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COMPREHENSION Read the article

A resume that is appealing to the eye is important
to landing an interview and then a job. To write a
neat, well-written resume decide on the content to
include, write your resume with a professional tone
that highlights your experience, and add some
creative flair to help it stand out. Resumes usually
list your job titles followed by explanations of your
tasks. You can use short paragraphs or bullet points
to explain experience, but you should keep the
method you use consistent throughout. If you
explain your duties for one job in paragraph form,
all your job duties should be listed that way. Certain
parts of a resume will be in bold or italics to draw
attention to a job title, school, or work place. Make
sure any choices you make about highlighting words
are consistent. For example, say you choose to list
one of your jobs like this: Server, Emma's Grill. For
the remainder of your resume, you should have
your job titles in bold and the name of your
workplaces in italics. Font size and spacing should
also be unified throughout. For example, you can
always use size 12 font to list a job title, and size 10
for your place of work and job descriptions.

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