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Nardankhatun believed and got her finger out.

The giant put her finger between

his teeth so that he could suck all the blood of Nardankhatun. Nardankhatun was
completely unconscious. The giant thought that the girl dead and returned.

In the evening, seven brothers came home and saw their sister dead. They
revived her. The girl told the story to her brothers. The seven brothers went and
killed the giant. They freed the King’s daughter. They also brought giant's head
and buried it on the left side of their houses.

The month passed, the year passed, seven roses grown over the giant's grave.
Nardankhatun took a great interest as either roses or her brothers are seven,
picked the flowers up, and put them into her chest. She always looked into the
chest but one day she saw that these flowers became seven incomparable
beautiful girls. Nardankhatun told his brothers about this secret. She gave each of
the seven girls in marriage to each of his seven brothers. Those girls secretly gave
Nardankhatun poison in the dish. Nardankhatun’s belly began to expand and was
about to hit her nose. The seven brothers asked their wives:

- What is the reason for this?

They said:

- Who knows? Maybe she did some bad-mannered actions with knaves? The
seven brothers believed the giant girls and drove their sisters out of the house.

Nardankhatun sighed and left without saying a word. After a while, she reached a
herd at the top of a mountain. There were two shepherds. They came nearer to
Nardankhatun. One of them said this girl is mine, the other said no, she is mine.
The shepherds couldn’t agree and they started arguing. The great shepherd took
his dagger from his waist and said:

- If so, I will divide this girl in two and take half of her. When the shepherd tried
to lower his dagger, Nardankhatun was frightened and a poison fell from her
belly. Then she coupled with the shepherd and they left.

The shepherd brought her to his house, and they married. Months and years
passed, and Nardankhatun and shepherd had a handsome son. He had grown up
and could do stuff alone.
One day Nardankhatun took his son and came to the place where his brothers
were. His brothers were watering horses. Nardankhatun put his son on a horse
and taught him, saying:

- When you reached the water, say, " My horse, drink water, drink water"

The boy rode a horse and came to the water's edge. When the boy rode his horse
and said, "Drink water, my horse, drink water," his uncles laughed and said:

- Hey, boy, does a reed horse drink water?

The boy said:

- If so, do seven brothers leave their only sister?

When the seven brothers heard this, they came nearer. They learned the story
from him. Taking the child, they went to their sister – Nardankhatun. They
apologized and told her that they had treated her unjustly. The seven brothers
brought Nardankhatun and her son to the home and took their parents and the
shepherd to Mount Balli. They killed the giant's daughters and filled the wells.

On the advice of Nardankhatun and her parents, they married beautiful girls from
their villages. And everyone started living their life happily with their fiancé.

Three apples fell from the sky: one for those who told stories, one for those who
listened, and one for those who looked out of the window.

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