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Dear America — All Children Deserve

Quality, Affordable Preschool
Children from low-income households are shut out from rigorous educational
activities that set them up for future success.

Motherly, Contributor

Looking back on our own experiences with daycare or preschool, most of

us probably recall lessons about numbers, colors and cooperation,
and lots of playtime. As basic as many of these topics may now seem,
research shows early childhood learning environments lay
the groundwork for academic achievement later in life.

A new study published in JAMA Pediatrics found that children

who attend intensive early childhood educational
programs from preschool through third grade are more likely
to complete post-secondary education later in life.

Although the benefits to early learning opportunities are clear, the

problem for many families remains in accessing affordable, quality
programs — which creates a cycle that further widens economic divides.

According to the Care Index, in-center preschool or daycares costs an

average of almost $10,000 a year. For many families, that means
applying at least 31 percent of their income just to cover childcare, which
may put it out of reach when you consider other expenses that need to be
paid, such as monthly rent and transportation to work.

What’s more: According to the book, Cradle to Kindergarten: A New Plan

to Combat Inequality, only 55 percent of toddlers attend quality formal
preschool. The other 45 percent spend time with a grandparent, loved one
or family friend because their parents just can’t afford the high cost of
care. Globally, fewer than 50 percent of children attend early childhood
education programs in the majority of countries surveyed, according to

Children from low-income households, then, are shut out from rigorous
educational activities that set them up for future success.

Looking: Buscando

Learning: Aprendiendo

Attend: Asistir

Accessing: Accediendo

Applying: Aplicando

Surveyed: Encuestados

Consider: Considerar

Creates: Crea

Combat: Combate
Are: Están
Colors= colores
Cooperation= cooperación
Basic= básico
Problem= problema
Families= familias

Falsas Cognadas
Achievement= logro
Care= cuidado
Expenses= gastos
Parents= padres
Just= solo

De que trata el texto:

El texto habla sobre como todos los niños merecen un preescolar
asequible y de calidad, ya que según un estudio encontró que los niños
que asisten a programas educativos intensivos para la primera
infancia desde el preescolar hasta el tercer grado tienen más
probabilidades de completar la educación postsecundaria más adelante en
la vida, sin embargo no todos tienen la oportunidad, los niños de hogares
de bajos ingresos son excluidos de las rigurosas actividades educativas
que los preparan para el éxito futuro, ya que lastimosamente el problema
para muchas familias sigue siendo el acceso a programas asequibles y de
calidad, lo que crea un ciclo que amplía aún más las brechas económicas
para el futuro del niño.

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