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Il y a deux futurs en français, le futur simple et le futur proche.

Le futur proche is the equivalent of going to + infinitive (e.g., I’m going to eat,
going to drink, going to talk).

Ex : Demain, je vais visiter Rome

Tomorrow, I am going to visit Rome

Le futur proche describes an action that is about to happen or that will happen
very soon.

Le futur proche is made with the verb ALLER conjugated at the present tense,
followed by a verb at the infinitive form (verb not in action).

Futur proche = ALLER au présent + verbe infinitif

Je vais visiter

Tu vas visiter

Il/ elle/ on va visiter

Nous allons visiter

Vous allez visiter

Ils/ elles vont visiter

Exemples :
1. L'année prochaine, tu vas apprendre le français.
Next year you are going to learn French.

2. Demain elle va nous téléphoner.
She is going to call us tomorrow.

3. Ce soir, nous allons manger au restaurant.
Tonight, we are going to eat at the restaurant.

4. Cet été, vous allez faire un grand voyage.

This summer, you are going to go on a long trip.

5. Bientôt, elles vont parler français.
Soon they are going to speak French.

6. Dans 2 jours, je vais aller au cinéma

In two days, I'm going to go to the cinema


Present ou future proche?

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