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Indian ethos for management means the application of principles of management as revealed
in our ancient wisdom brought forth in our sacred books like our Gita, Upanishads, Bible and Kuran.
There are 6 basic principles, which come to light in the holy books applicable in today’s
management world. They are :
 Each soul is a potential God
 Holistic approach
 Equal importance to Subjectivity/Objectivity
 Karma yoga
 Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam
 Co – operation

Each Soul is a potential God

A human being has a soul, a spark of the Divine. The divine resides in the heart of a person.
The Divine means perfection in knowledge, wisdom and power. Therefore a human being has
immense potential power or energy for self – development. Thus human efforts can achieve even an
apparently impossible goal and convert the impossible into a reality. The partnership of God and
Man can bring about extraordinary or miraculous results; only if man chooses willingly to
collaborate with God and actively participates in the affairs of the society by right action under his
guidance and grace. He can bring about not only personal development, harmony, happiness but also
prosperity of his own organization and the society without injustice to others.
Of course here, also, God helps those who help themselves.
Holistic Approach
Holistic approach in Management is based on spiritual principle of unity, oneness, non-dual
or Advaita concept. Under this principle of unity, the universe in an undivided whole where each and
every particle is connected with every other particle. Thus, entire Humanity is ONE.
Such an integrated human personality of self-developed manager and worker can assure best
and competent management of any enterprise, involving collective works and efforts. It will achieve
perfection or excellence in whatever sector you work. This is the ideal of Indian ethos : ‘Atmano
Mokshartham Jagat Hitya Cha.’ (For gaining perfection in individual life, as well as for the welfare
of the world.). This is the message for all managers and workers given by the Indian ethos for

Equal Importance to Subjectivity / Objectivity

Indian ethos for management distinguishes between subject and object. Subject is subtle and
intangible. Object is concrete and tangible or visible.
We have the concept of the third eye, the eye of wisdom. It can see even that which the
normal two eyes cannot. It can see the intangible i.e. invisible.
Human and ethical values or qualities such as courage, vision, social awareness, fearlessness,
integrity, pure and clear mind, truth, etc. are subjective, subtle and intangible concepts. These
subjective or subtle qualities are as important as money, materials, machines, information or data as
well as human skills. Inner resources of human beings are more powerful than external resources.
Creator is subjective. Creation is objective. Insight i.e., creator is more important than
Outsight i.e., creation. Our body, senses, intellect, mind,etc., are objective, seen, tangible. But our
soul atman is unseen, intangible, subtlest and subjective. Hence, wisdom manager/ worker is much
more important and valuable than knowledge manager/ worker.
Therefore, manager must develop his third eye, ‘Jnana Chakhu’ , the eye of Vision intution,
insight, foresight and such other divine qualities or values. This is the essence of Indian ethos for
Karma Yoga
It is yoga of selfless service to others. Karma Yoga is all about identifying your priorities and
trying to achieve them. Also, a person should have accountability i.e. he should always hold only
himself responsible for whatever goes right or wrong. This brings about the union of human being
with the Divine.

Gita says that do your duty without ego and without calculations of gain or loss. One should believe
in Nishkama Karma i.e. fruits of work should not be thought of while performing the duty.

The memorable words of Gita are “ To work only you have the right and you have no right to the
fruits of work”. However, this does not mean that one should work day and night and the returns that
he gets should be almost negligible. What the Gita tries to say is that let not the fruits of action
motivate you as they might just divert your attention from work. When you are doing a job, put your
heart and soul in to it. One has no control over the future hence never waste your present in useless
dreams of future hopes and fears of present actions.


1. For my own salvation and personal growth.

2. For the good of the world.

The inner joy of doing something gives the doer a sense of achievement and also helps him in
respecting himself more than he used to. Money is important but running behind money all the time
leads to tension, stress and total loss of peace. Self-motivation can assure self-development. When
work is performed without passion, hatred, arrogance and desire we have individual development
and social good.

Indians always had two great truths of successful, harmonious and happy life:

1. Divinity of life can be used through self-development for personal growth and also for social
2. I cannot cheat you and nature without cheating myself. Working for harmony and peace
results in a sense of fulfillment.

It is becoming clear that a chapter, which had a Western beginning in business management, will
have to have an Indian ending. Karma Yoga is not just meant for the common man but also for
leaders and managers who if act responsibly will in turn influence the behavior of a number of

Karma Yoga thus is a good pathway for:

1. Self-purification and Self-development.

2. Individual growth and welfare.
3. Collective growth and welfare.
4. Minimum play of passion, jealousy, hatred.
5. Team spirit and Teamwork.
6. Autonomous management, minimum control and supervision.
7. Manager acts as a Mentor.
8. Self-motivation.
9. Perfection.
10. All round happiness and prosperity.
11. Skills and values united.
12. Conflicts resolved by integration.

Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam

Yoga means excellence at work. Seek to perform your assigned duty or work in an excellent
manner. Kaushalam denotes doing work with devotion and without attachment i.e. without being a
work-a-holic. Such detatched attitude enhances its values and improves the concentration and skill
of the worker. You work with smartness, determination and ability. Your head, heart and soul co-
operate with your hands. You do not hanker over the fruits of action. You have no anticipation of
reward, or personal gain. You become a tool of God to perform the work. Any work carried out with
full concentration, dedication and with all abilities that a person has, becomes valuable and the
person also becomes valuable to others as well as to society. In total quality management(TQM)
Karma Yoga and Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam provide valuable contributions. Under this slogan we
have one hundred percen concentraion coming from within. The extrinsic incentives e.g., money,
other perks, etc. play a very minor role as motivators.

Co – Operation
Healthy competition is a powerful motivator for excellence and success, especially business
success. The idea of cut-throat competetion is founded on the concept of ‘struggle for existence’ and
survival of the fittest.
Indian ethos says that for human beings the royal road is co-operation as a powerful motive
for team work. We are human beings having mind and power of discrimination.
The Gita says : “ By co – operation and mutual help all shall achieve the highest human
welfare.” Unity is strength. Even in the holistic approach, we stress the co-operation integration,
synthesis and team – spirit for extraordinary performance, for enduring harmony and peace, because
in our hearts chamber is living the pure conciousness of the Divine, i.e., Purnatman. Peaceful co-
excistence, harmony, not struggle is the rule. Indian insight endorses this in the management of any
Excessive competetion at work can destroy many young people and our social life. Co-
operation, united efforts and striving for success leads to all round prosperity and success leads to all
round prosperity and success in any field of human enterprise.

Indian ethos expresses this :

Parspar Devo Bhava

Paraspar Bhavayantah, Shreyati parma Vapsyatha.

Features of Indian Ethos and Insight

 Divinity of a human being is not merely a notion but a truth which can be experienced in the
stillness of the mind.

 Balance is the keynote of Indian thought. We have synthesis, harmony between the dual

 The Individual is the central focus.

 Devine element in the individual is only a portion of the universe of the universal or cosmic

 Gives greater emphasis on values, human and ethical. Knowledge is not power.

 Indian ethos are based on Indian scripture. Indian thoughts provide eternal knowledge

 All work is worthy and honorable.

 Emphasis on duties and responsibilities.

 Deals with two types of knowledge.

a) Knowledge of creation.
b) Knowledge of creator.

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