x) tan(x)-x  ↓ 

cot²(x) -2csc²(x)*cot(x) -cot(x)-x  ↓ 

sec²(x) 2*sec²(x)*tan(x) tan(x)  ↓ 

csc²(x) -2*csc²(x)*cot(x) -cot(x)  ↓ 

asin(x) 1/√ 1-x² x*asin(x) + √ 1-x²  ↓ 

acos(x) -1/√ 1-x² x*acos(x) - √ 1-x²  ↓ 

atan(x) 1/(1+x²) x*atan(x) - ln(1+x²)/2  ↓ 

acot(x) -1/(1+x²) x*acot(x) + ln(1+x²)/2  ↓ 

asec(x) 1/(|x|*√ |x|-1 ) x*asec(x) - arcosh(|x|)  ↓ 

acsc(x) -1/(|x|*√ |x|-1 ) x*acsc(x) + arcosh(|x|)  ↓ 

Hyperbolic Functions

Function Derivative Integral Graph

sinh(x) cosh(x) cosh(x)  ↓ 

cosh(x) sinh(x) sinh(x)  ↓ 

tanh(x) 1-tanh(x)² ln(cosh(x))  ↓ 

coth(x) 1-coth(x)² ln(|sinh(x)|)  ↓ 

sech(x) -sech(x)*tanh(x) atan(sinh(x))  ↓ 

csch(x) -coth(x)*csch(x) ln(|tanh(x/2)|)  ↓ 

arsinh(x) 1/√ x²+1 x*arsinh(x) - √ x²+1  ↓ 

arcosh(x) 1/√ x²-1 x*arcosh(x) - √ x²-1  ↓ 

artanh(x) 1/(1-x²); |x|<1 x*artanh(x) + ln(1-x²)/2  ↓ 

arcoth(x) -1/(x²-1); |x|>1 x*arcoth(x) + ln(x²-1)/2  ↓ 

arsech(x) -1/(x*√ 1-x² ) x*arsech(x) - 2*atan(√ (1-x)/(1+x) )  ↓ 

arcsch(x) -1/(|x|*√ 1+x² ) x*arcsch(x) + arcoth(√ 1/x²+1 )  ↓ 



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The graphs of function, derivative and integral of trigonometric and hyperbolic functions in one image each. The graph of a
function f is blue, that one of the derivative g is red and that of an integral h is green. abs is the absolute value, sqr is the
square root and ln is the natural logarithm.

Trigonometric Functions

Sine: function, derivative and integral

Cosine: function, derivative and integral

Tangent: function, derivative and integral

Cotangent: function, derivative and integral
Secant: function, derivative and integral
Cosecant: function, derivative and integral
Sine square: function, derivative and integral
Cosine square: function, derivative and integral
Tangent square: function, derivative and integral
Cotangent square: function, derivative and integral
Secant square: function, derivative and integral
Cosecant square: function, derivative and integral

Arcsine: function, derivative and integral

Arccosine: function, derivative and integral

Arctangent: function, derivative and integral

Arccotangent: function, derivative and integral
Arcsecant: function, derivative and integral
Arccosecant: function, derivative and integral

Hyperbolic Functions
Hyperbolic sine : function, derivative and integral
Hyperbolic cosine : function, derivative and integral

Hyperbolic tangent : function, derivative and integral

Hyperbolic cotangent : function, derivative and integral

Hyperbolic secant : function, derivative and integral

Hyperbolic cosecant : function, derivative and integral

Area hyperbolic sine : function, derivative and integral

Area hyperbolic cosine : function, derivative and integral

Area hyperbolic tangent : function, derivative and integral

Area hyperbolic cotangent : function, derivative and integral
Area hyperbolic secant : function, derivative and integral
Area hyperbolic cosecant : function, derivative and integral

This page in German: Ableitung und Stammfunktion von trigonometrischen Funktionen und Hyperbelfunktionen.

The function graphs were made with the Function Graph Plotter.
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