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Patchouli is one of those scents that has a lot misconceptions—and to some extent stigma—associated with it.

What was
once thought of as just a sweet hippie scent to mask the smell of cannabis is actually a base of some of the world's
loveliest perfumes.

Patchouli, as a plant, is actually a member of the mint family: Lamiaceae, to be specific. It best grows in tropical areas,
having originated in Southeast Asia. Due to its widespread use as a scent, it's now cultivated all over the world.

What You Need

 2 tablespoons vodka

 1 tablespoon distilled water

 A dark glass bottle

 Essential oils – 20 drops sweet orange oil,

10 drops patchouli oil,

10 drops cedarwood oil,

5 drops of lavender oil, 5 drops of ylang-ylang oil,

5 drops bergamot oil


1. Start by combining your alcohol and distilled water into the dark glass bottle.

2. Add a drop of your essential oil, stir that drop into the mixture

(the idea is to stir each drop slowly into the alcohol, so the oils thoroughly disperse in it.)

3. Once you finish, let it sit for about two days.

4. Gently shake before you use!

Summer Perfume is the choice of a fragrance depends on multiple factors such as the season of the year, personal taste or
culture.  However, keeping the happy feeling about wearing perfume is a must. In that sense, perfumes give us many
options. So,  winter fragrances don´t certainly need a touch of summer to bring us wellness and joy.
It is certain that the temperatures, the atmosphere and the growth of flowers or fruits change with the seasons. Heat versus
cold, humidity versus wind or snow, dahlia versus poinsettia, or watermelon versus orange.

What You Need

 13 drops peppermint essential oil

 13 drops rosemary oil

 5 drops lemon essential oil

 5 drops sage essential oil

 3 tablespoons vodka

 2 cups distilled water


1. Mix all your essential oils in a glass bottle that contains your 100 proof alcohol.

2. Gently shake and let the bottle sit for about two days.

3. Add the distilled water, mixing slowly until it’s completely dispersed.

4. Leave your perfume to sit for 2-3 weeks in a cool, dark place.

5. After your perfume matures, remove any kind of sediment using a filter and store it in a pretty glass spray bottle.

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