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Blood bank is a place where blood bag that is collected from blood donations is
stored in one place. The term “blood bank” refers to a division of a hospital
laboratory where the storage of blood product occurs and where proper testing is
performed to reduce the risk of transfusion related events.

Blood Bank Management System (BBMS) is a web based system that can assists
the information of blood bag during its handling in the blood bank. With this
system, the user of this system can key in the result of blood test that has been
conducted to each of the blood bag received by the blood bank. The result of test
will indicate whether the blood bag can be delivered to patient or not.

1.1 Problem Background

At present, the public can only know about the blood donation events through
conventional media means such as radio, news paper or television advertisements.
And if they desire to get a blood transfusion they will have to go to the hospital in
order to look for the specific type of blood they need. It can be inconvenient when
u need an emergency transfusion and they have to look for your type of blood
which may take time and then later come up short.
1.2 Problem Statement

The current system that is using by the blood bank is manual system. With the
manual system, there are problems in managing the donors' records. The records of
the donor might not be kept safely and there might be missing of donor's records
due to human error or disasters. Besides that, errors might occur when the staff
keeps more than one record for the same donor.

There is no centralized database of volunteer donors. So, it becomes really hard

and long for a person to search blood in case of emergency. The only option is to
manually search and match donors and then make phone calls to every donor.

There is also no centralized database used to keep the donors' records. Each bank is
having their own records of donors. If a donor makes donation in different hospital,
no previous records can be traced except if the donor brings along the donation
certificate. Hence, the donor is considered to be a first-timer if they make blood
donation in a new place.

1.3 Objectives of the project

1.3.1 General Objectives

The general objective is to improve the quality of this manual system, and also
make it efficient enough cost and time wise and also patient and donor wait in
queue which is very essential when it comes to any health issues.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

 To allow the probable recipients to make search and match the volunteer
donors, and make request for the blood.
 To improve the efficiency of blood stock management by alerting the blood
bank staffs when the blood quantity is below it par level or when the blood
stock has expired.
 To provide an efficient donor and blood stock management functions to the
blood bank by recording the donor and blood details.
 To provide immediate storage and retrieval of data and information.

1.4 Scope of the project

The system is used for maintaining all the process and activities of blood bank
management system.

1.4.1 Geographical Scope

Geographically, This study took place in the hospitals of hargeisa city which is
located in Somaliland. This study covers the blood bank system of the hospitals,
because the main objective of this study is to improve the efficiency of their blood
bank system.

1.4.2 Content Scope

This study covers the blood bank system in the country, by leaving the old
fashioned way of manually managing the blood that the hospital got from the many
donors around the country and switching it to a systematic way of handling the
1.4.3 Time Scope

As the research paper guideline of the faculty indicates, in terms of the time the
study limited to start July in 2021 and end august in 2021

1.5 Research Methodology

In this project, there are two types of login. i.e Admin and User. After Logging in
as a user, he/she can View dashboard, request for blood and donate blood. Admin
has full control of the system, admin can Add as well as manage State, City,
Members. And also from the admin panel, he/she can maintain Active and Non-
active donors.

1.6 Expected Outcome

The development of this Blood Bank management system will be to make sure that
the management of the blood stock became effective, systematic and meeting user
requirements. Since the country is running on old manual system it’s in dire need
of an improvement. The system will not be specified to only one hospital but be a
general where they can only be used but differentiated by cities and hospital
availabilities. There will be room for enhancement if need be in the future.

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