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Time out
with bubbles

Homeopathy for children

on the autistic spectrum
Understanding aetiologies and maintaining causes in case management

by Stephanie Andrews RSHom

This article approaches the treatment of children on the autis-
tic spectrum from a holistic viewpoint of combining a number
of therapies and interventions. Homeopathy is one compo-
nent, albeit an important one, in this holistic approach.
It is only practical to outline each of the therapies and
interventions in broad-brush terms. However, for those
Steph Andrews qualified as a homeopath interested in exploring in more detail I have put the
in 2001. She has two children; the second Therapy Plan that we devised for our son on my website
has experienced developmental difficulties Toddler Therapy Toolkit (
and autism. The work that she and her
and I am writing a step-by-step plan for parents to follow
husband have done with their son over
the last nine years has led her to develop through this medium.
her website Toddler Therapy Toolkit
( through
which she shares the Therapy Plan that This article is not about teaching spectrum but it has enabled me,
she developed for him. She has also devel- my fellow homeopaths how to treat through giving the appropriate rem-
oped a step-by-step process to help par- a child with homeopathy; I have edy, to get our son to a place where
ents to understand and select therapies to faith in you all. I am writing because he is more open to the behavioural
develop their own plans for their children. I have a child who is on the autistic tools I use to move him forward in
A step is currently added each month. spectrum and this experience and his development.
Fellow homeopaths may also find her the information I have learnt along Firstly, I need to briefly explain
website useful as an information resource the way has changed how I view this the ‘autistic spectrum’. Autism is
and example Therapy Plan. The first steps condition and the role that homeo- a life-long condition for which
cover Diet and Supplements. Future steps pathy can play. I have found homeo- there is no cure. The autistic spec-
will cover Professional Diagnosis and pathy invaluable for regulating sleep, trum is a term used to refer to the
Advice, Exercises, Behavioural Tools and calming behaviour and stims (short group of disorders under the head-
Complementary Therapies (including for self-stimulatory behaviour) and ing pervasive developmental disor-
homeopathy). increasing social skills. It is not a ders which essentially affect our
cure for conditions on the autistic sensory and cognitive processing.

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Disorders on the spectrum can be symptoms and on a holistic basis; Difficulty process- is estimated that two in every 30
mild or severe and include dyslexia, however, I suggest that a deeper ing language and have this condition. Essentially
dyspraxia, Aspergers, ADHD, sen- understanding of the aetiology and instructions their brains are working ten times
sory integration disorder, Tourette’s, the limits this places on develop- harder than their peers to process
OCD and autism. People on the ment will help to prepare a longer- information, both incoming stimuli
spectrum often have comorbid condi- term treatment plan. This is and self-stimuli (such as move-
tions such as dyslexia, dyspraxia and because many of these conditions ment) and this results in them
ADHD or dyspraxia and Tourette’s. require multi-therapy early inter- becoming tired more quickly, and
We should also bear in mind that vention. In fact, these aetiologies needing breaks to recover. They
progress is individual for each child are also maintaining causes! will become over-stimulated quick-
and that the pathology for some Hypoxia and premature birth: ly and have meltdowns because
children is more severe than for The cause of autism is not known they are unable to cope. A paedi-
others ( but studies have shown that higher atric occupational therapist will
Early intervention is key because incidences occur among babies who assess movement and sensory
these conditions result in develop- have suffered hypoxia due to birth processing, and advise a therapy
mental delay and learning difficulties, trauma and premature birth. A lack plan and strategies for the school
and the child begins to fall further of maturity in the cerebellum area of to meet the needs of the pupil.
and further behind their peers as they the brain (which manages movement For example, they may be given
grow. Unfortunately many do not of the gross and fine motor muscles)
receive any diagnosis or the wrong results in poor movement when
diagnosis. At the more severe end of walking and running, and difficulty
the scale an Education, Health and holding objects such as pencils. The
Care Plan (used to be called a State- vestibular area controls balance, so
ment of Special Educational Needs) immaturity here causes difficulty for
will give funding for help such as children when taking part in activi-
occupational therapy, educational ties such as riding bikes and climb-
psychology and speech therapy, but ing. It also plays a role in the child
these are quite hard to obtain, leav- sitting still and concentrating so, if
ing parents to cope on their own. their brain is busy when they sit try-
There are a number of areas that
homeopaths should be aware of
ing to balance and stay still, they
will not be able to process
Autism is a life-long
when taking the case: other information effectively, such

as instructions from their teacher.
Children with immature brain
condition for which
As homeopaths we are well placed
to work on the totality of the
function in these areas may be
diagnosed with dyspraxia and it there is no cure
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Homeopaths need to
understand the child’s
a wedge-shaped cushion, which
helps to mitigate their discomfort
when sitting and helps them to
act like an opioid on the brain.
Buffalo – the original cow – in con-
trast, contains the type 2 protein.
stress and anxiety, and
concentrate. We were advised to
try the exercise therapies of deep
When he was six we allowed him
to have ice cream at his sister’s the coping strategies
brushing and joint compressions party and on the way home he
and found these calmed our son
and made him much less over-
began to bang his head against the
back of his seat. I asked if he was they may have developed
sensitive, thus reducing his stress okay and he said that his head felt
and facilitating his learning. bad and dizzy.
NPP (neuro-physiological psy- It is important to work holisti-
chology) assessment of the primary cally on the gut with both the
and secondary reflexes is some- removal of maintaining causes and
thing we found invaluable and the addition of supplements, and
actually showed that our son had I have written a holistic therapy
all of his primary reflexes in place. plan; the first chapter is Diet and
If primary reflexes do not give way Supplements and is available for
to secondary reflexes they act as homeopaths on As we were finishing our second
a barrier to development, particu- consultation she began to instruct
larly in social skills and movement. My son is not vaccinated and him to put his toys away and start
We attended the B.I.R.D Charity this article does not include discus- to get ready. He became stressed
(Brain Injury Rehabilitation & sion regarding working with the and began to bang his head on the
Development) in Chester for four effects of vaccination, but this door. I gave him Tuberculinum and
years and this profoundly improved aspect forms part of case-taking he quickly calmed down. I also
our son’s brain function. This is for all children in normal practice. discussed with the mother how to
why I like a homeopathic treatment use planning tools to help reduce
plan to include referral to a paedi- Case management his anxiety.
atric occupational therapist for My homeopathic training has also It is important to put aside our
assessment. This can either be furnished me with an understand- preconceptions and stereotypes.
through a GP, school, or privately ing of maintaining causes and case The diagnosis of autism is based
as the waiting list is long. Homeo- management. For example, I treat- on three main areas: difficulty
paths can also recommend deep ed one four-year-old boy whose with social interaction, social com-
brushing and joint compressions parent had contacted me because munication and social imagination.
using a surgical scrubbing brush he became angry if she gave him I tend to view this as lazy because
(The Wilbarger Protocol Brushing instructions to get ready to go out. the underlying reasons – such as
Programme – see box on this page dyspraxia due to poor brain func-
for details). Exercise therapy essen- tion, or meltdowns due to over-
tially develops more brain path- sensory processing disorder – are
ways, and supplements such as fish The Wilbarger Protocol the real issues we need to under-
oil support this process. stand and treat. Homeopaths need
Brushing Programme to understand the child’s stress and
Genetics anxiety, and the coping strategies
It has been postulated that the The Wilbarger Protocol is a therapy programme they may have developed.
autistic spectrum has a genetic link designed to reduce sensory or tactile defensiveness. For example, our son squeaks,
and that the cause of symptoms Children who exhibit symptoms of tactile defensive- uses repetition or an obsession
may have an organic basis. Many ness are extremely sensitive to touch. They often (pylons were one example) to dis-
parents have reported favourable fear or resist being touched, have difficulty transi- tract himself, or avoidance if he
improvements from the use of tioning between activities, and may be lethargic. does not understand what he is
a gluten-free / casein-free diet. This therapy was developed by Patricia Wilbarger, expected to do. I remember, when
Scientists have been able to link MEd, OTR, FAOTA. we used to ask him to wash his
inflammation in the gut with The complete protocol usually takes 2-3 minutes hands before a meal, it became a
behaviour in mice and further to administer. The first step involves using a soft, nightmare. He wanted everything
work is being done to understand plastic, sensory brush or Therapressure Brush which to be done in a certain way each
the gut / brain link ( is run over the child’s skin, using very firm pressure; time and if we said the wrong
We removed cow’s milk when it is like a deep pressure massage. Brushing starts words or stood in the wrong place
our son was three and replaced at the arms and works down to the feet. The face, he had to start again. When he
it with buffalo milk – and within chest, and stomach area are never brushed because started pre-school they wrote
a few days he began to speak and these are very sensitive areas. Brushing these areas a social story for him which used
interact. The type 1 protein in may cause adverse reactions including vomiting. pictures and writing to show him
cow’s milk is thought to be able ( in detail how to get ready for lunch
to pass through a leaky gut and and what would happen. I read

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this to him morning and night of new ways of behaviour. Medorr-

a few times and, after a while, he hinum 10M helped our son to sleep
was able to be pretty relaxed about through the night; I was then able to
the whole thing. I had not under- introduce morning and night charts
stood that he could not process our with Velcro symbols that he removed
spoken language but needed time as he went through his routine.
and pictures to take on board what The National Autistic Society
he was meant to do. I have used talks about the seven senses, which treatment. Both Med and Tub are
Carcinosin 10M for him when he are sight, smell, touch, hearing, strongly indicated in mental develop-
wants to get it just right but feels taste, balance (‘vestibular’), and mental delay and, when appropriate-
overwhelmed, but I also use behav- body awareness (‘proprioception’). ly prescribed, can be very proactive
ioural tools such as social stories We should ask questions regarding in moving development forward.
to support his learning. balance, muscle control in terms of
Stress and anxiety may result in movement and clumsiness, spatial Medorrhinum
stims. Stims act as a release for ten- awareness, chewing, language pro- Use intercurrently with other con-
sion and include spinning, hand cessing and so on. Many parents stitutional remedies. Progress can
flapping, noises, looking out of the may not have been thinking along be discerned at various levels of the
corner of the eye, amongst others. these lines until now. I have to con- afflicted person’s development –
A reduction in stims during treat- fess that when our son was diag- whether in learning to dress himself,
ment hopefully indicates a reduc- nosed with dyspraxia, I had never improved bowel or bladder control,
tion in anxiety for the child. Be heard of it. However, forewarned is an increased sense of responsibility,
careful, because stims often change, forearmed and I was then able to or comprehension of simple rules
so the ‘strange rare and peculiar’ understand our son and began to of behaviour. Less severely affected
you have been focusing on will research and put together an early children – who are dyslexic, learn-
change too. What we are treating intervention therapy plan. ing-disabled, or just ‘slow learners’
is the sensory or organic condition Many children on the autistic – also manifest improved academic
underneath, that gives rise to the spectrum have gut issues, including skills. Indicated tugboat role of
stims. Has the length of time bet- problems of constipation, which assisting other remedies to do their
ween episodes of stims lengthened? can be very disruptive to the cogni- work (Coulter, 1998).
Have they reduced in severity? Has tive processes of a child. We had Cough or asthma better lying knee-
cognitive function improved, does many family outings when our son to-chest position or on abdomen
the child respond and interact with pressure on chest (Tub worse
more? I have used Phosphorus for pressure on chest) (Coulter, 1998).
our son when he needs to stim by For children who appear to be
looking out of the corner of his eye stunted in physical, emotional or
because I see this as him trying to mental development (Herscu, 1991).
go to a higher place.
I have two good tips for melt- Homeopathy may be Pertinent to dyspraxia and expres-
downs. The first is that when a sions of poor brain function
child has reached a meltdown, do
not try and talk to them. Having to
helpful to break the • Anomalies in gross or fine
motor skills abound. A child
process language when their brain may not be able to use scissors
is frazzled will not help them to
calm down. Have a quiet place for
cycle of anxiety and or demonstrate good penman-
ship. He may also walk with
them to go, like a play tent where a jerky gait (Herscu, 1991).
they do not have to process the
things around them (such as facial
meltdowns • Incoordination mental func-
tions: memory, forgetfulness,
expressions or movement), where absentmindedness, slowness of
they can calm down. If you are speech; cannot find the right
out, have a set of headphones words. Incoordination in
handy and an iPod with some behaviour (Banerjea, 1996).
music they like, and save this for
stressful outings such as the super-
just did not have a clue how he
was meant to behave, only for him
• Brain damage – mentally defi-
cient; weakness of intellect.
market. Discuss and plan these to run to the loo and emerge a dif- Forgetfulness of words and ini-
things when they are in a good ferent person! It is thought that tial letters; cannot remember
place so that, when the meltdown the toxins that would have been names; cannot comprehend
comes, you both have a helping eliminated build up in the blood what is being said, loses con-
strategy. A social story may help. and affect cognitive processing. stantly the thread of his talk
The second tip is to have a pot Homeopathy has a number of (Coulter, 1998).
of bubbles handy, especially in your
practice. These help to focus and
remedies for this and we may use
probiotics to support gut health.
• Hurried quality, speech. Talks
hastily, eruptively, in a compulsive
calm and can be used either for time- and compelling rush of words, at
outs or to introduce a therapy such as Tuberculinum / Medorrhinum times in garbled phrases, repeat-
play or exercises. Homeopathy may comparison ing himself. Expresses himself dis-
be helpful to break the cycle of anx- I suggest that children on the autistic jointedly. This rush to speak may
iety and meltdowns, and in turn en- spectrum require constitutional be because he fears losing his
able parents to facilitate the learning remedies as well as some miasmatic thread of thought (Coulter, 1998).

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• Unruly or undisciplined young-

ster who constantly touches
things, breaking them, tripping
over himself and rashly lurching
to do everything hastily and
enthusiastically – as likely to hurt
himself as others. Med must act
out a situation before it is credi-
ble, or even comprehensible, to
him; knowledge is born out of
action, or must first be experi-
enced in action (the child cannot
learn from being told that the
stove is hot but must burn him-
self more than once before antici-
pating the consequences of his

actions) (Coulter, 1998).

• As an example, I needed to
hold our son’s hand no less
than 30 metres before crossing
the road; I could not trust he
would do as he was asked.
• Hurried behaviour to the point
Energy • Aggravated from rest; amelio- Engaging in of wildness (Sulphur) but also
• Hyper, exaggeration, restless-
ness (Banerjea, 1996).
rated from motion (Tub ame-
liorated by rest when ill)
learning with meanness and cruelty;
coupled with high energy can
• Restlessness resulting in fre- (Banerjea, 1996). lead to outright physical fight-
quent change of posture; cannot
keep quiet (Banerjea, 1996).
• Indefinable force is propelling
me forward (Banerjea, 1996).
ing, especially when the child
is contradicted or reprimanded.

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Child becomes implacable,

throwing things and striking
• Tendency to harm others, to
harm animals; the worst forms
Inability to work –
he forgets what he wants to say.
When this gets worse, coupled with
their siblings and friends with- of cruelty (Banerjea, 1996). a row of sleepless nights, it prompts
out remorse (Herscu, 1991). • Fearful, suspicious (Banerjea, me to give him Med 10M which
• Mental excess or exuberance
parallel to overproduction of
1996). always calms and facilitates his mind
and speech, allowing him to sleep.
secretions; profuse expectora- Sleep
tion, catarrh (Coulter, 1998). • Bedwetting – if patient wakes Tuberculinum
Snuffles and discharge yellow- during micturition sycosis is • Eczema
ish or greenish or greenish yel- predominant (Banerjea, 1996). • Intermittent fevers rising in the
low (Banerjea, 1996). • Exhilarated at night (Coulter,
evening. Perspire easily from
least exertion and at night
Behaviour • Night person finding it difficult (Coulter, 1998).
• Suspicion, mischievous, mean,
selfish and forgetful (Banerjea,
to fall asleep until late at night.
Sleep is restless with much toss-
• Similar to Med disease occurs
again and again.
1996). ing and turning. Thrashing of • Desires cold air.
• Extreme polarity of behaviour
swinging from very sweet and
legs throughout the night. Child
is hot and often sleeps naked
• Nasal blockage and thereby
mouth breathing. Catarrh
charming to nasty and destruc- and uncovered, especially the yellowish (Banerjea, 1996).
tive without apparent cause. feet (Sulphur) (Herscu, 1991). • Cannot digest cow’s milk in
Hold grudges (Herscu, 1991). • May have nightmares. Afraid of any form (Banerjea, 1996).
Tub do not care if they are told
off and never hold grudges
the dark, sense of someone behind
them (Phos) (Herscu, 1991). Un-
• Allergic disposition and family
history of allergies (Herscu, 1991).
(Banerjea, 1996). seen presence (Coulter, 1998).
• Exhibit temper tantrums that As an example, our son has diffi- Pertinent to dyspraxia
are often rooted in great
intolerance of contradiction.
culty forming his sentences because
his brain struggles to process lan-
• Lack of concentration, com-
plete thoughtless appearance
Explosive violence and other guage; this is common in dyspraxia. (Banerjea, 1996).
generally antisocial behaviour
is reported upon the slightest
He therefore needs to restart his sen-
tences again and again to get them
• Problem child: slow to compre-
hend in school, dull, morose,
contradiction (Coulter, 1998). right and hurries to form them before sullen (Banerjea, 1996).

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The Sulphur child, when

healthy, is always on the
• Weak ability to concentrate on outrightly rejects and wants
the task at hand. The strain of
focusing on the task, of sitting
something new. Capriciousness
(Banerjea, 1996). go and full of life
and doing the work, is too great
(Med procrastinate), notable after
• Dissatisfied state of mind
makes him changeable both
illness (Sulphur) (Herscu, 1991). mentally and physically.
Therefore lack of tolerance
Energy (Banerjea, 1996).
• Tub tires more easily than Med
(Coulter, 1998).
• Changing symptomology
(Pulsatilla) (Banerjea, 1996).
• Sense of great exhaustion, tires
easily, never seems to get rested.
• Strikes own heads during tem-
per (Herscu, 1991). Sleep
Tired at night, tired even after
a sleep (Banerjea, 1996).
• Strikes, knocks or pounds head
with their hands or against some
• Strikes head trying to get to
sleep (Herscu, 1991).
• Loss of energy if ill (Herscu, 1991). objects (Banerjea, 1996). • May find it hard to fall asleep
• Restless, worse dairy products • Fear of dogs (Banerjea, 1996). both from physical restlessness
(Herscu, 1991). • Intolerance of contradiction
makes the child violently angry
and the inability to calm the
mind. May need to be rocked to
Behaviour (Med) (Herscu, 1991). sleep or bang head rhythmically
• Alteration of moods (Coulter, • Destructiveness and violence (Herscu, 1991).
1998). may start after an illness. • Wakes up slowly and unre-
• Changeable, wants this or that Breaks things easily, repeatedly freshed (Herscu, 1991).
esp toys but, when offered,
due to lack of tolerance, child
and with enjoyment (Herscu,
• Perspiration on head during
sleep and feet, especially at night.
Perspires easily (Herscu, 1991).
• Cries out, grinds teeth, bedwet-
ting, bangs head (Banerjea,
• Chronic bedwetting due to
heavy sleep, soon after going to
bed. Does not wake during mic-
turition (Med wakes up during
micturition) (Banerjea, 1996).

One of my favourite remedies and
a common remedy for ADHD
and autism is Sulphur (I refer to
Paul Herscu’s chapter in The
Homeopathic Treatment of
Children). Sulphur also has a reme-
dy relationship with Med and Tub.
Fish oils to calm The Sulphur child, when healthy,
gut inflammation is always on the go and full of life.
and promote brain They are unwilling to conform to
function external expectations, including

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parental boundaries. But this is to climb up a nearby bookcase

because they wish to pursue their
interests and reach out and explore
to get to the windowsill, with me
constantly pulling him down. He
Our son is now 10, and
the world around them. The cere-
bral type does this by collecting
books and gathering knowledge.
refused to sit even for a moment.
During one visit to a local bakers
he ran around the counter to touch
is above average in
The robust type is a ball of energy,
running around, satisfying their
own needs to touch and learn what
the cakes. These actions were not
done with any sense of meanness or
naughtiness, but a strong sense of
his progress
it is they are interested in. We have self and curiosity. ‘The child will
had many family outings where we push against such behavioural limits
have had to either let our son lead again and again, attempting to
the way or split up and one parent escape their confines’ (Herscu,
go with him and the other parent 1991).
and child take their time and Our son also has a history of
enjoy the outing. ‘The hyperactive high fevers which have sometimes
Sulphur breaks all the rules at resulted in fits; on one occasion slouch around and not do any
home and school as if he did not he nearly died from a 30-minute work. This remedy picks him up
listen to or care about the parents convulsion. This is another prob- and gets him back on track, so
or teachers in the first place’ lem with children on the autistic he is able to focus on his work
(Herscu, 1991). The Sulphur child spectrum whose brains are under- or socialise. In other words he
does this exploring with a sense of developed. Fortunately, as he has becomes the polar opposite of his
obstinacy that is extremely wearing grown, his brain has developed to usual self. ‘Some children needing
for parents. control his temperature. Our son Sulphur can also enter into the
On one visit to a homeopath for is tall for his age and lean. I usu- opposite state of dullness, lethar-
myself, our son wanted to climb ally give him Sulphur after he has gy, and lack of concentration.’
onto the windowsill. I moved the been ill, often with an ear infec- (Herscu, 1991). They become
chair away from the window, so he tion, or when he is exhausted droopy and procrastinate, not
spent the whole consultation trying after school and just wants to able to do anything.

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Summary learn. For example, for his bedtime his learning when we observe he
Below is an extract from our son’s routine we photographed him dur- is having difficulty, intervening
Therapy Plan indicating some ing the various stages of getting with instruction which needs to
of the daily therapies we used. ready and then in bed. We used be repeated until he has taken on
Please note the full plan can be these photos to write a Social Story board what he is meant to be doing.
downloaded from my website to help him to understand what Overall, our experience of using was required of him at bedtime homeopathy for our son has been
I have also created a step-by-step and Velcro symbols to help him invaluable but we would be in a
Therapy Plan for parents to sub- to follow his routine. Our homeo- far worse position had we relied on
scribe to and adapt for their use. path prescribed a dose of Med remedies alone; this has been con-
The website will also go on to 10M which worked immediately firmed by other homeopaths who
include communication, play thera- for him. The Social Story then have autistic children. A package
py and behavioural tools as part of helped him to understand and of therapies is required to treat
the steps. learn the bedtime routine so that autism, hence the Therapy Plan
Treating children on the autistic we could consolidate the work of and the Toddler Therapy Toolkit
spectrum can be difficult because, the homeopathy. to provide a structure for parents
when they are very young, they are Children usually learn by copy- to adapt for their child.
often undiagnosed and their specif- ing adults and each other. Children We are currently in the process
ic areas of developmental delay are with autism generally do not and of looking at a normal secondary
often not yet identified. This can parents have to learn how to school for our son, now 10, who
be confusing for the parents who is above average in his progress
spend all their time and energy and, although he struggles to make
‘fire fighting’. friends, I believe that will come.
We as homeopaths are well May I recommend an episode
placed to view the child holistically from the TV series The Big Bang
in terms of their developmental his- Theory, ‘The Itchy Jumper’ (avail-
tory and behaviour, maintaining able on YouTube), where the lead
causes and aetiologies such as birth
or vaccination. We are able to
We as homeopaths are character Sheldon has Aspergers.
It explains, I think, particularly
take a detailed view of the child, well the discomfort that children
often more so than the parents can
because they are so worn out from
well placed to view the with autism often experience but
are unable to express. No wonder
trying to cope, usually focusing on
the major behavioural issues they
are faced with. The homeopath is
child holistically they have meltdowns.

trained to look for the cause of the B.I.R.D – Brain Injury
problem and – as I hope this article Rehabilitation & Development:
helps to show – this is often brain
function related, which could be Coulter CR (1998) Portraits of
dietary, hereditary or from birth Homeopathic Medicines – Psycho-
trauma. We can then discuss with physical Analyses of Selected
the parents how to proceed. If we facilitate their learning by breaking Constitutional Types – Volume 2.
can give advice on whether to see down instructions and skills into Quality Medical Publishing Inc
an occupational therapist, or on step-by-step processes. We were
diet, and help with a daily plan to given help through the Portage article-2538821/As-scientists-sug-
provide structure and a way for- Service who came once a week and gest-bacteria-guts-affect-brains-
ward, then so much the better. set us a weekly task to help our mood-Will-taking-probiotic-pill-
Our son was delayed in all areas son learn a new skill. They showed make-feel-anxious.html
of his development. At the age of us how to gently encourage him Herscu P (1991) The Homeopathic
two he could not hold a pencil or to relax and then gain his interest Treatment of Children – Pediatric
cutlery or cup. He dragged his leg in the activity he needed to learn. Constitutional Types. North
as he walked and fell over con- In addition, as mentioned above, Atlantic Books
stantly. He could only echo our we attended the B.I.R.D Charity in Banerjea SK (1996) Miasmatic
words and did not use his own. He Chester, which is a brain rehabilita- Diagnosis. B Jain Publishers
could not copy us or understand tion centre, for four years. After National Autistic Society:
how to behave in most situations which all our son’s secondary
both at home and out. We were reflexes were in place and his devel- The Willbarger Protocol Brushing
overwhelmed by the multitude of his opment had improved significantly, Programme: www.nationalautism-
symptoms and needs, and it was not taking him into the normal range.
possible to address all of his prob- During this period we used the col.html
lems together. After some research, Portage Service, homeopathy, The Big Bang Theory: ‘The Itchy
we decided to select three of the occupational therapy such as deep Jumper’
biggest issues at a time and devised brushing and joint compressions,
plans to help him to progress, includ- diet and supplements and behav- bJtSbnCZ3O8
ing them in our daily therapy plan. ioural tools to enable him to catch
We kept going until he had up with his peers. He still does not Steph Andrews can be contacted at
acquired the new skill he needed to automatically copy, so we facilitate

Homeopathy in practice Spring 2015 29

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