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Fitness App With Workout Diet & Motivation

Project Topic : Fitness App With Workout Diet & Motivation


As people are becoming health conscious nowadays, a significant increase can be

seen among the members at various Fitness & Health Clubs. However, it is
difficult for the fitness club owners to manually manage the admission entries,
keep data of new & old members, scheduling events, etc.

The users can select a goal for themselves & set a target. The app will notify the
users of the upcoming events for which they can get themselves registered if
interested. The app consists of various diet plans from which the members can
choose as per their body weight & type. This application will guide the members
on various body exercises through videos. Also, the users can attend the fitness
club’s gym.

Objective :

 The main objective of this system is to provide fitness app for uer.

Project Implementation Technology

The Project is loaded in Android Studio. We used Android Studio for

Design and coding of project. Created and maintained all databases into MySQL
Server , in that we create tables, write query for store data or record of project.

Fitness App With Workout Diet & Motivation

 Hardware Requirement:
 i3 Processor Based Computer or higher
 Memory:2 GB RAM and Above
 Hard Drive: 500GB
 Monitor
 Internet Connection
 Software Requirement:

 Windows 7 or higher
 Front End : Java , HTML, CSS, and JS
 Tool Used :Android Studio / Eclipses
 Bank End :SQLite /MySql.

Project By :

1. Shivani S. Tayade
2. Sanyuja R. kale
3. Vaishnavi R. Pande

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