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Ariani Fitria W

Bahasa Inggris

Offers and Suggestion

 Offers
Dialogue 1
Tisa : “ Are you up for some dinner, Rob? “
Robi : “ Hey, thanks. Hmmm, what’s on the menu? “
Tisa : “ There are sushi, dimsum, ramen, etc. What would you like to eat? “
Robi : “ Well, i want dimsum. And you? “
Tisa : “ Uhmm, i think i will order ramen. What about something to drink”
Robi : “ Lemon tea would be very nice “
Tisa : “ Sure, me too. “

Dialogue 2
Rey : “ Hey you looks pale, what’s wrong with you? “
Sasa : “ My stomach hurts, maybe this is because i did’nt take breakfast this morning “
Rey : “ May i bring you to the UKS? “
Sasa : “ Sure, it would be really helpful “
Rey : “ Would you like me to bring you some foods? “
Sasa : “ Yes please “
Rey : “ Okay, but i will take you to UKS first then i will bring you foods and medicine “
Sasa : “ Thanks Rey, it’ very nice of you “
Rey : “ it was friends are for “

Dialogue 3
Teresia : “ Hi Tanisa, what are you looking for? “
Tanisa : “ Hi Ter, ia am looking for my shirt. I think it is gone “
Teresia : “ ooh, may i help you to find your shirt? “
Tanisa : “ Thank youvery much Ter, but i think i left my shirt in my home this
morning “
Teresia : “ Would you like to use my shirt? i have 3 shirts in my bag “
Tanisa : “ Thank you so much Teresia “

 Suggestion
Dialogue 1
Amy : “ Hey Wyn! Long time not see! “
Wyn : “ Hey Amy! How are you? “
Amy : “ I’m fine Wyn, thank you. How about you? “
Wyn : “ I’m fine too Amy. By the way, I have a problem. “
Amy : “ What is it? “
Wyn : “ My cousin is going to marry his fiancée on this Saturday, but I need to do a lot of
homework. Should I go to the wedding party or not? “
Amy : “ I think you should go to your cousin wedding party, but you need to finish your
homework first. “
Wyn : “ Okay Amy, thank you. I will think about that. “
Amy : “ You are welcome, Wyn. “

Dialogue 2
Marini : “ Hi, Doc! “
Doctor : “ Hi, Marini! How can I help you? “
Marini : “ I think I have an oily skin and there're always small bumps here and there on my
face. How can I get rid of them? They're realily irritating! “
Doktor : “ Well, I would suggest that you wash your face often. You should rinse your face
with lukewarm water every night and pat it dry with a clean towel. Make sure you don't rub
it dry. Then, apply this cream to your face. “
Marini : “ Oh, this cream? “
Doctor : “ Yeaht's. It's pretty effective in wiping out pore clogging dirt and oil. It rids dead
cells and helps stimulate the blood circulation of your face. “
Marini : “ Wow! “
Doctor : “ Oh, just use a small amount on the oily areas. Also, don't rub it hard. Just dab it
lightly. “
Marini : “ I'll keep that in mind! “
Doctor : “ Of course. Also, I suggest you to get facial every four to six weeks for a deep
cleaning. “
Marini : “ Thanks, Doc. “

Dialogue 3
Pharmacist : “ May I help you? “
Mrs. Yanti : “ Yes, please. Could I have something for a cough? I think I'm getting a
cold. “
Pharmacist : “ Well, I'd suggest a box of these cough drops. “
Mrs. Yanti : “ Thank you. And what do you suggest for dry skin? “
Pharmacist : “ Try some of this new lotion. It's very good. “
Mrs. Yanti : “ Really? I'll take it. Thank you very much. “

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