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Rasashastra 2020_07_25 17_18.rtf

Pradip Vaishnav (to Everyone): 14:21: Good afternoon Dr Anand

Chaudhry ji
Dr Anshuman Rajnala (to Everyone): 14:22: Good afternoon respected sir
Dr.Amit Shrivastava (to Everyone): 14:24: Good Afternoon all Dignitaries
and Delegates
Prof. Vd. Haridra Dave (to Everyone): 14:25: Welcome to Dr Anand
Dr.Amit Shrivastava (to Everyone): 14:26: Namaskar @Prof.Anand
Chaudhary sir 🙏
Dr C S ONTEN (to Everyone): 14:26: Pranam Prof. A K CHAUDHARY sir,
From Dr C S ONTEN.
Dr. Ashutosh Pandey (to Everyone): 14:37: Pranaam to all respected
teachers 🙏🙏
Meghna Vaidya (to Everyone): 14:38: ,🙏🙏
Dr.Amit Shrivastava (to Everyone): 14:39: Very truely said Prof.
P.U.Vaishnav Sir
Jay Maharaj to All
Dr.Amit Shrivastava (to Everyone): 14:44: Yes sir u r audible
Dr.Amit Shrivastava (to Everyone): 14:45: Sir plz make slide in full screen
C K Katiyar (to Organizer(s) Only): 14:46: Good afternoon to all.
Pradip Vaishnav (to Organizer(s) Only): 14:50: Audio is not clear
C K Katiyar (to Organizer(s) Only): 14:51: What is specific Quality control
parameter of Vajra Bhasma?
Chinky Goyal (to Everyone): 14:52: Very gd aftrn to all
Atul (to Organizer(s) Only): 14:53: slides pls
Susheel Kumar (to Everyone): 14:55: Very good aftrn to all
Rajendra Prasad (to Organizer(s) Only): 14:59: Sir, I am a retired scientist
from CSIR, now working as Patent Consultant. I carried out a study on
global patent trends on ayurvedic and herbals recently and found that India
is lagging behind many small countries. This study is published in This is for your
information. If you are developing any new patentable products, I can be
contacted for necessary help. Thanks. Dr Rajendra Prasad
Rajendra Prasad (to Organizer(s) Only): 15:02: Shall be grateful to receive
a written text or presentation of this webinar. The screen is not quite visible
to me.
Poorvi Vyas (to Everyone): 15:03: Good afternoon to all
Pradip Vaishnav (to Everyone): 15:05: Congratulations Dr Upendra Zala
Dr. Kunal M. Gohil (to Everyone): 15:06: Congratulations Vd. Upendrasinh
Prof. Vd. Haridra Dave (to Everyone): 15:06: Congratulation to Dr
Upendra Zala
Dr.Nilofar Shaikh (to Everyone): 15:07: congratulations to respected
sir....very informative lecture
Dr Anju Nawale (to Everyone): 15:07: Sir,can we use powder or very fine
diamonds that we can get from jewellers as it will be cost effective
Dr Anju Nawale (to Everyone): 15:08: How to keep track of temperature
Dr.Amit Shrivastava (to Everyone): 15:09: Jay Maharaj Sir it's my question
is which Heeraka bhasma is more effacious whether Process 1 or process 2
as far as clinical usage is concerned.
Dr Amit Prakash Jain (to Everyone): 15:10: Hello everyone.
Dileep Singh Baghel (to Organizer(s) Only): 15:14: Truly said Dr. Anand
C K Katiyar (to Organizer(s) Only): 15:16: No sound
Dr.Amit Shrivastava (to Everyone): 15:21: Good after noon and Jay
Maharaj sir @Prof.Kalapi Sir
Dr.Haripriya Panjabi (to Organizer(s) Only): 15:22: Jay maharaj to
KL VG (to Everyone): 15:25: Please mute everybody to avoid added sounds
Prof Dr Manish Patel (to Organizer(s) Only): 15:25: Please, Mute all
Poorvi Vyas (to Everyone): 15:26: Namaste sir 🙏
J S Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya (to Everyone): 15:28: please put your
questions in chatbox
Poorvi Vyas (to Everyone): 15:41: Very informative session sir🙏👏
Sumatibhai Shah Ayurved Mahavidyalaya (to Organizer(s) Only): 15:42:
Sir can you brief the standard regimen for COVID 19 in different stages,in
severe breathlessness what is recommended
Meghna Vaidya (to Everyone): 15:46: Informative session 🙏
Pradip Vaishnav (to Everyone): 15:47: Congratulations dr Kalapi Patel
Nice presentation
Dr.Nilofar Shaikh (to Everyone): 15:47: very informative and useful
session sir...
Prof Dr Manish Patel (to Organizer(s) Only): 15:47: Very good
presentation. Wonderful informations.
Dr. Babariya Prince (to Everyone): 15:48: Very useful and informative
hp (to Organizer(s) Only): 15:48: Nice presentation by Dr.Kalapai Patel Sir.
Congratulations Sir.
Rajendra Prasad (to Organizer(s) Only): 15:48: Congrats Dr, Vaishnav!
Very well presenrted this informative talk.
Redmi (to Organizer(s) Only): 15:48: Any special medicines for myofascial
Dr.Amit Shrivastava (to Everyone): 15:48: Very nicely explained and
informative presentation Sir,specially for our new scholars.
Prof. Vd. Haridra Dave (to Everyone): 15:49: Very good presentation
given by Dr Kalapi Patel as it was with clinical experience
Dr.Haripriya Panjabi (to Organizer(s) Only): 15:49: very informative
lecture,congratulations Dr, kalapi patel sir
Dr Anju Nawale (to Everyone): 15:49: For plantar fasciatis with varicose
user (to Organizer(s) Only): 15:49: sir,is it safe to give arogyavardhini vati
for a person suffering from fatty liver
Vd. Chintan Bhatt (to Everyone): 15:50: Very good interpretation of
clinical apllicability of rasaausadhi by Prof. Dr. Kalapi Sir.
KL VG (to Everyone): 15:51: Mute all
J S Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya (to Everyone): 15:52: Thank you Prof Kalapi
Patel sir for very informative session,
Dr Pramod C Baragi (to Everyone): 16:04: Good afternoon everyone 🌞
Naveen Kodlady (to Organizer(s) Only): 16:23: Please drop your
questions if any, in the chat box
Naveen Kodlady (to Everyone): 16:23: Please drop your questions if any,
in the chat box

GIRIRAJA P S (to Organizer(s) Only): 16:24: Will the link be shared for the
recorded class

If so then where would it be posted?

Naveen Kodlady (to Everyone): 16:27: Yes, recordings will be made
available on face book page 'Ayurveda Nadiad'
Rajendra Prasad (to Organizer(s) Only): 16:35: Could you kindly also
elaborate on what basis who and how the companies are being allowed to
use 'Ayur' as a mark of ayurvedic product? I see very simple pdts like
turmeric powder are being given these certification to MNc to sell these
Dr.Ashvini Vitthal Kamble (to Everyone): 16:41: Feedback link ?
Pradip Vaishnav (to Organizer(s) Only): 16:44: I am leaving due to
Dr. Liv (to Everyone): 16:45: Is there any feedback form?
Naveen Kodlady (to Everyone): 16:45: Feedback link will be sent to your
email later.
Dr. Atul Kumar (to Everyone): 16:48: It very useful updates by Prof Anand
Ayush Sonaiya (to Everyone): 17:00: Thank you for such an informative
session 😇
Trupal Chaudhari (to Everyone): 17:01: Thank you Sir 🙏Very informative
session 😊
Dr C S ONTEN (to Everyone): 17:02: Very good information sir
hp (to Organizer(s) Only): 17:06: Nice & informative session by Anand
Choudhury Sir. Thank you Sir.
Dr.V.V.Prasad (to Everyone): 17:11: Useful info by Prof.Kalapi Patel. Thank
you. Others too good.
Redmi (to Organizer(s) Only): 17:12: To kalapi sir
What are the precautions to be taken in prescribing rasaushadhis for a
patient with altered renal function..
Guruprasad Nille (to Organizer(s) Only): 17:12: Is it safe to use abhraka
bhasma in HTN?
hp (to Organizer(s) Only): 17:14: Why the rasa products are not endorded
for COVID-19?
Dr.Amit Shrivastava (to Everyone): 17:14: Very useful for All practising
vaidhyas and forma pg-phd scholars
Dr.Viji Lakshmi (Private): 17:15: Toxicity of Rasaushadhis in market is more
due to poor regulation as no Rasa Shastra specialist is not employed to
supervise (BAMS is sufficient to get pharmacy license and even GMP
certification) and regulation (BAMS is sufficient qualification for drug
inspector post)of manufacturing Rasaushadhis. What is your opinion sir?

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