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Jame Joyce was born in Dublin in 1882. He was educated in a Jesuit school and at
University College Dublin, where he studied modern languages. In that year he
left Dublin to live in Paris, but returned to Ireland when his mother died. During
his stay he met Nora Barnacle and together moved to Zurich and then to Trieste,
where he became a teacher in the Blerlitz Language School in 1905.

Joyce's works: Chamber Music (1907) a poetry collection; Dubliners (1914);

Ulysses (1922); Finnegan's Wake (1939).

Joyce was the perfect embodiment of the modernist artist, who refused to
compromise (compromettere) his personal vision, and perfected his art in self-
imposed exile. Although he was a poet and also wrote one play, Exile (1918),
Joyce was the colossus of prose modernist fiction thanks to his volume of short
stories and his three novels. Each of these works is characterized by his attempt
to organize reality into an aesthetically unified, inclusive and perfect form. This
aim (scopo) can be seen in Dubliners, where Joyce unifies the various stories in
the volume around the theme of paralysis, showing this condition in youth,
adolescence, maturity and public life.

Jame Joyce was an anti conformist and critical about the society and the churc.
His personality can be seen in this work Dubliner in which there were two
ephifany in the narration.


1922 was the year that characterized the change of modern literature (è stato
l'anno che ha caratterizzato il cambiamento della letteratura moderna). The most
important figure of this period was Jame Joyce that introduced in thier poems the
interior monologue, so he focuses his attemption on the physicological inside,
the private inner personal perception of reality like "La coscienza di Zeno". Also
he introduced in his poems the time-shift: according to which (secondo il quale)
the events of the story are not narrated in a chronological order but follow the
more unpredictable style of the protagonist's memory of the moments in his life.
Also Joyce developed the theory of the ephiphany (like Pirandello) that described
as a moment when the "soul" of a subject stands with (si trova con) intense
clarity (intensa chiarezza) or as moments of intense personal revelation. The
ephiphany occurs (si manifesta) when the stream of thoughts is interrupted by a
revelation. The character recollected his past that help he to became a better
man (un uomo migliore).

In the Ulysses, Joyce represented the events of a single day in Dublin, 16 June
1904. The work is developed around the events of Leoplond Bloom and Steven
Dedalus. Joyce developed a technique that reflected the chaos of life and human
perception, but he turned (si rivolse) to chaos to be able to unify all the elements
to find coherence in the chaos. In Ulysses, myth is used to make an ordinary
man in Ireland a universal "Everyman". All the episodes are not only associated
with specific parts of the Odyssey but they are associated with all aspects of
human experence. At the same time, the city itself is represented with obsessive
realistic precision.

The main characters of the plot are:

 Leopold Bloom: that represent the ordinary man and embodies averyman:

 Molly Bloom

 Stephen Dedalus: that represent the man of the future

The time of the narration is developed in each character's subjective perception.

Key words: Scandalously, frank, wittly erudite, mercurially eloquent,

resorceufully comic and generously humane, Ulysses offers the rader a life-
changing experience.

Why Ulysses?

In Ulysses each section of the novel corresponded to a particular book of Homer's

epic, though not alla the book in the original were included. In fact, Leopold
Bloom represents Odysseus, while the young character Stephen Dedalus
embodies Telemachus. As Leopold moves around Dublin in the course of the day,
correspond to the adventures of Odysseus on his journey to Ithaca: two attractive
barmaids in a Dublin pub remind us of the Sirens (due bariste attraenti in un pub
di Dublino ci ricordano delle Sirene); an Irish nationalist blinded by his own
chauvinism corresponds to the Cyclops (un nazionalista irlandese accecato dal
suo stesso sciovinismo corrisponde ai Ciclopi).

Amorous nocturnal memories:

The method used by Joyce is very difficult because he was exremely frank
(franco) about basic human functions, particularly sexuality, both in its
heterosexual and autoerotic forms, His characters, particularly the hero Bloom
and his wife Molly, spend a lot of time thinking about sex. It was the reason why
Virginia Woolf dislike the work.

The story so far:

The end of a day like many other days, now known as "Bloomsday", annually
commemorated in Ireland, where lovers of Joyce's masterpiece follow Bloom's
route (percorso) through the city.

The novel describes one day in the life of three inhabitants (abitanti) of Dublin:
Leopold Bloom, his wife Molly, and the young poet Stephen Dedalus. In the cours
of the day the characters visited many places separately. When the two men
finally meet in the night, Bloom is exhausted and Stephen has had too much to
drink. Bloom takes him back to his home, and offers him something to eat.

"...yes I will Yes"

This part the the pome is the main example of the stream of conciousness, in
fact there isn't punctuation (punteggiatura). Is very much important the
rimembrance (like Wordsworth) how the recollected of "tranquillity": the must
example of stream of conciousness.

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