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This video is about how our brain works and save or lose information. How we can lose
memory and how we can keep it.

From this video I understood that our brain keeps relevant information, and with years your
brain can goes deteriorating and loosing a big part of his functionality. But we can make that
decline slower. Eating healthful food, keeping your brain working with socialization or learning
a new language.

The difference between short term memory and long-term memory is that short term memory
is just available for a couple of minutes, but long-term memory is available for a long or
indeterminate time.

The long-term potentiation is a mechanism by which memories are stored long-term.

In my opinion I can preserve my memory, exercising my brain and keeping it working, as

reading, with social communication or sharing ideas, or eating healthy food to obtain the
proteins that my brain needs, or learning a new language which increase my capacity to
memorize and preserve it.

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