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Market Projection

Evidencia 2: Market Projection”


Angelica Paola León Vera

Jahn Carlos Lubo Meriño

Santiago José Mendivelso Fonseca


Tecnólogo en Negociación Internacional (2282663)


Tutor: Ivon Alejandra Chavarro Pardo

Julio del 2021

Market Projection 2

1. Elabore en inglés un mapa conceptual del tema visto en el primer material complementario indicado.
Market Projection

2. Realice un resumen en inglés que contenga como mínimo dos párrafos,

de la lectura del segundo material complementario mencionado anteriormente.

Having a good marketing plan reduces the risk of failure and the decay of resources, it is

of great help for leaders and anyone responsible for the management of a company or

organization, the plan should collect the most important historical information of the

company's products, the market in which they are included, the competition and the

customer to which it is addressed, the success of a business lies in a well agreed and

developed marketing plan, many business opportunities fail to succeed when a

balanced relationship is not established between the idea of product or service with the

objectives and resources available, however, detailed business analysis and a good

marketing strategy, can sell products and services and effectively reach current and

potential customers successfully.

Staying in contact with the market and with the people involved, will lead to

achieve the objectives stipulated by the companies, and obtain the success of

sales with their products, and anticipate the negative aspects and use the positive

aspects, which are manifested during the implementation, once you have the

opinion of customers, you can improvise with the plan in the future, the steps will

affirm the success of the plan, a major brand can omit the step of competition,

planning and execution need, only of the information that you have and would

obtain the success of the marketing.

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