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Man Gets Head Stuck in Croc’s Mouth

By Benjamin Anderson Written on February 2, 2222

morning, February
2, an unidentified
crazy psychopath
stuck his head into
the open mouth of
a large crocodile in
the international
zoo for endangered animals.
The zoo security didn’t see him until he was already past the
barriers. Peter Peterson, a regular customer to the zoo said, “I can’t
imagine how surprised that croc must have been when someone put
their head in his mouth. I’m just glad that guy died quickly so they
didn’t have to shoot the croc. It would be a shame to kill such a
beautiful animal.”
John Johnson, a bystander at the incident, said, “I think he was
dared by his friends to go in there and take a picture with the croc. I
saw him take out his phone. He also went before the croc’s meal
instead of after. Stupid mistake!”
The security at the zoo has more than doubled. They don’t want
this to happen again. Remember, if you are thinking about getting a
picture with the crocodile, make sure you go after he has had his meal.

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