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Macrozoobentos Community Structure In Rawa Banjiran River Rungan,

Palangka Raya City

Makrozoobenthos Community Structure in Rungan River Floodplain, Palangka Raya

Infa Minggawati
Faculty of Fisheries, Christian University of
Palangka Raya E-mail :

Received : October 14, 2013. Approved : December 12, 2013

This study was conducted to determine the structure of macrozoobenthos community in
Rungan river floodplain ecosystem and compare macrozoobenthos abundance in each
sampling station. This study was conducted in October 2013 located in one of the existing
swamps of Rungan river floodplain is in Dapur Lake, Marang District, Palangka Raya. With
the number of observation stations as much as 4 stations is at the inlet, middle and outlet of the
swamp. The method used is the method of survey, and samples then analyzed in the
laboratory. The result is a diversity of macrozoobenthos in station 1, there are 4 classes of
insects, station 2 there are 5 classes of insects and nematodes, station 3 there are 3 classes of
insects and at station 4 there is one class of insect. The macrozoobenthos dominance is
Zavrelimyia sp at station 1, Procladius sp at station 2, whereas for station 3 is dominated by
Chironomus sp and Clinotanypys sp,at station 4 is dominated by Chironomus sp. The highest
density of macrozoobenthos is 755 ind/m2 at stations II and the lowest density is 89 ind/m2 at
station IV. The higest diversity index (H') at station II and the lowest at station IV. Index of
Evenness (E) was highest at stations III and the lowest at station IV , with the dominance
index was highest at station IV (by Chironomus sp).
Key words : Community structure, Makrozoobenthos, floodplain.

This study was conducted to determine the structure of macrozoobentos community in rungan
river flood swamp ecosystem and compare the abundance of macrozoobenthos in each
sampling station. This research was conducted in October 2013 located in one of the flood
swamps in the Rungan River, namely in the Kitchen Lake of Marang Village, Palangka Raya
City. With the number of observation stations as many as 4 stations namely on the inlet, mid
and oulet of the swamp. The research method used is survey method, and the sample is then
analyzed in the laboratory. The results obtained are the diversity of macrozoobenthos in
station 1 there are 4 types of Class Insekta, station 2 there are 5 types of insect classes and
Nematodes, station 3 there are 3 types of Insekta class and at station 4 there is 1 type of
Insekta class. There is a macrozoobenthos dominance of the Zavrelimyia sp type at station 1,
the Procladius sp type for station 2, while for station 3 it is dominated by the Chironomus sp
and Clinotanypys sp types, for station 4 it is dominated by the Chironomus sp type. The
conclusion obtained is the highest macrozoobenthos density of 755 ind/m2 at station II and the
lowest at station IV which is 89 ind/m2,with the highest diversity index (H') at station II and
lowest at station IV. The highest uniformity index (E) is found in station III and the lowest is
in station IV, with the highest dominance index being found in station IV (of type Chironomus
Keywords : Community structure, macrozoobentos, swamp flood


Swamp flood (floodplain)is a water in the lowland area formed because the river water is
not able to be flowed, so the water is flooded around

rivers and has special characteristics physically, chemically and biologically (Sulistyarto et al,
2007). In general, swamp waters are very acidic to neutral (pH values range from 3.5 - 7),
with low nutrient content (Welcomme, 1979 in Aunurafik, 2009).
The swamp area in Central Kalimantan is 18,115 km2 or about 11.8% of the total of
Central Kalimantan and about 16.67% (40,000 ha) of palangka raya city area is a lebak swamp
area, especially the lebak swamp from the Rungan river which is a tributary of the Kahayan
river (Sulistyarto, 2007). This swamp water ecosystem functions in hydrology and is a living
environment for aquatic biota.
Makrozoobentos is one of the most important groups of aquatic biota in aquatic
ecosystems in relation to its role in food webs, and serves as a degradator of organic matter
(Pratiwi et al.,2004 in Yuniar Andri S et al,2012). Thus biota macrozoobentos has a function as
a nutritional counterbalance in the aquatic environment and can also be used as a biota
indicator of environmental conditions of the waters, especially flood swamps in the Rungan
According to Nugroho (2006), that factors that affect the presence of macrozoobenthos in
the waters are chemical physical factors of aquatic environment, such as water temperature, the
content of chemical elements such as hydrogen ion content (pH), dissolved oxygen (DO), and
biological oxygen needs (BOD). While the abundance of macrozoobentos depends on their
tolerance or sensitivity to environmental changes. Each community responds to changes in
habitat quality by adjusting to the structure of the community.

The purpose of this study is to find out the structure of macrozobentos community
consisting of abundance, harmony, uniformity and dominance of macrozoobenthos in the
swamp flooded rungan river, Palangka Raya City. The benefit of this study is to provide
information on the structure of macrozoobentos communion in swamp rivers flooded rungan

Macrozoobentos sampling was conducted at 4 observation stations, namely one point on

the inlet, two points in the middle (left and right of the water) and one point at the outlet of the
swamp water flooding the Rungan River, in October 2013. Sediment samples were taken using
Van Veen Grab with an opening area of 0.04 m2, then put in a plastic bag and given a 10%
formaldehyde solution for each sediment sample and labeled according to the sampling
station. Examples of biota obtained, filtered using a filter measuring 0.5 mm to separate
sediment with macrozoobentos, In the laboratory biota samples were washed and identified by
Day (1967), Beesley et al (2000), Kent and Niem (1998), and Pennak (1978) as well as several
other reference sources.
Measurement of physical parameters, aquatic chemistry include: temperature, pH, DO,
depth is carried out in situ at the research station together with the taking of macrozoobenthos.
The location of the study can be seen in.
In aquatic communities, macrozoobentos play an important role as in the process of
mineralization and recycling of organic matter as well as occupying several positions in the
food chain.. Bentos can also act as a producer, both primary and secondary. Pennak (1978).
The results of the study conducted at several points at the sampling station identified 8
species of macrozoobentos spread over 4 sampling locations, namely 7 types of Phylum Insekta
(Chironomus sp, Parachironomus sp, Orthocladius sp, Procladius sp, Clinotanypus sp,
Zavrelimyia sp and Bezzia sp) and 1 type of Phylum Nematode (Rhabdolaimus sp). With
densities ranging from 89 - 755 ind/m2,diversity (H') ranges from 0 -

2.089, uniformity index (E) between 0 – 0.960 and Index of Dominance (D) between 0.260 -
1 (there is a dominant sepesies namely Chironomus sp at station IV). The results of the
analysis of macrozoobenthos samples can be seen in table 1.
The results of measuring the physical and chemical quality of swamp waters flooded by
the Rungan river during the study can be seen in Table 2. Temperature is the main regulator of
physical and chemical processes that occur in the water. Temperature indirectly affects oxygen
solubility and directly affects the life processes of organisms such as growth and reproduction
and their spread. Temperature can act as the main limiting factor for many living things in
regulating their physiological processes in addition to other environmental factors. The
temperature range at the time of the study was 28-290C.

Table 1. Macrozoobentohos Water Biota in Swamp Waters Flooded Rungan River

Organism STA 1 STA 2 STA 3 STA 4
Chironomus sp - 133 89 89
Parachironomus sp 89 - - -
Orthocladius sp 44 - - -
Procladius sp - 267 - -
Clinotanypus sp - 89 89 -
Zavrelimyia sp 133 222 44
Bezzia sp 44 - - -
Nematodes - 44 - -
Number of Taksa 4 5 3 1
Density (ind/m2) 310 755 222 89
Diversity Index (H') 1,842 2,095 1,522 0
Uniformity Index (E) 0,921 0,902 0,960 0
Dominance Index (D) 0,306 0,260 0,360 1

table. 2. Physical and Chemical Quality Data of Rungan River Flood Swamp Waters.

No. station Ph depth Do temperature information

Observation (m) (ppm) (o C)
1 Station I 4,4 0,8 1,3 28 Inlet
2 Station II 3,4 2,1 1,2 29 middle
3 Station III 3,4 2,9 1,5 29 middle
4 Iv Station 3,4 1,8 1,3 29 Oulet
Shallower waters tend to have a higher diversity compared to deeper waters. In shallow
water conditions, the intensity of sunlight can penetrate the entire body of water so that it
reaches the bottom of the water, shallow areas usually have a greater variety of habitats than in
deeper areas so it tends to have diverse macrozoobentos and more complex competition
interactions. In the rainy season the waters tend to be deeper when compared to during the dry
season. This can affect the density of macrozoobentos at the bottom of a water. From the results
of water quality measurements for the depth of flooded swamp waters at the research site
ranged from 0.8 m -2.9 m, measuring water depth during the dry season.
Based on the results of water chemical quality analysis for pH obtained pH results ranging
from 3.4 - 4.4. Macrozoobentos have different pH tolerance ranges, as most chironomidae
families represent insect groups found at pH above 8.5 and below pH 4.5 (Hawkes 1979 in
Setiawan D, 2008). Dissolved oxygen is essential to support the life of aquatic organisms,
especially macrozoobentos in the process of respiration and decomposition of organic matter.
The results of water analysis for DO in rungai river flood swamps range from 1.2 - 1.5 ppm.


The structure of the macrozoobenthos community in the rungan river flood swamp, the
highest macrozoobenthos density is 755 ind/m2 at station II (the middle part of the water to the
right of the inlet) and the lowest at station IV (oulet) which is 89 ind/m2,with the highest index
of diversity (H') at station II and lowest at station IV. For uniformity index (E) the highest is
found in station III (the middle left part of the inlet) and the lowest is in station IV, with the
highest index dominance is found in station IV (of type Chironomus sp)
The physical and chemical quality of swamp waters flooded by the Rungan River is for pH

waters range from 3.4 – 4.4 (acid), with swamp water depths between 0.8 – 2.9 m, DO
between 1.2 – 1.5 ppm, water temperatures range from 28 – 29oC.


Aunurafik. 2009. Study of Development of Swamp Aquaculture In Tumbang Nusa Regency

Pulang Pisau. Journal of Tropical Fisheries (2009) 4(1): 369-375.
Beesley, P. L., Ross. G.J.B. and Glasby, C.J. (eds). 2000. Polychaeta & Allies: The Southern
Synthesis, Fauna o Australia. Vol. 4A Polychaeta, Myzostomida, Pognophora, Echiura,
Sipunculata, CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne xll 465 pp.
Day, J. H. 1967. A Monograph on the Polychaeta of southern Africa part 2 Sedentaria. The
British Museum. London.
Kent, E.C., and Niem, V. H. 1998. The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central
Pacific. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.
Nugroho, A. 2006. Water Quality Bioindicators.
Trisakti University, Jakarta.
Pennak, RW. 1978. Freshwater Invertebrates of the UnitedStates. New York: A Willey
Interscience Publications John Willey and Sons.
Setiawan D. 2008. Macrozoobentos Community Structure as a Bioindicator of Environmental
Quality of Downstream Waters of the Musi River. Graduate School of Bogor Agricultural
University, 2008. (Thesis) 129 pages.
Sulistiyarto B., Soedharma D., Rahardjo M.F., Sumardjo. 2007. Influence of Seasons on The
Composition of Types and Abundance of Fish in Rawa Lebak, Rungan River,
Palangkaraya, Kalimantan. Journal of Biodiversity vol. 8 number 4. (pp. 270-273).
Yuniar Andri S., Hadi Endrawati, Muhammad Zainuri. 2012. Macrozoobentos Community
Structure in Morosari Waters, Sayung Subdistrict, Demak Regency. Journal Of Marine
Research. Volume 1, Number 2, Year 2012, Pages 235-242. Online at: http://ejournal-

The structure of the macrozoobenthos community in the rungan river flood swamp, the
highest macrozoobenthos density is 755 ind/m2 at station II (the middle part of the water to the
right of the inlet) and the lowest at station IV (oulet) which is 89 ind/m2,with the highest index
of diversity (H') at station II and lowest at station IV. For uniformity index (E) the highest is
found in station III (the middle left part of the inlet) and the lowest is in station IV, with the
highest index dominance is found in station IV (of type Chironomus sp). The physical and
chemical quality of swamp waters flooded by the Rungan River is for Ph waters range from 3.4
– 4.4 (acid), with swamp water depths between 0.8 – 2.9 m, DO between 1.2 – 1.5 ppm, water
temperatures range from 28 – 29oC.

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