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Today's hopes and challenges of priestly celibacy

Celibacy in the priesthood is being debated once more. The decline in the number of candidates for ordination,
as well as the abuse crisis, have sparked the debate, which appears to be centered on the elimination of celibacy
as a mandatory discipline for priests in the Western church. But, in my opinion, a more fundamental concern
requires our consideration before we consider any change. This is a concern about formation for celibacy and
formation in celibacy.

Many people believe that mandatory celibacy for priests must be abolished in order to resolve or even address
the problem of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. The thinking goes that if you give priests a healthy outlet
for their sex drive, they will not abuse minors. It appears to be straightforward. And it echoes an ancient
interpretation of marriage's purpose as remedium concupiscentiae, or a cure for covetousness. In this case, it
also serves as an antidote to abuse.

The abolition of priestly celibacy, on the other hand, would not end abuse. Males who are not celibate or who
are married are overwhelmingly the perpetrators of sexual abuse against minors.

First and foremost, let me state the obvious. Sex is a powerful force in all of its forms: physical, emotional, and
even spiritual. It is a God-given gift that also bears the burdens of our wounded human condition. Everyone,
regardless of gender, orientation, or marital status, must integrate their sexuality. In the Christian vision, this
transformative process ultimately leads to self-acceptance and self-gift. Transforming and integrating one's
sexuality is a universal human task. It does, however, take on a particular shape in the case of priests who
commit to celibate living.

Celibate priests require three specific and essential elements of formation to sustain their commitment: a
meaningful reason for celibacy, skills for celibate living, and a supportive community.

Given the difficulties and obstacles that priests face in living the celibate life well, it may appear preferable to
change the Western church's current discipline and make celibacy optional. However, much more thought is
required to comprehend the current discipline's positive value. The church's persistence in upholding this
practice in the face of great difficulties, and even its nonobservance in certain historical contexts, suggests
something worthy of careful spiritual discernment in order to detect Holy Spirit promptings. Consideration of
the three essential elements that make celibacy possible and real—a reason, skills, and a supportive community
—can actually contribute to more in-depth reflection and discernment.

Celibacy is not a common choice. Choosing celibacy necessitates a very deliberate decision based on a clear and
even compelling reason. As we will see, that reason, motivation, or rationale can take various forms, but it must
be present in order for the decision to be made and sustained over time. At the same time, while a motivating
and meaningful reason for celibacy is necessary, it is insufficient on its own.

It is also necessary to understand how to carry out this commitment. In other words, celibates must have life
skills that allow them to remain faithful, productive, and joyful in their way of life. Celibates require a reason,
life skills, and a supportive community. A quick historical review can help us better understand these elements
and identify today's challenges.

Celibates must have life skills that allow them to remain faithful, productive, and joyful in their way of life.

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