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The most serious problem after the First World War in British politics was
resolving the Irish Question. The Irish Question was characterized by the social
and religious problems in United Kingdom, between Great Britain and Ireland,
that was under the British rule(dominio). For this reason, in 1905 the Irish
people, that wanted the independence, founded a political movement: the Sinn
Féin that was an Irish republican and nationalist political party dedicated to the
reunification of Ireland and an end to British jurisdiction in the north of Ireland. In
1914 Great Britain emanated the Third Irish Rule Bill, which guaranteed self-
government for Ireland (In 1886 also the first prime minister, Gladstone, try to
push through (cercò di far approvare) the Home Rule, but he was defeated and
was succeeded by the Conservative Salisbury, but also he wasn't able to ensure
the law (garantire la legge). Only in 1912 under the Asquith government, the law
was approved). But the outbreak of the First World War determinate the abolition
of the Home Rule rights. So in 1916 the Sinn Féin extremists, who demanded
complete independence, through the emanation of the Home Rule, had rebelled
in Dublin, at Easter, called the "Easter Ring". The rebellion had been repressing,
and sixteen rebels are executed. The Sinn Féin believed that only through the
used of the violence, they can obtain (ottenere) the Irish independence; for this
reason, they formed an army, the Irish Republic Army (I.R.A), and used
terrorist’s methods against the British police. The Easter Ring during seven days
where the British forces defeated the rebels. For this reason, in 1918 the Sinn
Féin became Ireland's most important political party whit it owns republican
parliament, it own law courts (tribunali), and also declares Ireland a republic on
January 12 1919. After the declaration of independence broke out a revolution
throughout Ireland: Irish rebels attacked the British army. At the end of the
conflict, a treaty was signed in 1921, and the Irish Parliament, that representing
26 counties (contee), was recognized as the Irish Free State. But the majority
(maggioranza) in Ireland was Protestant and did not want to became part of the
predominantly Roman Catholic Irish Free State. At the end the six counties of
Northen Ireland remained part of the United Kingdom, and were called Ulster,
but its was considered unacceptable for the Irish Republican, that wanted the
independence for the entire country; at this point in 1922 militant Republicans
seized (sequestrarono) the Four Courts in Dublin, and the new Free State Army
led by Michael Collins imposed the authority of the New Government by
attacking the Republicans (attaccando i Repubblicani).

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