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Due to the increasing population and companies in our world, the consumption levels are increasing and environment
is changing and getting polluted at an alarming rate.

Environmental Evaluation or Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) facilitates identification of potential impacts
and development of mitigation measures to reduce significant adverse impacts and foster sustainable development.
Each country has its own requirements on EIA for energy related projects.

Environmental Evaluation is carried out in order to assess the positive and negative influences that a proposed project
can create in an environment. These influences are analysed through collecting primary and secondary data about the
environmental conditions in that area, from the project site.

Number of crucial steps has to be followed during the EIA and it is very important that all these steps be completed
appropriately to ensure the environmental integrity. EIA should be conducted by experts knowing the factors that
affect the environment. Stakeholder consultations should be done at the earliest, when the project is proposed and
should be presented with transparency. In general, EIA needs to be presented with reliable and authentic information,
justifying the establishment of the project. Most of the projects have failed due to negligence of the above aspects.
Project proponents are responsible for the preparation of EIA report with the help of external consultants.

Due to Climate change there may be unpredictable heatwaves, flood and droughts at frequent rates. Climate Change
Management is implemented by various International organizations, which plays a vital role in mitigating climate
change and preventing the frequent natural disasters to some extent. Climate Change Management is a vast area
which includes Green House Gas (GHG) Accounting, Business Carbon Management, GHG Emission reduction, Carbon
Footprint Offset, Carbon benchmarking, Carbon Compliance, Climate Change Policy, New Market Mechanism,
Adaptation Advisory, Paris Alignment, Carbon Trading, Establishment of carbon Foundation. These services are
provided by some of the International organizations to mitigate climate change adverse effects.

We cannot leave the responsibility of mitigating environment and climate change effects to organizations completely.
It is the responsibility of every one of us to reduce our impact on environment so that societies will be made more
resilient to changes.

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