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CSEC Mathematics General Proficiency Geometry and Trigonometry

Chapter 4A: Geometry and Trigonometry


On completion of this Section, students should:

1. appreciate the notion of space as a set of points with subsets of that set (space) having properties related to other
mathematical systems;

2. understand the properties and relationship among geometrical objects;

3. understand the properties of transformations;

4. demonstrate the ability to use geometrical concepts to model and solve real world problems;

5. appreciate the power of trigonometrical methods in solving authentic problems.


Students should be able to:

Point, line, parallel lines, intersecting lines and
1. explain concepts relating to geometry; perpendicular lines, line segment, ray, curve, plane,
angle (acute, obtuse, reflex, right angle, straight
angle), face, edge, vertex.

2. draw and measure angles and line segments accurately using appropriate geometrical instruments;

Parallel and perpendicular lines.

3. construct lines, angles, and polygons using Triangles, quadrilaterals, regular and irregular
appropriate geometrical instruments; polygons.
Angles to be constructed include 30, 45, 60, 90, 120.
Line(s) of symmetry, rotational symmetry, order of
4. identify the type(s) of symmetry possessed by a given rotational symmetry.
plane figure;

Vertically opposite angles, alternate angles, adjacent

5. solve geometric problems using properties of: angles, corresponding angles, co-interior angles,
angles at a point, complementary angles,
(a) lines, angles, and polygons; supplementary angles. Parallel lines and transversals.

(b) circles; Equilateral, right, and isosceles triangles.

Square, rectangle, rhombus, kite, parallelogram,

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CSEC Mathematics General Proficiency Geometry and Trigonometry

 Angle When two lines meet an angle is formed or

an angle is the measure of the amount of turn.
Part 1:  Face: is the sum of the lengths of the sides,
Explain concepts
concepts relating
relating to
to geometry;
geometry; Point,
Point, line,
line, parallel
parallel usually expressed in terms of unit length.
lines, intersecting
intersecting lines
lines and
and perpendicular
perpendicular lines,
lines, line
segment, ray,
ray, curve,
curve, plane,
plane, angle
angle (acute,
(acute, obtuse,
obtuse, reflex,
reflex, right
 Edge: is the sum of the lengths of the sides,
angle, straight
straight angle),
angle), face,
face, edge,
edge, vertex.
vertex. usually expressed in terms of unit length.

 Vertex: is the sum of the lengths of the sides,

usually expressed in terms of unit length.

4.1: CONCEPTS 4.1.2: Angles.

4.1.1: Definitions

 Point: is the sum of the lengths of the sides,

usually expressed in terms of unit length.

 Line: is the sum of the lengths of the sides,

usually expressed in terms of unit length.
Types of angles
 Parallel lines: is the sum of the lengths of the
sides, usually expressed in terms of unit
Type of AngleDescriptionAcute Anglean angle that is
 Intersecting lines: is the sum of the lengths
less than 90°Right Anglean angle that is 90°
of the sides, usually expressed in terms of unit
length. exactlyObtuse Anglean angle that is greater than 90°

but less than 180°Straight ling Anglean angle that is

 Perpendicular lines: is the sum of the lengths
of the sides, usually expressed in terms of unit 180° exactlyReflex Anglean angle that is greater than
length. 180°

 Line segment: is the sum of the lengths of the

sides, usually expressed in terms of unit

 Ray: is the sum of the lengths of the sides,

usually expressed in terms of unit length.

 Curve: is the sum of the lengths of the sides,

usually expressed in terms of unit length.

 Plane: is the sum of the lengths of the sides,

usually expressed in terms of unit length.

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 Two sides are equal in

Part 2:  The angles opposite the
equal sides are also
Solve geometric
geometric problems
problems using
using properties
properties of:
of: equal.
(a) lines,
lines, angles,
angles, and
and polygons;
polygons; Vertically
Vertically  All three sides are
opposite angles,
angles, alternate
alternate angles,
angles, adjacent
adjacent angles,
angles, unequal.
corresponding angles,
angles, co-interior
co-interior angles,
angles, angles
angles at
aa point, complementary angles, supplementary
point, complementary angles, supplementary  All three angles are
angles. Parallel
Parallel lines and transversals. Equilateral,
Equilateral, unequal.
right, and
and isosceles
isosceles triangles.
Triangles may also be classified according to the size of its
(b) circles;
circles; Square,
Square, rectangle,
rectangle, rhombus,
rhombus, kite,
angles: acute triangles, right-angled triangles and obtuse
parallelogram, trapezium.

Angle properties of triangles

4.2.1: Angles.

1. Angles on a straight line at a point

sum up to 180º..
2. Angles in a complete circle sum up 1. Angles in a triangle sum up to 180º.
to 360 º.º.
In the diagram above:
3. Complementary angles sum up to
90º. x + y + z = 180 º

4. Supplements angles sum up to 180º. 2. The exterior angle of a triangle is

4.2.2: Triangles. equal to the sum of the two opposite interior
In the diagram above:
Types of triangles
w = x + z
Triangle Characteristics

 All three sides equal in


 All three angles are also

equal and they are each

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4.2.3: Quadrilaterals.
1. The interior angles sum up to 180º ×
The term 'quadrilateral' means 4 sides.  The (n  2).
common names are shown in the table below. Where
Where nn is
is the
the number
number of
of sides

2. The exterior angles sum up to 360º.

4.1.5: Transversal diagram

(Angles in intersecting lines).

AB is parallel to CD. EG and FG are transversal

Angle properties of quadrilaterals

1. The interior angles sum up to 360º. Angle properties of intersecting lines

2. The exterior angles sum up to 360º.
1. Vertically opposite angles are equal.

4.1.4: Polygons. Vertically opposite angles face opposite directions.

The term 'polygon' means many sides (usually In the diagram above:
more than four sides).  The common names are x = z and w = y
shown in the table below.

2. Corresponding angles are equal.

Name Sides Angles
Pentagon 5 5 Corresponding angles face exactly the same
Hexagon 6 6 direction.
Heptagon 7 7
Octagon 8 8 In the diagram above:
Nonagon 9 9 y = c+d and e = z
Decagon 10 10

3. Alternate angles are equal.

Angle properties of polygons Alternate angles turn in the opposite directions.

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In the diagram above: Worked Examination Questions

e = x and w = c + d
Question 1:
4. Interior angles add up to 180º. In the diagram, AB is parallel to CD. The line EF
intersects AB and CD.
In the diagram above:
e + w = 180 º
c + d + x = 180 º
Giving a reason for your answer, find the value

(a) x

(b) y


(a) the
the value
value of
of xx

Answer: x = 120º
Reason: Vertically
Vertically opposite
opposite angles
angles are
are equal.

(b) the
the value
value of
of yy

(Interior adjacent
adjacent angles
angles sum
sum up
up to
to 180º)
y + 120 = 180º
y = 180º  120
= 60 ans

Reason: Interior
Interior adjacent
adjacent angles
angles sum
sum up
up to

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Question 2: Reasons: angles

angles in
in isósceles
isósceles triangle
sum of
of adjacent
adjacent angles
In the diagram PQ is parallel to SR. SP = SR,
 SPR = 66º and  PQS = 22º.
(c) the
the value
value of
of yy

z =  PSR
Giving a reason for your answer, find the value
of: z = 48º Ans
Reasons: Alternate
Alternate angles
angles are
are equal.
(a) x

(b) y Question 3:

(c) z In the diagram, not drawn to scale, AED and

ABC are straight lines. BE is parallel to CD. AE
= EC,  ABE = 88º and  BCE = 31º.

Justifying your answer, calculate the size of:

(a)  BAE

Solution: (b)  DCE

(a) the
the value
value of
of xx (c)  CDE
Answer: x = 22º
(d)  BED
Reason: Alternate
Alternate angles
angles are
are equal.

(b) the
the value
value of
of yy

(angles in
in aa triangle
triangle sum
sum up
up to
to 180)
 PSR + 2 × 66º = 180º
 PSR = 180º  2 × 66º
= 48º

(sum of
of adjacent
adjacent angles)
x + y =  PSR = 48º (a) the
the size of 
size of  BAE

y = 48º  22º (x = 22º)

 BAE = 31º ans ns.
= 26º ans
Reason: Base
Base angles
angles of
of isosceles
isosceles triangle
triangle are

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(b) the
the size of 
size of  DCE
DCE Question 4:

(sum of
of adjacent
adjacent angles
angles corresponding
corresponding to
to 88)
88) In the diagram, not drawn to scale, BC is a
 DCE + 31º = 88º straight line, BA is parallel to CE. ED = CD, 
BAC = 40º,  ABC = 72º and  CEA = 82º.
 DCE = 88º  31º
= 57º ans
Reason: Corresponding
Corresponding angles
angles are
are equal.
sum of
of adjacent
adjacent angles.
Justifying your answer, Calculate:

(a)  ACE
(c) the
the size of CDE
size of CDE
(b)  CAE
 CDE = D
(c)  CDE
(angles in
in aa triangle
triangle sum
sum up
up to
to 180)
 A + C + D = 180º
31 + 88 + D = 180º
D = 180º  (31 + 88)
= 61 ans

 CDE = 61 ans ans.

Reason: angles
angles in
in aa triangle
triangle sum
sum up
up to
to 180
180 Solution:

(d) the
the size of 
size of  BED
(a) the
the size of ACE
size of ACE

(The exterior
exterior angle
angle of
of aa triangle
triangle is
is equal
equal to
to the
sum of
of the
the two
two opposite
opposite interior
interior angles.)
 ACE =  BAC = 40º Ans Ans.
Reason: Alternate angles are equal.
Alternate angles are equal.
 BED =  BAE +  ABE
= 31 + 88º (b) the
the size of CAE
size of CAE
= 119 ansans.
(angles in
in aa triangle
triangle sum
sum up
up to
to 180)
Reason: The
The exterior
exterior angle
angle of
of aa triangle
triangle is
equal to
to the
the sum
sum of
of the
the two
two opposite
opposite  CAE = 180º  (40º + 82º)
interior angles.
interior angles.
= 58º AnsAns.
Reason: Angles
Angles in
in aa triangle
triangle sum
sum up
up to
to 180

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(c) the
the size of CDE
size of CDE Solution:

(Corresponding angles
angles are equal))
are equal (a) the
the value
value of
of xx
 ECD =  ABC = 72º
x = 180º  2 × 70º
(angles in
in aa triangle
triangle sum
sum up
up to
to 180)
180) = 180º  140º
 CDE = 180º  2 × 72º = 40º Ans
= 180º  144º Reason: angles
angles in
in isoscles
isoscles triangle
triangle sum
sum up
up to
= 38º Ans
Reason: angles
angles in
in aa triangle
triangle sum
sum up
up to
to 180.
180. (b) the
the value
value of
of yy

y = 180º  110º
= 70º (180º
180º) Ans
Question 5:
Reason: Interior
Interior adjacent
adjacent angles
angles sum
sum up
up to
In the diagram the straight line ABC is parallel to
DE and BD is parallel to CF. AD = BD,  (c) the
the value
value of
of zz
DBC = 110º and  FED = 45º.
z = 70º + 45º
= 115º Ans
Giving a reason for your answer, find the Reason: Sum
Sum of
of adjacent
adjacent angles.
value of:

(a) x
Question 6:
(b) y
Each of the exterior angle of a regular polygon is
(c) z 20º. How many sides does the polygon have?

The value
value of
of xx

Let nn be
be the
the number
number of
of sides

Sum of
of exterior
exterior angles
angles = 360º
20º × n = 360º
n = 360º ÷ 20º
= 18 ans

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Question 7:

ABCDE is a pentagon, not drawn to scale, with

Part 3:
 B =  C =  E = xº.  D = 72º and Draw
Draw and
and measure
measure angles
angles and
and line
line segments
segments accurately
 A = 81º. using appropriate geometrical instruments;
using appropriate geometrical instruments;

Construct lines,
lines, angles,
angles, and
and polygons
polygons using
using appropriate
geometrical instruments; Parallel and perpendicular lines.
instruments; Parallel and perpendicular lines.
Triangles, quadrilaterals,
quadrilaterals, regular
regular and
and irregular
irregular polygons.
Calculate the value of x. Angles
Angles to
to be
be constructed
constructed include
include 30,
30, 45,
45, 60,
60, 90,
90, 120.

Geometric construction involves drawing shapes
that satisfy certain requirements.

The tools to use are a ruler and a pair of compasses.

The value
value of
of xx

The interior
interior angles
angles sum
sum up
up to
to 180º (n  2))
180º ×× (n 2))

3 x + 81º + 72º = 180º (5  2)

3 x + 153º = 180º × 3
3 x = 540º  153º A few points to remember when doing the types of
geometric constructions covered in these lessons:
3 x = 387º
 Do not use a protractor (unless otherwise
x = 387º ÷ 3
stated in the question)
= 129º ans
Reason: The  Use a sharp pencil.
The interior
interior angles
angles sum
sum up
up to
180º (n  2)
180º ×× (n 2)  Do not erase the construction lines. (They
will show the examiner how the lines or
shapes were constructed).

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4.3.1: Constructing a line segment and

perpendicular bisector

A perpendicular bisector of a line segment AB is a

line that divides the line AB into two equal parts at
a right angle.


(1) Constructing a perpendicular bisector of the

given line segment AB.

Step (3) Join the two points where the arcs intersect
Step by step solution: with a straight line. This line is the
perpendicular bisector of AB. P is the
Step (1) Stretch your compasses until it is more than
midpoint of AB.
half the length of AB. Put the sharp end at A
and mark an arc above and another arc The diagram should look like this one below:
below line segment AB..

The above
above construction
construction can
can also
also be
be used
used to
to construct
construct an
isosceles triangle
triangle or
or aa rhombus.

Step (2) Without changing the width of the

compasses, put the sharp end at B and mark
arcs above and below the line segment AB
that will intersect with the arcs drawn in
step 1.

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4.3.2: Constructing angles: 30˚ and 60˚. Constructing angle of 30˚, we bisect the angle of
30 angle is a bisector of 60. In order to construct
Use the following steps 30:
30, we must construct 60 first.

Use the following steps to construct 60: Step

Step (1)
(1) Use
Use the
the steps
steps above
above to
to construct 60˚
construct aa 60
Step (1)
(1) Construct
Construct aa base
base line.
line. Label
Label the
the end
end Step
Step (2)
(2) Place
Place the
the compass
compass point
point at
at XX and
and draw
points as
as A
A and
and B
B respectively.
an arc
arc within
within the 60˚ space.
the 60 space. Place
Place the
the compass
Step (2)
(2) Stretch
Stretch the
the compasses
compasses to to any
any length.
length. point
point at C and draw another arc to intersect the
at C and draw another arc to intersect the
Place the
the compass
compass point
point at
at A
A and
and draw
draw anan arc,
arc, first
first arc.
arc. Label
Label this
this point
point as
as D.
from above
above the
the line,
line, to
to intersect
intersect the
the line.
line. Label
this point
point as
as X.

Step (3)
(3) Place
Place the
the compass
compass point
point at
at X,
construct another
another arc
arc to
to cut
cut the
the first
first arc.
arc. Label
this intersection as C.
this intersection as C.

The diagram should look like this one below:

The diagram should look like this one below:

Use this
this same
same method
method to
to construct

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4.3.3: Constructing angles: 45˚ and 90˚ Constructing

Constructing angle
angle of
of 45˚,
45˚, we
we bisect
bisect the
the angle
angle of
of 90˚.

1. Construct 90˚..
Construct aa 90
45 angle is a bisector of 90. In order to construct
45, we must construct 90 first. 2.
2. Using
Using the
the intersects
intersects on
on the 90˚ angle,
the 90 angle,
construct two
two intersecting
intersecting arcs
arcs inside
inside the 90˚
the 90
angle .
angle .
Step (1)
(1) Construct
Construct aa base
base line.
line. Label
Label the
the end
points as A and B respectively.
points as A and B respectively. The diagram should look like this one below:

Step (2)
(2) Stretch
Stretch the
the compasses
compasses toto any
any length.
Place the compass point at A and draw aa
the compass point at A and draw
semicircle to
to intersect
intersect the
the line.
line. Label
Label the
the end
points as
as X.

Step (3)
(3) Using
Using the
the intersects
intersects on
on the
the base
base line,
construct two
two arcs
arcs above
above and
and below
below the

Step (4)
(4) Draw
Draw aa straight
straight line
line from
from the
the top
intersect through
through the
the point
point A.

The diagram should look like this one below:

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Worked Examination Questions (a) CD = 6.8 cm

(b) (i)  BAC =  A = 60º

Question 1:

Using a ruler and a compass only, construct (ii)  ABC =  B = 60º

ΔABC with sides all three sides equal to 8 cm.
(c) Area = ½ base × height
(a) Construct the line CD, the height
of Δ ABC, intersecting the line AB at D. = ½ × 8 × 6.8
= 27.2 cm² Ans.
Measure and state the length of CD, the
height of Δ ABC.
Question 2:
(b) Measure and state the size of:
Using a ruler and a compass only, construct Δ
(i)  BAC DEF with DE = 5cm, and EF = DF = 7cm.

(ii)  ABC (a) Construct the height of Δ DEF,

intersecting the line DE at G.
(c) Calculate the area of Δ ABC.
Measure and state the height of Δ DEF.

(b) Measure and state the size of:

(i)  EDF
Your diagram
diagram should
should look
look like this:
like this

(ii)  EFD

(c) Calculate the perimeter of  DEF.

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Solution: Question 3:
Your diagram
diagram should
should look
look like this:
like this Using a ruler and a compass only, construct
ΔPQR with PQ = 6 cm, PR = 7 cm and QR = 5.5
(a) height = FG = 6.5 cm Ans.
(a) Construct the height of Δ PQR,
(b) (i)  EDF =  D = 70º Ans.
intersecting the line PQ at T.

Measure and state the height of Δ PQR.

(ii)  EFD =  F = 40º Ans.
(b) Measure and state the size of:
(c) Perimeter = 5 + 7 + 7
= 19 cm Ans.
Ans. (i)  RPQ

(ii)  PRQ

(ii)  PQR

(c) Calculate the perimeter of  PQR.

(d) Determine the area of  PQR.

Your diagram
diagram should
should look
look like this:
like this

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(a) height = RT = 5.3 cm Ans.

Ans. Solution:

(b) (i)  RPQ = 50º Ans. Your

Your diagram
diagram should
should look
look like this:
like this

(ii)  PRQ = 75º Ans.


(iii)  PQR = 55º (a) height = CT = 4.9 cm Ans.


(c) Perimeter = 7 + 6 + 5.5 (b)  ACB = 75º Ans.

= 18.5 cm Ans.
(c) (i) AC = 5.7 cm Ans.

(d) Area = ½ × 6 × 5.3 (ii) BC = 7 cm Ans.

= 15.9 cm² Ans.

(d) Perimeter = 5.7 + 8 + 7

= 20.7 cm Ans.
Question 4:

Using a ruler and a compass only, construct (e) Area = ½ × 8 × 4.9

ΔABC with AB = 8 cm,  BAC = 60º and = 19.6 cm² Ans.
ABC = 45º.

(a) Construct the height of Δ ABC,

intersecting the line AB at T.

Measure and state the height of ΔABC.

(b) Measure and state the size of


(c) Measure and state the length of

the side:

(ii) AC

(ii) BC

(d) Calculate the perimeter of ABC.

(e) Determine the area of  ABC.

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Question 5: (c) QR = 7.9 cm

Construct a triangle PQR given that PQ = 4 cm,

PR = 5 cm and  P = 120˚. (d) Perimeter = 4 + 5 + 7.9
= 16.9 cm Ans.
(a) Construct the height of Δ PQR,
intersecting the line QP at T. (e) Area = ½ × 4 × 4.5
Measure and state the height. = 9 cm² Ans.

(b) Measure and state the size of:

Question 6:
(ii) Q
Construct a parallelogram ABCD with sides
(ii) R AB = 4 cm and AD = 5 cm and  A = 60˚.

(c) Measure and state the length of (a) Draw and show the diagonal AC.
(b) Construct the height of the
(d) Calculate the perimeter of Δ PQR. parallelogram ABCD, intersecting the
(e) Determine the area of Δ PQR. line AB at T.
Measure and state the height.

(c) Measure and state the length of

Solution: the diagonal AC
Your diagram
diagram should
should look
look like this:
like this
(d) Measure and state the size of 
(a) height = 4.5 cm Ans.
Your diagram
diagram should
should look
look like this:
like this
(b) (i)  Q = 34º Ans.

(ii)  R = 26º Ans.


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(a) CT = 6.8 cm Question 8:

(b) AC = 6.8 cm Using a ruler and a compass only, construct a

trapezium EFGH with sides EF = 7 cm, EFG
(c)  B = 120˚ = 60˚,  HEF = 90˚ and HE = 5 cm.

(b) Measure and state the length of

Question 7: HG.

Using a ruler and a compass only, construct a (b) By measuring the angle FGH,
rectangle PQRS with sides PQ = 6.4 cm and PS= prove that the size is 120.
5 cm. Solution:

(a) Draw and show the diagonal PR Your

Your diagram
diagram should
should look
look like this:
like this

(b) Measure and state the length of

the diagonal PR. (a) HG = cm

(c) Measure and state the size of  (b)  FGH = 120˚


Your diagram
diagram should
should look
look like this:
like this

PR = 8.1 cm

Question 9:

Using a ruler, pencil and a pair of compasses and

a protractor, draw accurately a quadrilateral
ABCD using the following measurements:

AB = 8 cm  ABC = 130˚, BC = 5 cm,

DAB = 80˚ and AD = 6.5 cm

(a) Draw the height of the

parallelogram ABCD, intersecting the
line AB at T.

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(b) Measure and state the length of

(i) DT

(ii) AT

(iii) BD.

(iv) DC.

(c) Calculate the perimeter of

quadrilateral ABCD.

Your diagram
diagram should
should look
look like this:
like this

(b) (i) DT = 6.4 cm

(ii) AT = 0.9 cm

(iii) BD = 9.6 cm

(iv) DC = 10.6 cm

(c) Perimeter = 8 + 5 + 10.6 + 6.5

= 30.1 cm Ans.

use Pythagoras’ theorem to solve problems

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CSEC Mathematics General Proficiency Geometry and Trigonometry

The hypotenuse is the longest side of the right

Part 4:
2. Sine, Cosine and Tangent ratios
use Pythagoras’
Pythagoras’ theorem
theorem to
to solve
solve problems
problems (SOH-CAH-TOA).
Sine, cosine and tangent are trigonometric
determine the
the trigonometric
trigonometric ratios
ratios of
of acute
acute angles
angles in
in aa
right- angled
angled triangle
triangle functions that enable to calculate angles and lengths
of right-angled triangles.
use trigonometric
trigonometric ratios
ratios in
in the
the solution
solution of
of right
right angled-
triangles; Practical
Practical geometry
geometry andand scale
scale drawing,
bearing. (1) Calculating a side, you any of these trig ratios
use trigonometric
trigonometric ratios
ratios to
to solve
solve problems
problems based
based on
measures in
in the
the physical
physical world;
Sin θθ =
= (Sine angle = )
use the
the sine
sine and
and cosine
cosine rules
rules in
in the
the solution
solution of
of problems
involving triangles;
triangles; Cos
Cos θθ =
= (Cosine angle = )
represent the
the relative
relative position
position of
of two
two points
points given
given the
the Tan
Tan θθ =
= (Tangent angle = )
bearing of
of one
one point
point with
with respect
respect to
to the
the other;

determine Where θ is
Where is the
the angle
angle of reference.
of reference
determine the
the bearing
bearing of
of one
one point
point relative
relative to
to another
point given
given the
the position
position of
of the
the points.

solve problems
problems involving
involving bearings;

(2) Finding an angle, you can write the above as:

4.4: Trigonometry
θ =
The word ‘trigonometry’ means measurement of
angle and length in triangles. θ =
θ =
In trigonometry, triangles are classified into:

4.4.1: Right-Triangles

3. Pythagoras’ theorem on right−angled triangles

Pythagoras’ theorem

The square on the

hypotenuse is equal to
the sum of the squares
on the other two sides.
c2 = a2 + b2  c is the hypotenuse

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(b) Determine the length of

Worked Examination Questions
(i) DF
1. In the diagram, DEF is a straight line,
(ii) EF
 DEF = 68.2º,  DFG = 90º. EF = 5 cm
and DG = 8 cm. (iii) DE.


(a) (i) angle x

(a) Find the size of angle:

(i) x
Opp and Hyp are given  Sin =
(ii) y. H

1 O
x = Sin  

1 5
= Sin  
= 38.7º Ans.

(ii) y + 68.2º = 180º

y = 180º ‒ 68.2º
= 111.8º Ans.
(angles on a straight line at a point)

(b) (i) DF 2 = 8 2  52
= 46  25
DF = 64  25

= 6.2 cm Ans.

5 cm
(ii) Tan 68.2 

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5 cm 20
EF = Tan 68.2 Sin 31 
5 cm 20
= CT 
2.500 Sin 31
= 2 cm Ans.
(iii) DE = DF  EF
= 38.8 cm Ans.
= 6.2  2
= 4.2 cm
(b) The angle of elevation of T from A =  A

3. A, B and C are three points on horizontal  O

  Tan 1  
ground. BT is a vertical mast of height 20 m.  A
The top of the mast is joined to A and C by
straight wires. Angle BCT = 31º. 1  20 
A = Tan  
 30 
= Tan -1 (0.667)
= 33.7º Ans.

4. The diagram shows the path in a park.


(a) the length of the wire CT

(b) the angle of elevation of T from A.


(a) CT ABC is straight line. Angle EAD = angle

ABD = 90º, angle ADE = 37º and angle
BDC = 56º. BD = 420 m and
AD = 550 m.


(a) AB
O is given, calculating H   Sin ratio (b) BC

(c) DE
Sin  
H Solution:

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CSEC Mathematics General Proficiency Geometry and Trigonometry

(a) AB2 = 550 2  420 2 Solution:

AB = 550 2  420 2 Using h as the height of the tree and sketching a diagram to
represent the situation.
= 126100

= 355.1 m Ans.

(b) Tan  

Tan 56 
BC = 420  tan 56 h2
tan 28˚ = 
= 420  1.483
h  – 2 = 30 tan 28˚
= 622.9 Ans.
h  = (30 tan 28˚) + 2
A = (15.951) + 2
(c) Cos  
H = 17.951
550  The height of the tree is approximately 17.95 m.
cos 37 
DE  6. A man, who is, 1.94 m, stands on a
cos 37
horizontal ground 40 m from a tree.
= The angle of elevation of the top of a tree
from his eyes is 33°.
= 688.4 m ans.
Calculate an estimate of the height of the
5. A man who is 2 m tall stands on horizontal tree.
ground 30 m from a tree. The angle of
elevation of the top of the tree from his eyes
is 28˚. Estimate the height of the tree.

h  1.94
tan 33˚ = 
h  – 1.94 = 40 tan 33˚
h  = (40 tan 33˚) + 1.94
= (25.976) + 1.94
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= 27.92 x 2  20 x  4 = 0
The height of the tree is approximately 27.92 m.
(b) x 2  20 x  4 = 0
8. ABC is a triangular plot of land in which  (  20)  20 2  4(1)(4)
x =
angle ACB is a right angle. The length of AB 2(1)
is (2x + 3) metres, the length of AC is (x  2) 20  400  16
metres and the length of BC is (2x  1) =
20  416
20  20.4
20  20.4
Either x =
(a) Use Pythagoras Theorem to form an
= 20.2
equation involving x, and show that
it reduces to x 2  20 x  4 = 0. 20  20.4
or x =
(b) Solve the equation x 2  20 x  4  0.4
= 0, giving both answers correct to 2
one decimal place. =  0.2

(c) Calculate the length of each side of Solution: x = 20.2 or x =  0.2 ans .
the triangular plot ABC.

(d) Calculate the area of the triangular (c) Obvious for this problem x cannot be negative:

plot ABC.
AB = 2 x  3
Solution: = 2(20.2)  3
= 43.4 m
(a) By Pythagoras’ theorem

AB 2 = AC 2 + BC 2 AC = x  2
= 20.2  2
 2x  3
=  x  2  2 +  2 x  1 2
= 18.8 m
4 x 2  12 x  9 = x 2  4x  4 +
4x 2  4x  1

4 x 2  x 2  4 x 2 + 12 x  4 x  4 x +94
1= 0
 x 2  20 x  4 = 0
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BC = 2 x  1 Solution:
= 2( 20.2)  1
Let x m be the distance of the object from the base of the cliff.
= 39.4 m

(d) Area of ∆ ABC =  BC    AC 
=  39.4   18.8
= 358.54

 APO = angle of depression = 34° (alternate

10.1.1: Angle of Elevation / Angle of angle are equal)

Depression opppsite
tan (angle) = adjacent
Angle of elevation is the upward angle measured from a
horizontal line.
tan (34°) =
x = tan 34

Angle of depression measured downwards from a horizontal 0.675
line. = 59.3

 the object is 59.30 m from the base of the cliff.

2. A man who is 2 m tall stands on horizontal

ground 30 m from a tree. The angle of
Notes: elevation of the top of the tree from his eyes
is 28˚.
Review the
the formulae
formulae used
used in
in trigonometry
trigonometry I.I.

Estimate the height of the tree.

Example 10.1
1. From the top of a vertical cliff 40 m high,
h is the height of the tree. Sketching a diagram to represent
the angle of depression of an object that is
the situation.
level with the base of the cliff is 34º.

How far is the object from the base of the

cliff, correct your answer to 4 s.f.?

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CSEC Mathematics General Proficiency Geometry and Trigonometry

1. The bearing of the point B from A is 050º.

The point C is 11.9 cm east of A and is due
south of B.

(a) Draw a diagram to represent the

information given. Show clearly the
north line in the diagram
tan (angle) = adjacent
(b) Calculate, to 1 dp, the distance from
h  2
tan 28˚ =
(i) A to B.
h – 2 = 30 tan 28˚
h = (30 × 0.5312) + 2 (ii) B to C.
= 17.95
The height of the tree is approximately 17.95 m.
(a) The diagram.

10.1.3: Bearings

Bearings are angles, measured clockwise from the north

direction. In other words, the bearing of an object is the angle
measured in a clockwise direction from north to the object.


Bearings are
are always
always written
written using
using three
three digits.

Example 10.3 (i) The distance from A to B

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CSEC Mathematics General Proficiency Geometry and Trigonometry

Cos  =
11 .9 cm
Cos 40 =
11 .9 cm
AB = Cos 40

11 .9 cm
= 15.5 cm
 The distance from A to B is 15.5 cm ans .
(b) The bearing of B from C

(ii) The distance from B to C

BC = 15.5 2  11 .9 2
1. Interior
Interior angles,
angles, at
at the
the points
points A
A and
and B,
B, sum
= 240.25  141.61
up to
to 180º.
= 9.9 cm
2. The
The angles
angles around
around the
the point
point A
A == 360º
 The distance from B to C is 9.9 cm

2. A, B and C are three ships. The bearing of A

from B is 045º. The bearing of C from A is
135º. Given that AB = 8 km and AC = 6 km,

(a) draw a diagram to represent the

information given. Show clearly the
north line in the diagram

(b) and determine, to the nearest whole

number, the bearing of B from C?


(a) The diagram.

1 8
C = tan Tan  
= tan-1 (1.33)
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CSEC Mathematics General Proficiency Geometry and Trigonometry

= 53 º
Examination Questions (to do)

The angles
angles around
around the
the point
point C
C == 360º
Bearing of B from C = 360º  (53º + 45º) 3.3.2: Practice questions
= 262º  ans. Attempt ALL questions.

All working must be clearly shown.

Items 1  7 refer to the information below

Show all steps in your calculation and give

reasons for your answers.

1 The diagram below, not drawn to scale,

shows a quadrilateral ABCD with AB = AD,
 BCD = 90° and  DBC = 42°. AB is
parallel to DC.

Calculate the size of:

(a)  ABC

(b)  ABD

(c)  BAD.

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2. In the diagram below, not drawn to scale, 4. In the triangle below, not drawn to scale,
AB is parallel to the line EDC.  AED = the point D on AC is such that BA = BD.
116°,  BDC = 72° and BD = BC. BDE is a straight line and AE is parallel to
BC.  AEB = 18° and  ACB = 48°.

Calculate: (a) Calculate:

(a)  ABD (i)  EAD

(b)  BDE (ii)  EDC
(c)  BAE. (iii)  BAC.

(b) Explain why triangle ABC is

3. In the diagram below, not drawn to scale,
BDF is a straight line and BD = DE = EF.
ABC is parallel to the line EF and BDE
=110° 5. In the pentagon PQRST, the diagonal PS is
parallel to QR and  SPT = 90,
 PQR = 6x,  QRS = 7x and  PTS =
4x .

(a) Calculate the value of x.

Calculate the size of:
(b) Hence, determine the size of:
(a)  BED
(i)  PQR
(b)  DEF
(ii)  QRS
(c)  ABE.
(iii)  PTS.

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CSEC Mathematics General Proficiency Geometry and Trigonometry

6. In the diagram shown below, ABCD and 9. Construct a triangle ABC such that AB = 7.5
DBCE are parallelograms.  ADB = 42 and cm. BC = 6 cm and CA = 5 cm.
 BAD= 54.
(a) Construct the line CX, the height of
triangle ABC intersecting AB at X.

(b) Measure and state:

(i) the length of CX.

(ii) the size of angles BAC and

Calculate the size of: ACX.

(a)  ABD
10. Using ruler and compasses only, construct a
(b)  ADC triangle EFG with EF = 4 cm, FG = 7.5 cm
and angle EFG = 45°.
(c)  DCE.
Measure state:
7. Construct a triangle PQR in which QR = 8.6
cm, PQ = 7.2 cm and angle PQR = 60° (a) the length of EG

(b) the size of angle FEG.

(a) Construct the perpendicular bisector
of PR to me QR at S.
11. Using ruler and compasses only, construct, a
(b) Measure and write down the length triangle PQR with PQ = 8.0 cm, QR = 7.5
of SR. cm, PQR = 60°.

Construct the perpendicular bisector of QR.

8. Using ruler and compasses only, construct a
triangle ABC with AB = 9.5 cm, AC = 7.5
12. Using only a pair of compasses, a ruler and
cm and angle BAC= 60°.
a pencil, construct Δ PQR in which QR =
(a) Locate the point D such that DB 6.5 cm, PQ = 8 cm and angle PQR is 75°.
perpendicular to AB and CD is Measure and write down the length of the
parallel to AB. PR.

(b) Measure and state the length of BD.

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13. Using only a pair of compasses, a ruler and 16. Using ruler and compasses only, construct
a pencil, construct Δ ABC with BC = 10 cm, the Δ DEF such that DE = 8 cm,  D = 45˚
AB = 4.5 cm and angle ABC = 120°. Bisect and  E = 60°.
angle BAC, such this angle bisector meets (a) construct the perpendicular bisector
BC at X. of DF to intersect DE at X.

Measure and state: (b) Measure and state the lengths of DF

and DX.
(a) the length of CX.

(b) the size of angle ACX. 17. Construct a triangle DAB such that AB = 8
cm, AD = 6.5 cm and angle DAB = 75°.
14. Using ruler and compasses only, construct
(a) Through D, construct DC parallel to
the Δ ABD such that BD = 7 cm,  ABD = AB.
 ADB = 60°.
(b) Construct also the line BC
(a) construct the line segment AX which perpendicular to AB.
is perpendicular to BD and which
intersects BD at X. (c) Measure and state the length of DC.

(b) Complete the quadrilateral ABCD

18. Using ruler and compasses ONLY,
such that AC = 2AX.
construct the triangle FGH with FG = 7.5
(c) Measure and state the length of AC. cm, angle FGH = 120° and angle
GFH = 30°.
(d) name of the type of quadrilateral
(a) Locate on FG, the point M, the
midpoint of FG.

15. Without using your protractor, construct a (b) Measure and state the size of angle
triangle OAB in which angle OAB = 60˚ and GMH.
OA = AB = 4 cm.
19. Using rulers and compasses only, construct
(a) Hence, construct the rhombus the triangle CAB with angle CAB = 60°,
OFAB. with AB = 8 cm and AC = 9 cm

(b) Determine the area of the rhombus (a) Construct the perpendicular bisector
of AB to 2 significant figures. of AB to meet AC at X and AB at Y.

(b) Measure and state the length of XY.

(c) Measure and state the size of the

angle ABC.

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CSEC Mathematics General Proficiency Geometry and Trigonometry

20. Using a ruler, a pencil and a pair of (b) Form parallelogram PLQM by
compasses only, construct the rectangle joining the points P, L, Q and M.
PQRS in which PQ = 8 cm and PS = 6 cm.
(c) Measure and state the size of the
Measure and state the length of the angle MPL.
(d) What type of parallelogram is
21. Using a ruler, a pencil, and a pair of PLQM? Give a reason for your
compasses, construct the parallelogram answer.
KLMN, in which KL = 8 cm, KN = 6 cm,
and  LKN = 60°. 26. Draw a line PR which measures 7.5 cm.
Construct a perpendicular bisector, QS, of
22. Using a ruler, a pencil and a pair of PR to meet PR at O, such that OQ and OS
compasses, construct parallelogram WXYZ both measure 5 cm. Complete the
in which WX = 7.0 cm, WZ = 5.5 cm and parallelogram.
 XWZ = 60°.
(a) State the name of this type of
Measure and state the length of the diagonal parallelogram PQRS.
(b) Measure and state the length of PQ.
23. Using ruler and compasses only, construct
parallelogram WXYZ where WK = 5.5 cm, (c) Measure and state the size of the
WZ = 7.0 cm and  XWZ = 60°. angle QPS.

Draw diagonal X Z . Measure and state its 27. Using ruler and compasses only, construct
length. the trapezium KLMN with KL parallel to
NM, KL = 4 cm, NM = 7 cm,  KLM = 120°
24. Using only a pair of compasses, a ruler and and LM = 6 cm.
a pencil, construct parallelogram ABCD in
which AB = AD = 7 cm and the angle BAD (a) Show that  NKL =  MNK = 90°.
is 60°.
(b) Show, by calculation, that the
Measure and write down the length of the distance between KL and MN is
diagonal AC. 3 3 cm.

25. Draw a line segment, PQ, 7 cm long.

(a) Using only a ruler, a pencil and a

pair of compasses, construct a line
segment, LM, the perpendicular
bisector of PQ, such that LM cuts
PQ at O, and OL = OM = 4 cm.

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28. Using ruler and compasses only, construct a (b) Show that  NKL =  MNK = 90°
trapezium ABCD in which AD = 9 cm, AB =
6 cm. BC = 5 cm, angle BAD = 30˚and BC (c) Show, by calculation, that the
is parallel to AD. distance between KL and MN is cm.

(a) Construct the perpendicular BF from 33. Using ruler and compasses only, construct
B to meet AD at F. the triangle WXY with WX = 7 cm, XY = 6
cm and  WXY = 90°.
(b) Measure and state the length of BF. Measure and state the size of YWX.

29. Draw two lines AB and AC such that AB = 8 34. (a) Using ruler and compasses only,
cm, AC = 7.5 cm and angle BAC = 55°. construct the parallelogram KLMN,
so that KL = 8 cm, LM = 8 cm and
(a) With ruler and compasses only,  KLM =135°.
construct the line AX which bisects
the angle BAC. (b) Draw KM.
(b) The point P on AX is 6 cm from A. (c) Measure and state the length of KM
With rulers and compasses only,
construct PY perpendicular to AB.
35. The figure below, not drawn to scale, shows
The point Y is on AB.
triangle LMO in which, LN = 10 cm, LM =
26 cm, LNO = 90° and LON = 35°.
(c) Measure and state the length of PY.

30. Using ruler, compass and protractor, draw a

quadrilateral VWXY in which XY = 8cm,
angle XYV = 80°. VY = 6 cm, XW =7 cm
and angle XYW = 35°.

Measure and state the length of VW, correct

to one decimal place.
31. Using ruler, compass and protractor, draw a
quadrilateral ABCD in which AB = 8.0 cm, (a) the length of
AD = 6.0 cm, BC =5.4 cm, angle DAB = 90°
(i) MN
and angle ABC = 120°.
(ii) MO
Measure and state the size of BDC.
(b) the size of  LMO
32. (a) Using ruler and compasses only,
construct the trapezium KLMN with (c) the area of triangle LMO
KL parallel to NM, KL = 4 cm, NM =
(d) the perimeter of triangle LMO.
7 cm.  KLM =120° and LM = 6 cm.

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36. A, B and C are three points on horizontal (c) the area and the perimeter of the
ground. BT is a vertical mast of height 20 m. entire diagram.
The top of the mast is joined to A and C by 38. In the figure below, not drawn to scale, TF
straight wires. Angle BCT = 31°. is perpendicular to FY. FX = 40 cm, angle
TXF = 42° and angle TYF = 30°.

Calculate, stating your answer correct to 1

decimal place,
(a) the length of the wire CT
(a) the length of
(b) the angle of elevation of T from A.
(i) TF
(c) the perimeter and the area of triangle
TAC. (ii) TX

37. The diagram below, not drawn to scale, (iii) TY

shows that ∆ ABT and ∆ PCT are right-
(iv) FY
angled at T. AB = 10 cm, BD = 15 cm,
AP = 1cm and TC = 6.3 cm.
(b) the size of

(i)  TXY

(ii)  XTY

(iii)  FTY

(c) the area and the perimeter of

triangle FTY.


(a) the lengths of PT and PC

(b) the size of  ABT

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39. In the diagram below, not drawn to scale, 41. In the diagram below, not drawn to scale,
ABDC is a quadrilateral in which BD = EFGH is a rectangle. The point D on HG is
CD, BD = 28 cm, BAD = 90°, ABD = 40° such that ED = DG = 12 cm and GDF =
and CDB = 36°. 43°.

(a) the length of GF

Calculate, stating your answer correct to 1
decimal place, (b) the length of HD

(a) the length of the side AB (c) the size of the angle HDE

(b) the area of the triangle BDC.

42. In the diagram below, not drawn to scale,
(c) the area of the quadrilateral ABDC GH is a vertical pole standing on a
horizontal plane and H, J and K are points
40. In the diagram below, not drawn to scale, on the horizontal plane GH =12 metres and
W X Y is a straight line with K due east of the angles of elevation of the top of the pole
W , and V due north of W. G from J and K are 32 and 27°

Calculate (a) Copy the diagram and insert the

angles of elevation.
(a)  ZXV
(b) Calculate to one decimal place:
(b)  ZVX
(i) the length of HJ.
(c) the length of VZ
(ii) the length of JK.

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43. In the diagram below, not drawn to scale, [Take  = 3.14], calculate:
KN = 6.0 cm, MN = 15.6 cm, angle MKN =
90 , angle KLN = 52 and KLM is a (a) the length, in cm, of DL
straight line.
(b) the radius of the sector OLN

(c) the area of the sector OLN.

46. In the diagram below, not drawn to scale,

AD is perpendicular to BC. BD = 10.0 cm,
DC = 6.0 cm and angle ACB = 35 .

Calculate to one decimal place:

(a) the size of angle KMN

(b) the length of LM.

44. A plane takes off at an angle of elevation of Calculate

17° to the ground. After 25 seconds the
plane has travelled a horizontal distance of (a) the length, in cm, of AD
2400 metres.
(b) the length of AB, in cm
(a) Draw a sketch to represent the given
(c) the area of the triangle ABC, in cm².

(b) Calculate to 2 significant figures the 47. The diagram below, not drawn to scale,
height of the plane above the ground shows the angles of elevation of T, the top
after 25 seconds. of a vertical mast, from the points P and Q
on the same side of R on a horizontal plane.
P, Q and R lie on a straight line. PQ = 25
45. In the diagram above, not drawn to scale,
metres. Angles TPQ and TQR are 53.1° and
OLN is a sector of a circle, centre O and ON
64.6° respectively.
is produced to D. Angle DLO = 90°, angle
DOL = 30° and DO = 8.7 cm.

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(a) Show that the length of QT is 100

metres, to the nearest metre. (i) UR

(ii) RS
(b) Hence or otherwise, calculate the
height of the mast. (iii) US

48. A vertical stick of height 1.8 m casts a (iv) UT

shadow of length 2 m on the horizontal
(v) RS
ground as shown in the diagram, not drawn
to scale.
(c) the area and the perimeter of ∆URT.

50. A man walks x km, due north, from point G

to point H. He then walks (x + 7) km due
east from H to point F. The distance along a
straight line from G to F is13 km.

The diagram below, not drawn to scale,

Calculate to the NEAREST degree, the shows the relative positions G and H.
angle of elevation of the sun.
The direction of north is also shown.
49. In the diagram below, not drawn to scale,
RST is a horizontal straight line and UR
represents a vertical pole.

(a) Copy the diagram and show on the

diagram, the distances x km. (x + 7)
km and 13 km.

RT = 15 m,  UST = 120° and  STU = (b) From the information on your

40°. diagram, write an equation in x
which satisfies Pythagoras' Theorem.
Show that the equation can be
(a) the angle of elevation of U from S.
simplified to give
(b) the length of x 2  7 x  60  0

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CSEC Mathematics General Proficiency Geometry and Trigonometry

(c) Solve the equation and find the

distance GH.

(d) Determine the bearing of F from G.

51. The lengths, in cm, of the sides of the right-

angled triangle shown below are a, (a  7),
and (a + 1).

(a) Using Pythagoras theorem, write an

equation in terms of a to represent
the relationship among the three

(b) Solve the equation for a.

(c) Hence, state the lengths of the

THREE sides of the triangle.

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CSEC Mathematics General Proficiency Geometry and Trigonometry

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