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The ark of


The ark of the covenant, sometimes called the ark of the Testimony or the ark of
God, is one of the holiest artifacts of the Hebrew bible, just with the fact of looking
at or touching it, could be deadly. Covenant is a big box carefully made of gold, full
of things important to God, that represent his presence itself among the people of
Israel. The current location of the ark is a mystery, a lot of people has been
searching for it, some of them say that the ark had been lost, or some people has
saved the secret for many years of generation, so nobody has found it.

Some legends say that a lot of people had died trying to find it, or the ones who
found it, none of them survived to tell the story. There are a lot of locations but the
most accurate one was in a temple called the tabernacle. Many museums say that
they had been saving the real one, but those are just copies. Start a journey by
yourself to search for it is dangerously difficult and suicidal.

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