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You can't run from strategic alliances.

So leain how to borrow. CO/S'

Collaborate with
Your Competitors
and Win
by Gary Hamel, Yves L. Doz, and C.K. Prahalad

Collaboration between competitors is in fashion. ation of mainframes without Fujitsu. Motorola needs
General Motors and Toyota assemble automobiles, Toshiba's distribution capacity to break into the Japa-
Siemens and Philips develop semiconductors, Canon nese semiconductor market. Time is another critical
supplies photocopiers to Kodak, France's Thomson factor. Alliances can provide shortcuts for Westem
and Japan's JVC manufacture videocassette record- companies racing to improve their production effi-
ers. But the spread of of what we call "competitive ciency and quality control.
collaboration"-joint ventures, outsourcing agree- We have spent more than five years studying the
ments, product licensings, cooperative research-has inner workings of 15 strategic alliances and monitor-
triggered unease about the long-term consequences. ing scores of others. Our research (see the insert
A strategic alliance can strengthen both companies "About Our Research") involves cooperative ven-
against outsiders even as it weakens one partner vis- tures between competitors from the United States
a-vis the other. In particular, alliances between Asian and Japan, Europe and Japan, and the United States
companies and Westem rivals seem to work against and Europe. We did not judge the success or failure of
the Western partner. Cooperation becomes a low- each partnership by its longevity-a common mis-
cost route for new competitors to gain technology take when evaluating strategic alliances-but hy the
and market access.'
Yet the case for collaboration is stronger than ever. Gary Hamel is lecturer in business policy and manage-
It takes so much money to develop new products and ment at the London Business School. Yves L Doz is pro-
fessor of business strategy at INSEAD, Fontainebleau,
to penetrate new markets that few companies can go
France. C.K. Prahalad is professor of corporate strategy
it alone in every situation. ICL, the British computer and international business at the University of Michi-
company, could not have developed its current gener- gan. The authors often collaborate in research and writ-
ing on international business. Professors Prahalad and
1. For a vigorous warning about the perils of collaboration, see Robert B. Doz are the authors of The Multinational Mission (Free
Reich and Eric D. Mankin, "Joint Ventures with Japan Give Away Our
Future," HBR March-April 1986, p.78. Press, 1987).

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW January-February 1989 133


shifts in competitive strength on each side. We fo- competitive tactics, not competitive goals. NEC, for
cused on how companies use competitive collabora- example, has used a series of collaborative ventures
tion to enhance their intemal skills and technologies to enhance its technology and product competences.
while they guard against transferring competitive ad- NEC is the only company in the world with a leading
vantages to ambitious partners. position in telecommunications, computers, and
There is no immutable law that strategic alliances semiconductors-despite its investing less in RSdD
must be a windfall for Japanese or Korean partners. (as a percentage of revenues) than competitors like
Many Westem companies do give away more than Texas Instruments, Northern Telecom, and L.M.
they gain-but that's because they enter partnerships Ericsson. Its string of partnerships, most notably
without knowing what it takes to win. Companies with Honeywell, allowed NEC to leverage its in-
that benefit most from competitive collaboration ad- house RSLD over the last two decades.
here to a set of simple but powerful principles. Western companies, on the other hand, often enter
Collaboration is competition in a different form. alliances to avoid investments. They are more inter-
Successful companies never forget that their new ested in reducing the costs and risks of entering
partners may he out to disarm them. They enter alli-

ances with clear strategic objectives, and they also
understand how their partners' objectives will affect It's not devious to absorb skills
their success. from your portner-
Harmony is not the most important measure of
success. Indeed, occasional conflict may be the best thafs the whole idea.
evidence of mutually beneficial collaboration. Few
alliances remain win-win undertakings forever. A new businesses or markets than in acquiring new
partner may be content even as it imknowingly sur- skills. A senior U.S. manager offered this analysis of
renders core skills. his company's venture with a Japanese rival: "We
Cooperation has limits. Companies must defend complement each other well-our distribution capa-
against competitive compromise. A strategic alli- bility and their manufacturing skill. I see no reason to
ance is a constantly evolving bargain whose real invest upstream if we can find a secure source of
terms go beyond the legal agreement or the aims of product. This is a comfortable relationship for us."
top management. What information gets traded is de- An executive from this company's Japanese part-
termined day to day, often by engineers and operating ner offered a different perspective: "When it is neces-
managers. Successful companies inform employees sary to collaborate, I go to my employees and say,
at all levels about what skills and technologies are 'This is bad, I wish we had these skills ourselves. Col-
off-limits to the partner and monitor what the part- laboration is second best. But I will feel worse if after
ner requests and receives. four years we do not know how to do what our part-
Learning from partners is paramount. Successful ner knows how to do.' We must digest their skills."
companies view each alliance as a window on their The problem here is not that the U.S. company
partners' broad capabilities. They use the alliance to wants to share investment risk (its Japanese partner
build skills in areas outside the formal agreement does too) but that the U.S. company has no ambition
and systematically diffuse new knowledge through- beyond avoidance. When the commitment to learn-
out their organizations. ing is so one-sided, collaboration invariably leads to
competitive compromise.
Many so-called alliances between Westem compa-
Why Collaborate? nies and their Asian rivals are little more than so-
phisticated outsourcing arrangements (see the insert
"Competition for Competence"). General Motors
Using an alliance with a competitor to acquire buys cars and components from Korea's Daewoo.
new technologies or skills is not devious. It reflects Siemens buys computers from Fujitsu. Apple buys la-
the commitment and capacity of each partner to ab- ser printer engines from Canon. The traffic is almost
sorb the skills of the other. We found that in every entirely one way. These OEM deals offer Asian
case in which a Japanese company emerged from an partners a way to capture investment initiative
alliance stronger than its Westem partner, the Japa- from Westem competitors and displace customer-
nese company had made a greater effort to leam. competitors from value-creating activities. In many
Strategic intent is an essential ingredient in the cases this goal meshes with that of the Western
commitment to learning. The willingness of Asian partner: to regain competitiveness quickly and with
companies to enter alliances represents a change in minimum effort.

134 HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW January-February 1989

partner interested as we lose the advantages that
About Our Research made us attractive to them in the first place?"
There's a certain paradox here. When both partners
We spent more than five years studying tbe inter- are equally intent on internalizing the other's skills,
nal workings of 15 strategic alliances around the distrust and conflict may spoil the alliance and
world. We sought answers to a series of interrelated threaten its very survival. That's one reason joint
questions. What role have strategic alliances and
ventures hetween Korean and Japanese companies
outsourcing agreements played in the global suc-
cess of Japanese and Korean companies? How do al- have been few and tempestuous. Neither side wants
liances change the competitive balance between to "open the kimono." Alliances seem to run most
partners? Does winning at collaboration mean dif- smoothly when one partner is intent on learning and
ferent things to different companies? What factors the other is intent on avoidance-in essence, when
determine who gains most from collaboration? one partner is willing to grow dependent on the
To understand who won and who lost and why, we other. But running smoothly is not the point; the
observed the interactions of the partners firsthand point is for a company to emerge from an alliance
and at multiple levels in each organization. Our more competitive than when it entered it.
sample included four European-U.S. alliances, two One partner does not always have to give up more
intra-European alliances, two European-Japanese
than it gains to ensure the survival of an alliance.
alliances, and seven U.S.-Japanese alliances. We
gained access to botb sides of the partnerships in There are certain conditions under which mutual
about half the cases and studied each alliance for an gain is possible, at least for a time:
average of three years. The partners' strategic goals converge while their
Confidentiality was a paramount concem. Where competitive goals diverge. That is, each partner al-
we did have access to both sides, we often wound up lows for the other's continued prosperity in the
knowing more about who was doing what to whom^ shared husiness. Philips and Du Pont coUahorate to
than either of the partners. To preserve confiden- develop and manufacture compact discs, but neither
tiality, our article disguises many of the alliances side invades the other's market. There is a clear
that were part of the study. upstream/downstream division of effort.
The size and market power of both partners is
modest compared with industry leaders. This forces
each side to accept that mutual dependence may
Consider the joint venture hetween Rover, the have to continue for many years. Long-term collabo-
British automaker, and Honda. Some 25 years ago. ration may he so critical to both partners that neither
Rover's forerunners were world leaders in small car will risk antagonizing the other by an overtly com-
design. Honda had not even entered the automohile petitive bid to appropriate skills or competences.
business. But in the mid-1970s, after failing to pene- Fujitsu's 1 to 5 size disadvantage with IBM means it
trate foreign markets. Rover turned to Honda for will be a long time, if ever, hefore Fujitsu can break
technology and product-development support. Rover away from its foreign partners and go it alone.
has used the alliance to avoid investments to design Each partner believes it can learn from the other
and build new cars. Honda has cultivated skills in and at the same time limit access to proprietary
European styling and marketing as well as multi- skills. JVC and Thomson, hoth of whom make VCRs,
national manufacturing. There is little doubt which know that they are trading skills. But the two compa-
company will emerge stronger over the long term. nies are looking for very different things. Thomson
Troubled laggards like Rover often strike alliances needs product technology and manufacturing prow-
with surging latecomers like Honda. Having fallen ess; JVC needs to learn how to succeed in the
hehind in a key skills area (in this case, manufactur- fragmented European market. Both sides believe
ing small cars), the laggard attempts to compensate there is an equitable chance for gain.
for past failures. The latecomer uses the alliance to
close a specific skills gap (in this case, learning to
huild cars for a regional market). But a laggard that How to Build Secure Defenses
forges a partnership for short-term gain may find it-
self in a dependency spiral: as it contributes fewer
and fewer distinctive skills, it must reveal more and For collaboration to succeed, each partner must
more of its internal operations to keep the partner in- contribute something distinctive: basic research,
terested. For the weaker company, the issue shifts product development skills, manufacturing capacity,
from "Should we collaborate?" to "With whom access to distribution. The challenge is to share
should we collaborate?" to "How do we keep our enough skills to create advantage vis-a-vis compa-

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW January-February 1989 135


nies outside the alliance while preventing a whole- limited numher of markets or for a limited period of
sale transfer of core skills to the partner. This is a very time. The objective is to circumscribe a partner's op-
thin line to walk. Companies must carefully select portunities to leam.
what skills and technologies they pass to their part- Moreover, agreements should establish specific
ners. They must develop safeguards against unin- performance requirements. Motorola, for example,
tended, informal transfers of information. The goal is takes an incremental, incentive-based approach to
to limit the transparency of their operations. technology transfer in its venture with Toshiba. The
The type of skill a company contributes is an im- agreement calls for Motorola to release its micro-
portant factor in how easily its partner can internal- processor technology incrementally as Toshiha de-
ize the skills. The potential for transfer is greatest livers on its promise to increase Motorola's pene-
when a partner's contribution is easily transported tration in the Japanese semiconductor market. The
(in engineering drawings, on computer tapes, or in greater Motorola's market share, the greater Toshi-
the heads of a few technical experts); easily inter- ha's access to Motorola's technology.
preted (it can be reduced to commonly understood Many of the skills that migrate between compa-
equations or symbols); and easily absorbed (the skill nies are not covered in the formal terms of collabo-
or competence is independent of any particular cul- ration. Top management puts together strategic
tural context). alliances and sets the legal parameters for exchange.
Westem companies face an inherent disadvantage But what actually gets traded is determined by day-
because their skills are generally more vulnerable to to-day interactions of engineers, marketers, and prod-
transfer. The magnet that attracts so many compa- uct developers: who says what to whom, who gets
nies to alliances with Asian competitors is their access to what facilities, who sits on what joint com-
manufacturing excellence - a competence that is less mittees. The most important deals ("I'll share this
transferable than most. Just-in-time inventory sys- with you if you share that with me") may be struck
tems and quality circles can be imitated, but this is four or five organizational levels below where the
like pulling a few threads out of an oriental carpet. deal was signed. Here lurks the greatest risk of un-
Manufacturing excellence is a complex web of em- intended transfers of important skills.
ployee training, integration with suppliers, statistical Consider one technology-sharing alliance hetween
process controls, employee involvement, value engi- European and Japanese competitors. The European
neering, and design for manufacture. It is difficult to company valued the partnership as a way to acquire a
extract such a subtle competence in any way but a specific technology. The Japanese company consid-
piecemeal fashion. ered it a window on its partner's entire range of com-
There is an important distinction hetween tech- petences and interacted with a broad spectrum of its
nology and competence. A discrete, stand-alone tech- partner's marketing and product-development staff.
nology (for example, the design of a semiconductor The company mined each contact for as much infor-
chip) is more easily transferred than a process compe- mation as possible.
For example, every time the European company re-
quested a new feature on a product being sourced
Alliances should establish from its partner, the Japanese company asked for de-
and enforoe speoific tailed customer and competitor analyses to justify
the request. Over time, it developed a sophisticated
performance requirements. picture of the European market that would assist its
No performance, own entry strategy. The technology acquired hy the
European partner through the formal agreement had
no technology transfer. a useful life of three to five years. The competitive in-
sights acquired informally by the Japanese company
tence, which is entwined in the social fahric of a com- will probably endure longer.
pany. Asian companies often leam more from their Limiting unintended transfers at the operating lev-
Western partners than vice versa because they con- el requires careful attention to the role of gatekeep-
tribute difficult-to-unravel strengths, while Westem ers, the people who control what information flows
partners contribute easy-to-imitate technology. to a partner. A gatekeeper can he effective only if
So companies must take steps to limit transpar- there are a limited numher of gateways through
ency. One approach is to limit the scope of the formal which a partner can access people and facilities. Fu-
agreement. It might cover a single technology rath- jitsu's many partners all go through a single office,
er than an entire range of technologies; part of a prod- the "collaboration section," to request information
uct line rather than the entire line; distribution in a and assistance from different divisions. This way the

136 HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW January-February 1989

In the article "Do You Really Have a Global Strat- buyer becomes less willing and able to reemerge as
egy?" (HBR July-August 1985), Gary Hamel and a manufacturing competitor. Japanese and Korean
C.K. Prahalad examined one dimension of the companies are, with few exceptions, exemplary
global competitive battle: the race for brand domi- suppliers. If anything, the "soft option" of outsourc-
nance. This is the battle for control of distribution ing becomes even softer as OEM suppliers routinely
channels and global "share of mind." Another exceed delivery and quality expectations.
global battle has been much less visible and has re- Outsourcing often begins a ratchetlike process.
ceived much less management attention. This is Relinquishing manufacturing control and paring
the battle for control over key technology-based back plant investment leads to sacrifices in product
competences that fuel new business development. design, process technology, and, eventually, R&D
Honda has built a number of businesses, includ- budgets. Consequently, the OEM partner captures
ing marine engines, lawn mowers, generators, mo- product-development as well as manufacturing ini-
torcycles, and cars, around its engine and power tiative. Ambitious OEM partners are not content
train competence. Casio draws on its expertise in with the old formula of "You design it and we'll
semiconductors and digital display in producing make it." The new reality is, "You design it, we'll
calculators, small-screen televisions, musical in- leam from your designs, make them more manu-
struments, and watches. Canon relies on its imag- facturable, and launch our products alongside
ing and microprocessor competences in its camera, yours."
copier, and laser printer businesses.
In the short run, the quality and performance of a Reversing the Verdict
company's products determine its competitiveness. This outcome is not inevitable. Westem compa-
Over the longer term, however, what counts is the nies can retain control over their core competences
ability to build and enhance core competences- by keeping a few simple principles in mind.
distinctive skills that spawn new generations of A competitive product is not the same thing as a
products. This is where many managers and com- competitive organization. While an Asian OEM
mentators fear Westem companies are losing. Our partner may provide the former, it seldom provides
research helps explain why some companies may the latter. In essence, outsourcing is a way of renting
be more likely than others to surrender core skills. someone else's competitiveness rather than devel-
oping a long-term solution to competitive decline.
Alliance or Outsourcing? Rethink the make-or-buy decision. Companies
Enticing Western companies into outsourcing often treat component manufacturing operations as
agreements provides several benefits to ambitious cost centers and transfer their output to assembly
OEM partners. Serving as a manufacturing base for units at an arbitrarily set price. This transfer price is
a Westem partner is a quick route to increased man- an accounting fiction, and it is unUkely to yield as
ufacturing share without the risk or expense of high a retum as marketing or distribution invest-
building brand share. The Western partners' distri- ments, which require less research money and capi-
bution capability allows Asian suppliers to focus all tal. But companies seldom consider the competi-
their resources on building absolute product advan- tive consequences of surrendering control over a
tage. Then OEMs can enter markets on their own key value-creating activity.
and convert manufacturing share into brand share. Watch out for deepening dependence. Surrender
Serving as a sourcing platform yields more than results from a series of outsourcing decisions that
just volume and process improvements. It also gen- individually make economic sense but collectively
erates low-cost, low-risk market learning. The amount to a phased exit from the business. Differ-
downstream (usually Western) partner typically ent managers make outsourcing decisions at differ-
provides information on how to tailor products to ent times, unaware of the cumulative impact.
local markets. So every product design transferred Replenish core competences. Westem companies
to an OEM partner is also a research report on cus- must outsource some activities; the economics are
tomer preferences and market needs. The OEM just too compelling. The real issue is whether a
partner can use these insights to read the market company is adding to its stock of technologies and
accurately when it enters on its own. competences as rapidly as it is surrendering them.
The question of whether to outsource should al-
A Ratchet Effect ways provoke a second question: Where can we out-
Our research suggests that once a significant pace our partner and other rivals in building new
sourcing relationship has been established, the sources of competitive advantage?

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW January-February 1989 137


company can monitor and control access to critical factories off-limits to their partners. Better yet, they
skills and technologies. might house the collaborative venture in an entirely
We studied one partnership between European and new facility. IBM is building a special site in Japan
U.S. competitors that involved several divisions of where Fujitsu can review its forthcoming mainframe
each company. While the U.S. company could only software hefore deciding whether to license it. IBM
access its partner through a single gateway, its part- will be able to control exactly what Fujitsu sees and
ner had unfettered access to all participating divi- what information leaves the facility.
sions. The European company took advantage of its Finally, which country serves as "home" to the al-
free rein. If one division refused to provide certain in- liance affects transparency. If the coUahorative team
formation, the European partner made the same re- is located near one partner's major facilities, the
quest of another division. No single manager in the other partner will have more opportunities to leam-
U.S. company could tell how much information had hut less control over what information gets traded.
been transferred or was in a position to piece together When the partner houses, feeds, and looks after en-
patterns in the requests. gineers and operating managers, there is a danger
CoUegiality is a prerequisite for collaborative suc- they will "go native." Expatriate personnel need fre-
cess.But toomuch coUegiality should set off warning quent visits from headquarters as well as regular fur-
bells to senior managers. CEOs or division presidents loughs home.
should expect occasional complaints from their
counterparts ahout the reluctance of lower level em-
ployees to share information. That's a sign that the Enhance the Capacity to Learn
gatekeepers are doing their jobs. And senior manage-
ment should regularly debrief operating personnel to
find out what information the partner is request- whether collaboration leads to competitive sur-
ing and what requests are heing granted. render or revitalization depends foremost on what
Limiting unintended transfers ultimately depends employees believe the purpose of the alliance to he.
on employee loyalty and self-discipline. This was a It is self-evident: to leam, one must want to leam.
real issue for many of the Western companies we Western companies won't realize the full henefits of
studied. In their excitement and pride over technical competitive coUahoration until they overcome an ar-
achievements, engineering staffs sometimes shared rogance borne of decades of leadership. In short.
information that top management considered sensi- Western companies must he more receptive.
tive. Japanese engineers were less likely to share pro- We asked a senior executive in a Japanese electron-
prietary information. ics company ahout the perception that Japanese
There are a host of cultural and professional rea- companies learn more from their foreign partners
sons for the relative openness of Western techni- than vice versa. "Our Westem partners approach us
cians. Japanese engineers and scientists are more with the attitude of teachers," he told us. "We are
loyal to their company than to their profession. They quite.happy with this, hecause we have the attitude
are less steeped in the open give-and-take of univer- of students."
sity research since they receive much of their train- Learning hegins at the top. Senior management
ing from employers. They consider themselves team must be committed to enhancing their companies'
members more than individual scientific contribu- skills as well as to avoiding financial risk. But most
leaming takes place at the lower levels of an alliance.
Operating employees not only represent the front
When a foreign partner lines in an effective defense but also play a vital role
houses, feeds, and looks after in acquiring knowledge. They must be well briefed
your managers, there is a on the partner's strengths and weaknesses and under-
stand how acquiring particular skills will bolster
danger they will "go native" their company's competitive position.
This is already standard practice among Asian
tors. As one Japanese manager noted, "We don't feel companies. We accompanied a Japanese develop-
any need to reveal what we know It is not an issue ment engineer on a tour through a partner's factory.
of pride for us. We're glad to sit and listen. If we're This engineer dutifully took notes on plant layout,
patient we usually leam what we want to know." the number of production stages, the rate at which
Controlling unintended transfers may require re- the line was running, and the number of employees.
stricting access to facilities as well as to people. He recorded all this despite the fact that he had no
Companies should declare sensitive lahoratories and manufacturing responsihility in his own company.

138 HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW January-February 1989

and that the alliance didn't encompass joint manu- zation. Several companies we studied had estab-
facturing. Such dedication greatly enhances leaming. lished internal clearinghouses to collect and
Collaboration doesn't always provide an opportu- disseminate information. The collaborations man-
nity to fully intemalize a partner's skills. Yet just ac- ager at one Japanese company regularly made the
quiring new and more precise benchmarks of a rounds of all employees involved in alliances. He
partner's performance can be of great value. A new identified what information had heen collected hy
henchmark can provoke a thorough review of inter- whom and then passed it on to appropriate depart-
nal performance levels and may spur a round of com- ments. Another company held regular meetings
petitive innovation. Asking questions like, "Why do where employees shared new knowledge and deter-
their semiconductor logic designs have fewer errors mined who was hest positioned to acquire additional
than ours ?" and "Why are they investing in this tech- information.
nology and we're not?" may provide the incentive for
a vigorous catch-up program.
Competitive benchmarking is a tradition in most Proceed with Care - But Proceed
of the Japanese companies we studied. It requires
many of the same skills associated with competitor
analysis: systematically calibrating performance After World War II, Japanese and Korean companies
against external targets; leaming to use rough esti-' entered alliances with Westem rivals from weak po-
mates to determine where a competitor (or partner) is sitions. But they worked steadfastly toward indepen-
hetter, faster, or cheaper; translating those estimates dence. In the early 1960s, NEC's computer husiness
into new intemal targets; and recalibrating to estab- was one-quarter the size of Honeywell's, its primary
lish the rate of improvement in a competitor's perfor- foreign partner. It took only two decades for NEC to
mance. The great advantage of competitive collabo- grow larger than Honeywell, which eventually
ration is that proximity makes benchmarking easier. sold its computer operations to an alliance hetween
Indeed, some analysts argue that one of Toyota's NEC and Group Bull of France. The NEC experience
motivations in coUahorating with GM in the much- demonstrates that dependence on a foreign partner
publicized NUMMI venture is to gauge the quality of doesn't automatically condemn a company to also-
GM's manufacturing technology. GM's top manufac- ran status. Collaboration may sometimes be un-
avoidable; surrender is not.
Managers are too often obsessed with the owner-
"Our Western partners ship structure of an alliance. Whether a company
approach us with the attitude controls 51% or 49% of a joint venture may be much
of teachers. We have less important than the rate at which each partner
leams from the other. Companies that are confident
the attitude of students!' of their ability to learn may even prefer some ambi-
guity in the alliance's legal structure. Ambiguity cre-
turing people get a close look at Toyota, hut the re- ates more potential to acquire skills and technol-
verse is true as well. Toyota may be leaming whether ogies. The challenge for Western companies is not
its giant U.S. competitor is capable of closing the pro- to write tighter legal agreements hut to become het-
ductivity gap with Japan. ter learners.
Competitive collaboration also provides a way of Running away from collaboration is no answer.
getting close enough to rivals to predict how they Even the largest Western companies can no long-
will behave when the alliance unravels or runs its er outspend their global rivals. With leadership in
course. How does the partner respond to price many industries shifting toward the East, companies
changes? How does it measure and reward execu- in the United States and Europe must become good
tives? How does it prepare to launch a new product? borrowers—much like Asian companies did in the
By revealing a competitor's management ortho- 1960s and 1970s. Competitive renewal depends on
doxies, collaboration can increase the chances of suc- huilding new process capabilities and winning new
cess in future head-to-head hattles. product and technology battles. Collaboration can he
Knowledge acquired from a competitor-partner is a low-cost strategy for doing both. ^
only valuahle after it is diffused through the organi- Reprint 89104

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW January-February 1989 139

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